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2011-01-15 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I'm trying to set positive rather than negative goals, and I have lots, but I think my two biggest goals for the rest of January are:
1. Think about what I'm eating (before I eat!) and this includes not eating after 8 pm
2. Keep up with my weekly workout plans while working in changes as necessary but don't blow off workouts (like the pool!)

Stu, hope this is what you were looking for.
Have a great weekend everyone.

2011-01-15 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Tri To Help (indoor tri, 10 min swim, 30 min bike, 20 min run)

I got there and I got my packet including a swim cap.  I changed into suit, towel and sweatshirt and went off to find the pool, bikes and treadmills.  I located all of them and got my number written on my arm and leg.  Next I relaxed in the locker room for a bit. 

Once in the pool area, it became apparent that lane sharing would be in effect.  It also became apparent that the online length of the pool was greatly exaggerated.  This pool was not 25 meters long.  It was 20 yards long with 4 lanes and lots of waves.  OK, so more turns, some rough water.  I can handle this.  I grabbed a middle lane so as not to get squished against the wall.  A fit looking young guy wearing jammers ended up in my lane.  We decided to split the lane rather than circle swim.  He seemed knowledgeable about Tris as the other man in our heat was asking him questions, etc.  When the whistle blew to go I let him go a few seconds ahead of me figuring that he might be faster.  I was on his heels in no time.  I passed him at about 4 lengths.  I also almost passed him at the end.  Flip turns were not really possible due to the fact that there were no markings on the wall and the "T" at the bottom seemed off.  I tried a few, but kept getting too close to the wall so switched to open turns.  I finished with 29 lengths in 10 minutes, so 580 yards, I think.  I smoked my heat.

Hurried to the locker room to get ready for bike and run.  The time allotment was 10 minutes between swim and bike.  No able to get really dry, I did wrestle with my undergarments a bit, but I made in in time and even got the bike seat lowered prior to the whistle.

For a few minutes I watched my speed, then they decided to turn out the lights.  There was music playing and the ceiling had stars on it.  Unfortunately I picked a bike over to the side and barely got a breeze from the oscillating fan that was so close to me yet not blowing on me.  My wet hair brushing on my forehead and neck occasionally felt nice.  At one minute left they turned the lights back on and I found that I had reached my goal of over 8 miles.  The 30 minutes was up and I did about 8.25 miles (unofficial, I'm not sure of the fraction of a mile).

There was supposed to be a 5 minute break, but we basically walked down the hall to the treadmills, chose one and got instructions on what to do when the whistle blew.  Push "quick start", set the incline to 1.0 and set your speed.  OK, I'm not familiar with this treadmill, but whatever...So I fumbled my way up to speed and managed to run for 10 mins, walks a bit, run again until 15 minutes in, then a bit of a walk, then finish off strong.  I completed 1.37 miles in 20 min.  I'm a bit discouraged that I walked, but I felt tired after the two other events, so I'll cut myself some slack this time.  (Yes, I'm miserably slow on the treadmill.  Fortunately, I'm a bit faster outside.)

The people in my heat were an interesting mix.  There were the two men, one who was young and fit the other who was 41 and not so fit.  Another obese woman in her 30s I guess.  Two younger women who were friends, who did not excel at the swim, but held their own on the spin bikes and treadmills.  Two 30ish year olds women who were also friends, who swam pretty well and flew on the bikes and treadmill.  Overall, I enjoyed myself.  I'm an "indoor triathlete" now. 

Edited by rustymom 2011-01-15 2:53 PM
2011-01-15 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3301649

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
rustymom - 2011-01-15 3:50 PM

Tri To Help (indoor tri, 10 min swim, 30 min bike, 20 min run)

I got there and I got my packet including a swim cap.  I changed into suit, towel and sweatshirt and went off to find the pool, bikes and treadmills.  I located all of them and got my number written on my arm and leg.  Next I relaxed in the locker room for a bit. 

