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2011-01-03 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day!

What kind of bike do you have?  Do you like it?  Any cycling related questions?

I have a Felt road bike and a Felt tri bike.  I love both of them for different reasons.  Currently, I'm riding the road bike.  I'll pull the tri bike out again in about a month so I can get used to it before a time trial at the beginning of March.

2011-01-03 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3273822

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

megardiner - 2011-01-03 7:20 AM happy new year! 
I did a short bike (20 min) and run (20 min) at the gym this morning. But I just ordered the binder of cycling workouts that was recommended to help break up the monotony of indoor riding (I usually stop because of boredom). I can't wait to try them! I also would love spinning classes but all the classes are during the day when I'm at work. Have a good day!

Glad you ordered the workout book, too!  We will all have to compare the workouts we do from it!

2011-01-03 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3273900

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day!

What kind of bike do you have?  Do you like it?  Any cycling related questions?

I have a LeMond Zurich road bike with aerobars and look cleats.  It has a nice set of Ultegra components .  I got it a long time ago (in 2000 I think)- I have a short torso so I went through a bunch of bikes trying to find one that fit well.  I like it quite a bit.  I think about getting a tri bike (when we have the money, so after the kids finish college- maybe!), but I'm also nervous about the handling.  I'm much better aero now than I used to be, but I still don't feel completely secure, and with tri bikes I've heard you are more locked in to the position.  On the other hand, I think the top tube is usually shorter, which would help with my short torso! 

2011-01-03 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3273898

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

momandmd - 2011-01-03 7:43 AM


I'm feeling a little better today- I think I'll try for a half-hour bike on the trainer tonight.  My husband's in class so I'll have to plan it around the evening schlepfest .  Right now I'm back at work trying to pretend I don't have a ton of stuff to get done!  I'm thinking I should try to fit in a little yoga routine too- I like yoga and have taken some classes in power vinyasa, but it's really hard to get to the classes.  I learned a little routine from one of our local triathlete/yoga instructors (yes, there is one), and I want to do that a few times a week, even if it's only 10-15 minutes long. 

Riding on the trainer is going to be tough for me this week, as well.  I might have to wait until very late in the evening to get on my bike.  Yoga is great!  Even 10 minutes is beneficial.  I go to a restorative yoga class on Mondays.  It is awesome!  I think it's funny that I am, by far, the youngest person in class!  It is not strenuous at all.

2011-01-03 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Hey ladies!  Awefully quiet around here.

2011-01-03 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Hi there everyone,

Working - moving - stuffed up with snot.. but mentally in the game
Chrissie Wellington has been awarded an mbe in the new years honours list - she is very inspirational..and british - though I never ever ever want to do an ironman race Laughing .

My bike is a trek 1200. Unfortunately not wsd and actually doesn't fit particularly well, however - has to be better than the mountain bike I was competing on last year. I only got it in September and I've been out on it for a total of 20 mins so far. In the first 20 mins I managed to break the gears and then for the second outing - whilst trying to pump up the tyres I managed to break off the end of the valve so now need a new inner tube. Due to the amount of snow and ice we've had in the last 6 weeks I haven't rushed to get one. Can't wait for spring though!

2011-01-03 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3275217

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
jennifer65 - 2011-01-03 6:56 PM Hi there everyone,

Working - moving - stuffed up with snot.. but mentally in the game
Chrissie Wellington has been awarded an mbe in the new years honours list - she is very inspirational..and british - though I never ever ever want to do an ironman race Laughing .

My bike is a trek 1200. Unfortunately not wsd and actually doesn't fit particularly well, however - has to be better than the mountain bike I was competing on last year. I only got it in September and I've been out on it for a total of 20 mins so far. In the first 20 mins I managed to break the gears and then for the second outing - whilst trying to pump up the tyres I managed to break off the end of the valve so now need a new inner tube. Due to the amount of snow and ice we've had in the last 6 weeks I haven't rushed to get one. Can't wait for spring though!

Jennifer, never say never!!!
2011-01-03 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
I was only quiet until I got in all my workout plans!

I liked the binder workout I did (E1). I only did 30 minutes of it (it's 63 minutes), but I really have not done any true bike training in almost 2 years and I did run so I will take it I agree- I get bored and want to quit- so this was a good way to keep me in it! I liked spin class so much when we had it, so hopefully this will motivate me. I'm at LEAST four months from an outdoor ride. When our snow and ice melt, the roads are so dirty that it's truly deadly....they have to clean them and that takes forever!

I heard our pool (next town over with wacky schedule at a community college) is open again- but that it was freeeeeeezing today. That is not good news! Hopefully it warms up fast!

PS Those meatballs (while not exactly light) were delicious! But they were pretty much clean!
2011-01-03 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

I love Chrissie Wellington!  She's like my girl crush, she's just the coolest ever, so talented but she really doesn't seem to have much ego about it.  And I met her!  In person!  We ran together!  (Well, sort of- I ran with my FIL's running group and Boulder, and she was running with the group at the same time- just much much faster ).  Go Britain!

I'll have to try the meatballs- we have tons of ground beef, and my kids like sweet and sour chicken. 

I got a trainer ride in- 30 minutes.  My lungs didn't complain too badly.  I also tried a little yoga- it hurt a little so I'll have to ease in to it. 

2011-01-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Good morning, all!

