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2011-05-04 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3480197

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

chrisbowers - 2011-05-03 2:14 PM Want to stimulate some conversation today. What are your top 2 questions about training, racing, nutrition, etc...?

1.  how do you (mentally) approach the swim?  do you aim for a consistent pace throughout or do you pick several "intervals" - maybe b/w buoys for ex - where you push your effort and then drop back to your steady pace? 

2.  what do you add to your nutrition plan on account of the swim?  I've done a lot of bike-run bricks but when I did my 1st tri last year I was surprised how different everything felt after including the swim, too. 

2011-05-04 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3480942

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-05-03 10:39 PM ...Also i am confused on what to wear for the Tri. I can't imagine wearing bike shorts in the water so do I just throw a towel around my to change from swimsuit to bike shorts to running shorts? PS. I am hoping not to wear a wetsuit.

seriously, you need to get some tri shorts.  They have minimal padding so they will dry fast after the swim and won't feel like you are wearing a diaper on the run, but you'll still be comfortable on the bike.  Even if you aren't concerned about your transition times (and putting on/taking off clothes - esp bike shorts - when you are damp is tricky) coming out of the water you may be disoriented or even dizzy, greatly increasing your chances for *ahem* spectacle.   I found biking in my swim suit (with tri/bike shorts on top) to be really uncomfortable, but that would be another option. 

2011-05-04 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3481177

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hmm top two questions - hard to pick just two but I'll start with -

1. How do you decide where to start the swim - in the back, on the side (which side), in the middle?

2. What are the best foods to boost protein and carbs during the day to fight the after lunch workout energy dip? (I'm a vegetarian, but yesterday about 3 p.m. I just about chewed my arm off I was so hungry.)

Good idea for the questions!

2011-05-04 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3481177

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Ally, thanks for the response.  i am going to get a pair of Tri shorts and start to train in them and get used to the feel on the bike as well as in the water.
2011-05-04 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3480617

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
kpringle - 2011-05-03 6:25 PM

chrisbowers - 2011-05-03 3:14 PM Want to stimulate some conversation today. What are your top 2 questions about training, racing, nutrition, etc...?

1) When do you put your wetsuit on?  How long before your wave is set to begin?

2) Goggles over or under swim cap? I train with them over my swim cap but someone mentioned they're better off under cap so your goggles don't get kicked off?

Ok, I have three...

3) Where do you apply the body glide??

Kristin, the quota is two. Just kidding.

1) After the last time I need to pee. Nothing is worse than getting stuffed into the wetsuit and then having to take it off to go pee. Now, I also like to give myself plenty of time maybe a half hour or so before my wave starts, so I will typically have it on up to my waist by the time the starting gun goes off, unless I am in the first couple of waves or towards the beginning of the time trial start (in which case I will put it on earlier). Then while standing in line, about 10-15 minutes before my start, I will pull it up the rest of the way and ask for some help from someone else in line to zip it in the back. By then I have to pee again, but I just wait until I am in the water and then I let loose during the first couple of strokes (hey, it's my wetsuit).

2) I typically put them on under my cap during a race for the reason you mentioned. There can be a lot of contact during a race in the OWS. The possible exception is a time trial start. There is still contact, but not as much. I still would put them on under the cap.

3) Friction contact points and anywhere you don't want to have a burn or rub. For me: between the thighs and in the nether regions, gotta keep "the boys" happy; feet - where I tend to rub in my shoes (possible blisters - I run sockless); on the inside of the shoe itself in those same spots where I hit my feet; for a wetsuit swim - my ankles and wrists - to help slide off the wetsuit easier and the back of my neck. Some others will put some under their arms where they may swing the arms from the run. Some women (my wife and I'm sure others) will put some on under the chest around contact points of the sports bra, gotta keep "the girls" happy too.

2011-05-04 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3480942

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-05-03 10:39 PM I have the same question about body glide. Not that I have put a lot of miles into my training but why do I need body glide? I haven't had any chafing or discomfort to speak of. Also i am confused on what to wear for the Tri. I can't imagine wearing bike shorts in the water so do I just throw a towel around my to change from swimsuit to bike shorts to running shorts? PS. I am hoping not to wear a wetsuit.

Adam, based on the glide, see my comments to Kristin, but some people don't need to use it.  For me it's cheap insurance. "I would rather use it and not need it, than need it and not have used it." Ally is right. You need tri shorts. They are built to be your all in one solution for the race.  The pad is thinner than a bike short chamois and made to dry quickly. You will not feel it in the swim and will barely feel it on the run, if at all. You don't have time to change in a race below and Ironman distance because even though most of us won't podium, it is still a race. As for a top a tri top is something you can do all three in as well. Some people will swim shirtless and then put on a top, but it is extra time and harder to put on any clothing on a wet body. This set up is with or without a wetsuit.

2011-05-04 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3480942

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Double Post

Edited by chrisbowers 2011-05-04 3:24 PM
2011-05-04 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3481108

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
alsiedee - 2011-05-04 6:36 AM

chrisbowers - 2011-05-03 2:14 PM Want to stimulate some conversation today. What are your top 2 questions about training, racing, nutrition, etc...?