Once in the pool area, it became apparent that lane sharing would be in effect.  It also became apparent that the online length of the pool was greatly exaggerated.  This pool was not 25 meters long.  It was 20 yards long with 4 lanes and lots of waves.  OK, so more turns, some rough water.  I can handle this.  I grabbed a middle lane so as not to get squished against the wall.  A fit looking young guy wearing jammers ended up in my lane.  We decided to split the lane rather than circle swim.  He seemed knowledgeable about Tris as the other man in our heat was asking him questions, etc.  When the whistle blew to go I let him go a few seconds ahead of me figuring that he might be faster.  I was on his heels in no time.  I passed him at about 4 lengths.  I also almost passed him at the end.  Flip turns were not really possible due to the fact that there were no markings on the wall and the "T" at the bottom seemed off.  I tried a few, but kept getting too close to the wall so switched to open turns.  I finished with 29 lengths in 10 minutes, so 580 yards, I think.  I smoked my heat.

Hurried to the locker room to get ready for bike and run.  The time allotment was 10 minutes between swim and bike.  No able to get really dry, I did wrestle with my undergarments a bit, but I made in in time and even got the bike seat lowered prior to the whistle.

For a few minutes I watched my speed, then they decided to turn out the lights.  There was music playing and the ceiling had stars on it.  Unfortunately I picked a bike over to the side and barely got a breeze from the oscillating fan that was so close to me yet not blowing on me.  My wet hair brushing on my forehead and neck occasionally felt nice.  At one minute left they turned the lights back on and I found that I had reached my goal of over 8 miles.  The 30 minutes was up and I did about 8.25 miles (unofficial, I'm not sure of the fraction of a mile).

There was supposed to be a 5 minute break, but we basically walked down the hall to the treadmills, chose one and got instructions on what to do when the whistle blew.  Push "quick start", set the incline to 1.0 and set your speed.  OK, I'm not familiar with this treadmill, but whatever...So I fumbled my way up to speed and managed to run for 10 mins, walks a bit, run again until 15 minutes in, then a bit of a walk, then finish off strong.  I completed 1.37 miles in 20 min.  I'm a bit discouraged that I walked, but I felt tired after the two other events, so I'll cut myself some slack this time.  (Yes, I'm miserably slow on the treadmill.  Fortunately, I'm a bit faster outside.)

The people in my heat were an interesting mix.  There were the two men, one who was young and fit the other who was 41 and not so fit.  Another obese woman in her 30s I guess.  Two younger women who were friends, who did not excel at the swim, but held their own on the spin bikes and treadmills.  Two 30ish year olds women who were also friends, who swam pretty well and flew on the bikes and treadmill.  Overall, I enjoyed myself.  I'm an "indoor triathlete" now. 

That is a fantastic first race! Are you hooked? That feeling of getting off the bike and starting the run is tough to get used to. Thers' no shame in walking! You still did infinitely better than all the people who never made it to the gym today.
2011-01-15 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
rustymom - congrats!  You did great.  I'm particularly impressed with the swimming.  But then I'm the slowest swimmer in the world!

I went swimming today.  It was the tri club session, so I just went along and did as I was told, which is always nice.  I like not having to think about what I'm going to do in a session, just get on with it.  I realised yet again today how much I love swimming, despite being really slow.  It's a real mental chill out for me.  So I got out of the pool feeling tired, but energised. 

Then to make up for our lovely healthy week we went for pizza hut, and then ate chocolate at the cinema!

Tomorrow morning I'm planning on going running with some of the guys from the tri club.  It's going to be a bit of a test run for me because I'm not sure if I can keep up with them.  But there's only one way to find out...  And I find running so much easier with other people, but have been having trouble finding anyone who runs at a similar pace to me (I'm tall, but my husband is REALLY tall, so his natural pace is MUCH faster than mine).
2011-01-15 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Stu....please tell me you ran today! We had snow here so we ran on snow roads, tried to run in the few tire ruts out there. The husband was on the computrainer for 2 hours, then ran 2.3 miles, then I ran out as he ran in and planned on doing 3. I was fine until my knee started REALLY grinding, man was that snow slippery- and then the gusting wind and flurries started. Who was talking about 30 degree weather? That is warm here. Send it our way PLEASE!!! Right now the wind chill is what kills us (in the single digits). So, stu, please tell me you ran up in Ann Arbor, just so I know someone else was out in that crap today.