Question of the Day: What's your first race of 2011?

At this point, mine will likely be the April Vermont Unplugged Half Marathon. I would love to find an indoor tri that's less that 2 hours from my house.  There is one Feb 13 (two hours away) but I may have to travel to an away ski jump competition with my son. Not sure. I would love to something sooner. There is a half/5K in March, but I think it's when we are away on spring break. Wish I had more options! Maybe something will come up!
2011-01-04 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
I am so unmotivated lately.  I have to get on the trainer today but I so hate that thing.  I am trying to like my bike more but that trainer just sucks any joy out of it. 

2011-01-04 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3256657


Bristol, England
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Sorry about not being around, internet died over the weekend. All fixed now though!

Didnt do too badly over the weekend, Sunday 3km run 10k bike. Monday 5k bike and 5km run and a body conditioning class.

Tonight  body attack class and then aqua aerobics.

Question of the Day: What's your first race of 2011?

First race is 10k in May followed by novice tri's in both June and July.

2011-01-04 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3276417

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day: What's your first race of 2011?


My first race of 2011 will be a 10K on January 22.  I'll probably do my first tri of the season on April 3.  It's a sprint with a pool swim.  I'm not sure if I'm going to sign up for it, though.  I froze my butt off at it last year!  Hence it's name....The Beaver Freezer!

2011-01-04 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Thanks for posting the Question of the Day, Amy!   I love seeing all of your answers!

Today, I will be running while pushing Aidan in the stroller.  It is so beautiful outside!  I need to take advantage of this weather before it starts raining again!  This evening, I will ride my bike on the trainer.

Edited by owl_girl 2011-01-04 10:03 AM
2011-01-04 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3276472

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New user

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
QOT: What is your first race of 2011?

My first race is a Sprint Triathlon on February 26th!  It will be my first official USAT sponsored event!  It is actually a backwards triathlon so run, bike then swim.  It is indoors at a gym.
2011-01-04 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3276667

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

 QOT: What is your first race of 2011?

I'm planning on doing the Skunk Cabbage 1/2 marathon in Ithaca NY on April 10th.

2011-01-04 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3276382

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2011-01-04 10:37 AM I am so unmotivated lately.  I have to get on the trainer today but I so hate that thing.  I am trying to like my bike more but that trainer just sucks any joy out of it. 

I have to say I am learning to hate the trainer less.  I'm working my way up to over an hour.  Some of the things that help are watching TV, listening to music, planning workouts or drills, and reading (I have aerobars that I prop a book or magazine on- I read 17 Hours to Glory- about the Ironman, this way).

2011-01-04 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

OK, one more post from me- someone needs to give me a virtual whack on the hand- I went to give a talk at lunchtime and let an evil macadamia nut cookie talk me into eating half of it. 

On the plus side, I got a run in on the treadmill in the hospital gym- 30 minutes/3 miles, and didn't cough up too much of my lung... I'm on service tonight, which could be painful.

2011-01-04 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3276382

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2011-01-04 7:37 AM I am so unmotivated lately.  I have to get on the trainer today but I so hate that thing.  I am trying to like my bike more but that trainer just sucks any joy out of it. 

I'm enjoying my trainer rides!  Workouts in a Binder for Indoor Cyclists and Jorge's Winter Plan really make the workouts interesting.  I listen to music while I ride on the trainer.  It feels so good to check out for a little while.

Here you go!!!!  Sending some bike trainer mojo your way!!!

2011-01-04 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3276667

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

melmarie80 - 2011-01-04 8:44 AM QOT: What is your first race of 2011?

My first race is a Sprint Triathlon on February 26th!  It will be my first official USAT sponsored event!  It is actually a backwards triathlon so run, bike then swim.  It is indoors at a gym.

A backwards tri will be interesting.  Why are they doing it that way?

2011-01-04 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3277358

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

momandmd - 2011-01-04 12:27 PM

OK, one more post from me- someone needs to give me a virtual whack on the hand- I went to give a talk at lunchtime and let an evil macadamia nut cookie talk me into eating half of it. 

On the plus side, I got a run in on the treadmill in the hospital gym- 30 minutes/3 miles, and didn't cough up too much of my lung... I'm on service tonight, which could be painful.

But you only ate half of it!  I hope you enjoyed the ONLY half you are going to eat!

Good luck tonight!

2011-01-04 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

I got my run done while pushing the stroller.  That's a great workout!

2011-01-04 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3277784

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New user

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
owl_girl - 2011-01-04 4:40 PM

melmarie80 - 2011-01-04 8:44 AM QOT: What is your first race of 2011?

My first race is a Sprint Triathlon on February 26th!  It will be my first official USAT sponsored event!  It is actually a backwards triathlon so run, bike then swim.  It is indoors at a gym.

A backwards tri will be interesting.  Why are they doing it that way?

I think just for fun! lol  They have done the sprint tri the normal way in the past.  I wasn't ever a part of it though.  It might just logistically be easier because the track is right below the spin bikes that are used for the bike portion and then the pool is on the other side of the gym.  So maybe just to have the two done together first.... I don't know
2011-01-04 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
First race of the year will be the Grizzly Sprint Tri on 4/16. Then one in June in Kalispel maybe.

I think the Beaver Freezer is the funniest name ever .
2011-01-04 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
I am going to start calling our pool the Beaver Freezer! That is great!
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