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2011-12-31 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3942453

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Every joint sore today.  Yesterday I got talked into a 7 mile run with gusty winds then 1.5 hours of competitive racquetball.  It's tough getting old.

Bought some new goggles yesterday (Aquasphere Kayenne) and had a long talk with the owner of the LBS who has completed 15 Ironman competitions about nutrition and wetsuits.  He only sells QR suits though which start around $250.  Still looking for something a bit more affordable and leaning toward Xterra.  Going to be a challenge to practice OWS before my race in May.

Enjoy the holiday.

2011-12-31 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3963608

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jrhesq - 2011-12-31 11:01 AM

Every joint sore today.  Yesterday I got talked into a 7 mile run with gusty winds then 1.5 hours of competitive racquetball.  It's tough getting old.

Bought some new goggles yesterday (Aquasphere Kayenne) and had a long talk with the owner of the LBS who has completed 15 Ironman competitions about nutrition and wetsuits.  He only sells QR suits though which start around $250.  Still looking for something a bit more affordable and leaning toward Xterra.  Going to be a challenge to practice OWS before my race in May.

Enjoy the holiday.

Xterra suits are great. You should also keep an eye on bonktown. Every now and then a great wetsuit deal will pop up. I got my Orca equip from there for around 130.I am heading out for a 10 mile run. I hope everyone has a safe and fun new year.

Edited by joncolbybohnsack 2011-12-31 12:57 PM
2011-12-31 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Hey everybody. 2012 is almost upon us and for us in the northern hemisphere, racing season is still at least a couple of months away.Frown I can hardly wait for it to start, but I know I still have plenty of training to get in before hand.

A couple of notes from prior posts: Training in HR zones is a very valuable tool and one that is probably underutilized. The problem is many people get caught up in the numbers and train based soley on them forgetting what your body may be really telling you. Just be cautious and listen to your body. HR zones and aerobic bases take many months if not a year or two to adjust to each other. Hard to explain in this forum. For many beginning their journey into triathlon RPE is usually the best fit. Long course racing is better suited for HR zones, as you are nearly red-lined the entire time for a sprint or Oly.

Brandon- I agree with everybody else. Dropping that much weight that quickly will almost guarantee you a lot of muscle loss. Your performance level will also suffer. I also agree, being a 3X P90X participant, that AbRipper will do little for you other than build a little core strength. If you have say a 16% body fat or less, it will also help you look good. Adding high intensity intervals and some plyo will burn a ton more fat. I also echo Joe et. al. DIET, DIET, DIET. (Clean, or see-lean, get it?)

I came across a nice article by Coach Troy. Running a sub 3 hour Ironman marathon. For most of us running a sub 3 hour marathon independent of an Ironman is a dream come true. There are many words of wisdom to be taken from this article for the final leg of your next triathlon. Well worth the read.

Finally, the newest issue of Triathlete magazine is on the stand. This is the annual beginner's issue. A lot of good information for all of you whose first season is upon them.

Hope everyone has a safe, successful, and happy 2012. Roger.

Edited by mroger82 2011-12-31 3:21 PM
2011-12-31 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Overland Park
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
2011-12-31 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Good luck with your monthly challenge Jaelin!

Have fun and good luck on your ride James!

Happy New Year from Australia everyone! Here's hoping 2012 is a good one for all of us!!

2011-12-31 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
starting the year off right. just pr'ed a 5k 21:33 6:54 pace. did the last half a mile at sub 6 pace and had a decent amount of fuel left in the tank. if i knew the course a bit better couldve easily went sub 21 i think maybe even sub 20 (wishful thinking)

2011-12-31 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3964209

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jaelinfunk - 2011-12-31 6:49 PMstarting the year off right. just pr'ed a 5k 21:33 6:54 pace. did the last half a mile at sub 6 pace and had a decent amount of fuel left in the tank. if i knew the course a bit better couldve easily went sub 21 i think maybe even sub 20 (wishful thinking)
Congrats on the PR. Great way to start the year. I am sure it will only get better!
2011-12-31 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3964209

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

jaelinfunk - 2012-01-01 11:49 AM starting the year off right. just pr'ed a 5k 21:33 6:54 pace. did the last half a mile at sub 6 pace and had a decent amount of fuel left in the tank. if i knew the course a bit better couldve easily went sub 21 i think maybe even sub 20 (wishful thinking)

Nice work Jaelin!

2011-12-31 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
nice job! that's moving!
2011-12-31 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Does anyone else suffer numbness in the extremities whilst riding? I appreciate I am still on a mountain bike and I am pretty much limited to one riding position, but I wondered if it was a common thing for beginners that dissipates over time spent in the saddle. I've heard that "pushing" only on the bike rather than spinning correctly causes toe numbness and considering I have no toe clips on my pedals I am limited to pushing only (up hills) at the moment. I thinks it's the numbness in my hands that bothers me the most though, re grip, safety etc. I did a 30K ride today and even now an hour after my ride I am still experiencing numbness in the fingers. I guess it will be interesting to see once I get my road bike if there is an improved difference. At least then I'll have aeros.

