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2012-04-16 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4153336

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Baltimore Area
stephsprint - 2012-04-16 11:09 AM

Ok math is not my strong suit.

That link, and many others, will take you to a place where you can figure how fast you need to run/or how fast (per mile) you have run a particular distance or race.

My 5k (3.1 mile) PR (personal record (PB personal best)) is 37 something.

My 10k (6.2 mile) PR (I have only done one and it was last month) is 1:22:22. A 13:17 pace. I was slow, but I finished fast ... I didn't know how much I'd have left. Turns out, a lot. My last mile was 11:15 ish.

SO my next 5k is the first weekend in May. I'm going to start slow and try to get faster. I hope to break 37.

AND my next 10K is May 12th. Now that I understand how it works, I think I can break 1:20. (11:54 pace)

IF I worked harder on my leg strength, I would get faster, sooner. But I lack discipline...and motivation/inspiration.

One of the reasons I like to do this mentoring thing is because of all of you. YOU INSPIRE ME. I did all my workouts in the gym this weekend. I weighed in 2lbs lighter this morning.

Thanks for posting, thanks for being honest, and please please please... KEEP IT UP! (it's all about me, after all)

I completed 2 of my 3 races I have this month.

Dec 17, 2011 - Celtic 5 miler. I finished in 1:09:15, a 13:51 pace (FYI)
April 1st - Cherry Blossom 10 miler. I finished in 2:14:22, a 13:20 pace.
April 15th - Clyde's 10K. I finished in 1:21:21, a 13:04 pace. I thought the big hill would kill me for sure but I didn't stop at all. The last .2 miles was at a 10:59 pace, no wondered I almost keeled over at teh end.

It may have been slow but I went all out. Considering I started retraining late last year after injury at a 16 minute pace, I am SO PROUD of my time. It seems my body is slowly beginning to remember it use to run strong, slow but strong.

Next race is Iron Girl Half Marathon on April 29th!!

2012-04-16 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4147506

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
 As far as clips go, get to know your new bike a bit before adding in clips. That way you'll know how your bike handles, and can work the clips froom there. I did a century ride without clips last summer and it was fine, in my opinion (total newbie until last summer), it just depends on where you're riding. If you are riding in a high traffic area and you know you're going to be starting and stopping a lot, then you may want to skip the clips for right now. If you're heading out on a long ride and you know you'll be on your bike a while before you have to stop, might as well get some practice in! When I bought my bike, Mr. HandsomeBikeDude let me clip in and out a lot in the store. I may take my bike back in just to get some more practice.
2012-04-16 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4153513

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Thank you for that! I may not invest just yet for clips I am just starting out and the thought of falling is freaking me out a bit lol. Also, We did a snake swim in the pool last night to mimic how it will be on race day. It totally scared me all those feet and arms and being scared to get hit in the head. On the other hand at least I will have a plan when i panic in the water. I find when i loose my form for what ever reason I go into panic mode and end up swimming weird. What do you guys do when u loose your form and panic. Maybe panic is not the best word to use to describe, but I have a feel you know what I am talking about! I end up gulping water loosing my form and standing up. I tried breathing more freakly last night  and that was not helpful at all. What I think helped is really spending a few seconds more to breath when i rotate and try to talk myself calm lol Cool
2012-04-16 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4153271

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!


After the one fall (on my mountain bike so as not to hurt my precious my road bike), everything was pretty uneventful. I was no longer worried about falling and clipping in and out of the speedplays was really easy. My long ride day turned into a "putz around the parking lot" kind of day, but whatever - I'm clipless! YAY AMY!! LEARNING TO ‘CORNER’ IN A PARKING LOT IS A GOOD THING. LEFT HAND TURN… LEFT PEDAL UP…LEAN INTO TURN. REMEMBER TO HAVE THE PEDAL UP ON THE TURN SIDE. IF YOU’VE EVER BURIED A PEDAL IN THE ASPHALT… IT IS AN UGLY AND PAINFUL FALL. PUTZING IS A GOOD WAY TO GET A FEEL FOR YOUR BIKE!!

Since I am without such a fancy swim gadget , I have to break up workouts into manageable short distances (manageable for my memory) - sets of 100's, inverted pyramids, etc. Definitely can't keep track of straight laps for anything over 20.  Enjoy your new toy and more please on the bike technique tips!


2012-04-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lisa - I wouldn’t say that I have outright pain in my knees.  More of a mild ache, which with my limited experience (none) may just be the result of the new body movements, like Steph said.  Susie et al, since I did not get my bike outfitted with the clipless pedals, I have not been fitted in that fashion.  Yet.  But I have been reading about the importance of accurate adjustments with the shoes & pedals, so that process will be my next step maybe in the next few weeks.  I’m going to heed Elizabeth’s advice and just get some more riding time in before going all in. 

