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2011-12-23 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3950667

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2011-12-22 8:14 PM
MarlaS - 2011-12-22 3:14 PM
Mikeylee - 2011-12-22 12:52 PM

NAME: Mikeylee/ Mike Miller

A HIM in October is a wish, actually more of a dream, but I doubt I could be prepared by then.

Mike, I know a great HIM in October...come join me!

Marla,Which HIM might that be?

I have a youtube video about it on my log that I'll open up in a few minutes  - it's the Half-Full triathlon (oly & HIM distances), 10/7 - I'm biased about the group, but think most would agree even so that it's an incredibly well-organized race. Big draw for me is that it's put on by the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, and it's all about cancer awareness & survivorship, so lots of inspiring schmaltz.... survivors have yellow caps & go in the 1st waves, and this year the 1st mile of the run was the "inspirational mile," with signs on either side that folks filled out at packet pickup & at the expo about why they race, and what "half full" means to them me more charged up to run than a gu with double caffeine. The freshly cooked burgers on the grill & Heineken on tap afterwards weren't so bad, either. It's also my 50th bday weekend, so I figure it'll be a helluva party

2011-12-23 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3951013

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-23 6:27 AM

Good morning and TGIF!!

What is everyone doing this holiday weekend?  Traveling?  Training? Both? Neither?

I dont go far, and with 3 days it is even easier this year.  Run this morning, if I can get motivated to head to the treadmill. If work goes smooth and I can sneak out I will hit the pool on the way home.  Some quality time with my bike and trainer tomorrow and a medium run Sunday, outside with any luck!

I also need to get you guys a chart to easily link each other and add some of you to my friends list. 

Chart would be great - thanks!

We're heading to my mom's in daughter's bat mitzvah will be there this spring bc my mom can't travel anymore, so lots to do. Had planned a lot of training this week to offset that, but between the dentist & oral surgeon & some stupid virus, I've not done much this week other than popping Advil & blowing my nose, sorry to say. Life definitely gets in the way sometime.

Merry Christmas, happy Hannukah to all!

2011-12-23 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
If I am feeling better (yes, we have cold season here in the desert), wife and I are going for a bike ride Christmas eve morning and Christmas morning. We plan for more than 60 miles combined, but I am hoping for a solid 80 miles (45-50 one day 30-35 the other). I also Ned to get a 3-5 mile walk in this weekend (no running because my knees are hurting). Tonight, an hour of ST with the trainer...always a good ouch. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, a good whatever you celebrate to all!
2011-12-23 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3951013


Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

A chart would be great Ken.  Get to that treadmill!  Didn't sleep well last night and had to force myself out of bed.....just got back from my run and I feel FANTASTIC.  No better way to start the day!

Have a very Happy Holiday everone!

2011-12-23 8:33 AM
in reply to: #3951118

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Mikeylee - 2011-12-23 8:39 AM If I am feeling better (yes, we have cold season here in the desert), wife and I are going for a bike ride Christmas eve morning and Christmas morning. We plan for more than 60 miles combined, but I am hoping for a solid 80 miles (45-50 one day 30-35 the other). I also Ned to get a 3-5 mile walk in this weekend (no running because my knees are hurting). Tonight, an hour of ST with the trainer...always a good ouch. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, a good whatever you celebrate to all!

Hope you feel better ....log some miles for me, would you please?

2011-12-23 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3951013

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-23 3:27 AM

Good morning and TGIF!!

What is everyone doing this holiday weekend?  Traveling?  Training? Both? Neither?


Aside from pigging out? Busy visiting with friends and family.  I'm in NJ for two weeks. I should have brought some cold gear (which is kind of funny, because I actually don't have any) and my shoes and go for a short run!  Busy this weekend with my Dad, my brother (who I haven't seen in over a year - as he's in the Army and is currently living in Va.) and of course going to three families' Christmas (I have a step family, fiance doesn't...thank goodness!).

