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2011-01-23 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
The class was super fun!

We did an hour in the pool:
5 min warm up
Flutter drills 3x 50m
Side drills 3x 50m
Side rollovers 2x 50m
6sec-3 stroke-6sec 2x 50m
Front crawl 2x 50m
Then the dreaded pyramid (but this one was easy)
2x 50m (20 sec rest)
2x 50m (10 sec rest)
1x 100m (10 sec rest)
2x 50m (10 sec rest)
2x 50m (20 sec rest)
5 min cool down

We did some interval training on the spin bikes after for about 30 - 40 min.
We did seated hills, standing hills, hovers, jumps, and flat sprints.
Not only that, but the pipes of the gym were frozen and there was no cold water -- it was like a sauna in there by the time we were done! Wish I'd kept my bathing suit on haha.

We did a brisk 2k run outside...
It's still -27C here, and the snowploughs haven't reached the university yet! I had to dig deep to finish without stopping, but it felt amazing to know I pushed through it I also had my handy ski mask, so no frostbite here.

I also overcame my fear of treadmills today...the ones at the gym are much more stable haha.

I'm planning on doing a tri-a-tri and then a sprint shortly after, but the 'coach' said I might be able to sneak right into a sprint right off the bat. But a tri a tri could be a nice ego booster before the sprint haha.

So, over all, a successful day.

My endorphins have skyrocketed and my roommates are wondering why I'm dancing around my room with headphones on...

Anyone else have any training successes lately?!

2011-01-23 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3302466

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN

Aloha! I'm back & I'm tan! (which is amazing for a woman living in Seattle in January :-P )

Have a great vacation! I will live vicariously through your stories when you get back if you don't mind.

Alright, you asked for it!

We went to both Oahu & Maui, Oahu first visiting family and then Maui to relax.

In Oahu we didn't do much swimming, but we did eat! Mochi, saimin, huli huli chicken, shave ice, guava juice, & lots of fish! We also spent time with grandma, one cousin, aunts & uncles. The real reason for the trip was for the one-year anniversary of grandpa's passing. I didn't get to know him that well since he is my father-in-law's father but he was at our wedding just 4 months before he passed away dancing like a crazy man!

Screen shot 2011-01-23 at 1.54.00 PM

The one-year service was really beautiful and the priest said something that has been really sticking with me. "We don't give thanks to become blessed, we believe we are already blessed. We give thanks because when we appreciate what we have then our hearts full and our lives are good."

The day after the service we hopped a plane to Maui & got plenty of swimming, snorkeling, & sunbathing in. The most amazing thing was being able to hear underwater the whales that are migrating off the coast.


It's sad to be out of the sun, but it's good to be back home & back into training! I'm excited about this group & all the new people who have joined while I was away.

Go Team!

2011-01-23 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3316642

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-23 5:11 PM

Aloha! I'm back & I'm tan!

Nice vacation! Glad you had fun. I'm jealous though. LOL

2011-01-23 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3315334

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kkvane - 2011-01-22 3:07 PM

Looks like more like a torture device. Haha!! What all do you do on it? Throwing something new in the mix can definitely liven things up and make them more fun! ;-)

LOL, it FELT like a torture device tonight.

It has a pulley system. So rather than using weights, it uses your own body weight as resistance. You can raise or lower it. More horizontal = less work required. More vertical means more of your weight goes into it, making it more difficult.

It's kind of fun actually.

2011-01-23 10:28 PM
in reply to: #3316642

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Glad you had a great trip!  Must be depressing being back in the NW after a trip to Maui!  I'm in Portland, and we have our fair share of grey skies and rain as well!  I love the pictures of him dancing!  Those are priceless!  Thank you for sharing!

***Sorry, I thought this would show up with Lauren's post...must have chosen the wrong 'reply' button!**** 

Edited by Karijoyous 2011-01-23 10:33 PM
2011-01-23 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Had a rough weekend, probably one of the hardest in my life.  Good friends of ours lost their two and only sons (9&12) in a car accident on Saturday morning.  Their dad was driving, and thankfully (miraculously) was okay, but the emotional pain he is living in is so great.  The sadness that surrounds this situation is heartbreaking, and so very hard to understand.  I'm feeling much better today as I've had time to grieve, hoping that getting back to exercising this week will help alleviate the stress from this weekend as well.  So very thankful for many friends and family who are sticking together and caring for this family!  What a blessing.