Got a great goody bag at the tri expo last night: bag, tech shirt, water bottle, gu, chews, sport beans, keychains and more.  Better than most races I’ve done. Not bad for a free event! 

Did anyone get to see any coverage of Boston?

2012-04-16 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4153532

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
erin1621 - 2012-04-16 12:29 PM

Thank you for that! I may not invest just yet for clips I am just starting out and the thought of falling is freaking me out a bit lol. ......Cool

I was scared to get clips too. I decided to put COMBO PEDALS on my bike last year. One side of the pedal is the regular platform style that you can ride with sneakers or bike shoes. The other side of the pedal are clips that you can clip in with your bike shoes.
I am clumsy so I prefer mountain bike type bike shoes. They take SPD clips, the same as my combo pedals. Spin bikes use SPD clips too so I use my bike shoes in spin class too.

If you are in high traffic area, you can switch to the platform pedal side so your feet is free. Other times clip in and practice riding.

2012-04-16 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Trying to find a good used bike is hard. $500 was the cheapest one i found at a bike swap, when I planned on spending only $200 max. Along that same issue, I'm having some financial difficulty planning my anticipated race schedule.   


10k trail run with my dog Saturday. The truck had to go to the garage so I took the old bike for a roundabout 8mi ride to get home. Going for a nice and "easy" 15mi hike Tuesday. 

2012-04-16 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Did the Miami Man Bike Course this Sunday 53 miles. I was able to Cut my time from 4 hours and 18 Minutes the first time I did to 3 hours 38 minutes. It felt like i had head winds the whole way and was tired when done. That is a great course and i look for to that race.
2012-04-16 9:45 PM
in reply to: #4153195

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-04-16 10:26 AM How often should you run? For me, 3 times a week is plenty. Especially when I actually DO it.


Thanks for sharing this.

2012-04-16 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4154078

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Plaquemine, Louisiana
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-04-16 2:55 PM

Trying to find a good used bike is hard. $500 was the cheapest one i found at a bike swap, when I planned on spending only $200 max. Along that same issue, I'm having some financial difficulty planning my anticipated race schedule.   


10k trail run with my dog Saturday. The truck had to go to the garage so I took the old bike for a roundabout 8mi ride to get home. Going for a nice and "easy" 15mi hike Tuesday. 

You are right, finding a good used bike is almost like finding a unicorn, lol. I found my bike by stalking craigslist constantly for months, 2004 Specialized Allez but the previous owner rarely used it. Paid under 200 for it and it rides great.  Just don't have tons of money to drop on a bike.

2012-04-16 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4153724

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
awk1987 - 2012-04-16 1:42 PM

Since I am without such a fancy swim gadget , I have to break up workouts into manageable short distances (manageable for my memory) - sets of 100's, inverted pyramids, etc. Definitely can't keep track of straight laps for anything over 20.  Enjoy your new toy and more please on the bike technique tips!



Have you ever tried to count by distance as you are doing laps?  For example  there and back is 50, while swimming that distance keeping that in your head, then the next there and back becomes 100...  and so on..   Not sure if that makes any sense, but it how I count my laps and usually keep track as I go. 

2012-04-16 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4154507

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

garylandry - 2012-04-16 7:49 PM Did the Miami Man Bike Course this Sunday 53 miles. I was able to Cut my time from 4 hours and 18 Minutes the first time I did to 3 hours 38 minutes. It felt like i had head winds the whole way and was tired when done. That is a great course and i look for to that race.


Nicely done Gary!!

2012-04-16 11:40 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

thanks for all the recent tips on finding a new (used) bike!!  It's something I am just starting to explore now, and like you all, am cash strapped at present, so the newest top of the line is definitely out of the question....


Also, on the swimming and counting laps -  I also have to break it down into smaller chunks to remember, so it's usually something like 4x50m warm up, then 6x100m steady, then 4x50m cool down.  If i think of it like that, I find it easier to make sure I did what I planned, and then afterwards can count total meters instead of trying to remember laps as I go...

2012-04-17 2:07 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hey all!

I share this as inspiration, because I can't really believe how far I've come and know that each of us has this ability within us:

Just to give you some background, all my life I only ever ran when I absolutely had to. The beginning of this year my goal was to break a 12:00/M pace. I ran on the treadmill or outdoors and that was pretty much it - I was doing about 9 miles a week but I was not moving very fast toward my goal.

A little over a couple months ago my husband asked me a very important question: "Are you doing this (training) just to finish or do you want to race?" It seems he'd been paying attention to what I was doing and told me if I really wanted to race, he could help me improve and me being type A, I couldn't pass up the invitation (dare!) he threw my way.

