BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-01-24 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3318962

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - OPEN
alfredo1414 - 2011-01-24 4:10 PM Hi Ernesto,Had a good trainning weekend, I went for a long run un Saturday 10 miles, I wasent tired or with any pain at the end, but a couple of hours later I started to feel very out of breath and some muscle pain, I took a couple of asprin and had a nap, the next day I went for a 2 hr ride, also at the end I was feeling great, but in a couple of hours I started felling the same way as the day before. So, my question is in regards to our nutrition during and after training and a race, the trainig that I just mentioned are probably the lungest that I have done, in the run I only drink water after the first hour and only if I relly feel thirsty, I usually do the 10 mile in 1'30'', and in the bike ride I also take only water but at the end I only eat a small snack like a friut bar or grannola bar. This is because iin some articles they mentioned that you don't need to take anything during the first and a half hour,, what do you recomend for trainning nutrition, long and short sesions?PS, my bike rides are in a mountain bike and rough surface. Also I'm looking to invest in a used rode bike by middle of April, budget is around 800usd, in case sombody knows of a good deale or sale.. I don't want to buy over craigslist, reason pretty bad experience...Thank you

Ok, first thing is that you’re increasing mileage quickly, let me quote Mark Allen on endurance:

“Endurance training is exactly like turning a Styrofoam cup inside out. So long as you take it slowly you’ll be able to do it. Try to rush things up and –rip-… you’ll tear the cup. YOU ARE THE CUP”.

Mileage increases should be done in increments of no more than 10% weekly for both bike and run, swimming is a different story; you can pretty much ramp up at will.

Second thing is FUEL YOUR WORKOUT, never go out on an empty stomach for a long run or ride. You can afford this only if going short. If you wait until the end it would be like trying an oil change after the motor seized up. Instead, take some carb loaded drink (preferably one with complex sugars, such as maltodextrin) from the beginning, take small sips from the start and you’ll feel fine all throughout the workout. If you take too much it becomes difficult to digest and you’ll get side stitches or cramps. Also, doing mountain biking in rough surfaces will force you to go anaerobic, demanding more sugars. I guess your idea of getting a road bike is a good one. Try to keep your HR low during long workouts, or you’re definitely heading for a bonk. Try this in the summer and you can get far more serious. Read my comments in my training log on January 9 and you’ll see what I’m saying.

2011-01-24 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - OPEN
evillarroel - 2011-01-24 11:30 AM
brian1971 - 2011-01-24 9:29 AM Ernesto, 
If you've got room for one more I'd love to join your group.  I'm in the process of setting my goals for this coming season. I've completed 5 or 6 sprint triathlons over the last few years and am ready to move up to the next level.  I'd like to race in at least one Olympic distance triathlon this year.  I'm hoping that being a part of a group will help me with my motivation once the training gets tough.

You're the last one in!!
The group is now closed.


NAME: username: brian1971 / first name: Brian
STORY: I've been doing sprint triathlons for the last 5 years.  I have a tendency to train on and off without any real consistency.  Even if I work out a training plan ahead of time I have never been able to stick to it long term.  I also have a tendency to over train and burn out.  I'm hoping that setting a goal and coming up with a reasonable training plan will lead to greater success this year.
FAMILY STATUS:  I am married and my wife is very supportive of my training.  We have a a 5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter.
CURRENT TRAINING: I trained more last year than previous years but I really want to step it up this year.  I am just getting back into it after a few months off.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I am planning on doing an Olympic distance race on June 4.  I have two races to chose from, either the Revolution 3 tri in Quassy, CT or Mooseman in Newfound Lake, NH.  I hope to decide in the next few weeks (I'm leaning towards Quassy right now).
2010 RACES:  I did two sprints last year.
WEIGHTLOSS: I currently weigh around 210, last summer I was down to about 195.  I'm hoping to get down to 190 before my Oly.

It is in the single digits outside so I went to the gym yesterday and ran 30 minutes on the treadmill.  It was the first run in a while so I took it slow.  I also hit the pool at lunch today and swam 3/4 of a mile.  I'm planning on going to a spin class tomorrow night.
2011-01-25 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
We're officially full, today I'll get a head count by looking at the thread pages. Smile
2011-01-25 11:26 PM
in reply to: #3259938

Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Ernesto - I know you said you drink Pertetuem on the bike, but did you also need to take electrolytes as well? If so approximately, how much?Thanks, Joan
2011-01-26 12:12 AM
in reply to: #3319121