2011-01-23 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3316517

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
northernorchid - 2011-01-23 3:44 PMThe class was super fun!

We did an hour in the pool:
5 min warm up
Flutter drills 3x 50m
Side drills 3x 50m
Side rollovers 2x 50m
6sec-3 stroke-6sec 2x 50m
Front crawl 2x 50m
Then the dreaded pyramid (but this one was easy)
2x 50m (20 sec rest)
2x 50m (10 sec rest)
1x 100m (10 sec rest)
2x 50m (10 sec rest)
2x 50m (20 sec rest)
5 min cool down

We did some interval training on the spin bikes after for about 30 - 40 min.
We did seated hills, standing hills, hovers, jumps, and flat sprints.
Not only that, but the pipes of the gym were frozen and there was no cold water -- it was like a sauna in there by the time we were done! Wish I'd kept my bathing suit on haha.

We did a brisk 2k run outside...
It's still -27C here, and the snowploughs haven't reached the university yet! I had to dig deep to finish without stopping, but it felt amazing to know I pushed through it I also had my handy ski mask, so no frostbite here.

I also overcame my fear of treadmills today...the ones at the gym are much more stable haha.

I'm planning on doing a tri-a-tri and then a sprint shortly after, but the 'coach' said I might be able to sneak right into a sprint right off the bat. But a tri a tri could be a nice ego booster before the sprint haha.

So, over all, a successful day.

My endorphins have skyrocketed and my roommates are wondering why I'm dancing around my room with headphones on...

Anyone else have any training successes lately?!

OMG! I'm inspired/excited just reading this! Way to go! Where are you taking this class? And now no excuses with the treadmill. ;-) I'd be dancing, too. :-)
2011-01-23 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3316642

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-23 5:11 PM

Aloha! I'm back & I'm tan! (which is amazing for a woman living in Seattle in January :-P )

Have a great vacation! I will live vicariously through your stories when you get back if you don't mind.

Alright, you asked for it!

We went to both Oahu & Maui, Oahu first visiting family and then Maui to relax.

In Oahu we didn't do much swimming, but we did eat! Mochi, saimin, huli huli chicken, shave ice, guava juice, & lots of fish! We also spent time with grandma, one cousin, aunts & uncles. The real reason for the trip [...] It's sad to be out of the sun, but it's good to be back home & back into training! I'm excited about this group & all the new people who have joined while I was away.

Go Team!

The whole trip sounds wonderful, but to hear the whales would be just awesome! Welcome home!!
2011-01-23 10:50 PM
in reply to: #3317248

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Karijoyous - 2011-01-23 11:32 PMHad a rough weekend, probably one of the hardest in my life.  Good friends of ours lost their two and only sons (9&12) in a car accident on Saturday morning.  Their dad was driving, and thankfully (miraculously) was okay, but the emotional pain he is living in is so great.  The sadness that surrounds this situation is heartbreaking, and so very hard to understand.  I'm feeling much better today as I've had time to grieve, hoping that getting back to exercising this week will help alleviate the stress from this weekend as well.  So very thankful for many friends and family who are sticking together and caring for this family!  What a blessing.
Oh my, how sad. I can't imagine. I'm sure they are glad to have all the support of friends and family right now. And good for you for taking care of yourself. {{{{}}}}
2011-01-23 11:19 PM
in reply to: #3317248

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Karijoyous - 2011-01-23 8:32 PM Had a rough weekend, probably one of the hardest in my life.  Good friends of ours lost their two and only sons (9&12) in a car accident on Saturday morning.  Their dad was driving, and thankfully (miraculously) was okay, but the emotional pain he is living in is so great.  The sadness that surrounds this situation is heartbreaking, and so very hard to understand.  I'm feeling much better today as I've had time to grieve, hoping that getting back to exercising this week will help alleviate the stress from this weekend as well.  So very thankful for many friends and family who are sticking together and caring for this family!  What a blessing.