February 29 - The first thing he did was time my 5k at each mile. We looked up the map of the closest 5k run showing the start/finish and the mile markers. Lucky for me it was two blocks from home. My time was 36:11 which was the best I'd ever done (just having someone tell me my pace at every mile made the first huge improvement).

Over the next couple of weeks (about twice a week at the local school track) he had me run only a mile and a half each time: run a half mile, walk a lap, run a half, walk a lap, run a half. The second week he asked me if I had another gear in me, in other words kick it up a notch. I have to say, this was pretty tough, and I never thought I could sustain. There were moments I really wanted to stop, but just kept telling myself "If you absolutely must, then slow down - but DON'T stop!" Just seeing my numbers improve for the quarter and half mile was excellent motivation.

March 15 (two weeks later) - We did the 5k again (I did it, he biked very slowly). This time I managed to shave off over two minutes at 34:00. Running less miles a week, but with more effort was paying off in a big way!

After this he strung the two half miles together. He asked me to run the mile in this way: Run the kicked up gear for the first quarter mile, go another gear higher for the second quarter, recover the the third quarter mile, kick it up again for the last quarter. OY! I was apprehensive, but then he threw the dare my way: if I ran the mile under 9 minutes, I'd be done for the day. Oh boy. Did I fall for that. By the time I came around the last quarter bend to the finish, I was sucking air in so hard I was hearing noises come out of my throat I had never heard before.

I was getting close enough to hear him counting "50 - 51 - 52..."

"OMG!" I thought "Can I do this!??! Move - those - legs - faster! arrgghhhh!"

"53 - 54 - EIGHT FIFTY FIVE!!!"

I did it! 8:55 in one mile!!

I was toast, and I probably would not push that hard again, because I sounded like I had bronchitis for a couple of days afterwards. But just knowing I did have that energy, push, drive, endurance (whatever you want to call it) in me, was the best feeling I've ever had. The next few times we did this, it got a bit easier and less demanding.

April 1 - My first 5k Race! Flat course, really windy in Morgan Hill (really far from where I live, but it was worth it for the really cool t-shirt!). I finished the race in 30:37 (whoa!).

April 15 - Yesterday I did my second 5k ever right in my hometown and got a PB of 30:15 (9:45/M pace)!

This "knowing" that I can do this is what continues to move me closer to my recently adjusted goal of breaking a 30 minute 5k. 

I really have to thank my husband Joel, for showing me how to reach just a little farther. He didn't have to push me hard, but he did show me how to get over the mental/physical hurdle. 

And I thank you for your stories, tips, struggles, breakthroughs. I learn a little more each week about so many things (how to count laps, clipless pedals, etc.) as I learn about myself and what I am capable of doing.

2012-04-17 2:28 AM
in reply to: #4154912

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Wow Deborah!!!  What an awesome story, and a journey that's not over.  Thanks for sharing and for the encouargement.  I know you'll be able to knock that 30minute time out in no time at all!!  Such an inspiration... keep pushing!


2012-04-17 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4154912

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
aeneah - 2012-04-17 2:07 AM

Hey all!

I share this as inspiration, because I can't really believe how far I've come and know that each of us has this ability within us:

Just to give you some background, all my life I only ever ran when I absolutely had to. The beginning of this year my goal was to break a 12:00/M pace. I ran on the treadmill or outdoors and that was pretty much it - I was doing about 9 miles a week but I was not moving very fast toward my goal.

A little over a couple months ago my husband asked me a very important question: "Are you doing this (training) just to finish or do you want to race?" It seems he'd been paying attention to what I was doing and told me if I really wanted to race, he could help me improve and me being type A, I couldn't pass up the invitation (dare!) he threw my way.


I really have to thank my husband Joel, for showing me how to reach just a little farther. He didn't have to push me hard, but he did show me how to get over the mental/physical hurdle. 

And I thank you for your stories, tips, struggles, breakthroughs. I learn a little more each week about so many things (how to count laps, clipless pedals, etc.) as I learn about myself and what I am capable of doing.


Wow! Really great inspiration.  Great job and aren't you lucky to have such a terrific coach!!


2012-04-17 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4154801

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Marcus - That's actually exactly how i keep track, but my mind wanders constantly!  Even this morning, I lost track in the first 200 of my 400 warmup.  I had to look at the pace clock to figure out how far I had gone. I know it was early, but sheesh! Undecided


2012-04-17 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4154078

New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hi, skibummer.

I saw on eBay an "56 cm Specialized Allez Elite frameset with front and rear brakes" with 0 bid on it and starting at $ 229, just two day left on the  listing. I don't know much about bicycles but somebody on the blog say it is good. Below is the link to the auction page.