I'm already behind with all the training for triathlon related. I feel pretty good with the bike and the run base, way better than 2010 when I first started out (ahh, the memories of doing 13:00+ pace is long gone). I am thinking about getting a silver membership for BT and use Olympic 16 weeks program, and Olympic to HIM Bridge training program, and just bike whenever I want, but pay attention to swim and run, and bike intervals.  Does that sound good? If so, I start January 1st.

2011-12-23 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Training Schedule question: (for those who don't get coaching, but follows a set schedule, such as BT's Training  Programs)

If you are training for an A race, and putting in some B races or even C races prior to the A race, how do you modify your "set" training schedule to fit in the races?

For example - I am considering of doing an Olympic in April. I can follow the BT's Olympic plan, however, two weeks prior to the end of 16 weeks plan is the Olympic race. While it would be nice to get a PR (and I am positive that I will because the bike course will be WAY easier than my first Olympic - that was a b*tch!), I'm approaching this as my "first race of the season - have fun!" race. After two weeks, I'll be slightly overtrained for the Irongirl Sprint in May, two weeks later (which falls the last week of the 16 weeks program).  Then I start the Bridge program, and continue that until my HIM (haven't decided, but it'll be either in July or August). 

If on the schedule it says, "Bike ride 90 minutes", but I would like to do a 5K run race that day, how do you fit that in? Or even if it says "Run 5.3 miles - speedwork, etc", and the 5K is way less than that. Do you just ignore what is said on set schedule?  What about if you want to do a triathlon? I probably could just take the day off before the tri, do the Tri, and do a recovery run/ride the next day. and then continue what's on the schedule.

I want to lay out my plans/triathlons/Charity Rides for the year, so I wanted to be sure that I can do a couple races and drop some of the training if needed.  I figured that it's easier to work around sprint/Oly races, but not so much with HIM's schedule...I've never done a HIM, but I've done the distance for all three sports individually.  Thanks for any insight!

I wish everyone and their families a Happy Holiday and hug your family a little longer.  A family of 4, a dog, and a co-worker of the father suffered a fatal plane crash not far from my home. The Family was flying from NYC to GA for Christmas.


2011-12-23 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Really glad you brought up the training thing - need to go back and read those already posted more carefully. I've always followed the train-when-I-can plan... that is, show up on team/masters swim nights when I can make it and do whatever I'm told, run as prescribed by whatever running training group I'm in, and then bike when I can get out, whatever route friends want to try. It was good enough for the sprints, and my I'm-in-it-just-to-finish goals for oly races, but reckon I need to think about that HIM a little more planfully (yes, made up word)? Will need to wait..have procrastinated getting going on writing reports at work long enough!

2011-12-23 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3951256

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-12-23 7:10 AM

Really glad you brought up the training thing - need to go back and read those already posted more carefully. I've always followed the train-when-I-can plan... that is, show up on team/masters swim nights when I can make it and do whatever I'm told, run as prescribed by whatever running training group I'm in, and then bike when I can get out, whatever route friends want to try. It was good enough for the sprints, and my I'm-in-it-just-to-finish goals for oly races, but reckon I need to think about that HIM a little more planfully (yes, made up word)? Will need to wait..have procrastinated getting going on writing reports at work long enough!

I did that for 2011, and it was really not for me because I found that I let go a lot of the training because of "excuses". Even when I was doing the Half-Marathon...I was undertrained, and I finished alright (got a small PR, but avoiding the walkers on the course was terrible!!!). I just don't want to do that again. I want to feel really prepared for a HIM, and lose weight to boot. The only way I can do that is to have a strong training plan and stick with it.  Hence why I asked if there can be some serious leeway for losing training days to do "fun" races.

2011-12-23 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3950691

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
gator22 - 2011-12-22 8:39 PM
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 6:50 PM

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

I can barely walk without getting my hr over 140. How do you run seven miles like that?