I am so sorry for your loss and your friends' loss.  There are no words to describe how devastating this must be.  Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

2011-01-24 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3317248

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Karijoyous - 2011-01-23 11:32 PM Had a rough weekend, probably one of the hardest in my life.  Good friends of ours lost their two and only sons (9&12) in a car accident on Saturday morning.  Their dad was driving, and thankfully (miraculously) was okay, but the emotional pain he is living in is so great.  The sadness that surrounds this situation is heartbreaking, and so very hard to understand.  I'm feeling much better today as I've had time to grieve, hoping that getting back to exercising this week will help alleviate the stress from this weekend as well.  So very thankful for many friends and family who are sticking together and caring for this family!  What a blessing.

That is terrible. My condolences.

2011-01-24 5:55 AM
in reply to: #3314498

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Threejs - 2011-01-21 8:47 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-21 5:17 PM Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.

GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!Laughing

How did they perform?
2011-01-24 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3315240

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kkvane - 2011-01-22 1:43 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-21 8:17 PM Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.

Same to you, Melissa! No huge plans for the weekend. Some work, some homework, and some housework. ;-) We are going to dinner at friends this evening, so that should be fun. Food and chatting....

The sprint I'm signed up for is 250m swim, 20K bike, and 5K run (in September 2011). So far, I'm working on a couch-to-5K run/walk program I found on Women's Health Magazine. It starts really slow (I need that) and works up. I'm finishing up week 2 (out of 6). I'm up to running(wogging) 2 minutes at a time, but it is really kicking my butt. I would (maybe should?) slow down, but I'm already only going an average of 3mph. Ack. I thought I was walking at least that fast and some wogging would make me faster, but it doesn't appear so. Ugh. Should I keep pushing and hope/plan that it will get better/easier, or slow down to a snail's pace and hope I get faster? I have to finish the tri in 2 1/2 hours, so I'm kinda freaked about that....

I've also started slowly working on my swimming. Working more on trying to get the breathing to flow right now than actual form, etc. I looked at the swim tips here on BT, and have been doing the "bobbing" breathing practice.

Not working on the bicycle right now. I regularly ride 7-12 miles during the spring/summer, so I'm not worried about that part. I'll wait til the weather gets better to start working on that outdoors.

I guess I'm feeling okay about things at the moment. I'm already doing more running than I ever have before. I'm just kinda looking at that 2 1/2-hour time limit and fretting...

Hope the weekend is going well for everyone!!!

Don't worry about the time limit - you will be done much sooner than that as long as you maintain your training. I promise! It's only scary now because you've just started training and this is your first event. Try running a little slower and see how your lungs/heart respond. When running you don't want to feel like you're out of breath and you don't want to be breathing at a rapid rate. Try finding a pace that you can take long deep breaths. Don't worry about being "slow" and what "normal" paces are. I am still slower than normal and I started in May.
2011-01-24 6:01 AM
in reply to: #3315240

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kkvane - 2011-01-22 1:43 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-21 8:17 PM Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.

Same to you, Melissa! No huge plans for the weekend. Some work, some homework, and some housework. ;-) We are going to dinner at friends this evening, so that should be fun. Food and chatting....

The sprint I'm signed up for is 250m swim, 20K bike, and 5K run (in September 2011). So far, I'm working on a couch-to-5K run/walk program I found on Women's Health Magazine. It starts really slow (I need that) and works up. I'm finishing up week 2 (out of 6). I'm up to running(wogging) 2 minutes at a time, but it is really kicking my butt. I would (maybe should?) slow down, but I'm already only going an average of 3mph. Ack. I thought I was walking at least that fast and some wogging would make me faster, but it doesn't appear so. Ugh. Should I keep pushing and hope/plan that it will get better/easier, or slow down to a snail's pace and hope I get faster? I have to finish the tri in 2 1/2 hours, so I'm kinda freaked about that....

I've also started slowly working on my swimming. Working more on trying to get the breathing to flow right now than actual form, etc. I looked at the swim tips here on BT, and have been doing the "bobbing" breathing practice.

Not working on the bicycle right now. I regularly ride 7-12 miles during the spring/summer, so I'm not worried about that part. I'll wait til the weather gets better to start working on that outdoors.

I guess I'm feeling okay about things at the moment. I'm already doing more running than I ever have before. I'm just kinda looking at that 2 1/2-hour time limit and fretting...