1.  how do you (mentally) approach the swim?  do you aim for a consistent pace throughout or do you pick several "intervals" - maybe b/w buoys for ex - where you push your effort and then drop back to your steady pace? 

2.  what do you add to your nutrition plan on account of the swim?  I've done a lot of bike-run bricks but when I did my 1st tri last year I was surprised how different everything felt after including the swim, too. 


1) The swim is my weakest of the 3 events, so here is what I do: I try to keep my heart rate under control at the start and intentionally try to not go out too hard in the beginning (don't want to blow all of my adrenaline). I try to get my rhythm going (Getting some swim warmup before the race helps this for me). So after I have established that rhythm I try to stay pretty steady, maybe building a little and if I feel good I may go the last 100 yards or so a little stronger to get my heart rate up a little more (generally not a problem for me - since it is already pretty high

2) Depends on the length of the race and the length of the swim, but at most I would take a gel right before I start and wash it down with a cup of water. Many times I would take nothing and just rely on my breakfast nutrition to see me through. Then once I am on the bike my nutrition and hydration plan kick in in full. I typically try to make myself drink every 15 minutes. I will generally eat something (gel or perpeteum) every 45 minutes I'm out on the course up to 3 hours. For race over that time I will take smaller portions (of perpeteum from a flask so I can control intake amount) about every 20 to 30 minutes (smaller amounts more frequently seem to digest better for me). So for a Oly or a HIM maybe a gel before the swim otherwise probably nothing until I get on the bike.

2011-05-04 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3481511

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
carolh - 2011-05-04 10:01 AM

Hmm top two questions - hard to pick just two but I'll start with -

1. How do you decide where to start the swim - in the back, on the side (which side), in the middle?

2. What are the best foods to boost protein and carbs during the day to fight the after lunch workout energy dip? (I'm a vegetarian, but yesterday about 3 p.m. I just about chewed my arm off I was so hungry.)

Good idea for the questions!


1) For me the swim issue is a comfort level thing. Luckily, a lot of the races I do are time trial start so I don't have to worry about it. But for my wave start, this is how my thought process works. I look at the buoys and the direction of the course and try to figure which is the shortest distance between the first turn and my starting position. Because I am a MOP to BOP swimmer, I typically set up in the middle of the crowd to slightly back of the crowd (not all the way back because there are always people that are slower than you).  I would rather have people passing me in the swim than to have to constantly pass people that I should have started ahead of. I let the really fast swimmers go out first and then I try to stay in their draft if I can comfortably hold slightly off their pace without tiring myself out. Generally after the first turn it starts to spread out and doesn't matter where I positioned myself in the start and I am no longer concerned about that.

2) I am no nutrition expert. And I would say that with you being vegetarian and me not that will make it harder to answer. With that disclaimer here goes: From what I know about macro nutrients - protein and fats do more to satisfy hunger than carbs do. So I would say some good choices to stave off the hunger would be some nuts, nut butters or hummus (all of which I love and are good midafternoon snacks for me).  I will often pair that with some vegetables or a just eat them alone. I also like to eat fruit. Not as long term satsfying, but I like the sweet treat. Now, overall I just keep up with calories in each day, so I am not above eating a handful of pretzels, cheese, a yogurt or pudding cup or something like that too.

2011-05-04 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3482297

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Had to share a conversation I just had - A friend asked if I wanted to go get a massage on Friday - I answered - Sorry, I can't I'm doing an extra long brick workout that day. 

WTH has happened to me!

Thanks for the advice - I'll stock up on nuts and such at my desk.  I think paying closer attention to calories in and out will help too.

2011-05-05 7:29 AM
in reply to: #3482500

New user

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Carol - that is funny...  who needs a massage?  LOL. 

Chris - all great, helpful information.  My main issues, or should I say, top of the list of many issues is trying to figure out the nutrition on the bike thing.  Biking is my weakest leg so grabbing the bottle while I am riding is a whole new world.  I definitely need practice.  I have heard of taping the GU gels to the bars like you mentioned.  I like that idea, might have to try it out.

2011-05-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3483116

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Hi Chris, You mentioned drafting off other swimmers - how does that work?  Where is the draftee in relationship to the lead swimmer?
2011-05-05 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3483495

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

carolh - 2011-05-05 9:54 AM Hi Chris, You mentioned drafting off other swimmers - how does that work?  Where is the draftee in relationship to the lead swimmer?

I "accidentally" drafted a bit during some of my group swim workouts this year - and wow is it easier to go faster!  I think it's because you're swimming in water that is already moving forward.  You need to be almost at the person's feet - either directly behind or a little off to the side.  If they happen to kick a lot/hard, you will be swimming in their bubbles (that's how I know I'm close enough).   I'd be interested in tips from others, too. 

2011-05-05 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3484086

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
alsiedee - 2011-05-05 2:27 PM

carolh - 2011-05-05 9:54 AM Hi Chris, You mentioned drafting off other swimmers - how does that work?  Where is the draftee in relationship to the lead swimmer?