Gator I just watch my pace it is usually around 9:30 min/mile pace for the runs but will go 10 to 10:30 on some..Each day is different, it is hard to do because I'm always wanting to run faster so you have to discipline yourself to slow down.From things I've read if you can build a good base the speedwork comes back easier so hopefully by the time my first event comes I can get my run times down for the race..Last year my pace during races were 7:30 to 8:00 min/mile in Oly events and around 9 to 9:30 on my HIM...

2011-12-23 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3951221

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-23 9:50 AM

Training Schedule question: (for those who don't get coaching, but follows a set schedule, such as BT's Training  Programs)

If you are training for an A race, and putting in some B races or even C races prior to the A race, how do you modify your "set" training schedule to fit in the races?

For example - I am considering of doing an Olympic in April. I can follow the BT's Olympic plan, however, two weeks prior to the end of 16 weeks plan is the Olympic race. While it would be nice to get a PR (and I am positive that I will because the bike course will be WAY easier than my first Olympic - that was a b*tch!), I'm approaching this as my "first race of the season - have fun!" race. After two weeks, I'll be slightly overtrained for the Irongirl Sprint in May, two weeks later (which falls the last week of the 16 weeks program).  Then I start the Bridge program, and continue that until my HIM (haven't decided, but it'll be either in July or August). 

If on the schedule it says, "Bike ride 90 minutes", but I would like to do a 5K run race that day, how do you fit that in? Or even if it says "Run 5.3 miles - speedwork, etc", and the 5K is way less than that. Do you just ignore what is said on set schedule?  What about if you want to do a triathlon? I probably could just take the day off before the tri, do the Tri, and do a recovery run/ride the next day. and then continue what's on the schedule.

I want to lay out my plans/triathlons/Charity Rides for the year, so I wanted to be sure that I can do a couple races and drop some of the training if needed.  I figured that it's easier to work around sprint/Oly races, but not so much with HIM's schedule...I've never done a HIM, but I've done the distance for all three sports individually.  Thanks for any insight!

I wish everyone and their families a Happy Holiday and hug your family a little longer.  A family of 4, a dog, and a co-worker of the father suffered a fatal plane crash not far from my home. The Family was flying from NYC to GA for Christmas.


A lot of it depends on the workout and what I am training for.  For instance, I try and do as many 5K's as I can in the summer as I think it is a lot better way to get some speed work in without suffering alone.  During the summer I am usually training for something else in the fall, either a marathon or IM, the last couple of years. So on some occasions I will run to the race and try and time it so I get there warmed up with as many as 10 or 11 miles.  This helps train the body to run faster when tired towards the end of a long race.  Other times I just go run the race and come home and ride later if the schedule calls for a bike ride.

Truthfully though, the best way to deal with this is not to be so rigid with the schedule.  The nice thing about the BT plans is after you import them into your planned training logs, you can go to the calander and move the workouts around or delete them altogether.  Moving them is a simple drop and drag.  If you are doing a race, you are getting a good workout.  The biggest problem most people have with B races while training for an A race is overdoing it and not being able to train for a day or two do to soreness.

I think your biggest challenge may be the distance of your cycling events, versus your tri events.  If you are like most of us though, the biggest bike distance/time is going to be on the weekend and if the plan calls for 90 minutes at its peak and you have a century coming up, you just need to be disciplined enough to extend these rides.   

Doing an olympic plan for a sprint will serve you well.  The intensity level of a sprint is not a lot less than an oly and the extra training load will make the race distance seem short.

2011-12-23 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3951256

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-12-23 10:10 AM

Really glad you brought up the training thing - need to go back and read those already posted more carefully. I've always followed the train-when-I-can plan... that is, show up on team/masters swim nights when I can make it and do whatever I'm told, run as prescribed by whatever running training group I'm in, and then bike when I can get out, whatever route friends want to try. It was good enough for the sprints, and my I'm-in-it-just-to-finish goals for oly races, but reckon I need to think about that HIM a little more planfully (yes, made up word)? Will need to wait..have procrastinated getting going on writing reports at work long enough!