Hope the weekend is going well for everyone!!!

the bobbing exercise is a great start to water breathing! Just remember, start breathing out the nose before touching the water, while in the water, and until your nose exits the water. As long as air is coming out water can't go in.
2011-01-24 6:02 AM
in reply to: #3315242

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
D001 - 2011-01-22 1:45 PM I wanted something different. So I got one of these: It arrived yesterday. I put it together and used it. It was.... fun, actually.

I had an earlier version of this. It is a lot of fun because you get a ride at the same time as you workout. Enjoy!
2011-01-24 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3315338

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kkvane - 2011-01-22 3:09 PM I'm attaching my current training plan (haven't gotten the training log up an going yet). I chose this one because I needs something that works up slow, but it's really really testing me. I did make a couple small adjustments as to rest day and days off  of running activities. Wondering if it ramps up too fast? Should I switch to the 5K plan that was posted on here earlier? Any input/suggestions would be warmly welcomed! Thanks!

I just formatted my computer and I don't have the office package installed yet so i can't view it. is there any chance that you can copy/paste the text? Thanks!

2011-01-24 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3315921

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kwynnc - 2011-01-23 12:24 AM Good job on getting moving, you guys! And Cate, good luck on your tri class. I'm interested to hear what all it entails. Good news! My little guy is much better. First dose of antibiotic and his temps stayed down in the 101-102 range instead of >103.5, so that was a huge relief. He's much better today, last dose of antibiotic (3 day z pack, gotta love them!!) Moved our treadmill around in the basement. It's an unfinished basement, and there's NO WAY that I can run with my back to the rest of the space. We have a free day tomorrow, so my plan is to get on the treadmill for a walk with a little bit of run to see how the heel/arch does. Then the boys and I are going to try to do the body strength challenge. Hoping to get to the pool on Monday. I usually use my Monday morning to run errands but since I haven't been in since Tuesday, I'm going to go and see how busy it is. Maybe. Otherwise Tuesday for sure. I finally did 150 yrds without stopping, so I'm hoping to be able to add 50 on each time I go.

Glad to hear that the little one is feeling better! Keep us posted on how your swimming is coming along.
2011-01-24 6:10 AM
in reply to: #3316517

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
northernorchid - 2011-01-23 3:44 PM The class was super fun!

We did an hour in the pool:
5 min warm up
Flutter drills 3x 50m
Side drills 3x 50m
Side rollovers 2x 50m
6sec-3 stroke-6sec 2x 50m
Front crawl 2x 50m
Then the dreaded pyramid (but this one was easy)
2x 50m (20 sec rest)
2x 50m (10 sec rest)
1x 100m (10 sec rest)
2x 50m (10 sec rest)
2x 50m (20 sec rest)
5 min cool down

We did some interval training on the spin bikes after for about 30 - 40 min.
We did seated hills, standing hills, hovers, jumps, and flat sprints.
Not only that, but the pipes of the gym were frozen and there was no cold water -- it was like a sauna in there by the time we were done! Wish I'd kept my bathing suit on haha.

We did a brisk 2k run outside...
It's still -27C here, and the snowploughs haven't reached the university yet! I had to dig deep to finish without stopping, but it felt amazing to know I pushed through it I also had my handy ski mask, so no frostbite here.

I also overcame my fear of treadmills today...the ones at the gym are much more stable haha.

I'm planning on doing a tri-a-tri and then a sprint shortly after, but the 'coach' said I might be able to sneak right into a sprint right off the bat. But a tri a tri could be a nice ego booster before the sprint haha.

So, over all, a successful day.

My endorphins have skyrocketed and my roommates are wondering why I'm dancing around my room with headphones on...

Anyone else have any training successes lately?!

That class sounds like a lot of fun! I wish we had tri classes here.

My first event was scheduled to be a try-a-tri but my training came along suprisingly fast and by mid summer I was ready for it (it wasn't until September). I continued to increase time and distance and did the sprint tri. See ladies - stick with your training and commit and you'll see big changes that may suprise you!
2011-01-24 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3316642

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-23 5:11 PM

Aloha! I'm back & I'm tan! (which is amazing for a woman living in Seattle in January :-P )

Have a great vacation! I will live vicariously through your stories when you get back if you don't mind.

Alright, you asked for it!

We went to both Oahu & Maui, Oahu first visiting family and then Maui to relax.