Good Lock

2012-04-17 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4154912

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South East England
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

This "knowing" that I can do this is what continues to move me closer to my recently adjusted goal of breaking a 30 minute 5k. 

Aeneah - and you will, and you'll probably go faster than that too.  It's great to have a partner who is keen to support you in your training.

I ran my first timed 5k in 38 minutes at 45, 2 years later and with a marathon under my belt I ran 26 mins 40 seconds for a 5k.  I'm still a bit overweight and in my late 40's but boy to I have some determination, running has made me so much more "headstrong" (as well heart & lung strong)

2012-04-18 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Any advice on how to get over the fear of riding on the open road? I hear so many stories of people getting hurt or killed! I may venture on sidewalks with my bike but I feel like it won't be to productive as a lot of stop and go. I have a trail not to far but it's mostly flat and my tri is notoriously hilly! Any ideas or adv?
2012-04-18 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Thanks Alberto, I'll have to look that one up. My plan is to scour CL and Ebay until success.

Awesome inspiration Deborah. Keep after it. Going to try that same approach with my wife. The key point I have to remember is: FUN. It is not worth it if she is going to hate me or the exercise time together. The personal challenges will have to be her own, not from me. I will influence her personal challenges though.

Some fantastic training weather these past few days. A beauty of a BIKE>RUN>BIKE yesterday. 5.5mi one way on the bike, followed by a 4.5mi trail run, then the return on the bike. My current bike is from Walmart. It is a mtn. bike style (that I ride on the road) but recently has been rapidly deteriorating. First the gearing wouldn't shift to the lower gears, then a flat tire repair took out the rear brakes. Now I "fixed" the low gearing, only to have it not shift into high gears. I think that has to do with some well placed heel kicks to the derails to get it to shift down.

Erin - RE: Road riding: I think riding on the road is F'n scary. I'm not into it, but realize the importance. I always try to remember that vehicle operators are not really paying attention(texting, etc). I am lucky to live in a relatively uncrowded area, but we have lots of blind corners and hills everywhere and very few bike/pedestrian lanes. Basically the whole time I'm just praying I don't get hit. As for training in flatter country, I'd find a decently long uphill road somewhere and do some high intensity repeats. As for the fear: Wear bright clothing, maybe a little mirror off your helmet, don't go when work and schools are letting out, and be brave. 

Edited by skibummer 2012-04-18 8:08 AM

2012-04-18 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hey Everybody,

Looks like I am going to be down and out for a bit.  I am not sure what happened but the one side of my middle back is one giant knot.  I think it is related to bad posture, usually is in my case.  I've been trying to stretch it out, but so far nothing is helping much.  I may be visiting the chiro soon if it doesn't get any better.

Happy Training everyone

2012-04-18 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4159302

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-04-18 5:11 PM

Hey Everybody,

Looks like I am going to be down and out for a bit.  I am not sure what happened but the one side of my middle back is one giant knot.  I think it is related to bad posture, usually is in my case.  I've been trying to stretch it out, but so far nothing is helping much.  I may be visiting the chiro soon if it doesn't get any better.

Happy Training everyone

Oh no!  Hope you feel better soon.

2012-04-18 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Great job on your awesome training and race, Deborah - your husband is the best!

Erin, I am not brave enough to bike in my neighborhood: narrow, curvy roads, too many cars.  I bike around a lake, which I have to drive to, which seems a little crazy, or I bike along a path that goes through a campground near the ocean.  Both of them are beautiful routes, just take some planning and time to get to them.

So I survived another tax season - yay!  Took the day off work today - hubby took the kids to school so I could sleep in - went to the gym for a 3 mile run and weight training - lots of weight training  - ahhh I can just feel the stress melting away.   Have a great evening everyone!!


2012-04-19 2:23 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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South East England
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

I had quite a bad cycling accident last year.  I was cycling with friends on a quiet country road, we were cycling at a good pace - 20 mph when I hit a pot hole in the road.  It was deep and stopped my bike suddenly so I flew over the handle bars. My head injuries were bad even though I had a helmet on, I fractured my neck and some bones in my face.  I was lucky to be with friends, one who was medically trained and I got the treatment I needed immediately and this has helped me have an excellent recovery.

This hasn't stopped me riding on roads, I rode again 4 months after my accident with my girlfriends, back to my pot hole because I needed to "say thank you" for still being here.

I do dress brightly - bright pink makes drivers think and research shows drivers give women cyclists more space on the road when passing.  

I wear an expensive helmet - my brain is doubly precious to me now!

I ride in a group - we're more visible and we're there to support each other.

If you're going to ride on roads, start on the quiet ones and progress to the busier ones.



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