I can get away with that this time of year, but even then I always have a plan loaded just to give something as a guide.  Once we get past the holidays, I will focus more and try to stay more on task, but even then I will not follow 100%.  With my A race not till early November, it is too easy to get burned out starting this early.  The thing that burns me out faster than anything is 2 a day workouts.  I don't mind them a couple of days a week, or if I can brick a bike/run together in 1 session, but to workout before and after work 5 days a wee gets old after a couple of months.


2011-12-23 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3951328

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I know that is right, but I am just so far out of shape it seems very far away for me right now. I can control my HR much better on the bike and my swim endurance always returns quickly (although I am slow there too).  Anybody looking for a change of pace, check out the Crossfit main site workout today. I just did it after my bike and I won't be able to lift my arms above my head for a few days!
2011-12-23 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3950642

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 7:50 PM

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

In my opinion, for those of you that struggle with the run, this is a very good approach to improving the run.  The off season is a great time of year to deal with the run weakness too.  Before building distance per workout, build frequency.  5 or 6 days a week is a good target for most of us.  A good way to do it if you can is to just hop of the bike and run a mile or 2 on the days you bike.  Then run your longer training runs on the stand alone run days.  If you are starting from scratch, start 3 short runs a week, then add another every other week.  Tim has worked to get up to the 5 and 7.5 mile distance, but start a lot shorter. 

The other important thing here is the effort.  If you can't carry on a conversation when you are running, you are running too fast.  Honestly, until you are consistantly running 25 - 30 mile weeks for months on end, 99% of the time you should be running at a conversational pace.  The pace will improve slowly as you build the endurance so be patient.  If you want to throw a little speed work in, do some short strides.  That is 100 yards at 10K pace or if you are on the treadmill, make it 10 or 15 seconds.  Do 5 or 6 of them towards the end of a run once a week, but don't go too fast.  The biggest problem with newer runners is too much too soon and bingo, injury.

The other advice I would give is to make sure you have good running shoes, preferbly fitted by a store that can video tape your stride and put you in the appropriate shoe. 

2011-12-23 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3951351

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

gator22 - 2011-12-23 11:03 AM I know that is right, but I am just so far out of shape it seems very far away for me right now. I can control my HR much better on the bike and my swim endurance always returns quickly (although I am slow there too).  Anybody looking for a change of pace, check out the Crossfit main site workout today. I just did it after my bike and I won't be able to lift my arms above my head for a few days!

Do you have a gym you train at or are you doing Crossfit on your own through the web?  Just curious.

I havent done Crossfit, but I do enjoy strength training this time of year.  We have a fitness room here at work and we offer some bootcamp type classes several times a week.  My wife likes them so attending them with her in the off season is nice.  I stay out of the debates on the main forums about the pros and cons of strength training for triathletes, but I think it helps.  Especially those of us who got a late start to this. 

What do the rest of you think about strength training?

2011-12-23 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Good Morning All!

SOOO sorry it has taken me this long to post my bio. This week got ahead of me but now I have four days off and can focus on the fun stuff.  I have read through most of the thread and it is an exciting group.  Ice, I used to use a  body bugg. I always wondered how accurate it was. Not sure why I stopped using it. 

OK, about me.

Name: Kathleen

Story: I have just completed my fourth year of doing triathlons. The original plan was to do one sprint but I cought the tri bug and here I am.  Every year I took on a new distance and I recently completed my first Ironman in Arizona.  NEVER, EVER would I have ever thought I would do an Ironman but then again the thought of an Olympic distance triathlon used to freak me out Tongue out.

I am a MOP racer except in Boulder where I end up in the back of the pack (BOP).  My strength is the bike and my true weakness is the run. 

