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2011-04-20 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

So the pictures from the Duathlon came in!!! The most disappointing aspect is they don't have me on my bike despite the fact that the photographer was right there and I saw him snapping pictures of me. Cry I wanted one so desperately on my bike. But there are two of me at the finish line.

What do you think?

Finish line

2011-04-20 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3455900

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-04-20 12:55 AM

I was wondering, Is there any good tri books I should read?

I'm not too concerned about triathlon stories. More on the training aspect. Something that is an all around book for training.

A lot of people recommend "The Triathlete's Training Bible," but I think it is really far too technical.  I have it, but I've never gotten through the whole thing.  You're just as well off reading the articles here.

2011-04-20 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3456194

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Jessikakissling - 2011-04-20 9:36 AM

 I'm getting frustrated because I can only bike outside on the weekends, and it looks like it will rain again this weekend   I'm also beginning to wonder if the bike I haven't doesn't fit correctly.  I bought it used (money is scarce, even when I bought it a few years ago) from a bike shop who told me it fit 'great'.  But I really think my reach to the handlebars is too far.  (sigh)  there is just no way I could get a new bike, or even take it to a shop to see if maybe a new handlebar holder thing, I don't know what its called... the thing that comes up from the frame... would fit better.

I'm also beginning to get worried that I won't finish this race in June.  I realize I have 2 months (its june 26th), but I'm just worried.  I still haven't lost weight, and can't imagine biking 15 miles and then running 3 in front of other people.  I keep trying to tell myself I did this before after a similar training schedule several years ago and I can do it again. 

gonna keep doing the training, hope I can get outside and bike for real.

Take it back to the shop and ask them to help you get it to fit better!  If it "fit great," but you are uncomfortable, there are things they can and SHOULD adjust to help you out so that it fits better.

BTW, I think the piece you are talking about is the stem. I've had to replace that for a shorter one on all of my bikes.

2011-04-20 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3457583

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-04-20 7:59 PM

So the pictures from the Duathlon came in!!! The most disappointing aspect is they don't have me on my bike despite the fact that the photographer was right there and I saw him snapping pictures of me. Cry I wanted one so desperately on my bike. But there are two of me at the finish line.

What do you think?

Finish line

Looks great!!

He might not have been able to see your numbers on the bike.  Often, they have a section of "unknown" people where they couldn't match up numbers in the photo.  Look through there to see if there are more of you.

2011-04-20 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3455648

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-04-19 8:58 PM

I'm losing my motivation!

I see many things that are contributing to my lack of motivation. First and foremost is the weather. It has either been snowing or raining or just down right cold. I don't have the luxury of deciding when to get out and run. It has to be in the morning (due to work). I haven't been able to bike in months because some a$$ stole my bike (but a fellow co-worker is giving me a mountain bike for free next week). I am unable to afford a membership for a gym, so I do most of my exercising at home (my work is opening a gym up for employees within the next 2 months - free).

My last motivational problem has to do with training alone. While I don't mind it too much, there are times when I feel the need to be pushed. This being a small town, there is no tri club. The people I have run into that run or bike seem so full of themselves and their accomplishments.

I guess I just needed to vent. I know what I need to do. I know the world of tri isn't easy. I just feel like it's slow going and my first tri is going to be here before I know it.


It's really tough.  Sometimes bribing yourself works.  I usually make myself commit to the first 15 minutes and then tell myself I can quit after that.  9 times out of 10, I will keep going.

Vent away. 

2011-04-20 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3457583

New user

Alameda, CA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-04-20 4:59 PM

So the pictures from the Duathlon came in!!! The most disappointing aspect is they don't have me on my bike despite the fact that the photographer was right there and I saw him snapping pictures of me. Cry I wanted one so desperately on my bike. But there are two of me at the finish line.

What do you think?

Finish line


Yay! You look so happy! CONGRATS!! Thanks for the info on TNT also!

2011-04-20 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3457583

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-04-20 6:59 PM

So the pictures from the Duathlon came in!!! The most disappointing aspect is they don't have me on my bike despite the fact that the photographer was right there and I saw him snapping pictures of me. Cry I wanted one so desperately on my bike. But there are two of me at the finish line.

What do you think?

Finish line


That's Freakin Awesome!