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - OPEN
Hi,About the training, the distance its not new, I usually used to do 5 or 6 mile run every day and a 10 to 12 mile every otherf weekend, the increase would be that now I'm doing long run and rides every weekend, and decrease weekday training to only 3 times a week run of 6miles and added the bike and started to do some pool, question is, with this distance, ride and run, when do I start taking in fuel and how often? Thanks
2011-01-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3321829

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Jd_montgomery - 2011-01-25 11:26 PM Ernesto - I know you said you drink Pertetuem on the bike, but did you also need to take electrolytes as well? If so approximately, how much?Thanks, Joan


During the bike of Ironman I took 6 salt pills as well. Remember though, everybody has different sweat rates and the day (hot/cold) will make a HUGE difference. Like I said before, try and error happens during training. If you take too many calories on the bike you'll have stomach issues on the run and take too little, and you're heading straight for race disaster as it has happened to me also. It is a fine line that you'll have to nail down now during your long sessions.
Have you purchased your drink yet? 

2011-01-26 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3321849

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - OPEN
alfredo1414 - 2011-01-26 12:12 AM Hi,About the training, the distance its not new, I usually used to do 5 or 6 mile run every day and a 10 to 12 mile every otherf weekend, the increase would be that now I'm doing long run and rides every weekend, and decrease weekday training to only 3 times a week run of 6miles and added the bike and started to do some pool, question is, with this distance, ride and run, when do I start taking in fuel and how often? Thanks

I just went by what you said that this training was the longest you've done so far. Start drinking early during the bike and the run, you don't need to wait until you're depleted. Take a sip every two miles on the bike and every mile during the run. This will of course change as it heats up. You will probably see some of that in a couple of months down there in El Paso.
2011-01-26 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3322073

Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Ernesto - I've been reading and talked to a few people, & I'm going to try the Perpetuem this week for my 3 hr bike ride. I'm thinking about trying Hammers electrolyte pills, but not until my 5 or 6 hr bike ride. I've been reading conflicting ideas on salt tablets. Do you think the salt tablets are good enough or do I need the electrolyte pills?Thanks,Joan
2011-01-26 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3323497

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Jd_montgomery - 2011-01-26 6:52 PM Ernesto - I've been reading and talked to a few people, & I'm going to try the Perpetuem this week for my 3 hr bike ride. I'm thinking about trying Hammers electrolyte pills, but not until my 5 or 6 hr bike ride. I've been reading conflicting ideas on salt tablets. Do you think the salt tablets are good enough or do I need the electrolyte pills?Thanks,Joan

By "salt" tablets I'm talking all four electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine and bicarbonate) it's just called salt but I mean the whole thing. Another thing I have to tell you, all of the Hammer nutrition products are low GI, and they work great when combined but not when you add Gatorade or sugared drinks, that throws away the whole purpose. Example: Hammer Gel, Endurolyte pills and Perpetuem are great together. Perpetuem, salt pills and sugared gels like GU or Gatorade = gastrointestinal distress.
Try other brands if Hammer doesn't work, like Infinit or Cytomax.
You will know when you nail the right thing for you, it should feel like a good dose of constant energy and NO STOMACH ISSUES WHATSOEVER, unless you take too much, too soon.
2011-01-28 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Help, O worthy warriors!

Yesterday I went to the pool and did 500 yards total after a little warmup.  The 500 yards is not all at once, since I can't manage yet to swim more than 75 yards without stopping and gasping for breath.  BTW, my goal is my first tri, a sprint in March (still debating between two).

I am 5'4" and 115 lbs, so not overweight.  I am trying hard to make the swim my friend.  Smile

Afterwards my friend fed me soup with veggies and homemade bread.  I drank water.  When I got home I had several sour cream and cheddar potato chips (I normally don't do a lot of junk food) because I was still hungry but didn't want to eat and go to bed on a full stomach.

This morning I woke up and had my usual juice and then one cup of coffee (half-reg and half-decaf).  I eat lunch early at work (11:10), so I snacked on a few red grapes during the morning.  Around 11 AM, I started feeling light-headed and a little dizzy.  It felt like I was outside of my body floating.  I figured I was just hungry and it would go away after I ate lunch.

For lunch I had a bbq rib sandwich, tater tots, chocolate milk, apple crisp and some kind of sweet bread.  At 1 PM I was still dizzy so I went to the cafeteria and had another chocolate milk (thinking I was protein deficient).  I ate some more grapes.  Still dizzy.

I had the nurse check my blood pressure and it was normal for me.  She told me one of the custodians was complaining of dizziness and they finally sent her to the doc.  She ended up with an ear infection with no pain, but dizziness.  They put her on antibiotics, but she told me they are sending her to a specialist because she is still dizzy.  I decided to dump tonight's planned swim training.  Around 4 PM I had a banana and a few more grapes.  Still a little dizzy.