For the first time, I have no  races planned for next year except for a half marathon in April. Historically I have done a lot of races each year but I don't want to do that this year. I think I have gotten burnt out in the past for racing to much (for me).  I have spoken (e-mailed) with both Iceman and Ken about doing another Ironman next year and will most likely sign up for IMFL. I would like to do IM Wisconsin but I think I need another year before I tackle that course.  What I am thinking is that I could do a race or two before IMFL but that is about it. I don't have a training plan at this point and after another very disapoininting experience with coaches, I have decided to do it on my own. (so any training plan ideas would be very welcome).

Family Status: My fiancee and I live together with our one year old Cocker Spainel.

Current training: For the first time in over a year I don't have a training plan to follow and I must say that I am enjoying the break. I have kept up with the running and biking but need to get into the pool at least once or twice a week. I have taken a few classes at the gym that I used to take pre triathlon and am enjoying a change of pace. It is very possible that I haven't allowed myself enough rest time after Arizona but like others in the group, weight has been an issue with me and lack of exercise is a recipee for disaster. Also working out is my therapy. I always feel much better after I workout.

Weight loss goals: I could probably stand to lose five lbs or so. I had a weight problem my entire life and stopped getting on the scale a long time ago as it made me crazy. I would like to drop a little weight to see if that helps with my run. At least I think that everytime I am out there running along and watching everyone make it look so easy.

What would make me a good mentee: I very much enjoy the supportive nature of the mentor groups and the mix of people who are in them. It is exciting to me to help people who are just starting out and at the same time gain a wealth of knowledge from those who have much more experience then I. As already demonstrated in this group, everyone comes with knowledge that can be shared by the others.


Edited by Kath2163 2011-12-23 10:16 AM

2011-12-23 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3951369

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2011-12-23 10:11 AM

Good Morning All!

SOOO sorry it has taken me this long to post my bio. This week got ahead of me but now I have four days off and can focus on the fun stuff.  I have read through most of the thread and it is an exciting group.  Ice, I used to use a  body bugg. I always wondered how accurate it was. Not sure why I stopped using it. 

OK, about me.

Name: Kathleen

Story: I have just completed my fourth year of doing triathlons. The original plan was to do one sprint but I cought the tri bug and here I am.  Every year I took on a new distance and I recently completed my first Ironman in Arizona.  NEVER, EVER would I have ever thought I would do an Ironman but then again the thought of an Olympic distance triathlon used to freak me out Tongue out.

I am a MOP racer except in Boulder where I end up in the back of the pack (BOP).  My strength is the bike and my true weakness is the run. 

For the first time, I have no  races planned for next year except for a half marathon in April. Historically I have done a lot of races each year but I don't want to do that this year. I think I have gotten burnt out in the past for racing to much (for me).  I have spoken (e-mailed) with both Iceman and Ken about doing another Ironman next year and will most likely sign up for IMFL. I would like to do IM Wisconsin but I think I need another year before I tackle that course.  What I am thinking is that I could do a race or two before IMFL but that is about it. I don't have a training plan at this point and after another very disapoininting experience with coaches, I have decided to do it on my own. (so any training plan ideas would be very welcome).

Family Status: My fiancee and I live together with our one year old Cocker Spainel.

Current training: For the first time in over a year I don't have a training plan to follow and I must say that I am enjoying the break. I have kept up with the running and biking but need to get into the pool at least once or twice a week. I have taken a few classes at the gym that I used to take pre triathlon and am enjoying a change of pace. It is very possible that I haven't allowed myself enough rest time after Arizona but like others in the group, weight has been an issue with me and lack of exercise is a recipee for disaster. Also working out is my therapy. I always feel much better after I workout.

Weight loss goals: I could probably stand to lose five lbs or so. I had a weight problem my entire life and stopped getting on the scale a long time ago as it made me crazy. I would like to drop a little weight to see if that helps with my run. At least I think that everytime I am out there running along and watching everyone make it look so easy.