If that's not inspiration, I don't know what is.

2011-04-21 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3453847


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Season changes don't have too much of an effect on my RA, not that I notice anyways. Extrememe cold has a bit of effect BUT I live in TX so that is only a couple of nights a year!

Back on track with my meds, on occasion I have a pity party for myself and stop taking meds. ( with the consent-not really- of my doctor, who then tells me its not a good idea but go ahead and try) Sometimes I feel like its unfair that I have RA, then I try to remember that despite the RA, I am still more active than a large portion of women my age that are perfectly healthy.

Plus, when I am in pain and catch myself 'giving up' I remind myself that I have an audience of small boys and they are learning from me and how I deal with this curve ball ive been thrown! So I try to be thankful for the days when training is great and just accept that there may be times when I can not train as much as I want and that's ok.



2011-04-21 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3457583


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Congrats!! Looks like you were happy to cross the finish line! I love that part! Good for you-keep it up!!
2011-04-21 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofeegirl-- Way to go!!!! What a great accomplishment!  I'm inspired by you...
2011-04-21 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3455648

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-04-19 7:58 PM

I'm losing my motivation!

I see many things that are contributing to my lack of motivation. First and foremost is the weather. It has either been snowing or raining or just down right cold. I don't have the luxury of deciding when to get out and run. It has to be in the morning (due to work). I haven't been able to bike in months because some a$$ stole my bike (but a fellow co-worker is giving me a mountain bike for free next week). I am unable to afford a membership for a gym, so I do most of my exercising at home (my work is opening a gym up for employees within the next 2 months - free).

My last motivational problem has to do with training alone. While I don't mind it too much, there are times when I feel the need to be pushed. This being a small town, there is no tri club. The people I have run into that run or bike seem so full of themselves and their accomplishments.

I guess I just needed to vent. I know what I need to do. I know the world of tri isn't easy. I just feel like it's slow going and my first tri is going to be here before I know it.


It is hard to be motivated with crappy weather.  We had snow here again this week.  Middle of April in Wisconsin is great.  We start racing in 10 days, hope the course is good.

Read articles, watch a show or just read the blogs and info on here to keep/get motivated.


2011-04-21 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL


I guess my "Official" Triathlon Training starts in the AM.  I received my new jammers and my HRM today.  Even though I have been biking and running all year, it is time to included the dreaded swimming.

Tomorrow......Indoor Triathlon.......Swim 800m, go to 50-55 minutes of Spin Class and then run a 5k.

Sure hope I don't end up working a double at work tomorrow after that.

Starting next week Swimx2, Runx3 and Spin x4.

G'night All Cool

2011-04-22 12:04 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Just a quick note.  

Feeling good... Despite extreme dis-wanting, I went for a run tonight.  I was attacked by a dog, but to be honest I thought it was being a pretty good dog--it's small, lady mama was unloading her groceries from the car and here I come in the dead of night sneaking up behind them.  The dog really just smashed into me, although it's mouth was agape and horrifying.  Lady was horrified and screamed at dog.  I said it was fine, that the dog was justified and laughed, kept running.  She eventually said, "Have a nice run, Sweetie!"  

Pretty funny, although I think the owner was a little shaken.  WAY better than the obscenities that were yelled at me on Saturday when I rode my bike.  Maybe I should quit working out in my neighborhood...

That said, I biked to work and home today, hauling 50 pound eight year old about 6 of those 12 miles.  It was fun!  Then ran in her Run for the Arts (about half an hour of jogging and walking), then came home tonight and did my patented 2.66 mile loop in about 9.5 minute miles!  Even with an untied shoe and dog attack!  Yay!

Thanks, Artemitians!

2011-04-22 4:35 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I'm so proud to hear about all your training. Sounds like we're going to be a successful group!

One thing I wanted to mention about the Duathlon was that transition was much easier than I expected. I'm glad we had a transition clinic a few weeks ago because I had all my stuff in the right place and in the right order. I highly recommend practicing transition before your Tris because mine went so smoothly.

Tomorrow I'm going for an OWS followed by a 31 mile bike ride. In about a week or two I'll be  joining a gym so my workouts will become more daily. I'm really looking forward to it!