I "accidentally" drafted a bit during some of my group swim workouts this year - and wow is it easier to go faster!  I think it's because you're swimming in water that is already moving forward.  You need to be almost at the person's feet - either directly behind or a little off to the side.  If they happen to kick a lot/hard, you will be swimming in their bubbles (that's how I know I'm close enough).   I'd be interested in tips from others, too. 

Carol & Ally, Take a look at this video. There are some other articles that I can't find right now, but it mentions that you don't have to be right on top of the other person to take advantage of ther draft postion (Ally you are correct in the postiotion that I have heard most commonly).

2011-05-07 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3484200

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Wow two days in a row with no workout. Today I overslept my mountain biking ride and yesterday did the family thing after work. The good news is I fell terrible, in the past I would have just said I will start fresh Monday. Then Monday never comes. That said anyone up for a challenge of some sorts? I know that will motivate my type A personality. Let's throw some ideas out there.
2011-05-08 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

New bike was delivered on Friday (Dawes Lighting 1500).  Saturday was Peddle the Colonial Parkway  they closed off the section between Williamsburg and Jamestown to all but bikes.  After some seat adjustment tried the forward aero-position but  went back to the traditional road bike set-up  except for the aero-bars.  I enjoyed the 17 mile ride with no cars.  I have a 5k race next Sunday.  The swim video was interesting should be able to apply some in the 1k swim  of the tri next month.

Looking good for this week, If I do my plan swim this afternoon  will only be short  in running maybe I do  some treadmill at the gym too and have a Hat Trick or should I say Trifecta being the day after the Kentucky Derby.




2011-05-08 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Tsvi -  how exciting to have a new bike!  that's great!
2011-05-08 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Happy Mother's Day!  Hope you all had a nice weekend!!

I have a challenge for the group...  Write out your workout plan for the coming week.  We did this in my last mentor group periodically and it was great at keeping me "honest". Innocent

Here's my plan for this week:

Mon - 1 hour spin class

Tues - 3 mile run

Wed - 39 minute swim

Thurs - 1 hour spin class

Fri - 2 mile run

Sat - 1 hour masters swim

Sun - 5.5 mile run

And I also challenge everyone to inspire one another on their training logs!! 

2011-05-08 11:43 PM
in reply to: #3488180

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

I am in...

Mon - 1HR swim with Coach Kara

Tues - 2 mile run

Wed - 1 HR spin class

Thurs - 1 HR spin class

Fri - OFF

Sat - 2 mile run

Sun - 15 mile bike ride

2011-05-09 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Ok, here's my training plan for the week.  It's actually a recovery week, and the week leading up to my first tri, but I still have a couple of short workouts to get in.

S - bike (17.7 mi IG course) --check!

M - off

T - swim  (1 mile time trial); core workout

W - rest or easy run

R - run (1 mile time trial)

F - rest

S - TriRock Annapolis sprint triathlon!


Let's also try to check out each other's logs & "inspire" at least one new person to help us get to know each other!  ---Ally

2011-05-09 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3282396


O Fallon, MO
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Here's mine

S - Off resting after 5k on Saturday

M - 20 Min Swim / 25 Min Run (1000yd / @2 miles)

T - 40 Min Bike (@10 miles)

W - 35 Min Bike (@8 Miles)

T - 20 Min Run (@2 miles)

F - 30 Min Swim (@1500yd)

S - Off

S - 45 Min Bike

Edited by Dvick 2011-05-09 6:50 AM

2011-05-09 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3282396

New user

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

OK - here is mine for the week...

M:  Rest Day

T:  Swim 2500, run 30 minutes

W:  Spin

T:  Swim 1500, PM Bike Ride

F:  3 miles

S:  1.5 hour Bike

S:  Off

2011-05-09 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

For  the second week in MAY:

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday: s-1000m run-4k

Wednesday: s-600m b-9.2miles

Thursday: b-15.4miles

Friday: r-2.5k

Saturday: s-1200m b-12.3miles

Sunday: r-5k race s-2000m

2011-05-09 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3488180

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Back on track! 

M - 35 m bike

T - no Tri sports; tennis match

W - 20 m run; tennis

Th - no Tri sports; tennis match

F - 30 m run

Sat - 40 m bike; tennis

Sun - 25 m run, 20 min swim, yoga

2011-05-11 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hey everyone. Hump Day. I am planning to run at lunch for about an hour. I need to get a swim workout in too, but Im not sure that will happen, since I didn't get it done this morning. I am trying to consistently dig back into my workouts and get on track.

Sometimes life gets in the way of our training.  Remember to not beat yourself up too much aboutmissed workouts.  Your direction is far more important than your perfection (didn't really mean to be a poet).  We aren't paid to do this. This is to make ourselves more fit and to have fun. Sometimes I lose sight of the fun part. I am itching for a race, since I don't feel like my season has "officially started" (bad New Orleans).

Let's have some fun today!

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