In Oahu we didn't do much swimming, but we did eat! Mochi, saimin, huli huli chicken, shave ice, guava juice, & lots of fish! We also spent time with grandma, one cousin, aunts & uncles. The real reason for the trip was for the one-year anniversary of grandpa's passing. I didn't get to know him that well since he is my father-in-law's father but he was at our wedding just 4 months before he passed away dancing like a crazy man!

Screen shot 2011-01-23 at 1.54.00 PM

The one-year service was really beautiful and the priest said something that has been really sticking with me. "We don't give thanks to become blessed, we believe we are already blessed. We give thanks because when we appreciate what we have then our hearts full and our lives are good."

The day after the service we hopped a plane to Maui & got plenty of swimming, snorkeling, & sunbathing in. The most amazing thing was being able to hear underwater the whales that are migrating off the coast.


It's sad to be out of the sun, but it's good to be back home & back into training! I'm excited about this group & all the new people who have joined while I was away.

Go Team!

Glad to hear that you had a good time! Don't worry about coming back to winter, we just have to hold on a little longer and spring will be here! I'm counting the weeks. I find it helps to start planning spring/summer activites, such as triathlons, run, white water rafting, camping... oooh yeah.
2011-01-24 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3316821

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
D001 - 2011-01-23 7:01 PM
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-23 5:11 PM

Aloha! I'm back & I'm tan!

Nice vacation! Glad you had fun. I'm jealous though. LOL


2011-01-24 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3317240

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Karijoyous - 2011-01-23 11:28 PM Glad you had a great trip!  Must be depressing being back in the NW after a trip to Maui!  I'm in Portland, and we have our fair share of grey skies and rain as well!  I love the pictures of him dancing!  Those are priceless!  Thank you for sharing!

***Sorry, I thought this would show up with Lauren's post...must have chosen the wrong 'reply' button!**** 

If you hit "reply" your post will list the post number you're replying to (see above). if you hit "quote" the same thing will happen but you also carry over their post into yours.

2011-01-24 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
I am starting my new training program today! Finally the bronchitis is clear!

Here's the plan today:

-Cycle 50 minutes

Bike ME
Muscular Endurance
WU: 15'
MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI  
#1 End at low Zn 3
#2 End at middle Zn 3
#3 End at upper Zn 3
#4 End at lower Zn 4
#5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold
CD: 15'

-Strength train 20 minutes

The trouble is that I can't remember how to read all of the cycle info jibberish...This part specifically "MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI"   I'm going to check my tri training book.
2011-01-24 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED

Day one back...and I've managed to injure myself somehow. I went to bed last night with a dull achy-ness in my calves (which I assume is from running around in sneakers after a week in flip-flops) and woke up with a terrible pain on my left side. It feels like shin splints in my left calf/shin and then this tightness in my thigh starting behind my left knee that proceeds up through the left side of my leg into my butt. I took an ibuprofen but I'm not sure a) if I should ice or heat, or nothing, and b) how I did this! All I did yesterday was go to the farmer's market & grocery store. :-( I'm not sure what to do & I really want to go for a run today!

2011-01-24 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3317879

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-24 10:51 AM

Day one back...and I've managed to injure myself somehow. I went to bed last night with a dull achy-ness in my calves (which I assume is from running around in sneakers after a week in flip-flops) and woke up with a terrible pain on my left side. It feels like shin splints in my left calf/shin and then this tightness in my thigh starting behind my left knee that proceeds up through the left side of my leg into my butt. I took an ibuprofen but I'm not sure a) if I should ice or heat, or nothing, and b) how I did this! All I did yesterday was go to the farmer's market & grocery store. :-( I'm not sure what to do & I really want to go for a run today!


In the first two weeks of injury (or reinjury) ice 15 min on 15 off. After two weeks heat. Hopefully you won't get to two weeks!
2011-01-24 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Hey ladies -- had to take a day off today.

Apparently sub-zero runs kill your throat; I suspect I have some sort of extreme cold dehydration or frostbite in the back of my throat. Hurts to go outside

On the upside, I was chatting to Mr. Wonderful today and my voice sounded all throaty and "Phoebe from Friends"-y, haha. Wonder if I could convince him to do a tri? He bikes to work

Anyway, temperature is coming up to 0 tomorrow (yay!) so I'm thinking a swim and a run.

Also, anyone have any details of spin/cycling shoes?
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