2011-04-22 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

You guys sure workout a lot, I'm feeling like I need to more.  Are most of you stronger in biking/runing and thats how you can do all that?  I could never image just doing a 5K tonight, or going for 30 miles on my bike!!

I did 2000 yards today, felt great. My strength is definitely swimming, so I can do that without thinking.  But for biking and running, I barely survive more than a few miles. 

Happy weekend, and Easter for those of you who celebrate.
- Jessika

2011-04-22 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3459993

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-21 10:38 PM


I guess my "Official" Triathlon Training starts in the AM.  I received my new jammers and my HRM today.  Even though I have been biking and running all year, it is time to included the dreaded swimming.

Tomorrow......Indoor Triathlon.......Swim 800m, go to 50-55 minutes of Spin Class and then run a 5k.

Sure hope I don't end up working a double at work tomorrow after that.

Starting next week Swimx2, Runx3 and Spin x4.

G'night All Cool

Good luck!!  You can do it!

2011-04-22 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3460115

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Katiepony - 2011-04-22 1:04 AM

Just a quick note.  

Feeling good... Despite extreme dis-wanting, I went for a run tonight.  I was attacked by a dog, but to be honest I thought it was being a pretty good dog--it's small, lady mama was unloading her groceries from the car and here I come in the dead of night sneaking up behind them.  The dog really just smashed into me, although it's mouth was agape and horrifying.  Lady was horrified and screamed at dog.  I said it was fine, that the dog was justified and laughed, kept running.  She eventually said, "Have a nice run, Sweetie!"  

Pretty funny, although I think the owner was a little shaken.  WAY better than the obscenities that were yelled at me on Saturday when I rode my bike.  Maybe I should quit working out in my neighborhood...

That said, I biked to work and home today, hauling 50 pound eight year old about 6 of those 12 miles.  It was fun!  Then ran in her Run for the Arts (about half an hour of jogging and walking), then came home tonight and did my patented 2.66 mile loop in about 9.5 minute miles!  Even with an untied shoe and dog attack!  Yay!

Thanks, Artemitians!

"Artemitians" made my day.

Well done on the workouts!  Even with the dog.  That always makes me shaky.  I've had things thrown at me on my bike.  It's scary, but I've ridden in the same area since then and never had a problem.  People are strange.  Stay safe!!

2011-04-22 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3460182

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Jessikakissling - 2011-04-22 7:04 AM

You guys sure workout a lot, I'm feeling like I need to more.  Are most of you stronger in biking/runing and thats how you can do all that?  I could never image just doing a 5K tonight, or going for 30 miles on my bike!!

I did 2000 yards today, felt great. My strength is definitely swimming, so I can do that without thinking.  But for biking and running, I barely survive more than a few miles. 

Happy weekend, and Easter for those of you who celebrate.
- Jessika

You'll get there!  For now, you're doing what you can. You'll work your way up to the longer workouts.  Stick with it and you will make progress to get there. 

2011-04-22 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3459993

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-21 9:38 PM


I guess my "Official" Triathlon Training starts in the AM.  I received my new jammers and my HRM today.  Even though I have been biking and running all year, it is time to included the dreaded swimming.

Tomorrow......Indoor Triathlon.......Swim 800m, go to 50-55 minutes of Spin Class and then run a 5k.

Sure hope I don't end up working a double at work tomorrow after that.

Starting next week Swimx2, Runx3 and Spin x4.

G'night All Cool

How did it go? I don't know how I missed this post last night or else I would have cheered you on! Be sure to give us a race report!!

2011-04-22 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3460853

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-04-22 11:19 AM
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-21 9:38 PM


I guess my "Official" Triathlon Training starts in the AM.  I received my new jammers and my HRM today.  Even though I have been biking and running all year, it is time to included the dreaded swimming.

Tomorrow......Indoor Triathlon.......Swim 800m, go to 50-55 minutes of Spin Class and then run a 5k.

Sure hope I don't end up working a double at work tomorrow after that.

Starting next week Swimx2, Runx3 and Spin x4.

G'night All Cool

How did it go? I don't know how I missed this post last night or else I would have cheered you on! Be sure to give us a race report!!


1100 yard swim then 55 mins at spin class followed by a 5k run in 25:52........Plenty of room for improvement......