What would make me a good mentee: I very much enjoy the supportive nature of the mentor groups and the mix of people who are in them. It is exciting to me to help people who are just starting out and at the same time gain a wealth of knowledge from those who have much more experience then I. As already demonstrated in this group, everyone comes with knowledge that can be shared by the others.


Kathleen, good to see you.  Merry Christmas.


2011-12-23 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3951013

New user

Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-23 4:27 AM

Good morning and TGIF!!

What is everyone doing this holiday weekend?  Traveling?  Training? Both? Neither?

I dont go far, and with 3 days it is even easier this year.  Run this morning, if I can get motivated to head to the treadmill. If work goes smooth and I can sneak out I will hit the pool on the way home.  Some quality time with my bike and trainer tomorrow and a medium run Sunday, outside with any luck!

I also need to get you guys a chart to easily link each other and add some of you to my friends list. 

My 12 week oly training starts on Christmas Eve with a run, I'm really looking forward to this next race, it's on St. Patrick's Day in Havasu. It should be nice weather!

Ken sounds like you have a pretty good weekend planned, hope you time foe some holiday cheer!

2011-12-23 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3951318

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-23 10:40 AM
MarlaS - 2011-12-23 7:10 AM

Really glad you brought up the training thing - need to go back and read those already posted more carefully. I've always followed the train-when-I-can plan... that is, show up on team/masters swim nights when I can make it and do whatever I'm told, run as prescribed by whatever running training group I'm in, and then bike when I can get out, whatever route friends want to try. It was good enough for the sprints, and my I'm-in-it-just-to-finish goals for oly races, but reckon I need to think about that HIM a little more planfully (yes, made up word)? Will need to wait..have procrastinated getting going on writing reports at work long enough!

 I want to feel really prepared for a HIM, and lose weight to boot.

I'm definitely with you on that!

2011-12-23 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3951367

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-23 11:11 AM

gator22 - 2011-12-23 11:03 AM I know that is right, but I am just so far out of shape it seems very far away for me right now. I can control my HR much better on the bike and my swim endurance always returns quickly (although I am slow there too).  Anybody looking for a change of pace, check out the Crossfit main site workout today. I just did it after my bike and I won't be able to lift my arms above my head for a few days!

Do you have a gym you train at or are you doing Crossfit on your own through the web?  Just curious.

I havent done Crossfit, but I do enjoy strength training this time of year.  We have a fitness room here at work and we offer some bootcamp type classes several times a week.  My wife likes them so attending them with her in the off season is nice.  I stay out of the debates on the main forums about the pros and cons of strength training for triathletes, but I think it helps.  Especially those of us who got a late start to this. 

What do the rest of you think about strength training?

I hear you on the multiple / consecutive runs, but my knees seem to need off days ... that is, I can't run multiple days in a row, and i'm supposed to - usually do - stretch/ice daily, even when i don't run.

as for strength training, esp as a middle aged woman, i'm a big fan - so important i think in helping to prevent injury (so I'm told Wink) by keeping everything strong, and presumably helps w/ the weight loss, too. plus, i like it! suits my limited attention span well... can't devote enough time to core work, which is one of my biggest goals for the next few months...

2011-12-23 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3951331

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-23 9:47 AM
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-23 9:50 AM

Training Schedule question: (for those who don't get coaching, but follows a set schedule, such as BT's Training  Programs)

If you are training for an A race, and putting in some B races or even C races prior to the A race, how do you modify your "set" training schedule to fit in the races?

For example - I am considering of doing an Olympic in April. I can follow the BT's Olympic plan, however, two weeks prior to the end of 16 weeks plan is the Olympic race. While it would be nice to get a PR (and I am positive that I will because the bike course will be WAY easier than my first Olympic - that was a b*tch!), I'm approaching this as my "first race of the season - have fun!" race. After two weeks, I'll be slightly overtrained for the Irongirl Sprint in May, two weeks later (which falls the last week of the 16 weeks program).  Then I start the Bridge program, and continue that until my HIM (haven't decided, but it'll be either in July or August). 