I think i came up with my January goals.
1- log workouts
2- increase water intake
3- 3 runs, 1 swim, 2 bikes per week

I'm getting ready to start my HM training plan which will be 4 runs per week. Eeek. And log my workouts seems silly but you can see in my training logs I just quit logging stuff after my OLY in August. My training got sporadic, I got hurt, I got sick, the whole house got was in the way, and when I did workout, I did not log it much. And the water is a habit thing- I can tell when I'm dehydrated so I just have to get back in the habit again and cut back a bit on the coffee.

My february goals are 4 runs, 1 swim, 2 bikes per week. Unless we do something like a ride focused goal, or an IM in a month goal... I did a century goal for a month last year for the bike and that was fun.

OH_ and on logging swimming- I'm a swimmer. You can check in my logs, but I log total time in the pool. I also do not rest much unless it is part of a drill with timed rest, and then that will be in my notes. For example, down in the comment section it would say
200 WU
300 kick (150 free w/fins, 50 dolphin w/fins, 100 free no fins)
200 IM
5x100, build speed every 25 so final 25 is a sprint, 30 sec rest in between
(then I would list my times for each 100)

Hope that makes sense. I also log my whole run though, including warm up.
2011-01-15 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Congrats Andrea!  Sounds like you had a good time and learned a few things too :-)  Those mini-indoor tris are a really nice way to ease into Sprint length tris... hope you're hooked!  I liked the way you dealt with things you didn't expect.  You'll find there are always things that don't quite go as you expect in a tri - weather/environment, flat tire, cramps, etc.  Same with training, one week you're cruising along, next week you have a pulled hamstring.  Gotta be able to roll with the punches and come up smiling!

I've been reading a really good tri book called 17 Hours to Glory this week.  It's 15 or so vignettes about athletes who did the Kona Ironman.  The one thing they all have in common is the ability to overcome challenges and bounce back from bad experiences with deeper determination.  A good read... definitely recommended for motivation :-)

Anne - no running for me for a bit and certainly not on these nasty sidewalks and streets up here.  I'd choose a treadmill over this... yuck!  Besides, totally full days while I'm here leave me with little time.  I'll be back at swimming and biking on Monday, but plan on giving my hamstring a little more time before I try running again.  Tried pushing through it last week and it just got worse.  Lesson learned.

Thanks to all who have sent goals!  They're looking good!


2011-01-16 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Good morning!

My goals for the remainder of January:
     run 3x's per week
     Stay away from the vending machine at work!  I can hit it 1x per week.

To set myself up with success on the running goal this week, I'm going to shift the days that I run. So, my plan is to run today, and Tues. That leaves me with Thurs, fri and Sat to get the 3rd run in.
2011-01-16 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3260273


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Goals for january1. Train each day i'm off. One area 3 days and the 4th i'm gonna try to put 2 together.(i work 3 days a week so def a reachable goal. ) 2. One bad meal a week....i always give in esp. With my 3 year old who I love to spoil with a treat every now and again.3. Keep my eyes on the goal which is to just finish my first tri....preferably without walking and then i'll worty about times later.
2011-01-16 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Friend of mine posted this on FB yesterday and thought of you all!

2011-01-16 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3302472

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
jcoble1209 - 2011-01-16 9:42 AM Goals for january1. Train each day i'm off. One area 3 days and the 4th i'm gonna try to put 2 together.(i work 3 days a week so def a reachable goal. ) 2. One bad meal a week....i always give in esp. With my 3 year old who I love to spoil with a treat every now and again.3. Keep my eyes on the goal which is to just finish my first tri....preferably without walking and then i'll worty about times later.

Great goals, Jennifer! They sound obtainable.
2011-01-16 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I've decided to change my goals for the next two weeks.  It has been brought to my attention that I'm doing a lot more swimming than my training program requires, which is because I really enjoy swimming.  But for that reason it's also my best event.  So I've decided that my goals are going to be:
1) to ensure I ONLY swim twice a week, and use the time I would otherwise have been swimming to work on my running and cycling (where I have significant gains to be made).
2) to cycle to work at least 2 times per week for the next two weeks.  I'm working closer to home than usual for the two weeks so it's a very achieveable goal and will really help me get my cycling miles up.