I'm now at home and feeling a little hungry.  Not sure what to eat next.  I was thinking peanut butter or a can of tuna.  Still feeling a little light headed.

Any ideas on what is happening and what to do about it?

Just Do It
2011-01-28 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3327825

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-01-28 6:40 PM Help, O worthy warriors!

Yesterday I went to the pool and did 500 yards total after a little warmup.  The 500 yards is not all at once, since I can't manage yet to swim more than 75 yards without stopping and gasping for breath.  BTW, my goal is my first tri, a sprint in March (still debating between two).

I am 5'4" and 115 lbs, so not overweight.  I am trying hard to make the swim my friend.  Smile

Afterwards my friend fed me soup with veggies and homemade bread.  I drank water.  When I got home I had several sour cream and cheddar potato chips (I normally don't do a lot of junk food) because I was still hungry but didn't want to eat and go to bed on a full stomach.

This morning I woke up and had my usual juice and then one cup of coffee (half-reg and half-decaf).  I eat lunch early at work (11:10), so I snacked on a few red grapes during the morning.  Around 11 AM, I started feeling light-headed and a little dizzy.  It felt like I was outside of my body floating.  I figured I was just hungry and it would go away after I ate lunch.

For lunch I had a bbq rib sandwich, tater tots, chocolate milk, apple crisp and some kind of sweet bread.  At 1 PM I was still dizzy so I went to the cafeteria and had another chocolate milk (thinking I was protein deficient).  I ate some more grapes.  Still dizzy.

I had the nurse check my blood pressure and it was normal for me.  She told me one of the custodians was complaining of dizziness and they finally sent her to the doc.  She ended up with an ear infection with no pain, but dizziness.  They put her on antibiotics, but she told me they are sending her to a specialist because she is still dizzy.  I decided to dump tonight's planned swim training.  Around 4 PM I had a banana and a few more grapes.  Still a little dizzy.

I'm now at home and feeling a little hungry.  Not sure what to eat next.  I was thinking peanut butter or a can of tuna.  Still feeling a little light headed.

Any ideas on what is happening and what to do about it?

Just Do It

Never heard of anything like it but for sure it's not normal. It would probably be good if you saw a doctor to get a professional opinion.

2011-01-29 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3327977

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

After some extensive reading, extensive eating and no training, I have determined that I probably have water in my ears.  I'm trying some home remedies like garlic juice, alcohol (isopropyl, darn) and vinegar.

I'll give it until Monday and then if I don't see improvement I'll go to the doc. 

Thanks for the help.

2011-01-29 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
OK Stupid questions time.

1)  Should a new triathlete join USAT?
2)  Do I need to buy a chip holder?
3)  Where do I find the rules for the tri (like drafting, wetsuit, put helmet on before getting on bike, etc.)?
4)  Can friends come and watch and if so, where do I put them?
5)  Does anyone's stuff ever get stolen from the transition area?
6)  How does the pool swim work?  Do we go in by age group, gender?  Does the whole group go at the same time?  Can I request to be last in my group?
7)  Does the timing chip get read at the start and then only again at the finish?
8)  Are people going to be running into each other as some come in and some exit the transition areas?

That's what's on my mind right now.
2011-01-30 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3328764

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-01-29 4:53 PM OK Stupid questions time.

1)  Should a new triathlete join USAT?
2)  Do I need to buy a chip holder?
3)  Where do I find the rules for the tri (like drafting, wetsuit, put helmet on before getting on bike, etc.)?
4)  Can friends come and watch and if so, where do I put them?
5)  Does anyone's stuff ever get stolen from the transition area?
6)  How does the pool swim work?  Do we go in by age group, gender?  Does the whole group go at the same time?  Can I request to be last in my group?
7)  Does the timing chip get read at the start and then only again at the finish?
8)  Are people going to be running into each other as some come in and some exit the transition areas?

That's what's on my mind right now.

1) Not necessarily, you can buy a one day membership at the race for $10.
2) No, it'll be provided.
3) USAT website and in the race packet that will be given to you.
4) Usually, the transition area and the finish line are in proximity, that's a good spot. Friends can come over, the more, the merrier!
5) Never happened to me and never heard of it but I did have someone messing with my helmet so it would take me longer to put it on, probably a prankster or someone that was trying to beat me.
6) I have no idea, never raced in a pool.
7) No, there's timing mats at the transition entrance and exit so your splits will be: SWIM, T1, BIKE, T2, RUN and of course, overall time.
8) Don't worry, transition is setup in a way that makes for comfortable entrances and exits, usually in different parts (but not always).