If on the schedule it says, "Bike ride 90 minutes", but I would like to do a 5K run race that day, how do you fit that in? Or even if it says "Run 5.3 miles - speedwork, etc", and the 5K is way less than that. Do you just ignore what is said on set schedule?  What about if you want to do a triathlon? I probably could just take the day off before the tri, do the Tri, and do a recovery run/ride the next day. and then continue what's on the schedule.

I want to lay out my plans/triathlons/Charity Rides for the year, so I wanted to be sure that I can do a couple races and drop some of the training if needed.  I figured that it's easier to work around sprint/Oly races, but not so much with HIM's schedule...I've never done a HIM, but I've done the distance for all three sports individually.  Thanks for any insight!

I wish everyone and their families a Happy Holiday and hug your family a little longer.  A family of 4, a dog, and a co-worker of the father suffered a fatal plane crash not far from my home. The Family was flying from NYC to GA for Christmas.


A lot of it depends on the workout and what I am training for.  For instance, I try and do as many 5K's as I can in the summer as I think it is a lot better way to get some speed work in without suffering alone.  During the summer I am usually training for something else in the fall, either a marathon or IM, the last couple of years. So on some occasions I will run to the race and try and time it so I get there warmed up with as many as 10 or 11 miles.  This helps train the body to run faster when tired towards the end of a long race.  Other times I just go run the race and come home and ride later if the schedule calls for a bike ride.

Truthfully though, the best way to deal with this is not to be so rigid with the schedule.  The nice thing about the BT plans is after you import them into your planned training logs, you can go to the calander and move the workouts around or delete them altogether.  Moving them is a simple drop and drag.  If you are doing a race, you are getting a good workout.  The biggest problem most people have with B races while training for an A race is overdoing it and not being able to train for a day or two do to soreness.

I think your biggest challenge may be the distance of your cycling events, versus your tri events.  If you are like most of us though, the biggest bike distance/time is going to be on the weekend and if the plan calls for 90 minutes at its peak and you have a century coming up, you just need to be disciplined enough to extend these rides.   

Doing an olympic plan for a sprint will serve you well.  The intensity level of a sprint is not a lot less than an oly and the extra training load will make the race distance seem short.

Great advice. When I was following the Beginner HIM plan on BT, I would look at all the workouts it wanted me to do that week and get them in. I wouldn't worry about if it was on the specific day the plan called for, I looked more at my own schedule and life. Yes, I know the workouts are sequenced in a certain way for a reason, but for me, getting the workouts done was the main goal, so if I ran three days in a row or biked 10 miles more than the plan wanted, well I figured that was ok. The whole reason I was on the plan was to ensure I was consistently training at the level I needed to.

Like Marla, I really like training with others, so I take the opportunity whenever possible. And if the group is doing something different than what my plan wants, then for me that's ok because 1. I usually get in a harder workout and 2. I still stick to the plan when training on my own (which ends up being the majority of the time). 

2011-12-23 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3951369

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2011-12-23 11:11 AM

Good Morning All!

SOOO sorry it has taken me this long to post my bio. This week got ahead of me but now I have four days off and can focus on the fun stuff.  I have read through most of the thread and it is an exciting group.  Ice, I used to use a  body bugg. I always wondered how accurate it was. Not sure why I stopped using it. 

OK, about me.

Name: Kathleen

Story: I have just completed my fourth year of doing triathlons. The original plan was to do one sprint but I cought the tri bug and here I am.  Every year I took on a new distance and I recently completed my first Ironman in Arizona.  NEVER, EVER would I have ever thought I would do an Ironman but then again the thought of an Olympic distance triathlon used to freak me out Tongue out.