2011-12-31 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3942453

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Simone,I believe what you are experiencing is related to bike setup and or bike type. Too much pressure from leaning hard on or squeezing too tightly on the hand grips could cause this. There are not allot of options for hand position on the mountain bike like you'll have on your road bike and so it will most likely be resolved when you upgrade. In the interim be sure to use a quality cycling glove to help cushion the palms of your hands where most of the pressure occurs while riding, ride with a relaxed grip and do adjust hand position often. Even a little change of position every few minutes may help. If possible you could also try raising the bars some as a means to reduce pressure and or adjust the seat forward some to reduce forward lean angle and therefore reduce the pressure which most often leads to numbness or hands going to sleep. If the hand grips are old and hard or worn you might also try changing them out with a softer slightly larger diameter grip.

2012-01-01 12:28 AM
in reply to: #3964385

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Thanks John, yeah I definitely lean a lot of weight into my hands and forearms, particularly when I power up a hill seated. I didn't even think about adjusting the seat forward. I've only just bought some cycle gloves so I'll give them a go as well. Thankfully my road bike will be fitted properly when I pick it up in a couple of weeks (cannot wait!). I think I will resist riding any further than 30Ks until then.
2012-01-01 12:38 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Overland Park
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Just did a resolution run 5K ran it in 32:00. First run of the year just wasn't feeling it today but I can only get better right!! Now back to my training!!! Talk to you all later and Happy New Year!!!
2012-01-01 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I just remembered that I have a brevet this sunday 200km
2012-01-01 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

First of all, thanks to everyone about the advice about using HR for training. I think I will look into a monitor and just keep track of info for now, don't think I will look at it now during run and bike, just after. Silly question-do you use a HR monitor for swimming?

Congrats to everyone with their accomplishments in recent runs, etc. Looks like this is a very active group! I want to ratchet things up now too. I just counted and my first tri is in 17 weeks! I don't think I can get a OWS in here before then. I need to set up a training plan. I have the triathlon bible book. And the plans here. Not sure as far as working on endurance, speed, what first?

The tri club here is starting a group swim Friday in the pool. Circling in 2 lanes. They said all levels are welcome. I have never circled. I may be slower than any of them and I don't know how to do a flip turn! I think I will go anyway and see how it goes and see if someone will teach me how to do a flip turn!

I also joined a biggest loser group with the tri group. I am hoping that will keep me on track with eating better. Being involved with this group looks like it may be very helpful. Glad my hours are allowing it so far. Who else has a tri club they belong to?

Here's to great workouts and races this year for everyone! (raising coffee cup)


2012-01-01 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3964649

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
davisjanis58 - 2012-01-01 9:29 AM

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

First of all, thanks to everyone about the advice about using HR for training. I think I will look into a monitor and just keep track of info for now, don't think I will look at it now during run and bike, just after. Silly question-do you use a HR monitor for swimming?

Congrats to everyone with their accomplishments in recent runs, etc. Looks like this is a very active group! I want to ratchet things up now too. I just counted and my first tri is in 17 weeks! I don't think I can get a OWS in here before then. I need to set up a training plan. I have the triathlon bible book. And the plans here. Not sure as far as working on endurance, speed, what first?

The tri club here is starting a group swim Friday in the pool. Circling in 2 lanes. They said all levels are welcome. I have never circled. I may be slower than any of them and I don't know how to do a flip turn! I think I will go anyway and see how it goes and see if someone will teach me how to do a flip turn!

I also joined a biggest loser group with the tri group. I am hoping that will keep me on track with eating better. Being involved with this group looks like it may be very helpful. Glad my hours are allowing it so far. Who else has a tri club they belong to?

Here's to great workouts and races this year for everyone! (raising coffee cup)



HR monitors dont work under water, wirelessly anyways. 

Work on base first.  Build your endurance.  Speed will come.  As is often said around here.  Run: mostly slow, sometimes fast. 

I wouldnt worry about the flip turns.  If you are worried about keeping up, why dont you just show up and check it out the first time.  Talk top the folks.  I have found triathletes to be some of the most accomodating people I have ever met.  They are always trying to help where and when they can.

As for weight loss.  Good for you. Use whatever resources you have to keep yourself accountable.  Here, your tri group, social media; whatever works for you.  Just stick with it.

2012-01-01 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

What a good, solid, and active group we seems to have.  Many goals either set or being set.  I'm a little jealous sitting here at work all weekend reading post of races and cycling!  Congrats on the events posted!  It's great to hear from others who are out doing what I love!

Total Heart Rate Training by Joe Friel is an excellent read so far.  I'm about half way though and highly recommend it.  He spells out how your heart works, how to monitor and work it to get the results you want.  And, most importantly, in layman terms.

I'm a shift worker with a lot of time on my hands during a 12 hour shift.  I read, a lot!  So, if anyone wants to exchange book titles or give recommendations I've burned through four or five Tri books lately and I'm always open to more.

Jan, have you looked at the free training plans on BT?  I've played with the custom builder some and although it doesn't spell it all out it does give daily and weekly volumes building up to race day with tappers and all.  It's under the Programs button > View Free Plans > then click the drop down box that reads "all" and select "custom".  The rest is easy.