Today I ran with 4 people from the tri club.  It was really good for me because they all run faster than me.  For them it was a nice slow steady pace and for me I was having to push myself to keep up.  I tend to let myself run slower than I can, so it was good to have a challenge to push myself.  The pace on the training log doesn't really represent what we did very well, as we stopped at some steps part way round and ran up them twice.  There were about 50-60 steps (I didn't think to count them) each time, so it's a really good workout for the legs, although it nearly killed my quads.  I'm going to try to do the route again and keep working on those steps because they'll really help the power in my legs.

2011-01-16 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
GREAT Sunday run! it's a balmy 17 here! It was 2 when we got up so I headed to church with the kid; my husband ran around 11am, and I got out at 1:30. Sun was out so that helped it FEEL warm. Lots lf layers helped too. Ran my 3 mile route, then walked the dog half a mile to cool down (and my sweaty hair froze).

Stu, I have to run outside because of juggling. Our local YMCA's have a 30minute time limit on all cardio equipment. I can not run 3 miles in 30 minutes. So, I have to run outside. Also I have a very small window of time when I can go exercise and I hate wasting it driving to the Y if I can just go run outside. If the windchills is too low, or if the temps do not get out of the single digits, or if the roads are too snowy. No trax but our local running shop sells them for winter trail running.

Hoping for a ride on the computrainer tomorrow since the husband is home and can switch the bikes out for me!

Hope everyone had a great weekend training. Can I ask a favor? For the first month or so can everyone sign their name when they post so we learn names and not just screen names?

2011-01-16 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
You were 5 degrees colder than me, when  I ran today! Normally, I would have gone to the Y, but this group inspired me to suck it up, and head outside.
I think signing our names is a great idea! It helps for all of us to remember who's who.
2011-01-16 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I'm very impressed with you guys running when it's SO cold.  I tried running outside when I lived in Colorado for the winter, and only made it out about 3 times.  Today was the opposite for me.  I was all bundled up and then nearly melted because it was warmer than I'd realised.  Was about 12C (I think that's about 50F), so considerably warmer than it has been lately.

Good work guys!

2011-01-16 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Great posts on the outside runs and the wonderful indoor tri. From the way you wrote it I could really understand what you went through. For the hamstring sufferer you are right to be very careful. I tore my periformis muscle a few years ago and it was a mistake not to take more than a few months off of tennis because the lunging and sudden movements kept reagrivating it and lots of PT later and I still have to be careful. So, better to be careful than get back out there running.
Many of you will say "argh" when I tell you that today was sunny and 50 here in Wilmington, NC.  I played tennis for 1.5 hours, then a 30 min bike ride, then another 2 hours of tennis! Felt like my own kind of triathlon. I'm tired but it's a good tired and while I sit here working on my laptop and watching tv my sig other is making me dinner. Can't get a much better day than this!
So many of your goals are also on my list. I think I should add ice my feet and calves (sp?) after every time I play tennis!
2011-01-16 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3301649


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Congrats on finishing your first tri!!!! it sounded like a lot of fun!

2011-01-16 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Rested today. I plan to run and go to my exercise class tomorrow.My "sit bones" are sore from the spin bike yesterday. Zero resistance really left all of my weight on one area. Ouch! Luckily if I lean to the side I have plenty of builtin padding to sit on. It's not like this on my trusty but slow hybrid.Andrea

Edited by rustymom 2011-01-16 7:06 PM
2011-01-16 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Andrea- Great job on your Tri! 

Raining here, so swam to day instead of yesterday.  Did manage a short run yesterday.  To meet my goals this week I still need to get in some stregnth training or core workouts.  Will try working on the exercise ball this pm.  Do many of you do core workouts that way?  How do you all incorporate stregnth and core workouts into your training?  Not certain if I should do that on my off days or just add it to my training days?  Would love your input.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

2011-01-16 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: Re: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi Everyone,

I'm halfway home and have a bit of a layover in Dulles, so thought I'd compile our goals thus far.  In addition to the goals, I've also included our first names, our longest 2011 race distance plans (and if it is our first time - yay first timers!!!).  I also hope (if I did this right) that you can click on the screen name to go directly to that person's training log.  So, I'm hope you find this a helpful summary of who we all are and where we're trying to go together.  We've got a nice range of experience and planned races.