I am a MOP racer except in Boulder where I end up in the back of the pack (BOP).  My strength is the bike and my true weakness is the run. 

For the first time, I have no  races planned for next year except for a half marathon in April. Historically I have done a lot of races each year but I don't want to do that this year. I think I have gotten burnt out in the past for racing to much (for me).  I have spoken (e-mailed) with both Iceman and Ken about doing another Ironman next year and will most likely sign up for IMFL. I would like to do IM Wisconsin but I think I need another year before I tackle that course.  What I am thinking is that I could do a race or two before IMFL but that is about it. I don't have a training plan at this point and after another very disapoininting experience with coaches, I have decided to do it on my own. (so any training plan ideas would be very welcome).

Family Status: My fiancee and I live together with our one year old Cocker Spainel.

Current training: For the first time in over a year I don't have a training plan to follow and I must say that I am enjoying the break. I have kept up with the running and biking but need to get into the pool at least once or twice a week. I have taken a few classes at the gym that I used to take pre triathlon and am enjoying a change of pace. It is very possible that I haven't allowed myself enough rest time after Arizona but like others in the group, weight has been an issue with me and lack of exercise is a recipee for disaster. Also working out is my therapy. I always feel much better after I workout.

Weight loss goals: I could probably stand to lose five lbs or so. I had a weight problem my entire life and stopped getting on the scale a long time ago as it made me crazy. I would like to drop a little weight to see if that helps with my run. At least I think that everytime I am out there running along and watching everyone make it look so easy.

What would make me a good mentee: I very much enjoy the supportive nature of the mentor groups and the mix of people who are in them. It is exciting to me to help people who are just starting out and at the same time gain a wealth of knowledge from those who have much more experience then I. As already demonstrated in this group, everyone comes with knowledge that can be shared by the others.


Good to hear from you Kathleen!  Merry Christmas!  Sounds like you guys got a little snow yesterday?

2011-12-23 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Glad I'm not the only one who has experienced some burnout. It's definately not a fun place to be, and hopefully I can train smarter and find ways to avoid it/ minimize it in the future. I would see threads where people could not train due to injury and get mad at myself because I was totally capable but "just didn't feel like it."

I got out last night and ran 2.5 miles for the first time in a long time. Believe me, there were walking breaks but it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Some of you have mentioned varying your workouts in the off season (gym classes, strength training, ect). What else has everyone done to avoid burnout?

2011-12-23 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3951256

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-12-23 7:10 AM

Really glad you brought up the training thing - need to go back and read those already posted more carefully. I've always followed the train-when-I-can plan... that is, show up on team/masters swim nights when I can make it and do whatever I'm told, run as prescribed by whatever running training group I'm in, and then bike when I can get out, whatever route friends want to try. It was good enough for the sprints, and my I'm-in-it-just-to-finish goals for oly races, but reckon I need to think about that HIM a little more planfully (yes, made up word)? Will need to wait..have procrastinated getting going on writing reports at work long enough!

Marla, we have the same training plan!!!  Smile

2011-12-23 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Ken asked earlier about holiday plans - my family is staying home - too hard to get down to the lower 48! Husband doesn't have much time off of work and I will have the kiddos home from school so getting the workouts in will definately be harder than normal for me.  For example, ended up taking kids to an indoor play area for most of the day yesterday - after that no time (or energy) for exercise Cry 

Today was supposed to be a swim workout, but we got almost a foot of snow overnight and there is no way I am going to tackle driving the 20 miles to the pool! Will most likely hit the gym this morning with elliptical and weights. Oh and snow shoveling!

I do enjoy weights and I think it helps.  I am trying to rehabilitate some old injuries and I have noticed a big difference over the last few months as I have added the weights. One of my shoulders is substaintally weeker than the other. Plus I just enjoy them. However during the high training weeks I usually will skip the weights and concentrate on SBR.


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