2012-01-01 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3964649

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Jan, don't worry about flip turns, especially if you are training for an open water tri and believe me, you won't be the only one not doing flips. There should be plenty of room to circle in two lanes. It's a very common practice you'll see at pools. If you're slow, people will simply swim around you, no worries.

Biggest loser group sounds very interesting and fun. Let us know how that works. Sounds like something I'd like to incorporate into our tri club. BTW here's our club link

Thanks for the new year wishes, right back at you.


2012-01-01 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3965052

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Monty, check out some reads by Bob Seebohar. He was one of my instructors for my USAT coaches certification. He is an Elite coach, USAT III, and has many successful high level and pro athletes in his stable. He seems to currently be focused on nutrition, but has a lot of stuff on exercise phys. too. You can also try out Phil Maffetone(sp?) who has done extensive and maybe controversial studies on HR. He was really THE MANa couple of years ago when it came to HR training, but looks like he's kind of zen-ed out and has been smoking weed down in Texas the last couple of years. Still good info.
2012-01-01 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Hey everybody, hope 2012 is off to a great start. I just finished an hour bike ride on the trainer and was thinking to myself what I did last year. I went back to my logs and totaled them up. I swam, biked, and ran a total of just over 3100 miles burning over 201,000 calories! What a year 2011 was. I'm truly blessed to be living the life I do. I really hope 2012 brings all of you success in your training and racing, good health and happiness.


2012-01-02 3:44 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Jon and Monty,

Thanks for the encouragement to go to the swim group, I will be brave and do it. I have looked at the plans on here and was kind of following one before my tri last year. I thought when I first started look at the triathlon bible book that it was for advanced athletes only but I found a section for beginners. There is just so much information in that book! I have time on my night shift too for reading.


Wow on your workout and times! Just think compared to people sitting on the couch watching TV! One of the women I work with told me she can't talk to me anymore because I don't watch TV and she always wants to talk about shows on TV. I am always babbling to her about excercise and triathlon. Oh, well.

I will let you know how the biggest loser thing goes. Here are the rules for your consideration for your club:

We'll be kicking off the Biggest Loser in about 3 weeks, on Monday, January 2, 2012. It's always a fun experience, working with your team and competing for cash & prizes. We wanted to send the guidelines out early. Please shoot us an email if you are interested in participating.
  • The 2012 Biggest Loser competition will kick off on Monday, January 2nd, running for 10 weeks, through Sunday, March 11 at 5 pm.
  • All contestants must be paid in full by Friday, December 30th.
  • Entry fee is $20 per person.
  • Folks need to weigh in on Friday, December 30 or Saturday, December 31 at the SB. All out of towner's will need to send an email photo of their weight, visible on the scale. 
  • Contestants must weigh in each week, no later than Sunday at 5 pm. You are only allowed one bi week. If you take a bi week, you are not eligible to win the following week.
  • If you miss more than one weigh in, you are no longer eligible to win and will be eliminated from your team. Hint, hint........don't let your team down!
  • Teams will be established to insure a level playing field.
  • Three bonus weeks will be drawn for extra cash and prizes.
  • We will send out weekly last chance workouts and health and nutrition tips. 
  • FINAL winners will receive cash prizes. Top three women & men! And of course, bragging rights for 2012!

I am already considering everything I put in my mouth and don't want to miss any workouts so I won't be embarassed when I get on that scale again and so I won't let my team down!

All good things,


2012-01-02 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3965816

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
davisjanis58 - 2012-01-02 4:44 AM

Wow on your workout and times! Just think compared to people sitting on the couch watching TV! One of the women I work with told me she can't talk to me anymore because I don't watch TV and she always wants to talk about shows on TV. I am always babbling to her about excercise and triathlon. Oh, well.

I've experienced this too.  It's funny!  In order to get my workouts in I am in bed by 10 (sometimes earlier) and up at 5.  With a child and a puppy - life is B-U-S-Y so no time for TV.  We actually canceled our cable and are now saving ourselves $$ without missing a thing.  But it's incredible how so many conversations steer around a show or a commercial and I just feel like the biggest alien.   Oh well.  There are worse things to miss than a tv show!!

CASH AND PRIZES WOOOEEE!  Good luck with the challenge!!

2012-01-02 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

No cable for me, either. The only thing that KILLS me is missing all the sporting events on ESPN, etc.  But yeah, no time to watch it, so I'm not going to pay for it.  I do have an antenna, so I get local stuff, which is good when severe weather starts happening in the spring/summer (TORNADOS!)

Currently in Kansas City, it is 28 deg outside, with a wind chill of 19.  It was 64 degrees on Saturday, and will be 60 degrees on Thursday.  Talk about unpredictable....

2012-01-03 1:59 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Love the weather in Missouri. Frown

2012-01-03 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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College Station, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Happy new Year all. I am finally cleared to begin light training again, its been awhile and i am anxious to get back on track. I gained 5# over the holidays (mid Nov till New Year) Im actually pleased with that considering how bad I ate and all the traveling we did without being able to workout. Anyway I am enjoying this group so far and Im picking up a few things about training, thanks to you all.
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