A couple of quick thoughts on goals.  To some people, goals are guidance, something to aim for, gentle reminders to nudge us on... to others (type As raise your hands), these are mountains that must be climbed and tasks that must be completed.  How you use goals for motivation is TOTALLY up to you.  My primary purpose for having us set goals together is to take a little time to think about why we are training and how what we do for the next two weeks moves us closer to what we want to accomplish later in the year.  Endurance training requires a long term view... and that long-term vision needs to be broken down into more short-term tasks, which is why training plans are so helpful!


P.S.  If I screwed anything up (someone's name or missed someone's goals, whatever), please accept my apologies and let me know so I can fix it pronto!

Name2011 Goal
Goal 1ProgressGoal 2Progress
AKR18AnneHM/OLY3 runs, 1 swim, 2 bikes per week
 log workouts +
 increase water intake
BeachProfJoanne1st Sprint
Keep up with my weekly workout plans while working in changes as necessary but don't blow off workouts
Think about what I'm eating (before I eat!) and no eating after 8 pm
ChapfallenRachelOLYUse normal swim time for biking and running
  Bike to work 2x / week
Hayspence12Hayspence121st Sprint    
jcoble1209Jennifer1st Sprint
Train each day I'm off  + double up on one day
 Only one bad meal a week
JuneAppleStuHIM 7 hours / week training
 < 200 lbs
MajusticCarrie1st Sprint
Rlh98296Ron1st Sprint
Run 5x / week + stay for the full tri-club workout every Sunday. Stick to healthy eating plan.
RustyMomAndrea1st Mini/Sprint?
3 runs and 3 swims a week
 Weigh 204
Slow TurtleHeidiSprintRun 3x's per week
 Stay away from the vending machine at work!  I can hit it 1x per week.
SportzVisionCynthiaOLYKeep up with my training plan + add strength training Yoga Class
TriVetteeYvetteSprint2x swim/bike/run each week
 Incorp. strength / core exercises

Edited by juneapple 2011-01-18 9:25 PM
2011-01-16 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3303443

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Subject: Re: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Stu- thank you for all your hard work on that graph, it is so helpful to see everyone's names and goals.
2011-01-16 10:31 PM
in reply to: #3303443

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: Re: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
This looks great! I see my goals are not listed; probably the way I have them on my blog, so I listed them more precisely.  Thanks for doing this for us, it really is nice to be part of a group!

2011-01-16 11:23 PM
in reply to: #3298378

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

A little late on this post but my January goals are:

  • Add strength training to my week
  • Keep up with my training plan
  • Join a yoga class
2011-01-16 11:29 PM
in reply to: #3300860

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I have done only two sprints in my first year but I found that visualizing my transitions, with extrem detail, made the transition so much easier. 
2011-01-16 11:31 PM
in reply to: #3300860

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I have done only two sprints in my first year but I found that visualizing my transitions, with extrem detail, made the transition so much easier. 
2011-01-17 12:00 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Today I got a nice long swim in and used fins and paddles for the first time.  Wow what a feeling to go so fast!  I have no idea what I am doing in the pool most times.  Try to find a focus before I get in and work on technique but I usually forget what I am suppose to do :/

Since it was unusally warm for No. Nevada, this time of year, my girls and I took the dogs out for a 2.5 hike around Grimes Point, a local Petroglyph Trail.  Our border collie is mighty heavy and needs the exercise!  Also, spent the day familiarizing myself with my classes and books.  

Starting two classes at UNR this week, Pre cal and Intro to Social Work.  The precal class is online so I will really have to depend on my Mathgeek, (he has a whiteboard screwed to our livingroom wall for math problems), to  teach and tutor me.   We'll see how this goes with my training.  I may have to break down and purchase the gym membership at the college to get everything in each week; especially if I want to get a yoga class in and strength training.

I want oatmeal cookies!

Edited by SportzVision 2011-01-17 12:01 AM
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