2011-04-22 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3461223

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-22 3:05 PM
goofee girl - 2011-04-22 11:19 AM
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-21 9:38 PM


I guess my "Official" Triathlon Training starts in the AM.  I received my new jammers and my HRM today.  Even though I have been biking and running all year, it is time to included the dreaded swimming.

Tomorrow......Indoor Triathlon.......Swim 800m, go to 50-55 minutes of Spin Class and then run a 5k.

Sure hope I don't end up working a double at work tomorrow after that.

Starting next week Swimx2, Runx3 and Spin x4.

G'night All Cool

How did it go? I don't know how I missed this post last night or else I would have cheered you on! Be sure to give us a race report!!


1100 yard swim then 55 mins at spin class followed by a 5k run in 25:52........Plenty of room for improvement......

That's a great start!!  Well done!!!

2011-04-22 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3461223

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-22 2:05 PM
goofee girl - 2011-04-22 11:19 AM
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-21 9:38 PM


I guess my "Official" Triathlon Training starts in the AM.  I received my new jammers and my HRM today.  Even though I have been biking and running all year, it is time to included the dreaded swimming.

Tomorrow......Indoor Triathlon.......Swim 800m, go to 50-55 minutes of Spin Class and then run a 5k.

Sure hope I don't end up working a double at work tomorrow after that.

Starting next week Swimx2, Runx3 and Spin x4.

G'night All Cool

How did it go? I don't know how I missed this post last night or else I would have cheered you on! Be sure to give us a race report!!


1100 yard swim then 55 mins at spin class followed by a 5k run in 25:52........Plenty of room for improvement......

Excellent! Good for you for making it through!!!

2011-04-23 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Feeling good:

Kickboard 2 x 25 yards

Backstroke 2 x 25 yards

Front Crawl 4 x 25 yards

Backstroke 2 x 25 yards

Front Crawl 2 x 25 yards

2011-04-24 4:56 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Yay, Katie! Get those laps down!

Yesterday I went to a group OWS and completed 800 meters. I felt like I could have done more, but we didn't have much time and had to leave. I'm a lot slower in the open water than in the pool. Getting better at not freaking out over the OWS, btw. This group meets twice a month, so I'll be joining them as much as possible as I train for my Tri coming up in August.

Afterwards, I went to bike 31 miles, but I felt really fatigued by the time I got to the crossroads of the 15 miler and the 31 miler, so I did the 15 miles. Wrong choice. Because by the time I was done with 15 miles I was ready for more. I could have rerun the 15 miler, but it was after 12 and I hadn't had lunch, so I packed things up and went home.

Today I'm going back to ride and will do the 31 mile course no matter how I feel at the crossroads. I know I can do it! I just have to warm up. So more biking today.

Not going to focus so much on running until I join the gym and can start the C25K program. I'm too big to run easily or consistently. Time to wait and start the C25K and be prepared for the next Tri. Then I'll move onto the C210K.

Enough out of me.

2011-04-24 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3462945

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-04-24 4:56 AM

Yay, Katie! Get those laps down!

Yesterday I went to a group OWS and completed 800 meters. I felt like I could have done more, but we didn't have much time and had to leave. I'm a lot slower in the open water than in the pool. Getting better at not freaking out over the OWS, btw. This group meets twice a month, so I'll be joining them as much as possible as I train for my Tri coming up in August.

Afterwards, I went to bike 31 miles, but I felt really fatigued by the time I got to the crossroads of the 15 miler and the 31 miler, so I did the 15 miles. Wrong choice. Because by the time I was done with 15 miles I was ready for more. I could have rerun the 15 miler, but it was after 12 and I hadn't had lunch, so I packed things up and went home.

Today I'm going back to ride and will do the 31 mile course no matter how I feel at the crossroads. I know I can do it! I just have to warm up. So more biking today.

Not going to focus so much on running until I join the gym and can start the C25K program. I'm too big to run easily or consistently. Time to wait and start the C25K and be prepared for the next Tri. Then I'll move onto the C210K.

Enough out of me.

Wish I could do some open water swims now.  Way too cold for that right now, especially since I don't have a wetsuit.

Keep up the work.  What does C25K and C210K stand for?  I assume 5 and 10 k.....

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