Last, there's no stupid questions! Nobody was born knowing triathlons.

2011-01-30 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Where's everybody else? thread is pretty quiet lately...Frown
2011-01-30 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Picked up a TT bike yesterday, and I am very excited for it maiden voyage tomorrow. Gonna go for a fast flat 20-30 mile ride to test out the bike and aero helmet combo. I am really excited for this season and I mentally want my first race to be here already, just need to continue to work on the physical part. 

2011-01-31 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3330065

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jaclynembry - 2011-01-30 11:01 PM Picked up a TT bike yesterday, and I am very excited for it maiden voyage tomorrow. Gonna go for a fast flat 20-30 mile ride to test out the bike and aero helmet combo. I am really excited for this season and I mentally want my first race to be here already, just need to continue to work on the physical part. 

Looks awesome!!!!! Congratulations. What's her name???
2011-01-31 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Been feeling really good lately, I have been stepping up the runs and i feel strong,  I'm starting to understand the reasoning behind what you told me Ernesto,  long slow run , this way my legs dont hurt so bad and I can run the next day and not be in pain.  

It has been great getting back in the pool, and as i spend more time swimming i have been feeling really good health wise.  

The Garmin305 is awesome, maybe you could give me some insight on how to train with it.

I used the garmin on my commute, and it says that i burned 700+ calories, i thought that was kinda cool.

2011-01-31 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3330576

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
tizon - 2011-01-31 9:31 AM Been feeling really good lately, I have been stepping up the runs and i feel strong,  I'm starting to understand the reasoning behind what you told me Ernesto,  long slow run , this way my legs dont hurt so bad and I can run the next day and not be in pain.  

It has been great getting back in the pool, and as i spend more time swimming i have been feeling really good health wise.  

The Garmin305 is awesome, maybe you could give me some insight on how to train with it.

I used the garmin on my commute, and it says that i burned 700+ calories, i thought that was kinda cool.


The main reason for the long slow runs and rides is to create a big aerobic engine. Your heart has different target heart rate zones and 80/90% of all the work should be done below that anaerobic threshold. This way your "slow" becomes faster. That's all there is to it, adaptation and getting your body be more efficient at a low effort.
About the Garmin, make sure you set the "Alerts" to create an autolap every mile and to give you the average pace and not the current pace. This way you'll know if you're slowing down or going faster. Ideally, your first and last mile should be the slowest (warm up and warm down). As an example, look at my workout from yesterday and pay attention to the heart rate and the speed ratio.
2011-01-31 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Hola Ernesto, acabo de importar un plan de entrenamiento a mi Training Log, pero no entiendo la mayoria de las abreviaciones existe algun lugar aqui en BT en donde pueda encontrar el significado de los acronimos?

Gracias y Saludos
2011-01-31 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3330065

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
great bike!!!  looks good !!  congrats and good ridding!!!

2011-01-31 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3331845

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Fer Cuevas - 2011-01-31 6:12 PM Hola Ernesto, acabo de importar un plan de entrenamiento a mi Training Log, pero no entiendo la mayoria de las abreviaciones existe algun lugar aqui en BT en donde pueda encontrar el significado de los acronimos?

Gracias y Saludos

Vas a tener que ser un poco mas especifico, BT no me permite ver tu plan de entrenamiento. Te refieres a las sesiones de nado?
2011-02-01 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Hi Ernesto and the group. I'm back after spending almost 3 weeks in freezing Poland and battling some bronchitis. Still not 100%, but must get back to regular training... Life gets in a way sometimes.
2011-02-01 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3332144

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Esta es mi sesión para hoy en la alberca:

WU: 400                             (supongo esto es calentamiento, Warming Up)
MS:                                       (esto Main Swimm)
12 * 50 on 1:30 ez/FAST   (12 repeticiones de 50 que tengo que hacer en 1.5 minutos)
300 pull                               (300 de ejercicio de PULL)
12 * 25 1:00  (12 repeticiones de 25 que tengo que hacer en 1 minuto)
CD: 200 loosen  (Enfriamiento?)

Gracias Ernesto
2011-02-01 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3332712

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-02-01 8:37 AM Hi Ernesto and the group. I'm back after spending almost 3 weeks in freezing Poland and battling some bronchitis. Still not 100%, but must get back to regular training... Life gets in a way sometimes.

Missed you bud, hope you get better so you can get back on your routine. Still raining down under?
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