BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-25 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4173041

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 3:28 PM

Any more room in here for a big, slow, clyde? Don't worry, what I lack in speed I make up for in sarcasm. 

I have no logs entries yet. They are all on dailymile. I can't import them can I? Dang.

Pledge! What's your name??? Quick, or we'll saddle you with a nickname! I don't have log entries either but that's because I've been slacking/abducted by aliens. But I'm back now and adjusting nicely to the chip in my head...

I will see if I can dig anything up about an import from Daily mile for ya...

2012-04-25 5:23 PM
in reply to: #4173067

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-04-25 3:34 PM
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 3:28 PM

Any more room in here for a big, slow, clyde? Don't worry, what I lack in speed I make up for in sarcasm. 

I have no logs entries yet. They are all on dailymile. I can't import them can I? Dang.

Absolutely!   please join the tour,  please share your  bio and the sarcasm.         I'm especially amused that you wanted to join after our last couple of pages of "silly stuff"

Not sure about the daily mile import.  Sorry

I think the last couple of pages is some of our best work yet...they're going to be beating down the doors after that naked chick swimming in an ice fjord+vikings+Orca combo...

Yes please on the sarcasm, we eat that for breakfast around here...

2012-04-25 7:02 PM
in reply to: #4169472

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-24 11:13 AM


Last week I became a partner in a new business.  I am returning to the kitchen cabinet business and opening a showroom by the end of May.  This weekend we started preping the space.  So no formal training but a lot of physical labor.  Then Sunday I started getting sick.  Still feel lousy today (Tuesday), My first Tri (Sprint) is this Sunday.  Based on my schedule I may be able to get in the pool on Thursday night and a run Friday afternoon.  Unless I totally feel like crap, I'm going to the tri.

Does this sound like a good plan?  I'm fairly confident I will get through the swim and bike (200 yd, 10 mi). I'll do my best for the run(5k)

guess I'm getting a little nervous  Undecided

Tom'll be fine!  Your plan is've done a lot of training already.  Shake those butterflies off!  Better yet...flip them the bird!  Go do your Tri!  You're ready.  Can't wait to hear about it!

2012-04-25 7:12 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

I love all you guys!  You're all so funny!!! 

Sarah, Turner and New Guy ...Welcome!!  This is a fun group and very inspiring and boy am I learning a lot!


2012-04-25 7:15 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


FAMILY STATUS: Happily married. Two boys and an "unknown" due in September. Tate just turned 7, Bode is 3. I love being a dad!

STORY: My wife and I started our weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I was at 320+ and in desperate need of a change. Long story short, we decided together to change. We changed the way we eat and got off the couch. Last year we both ran in our first sprint tri. To top it off we did it on our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm hooked on triathlons. That's why im here.  

CURRENT TRAINING:   Training for the Missoula Marathon in July. Right now I swim once a week, (wish it was more.) I enjoy time on my bike the most. 

2011 RACES: Zootown Tri (sprint)

2012 RACES: Missoula Marathon, Zootown Tri (Sprint), Garden City Triathlon (Oly)

WHY AM I HERE: I am nursing a sore knee (bothered me last year.) I am currently struggling to balance marathon training (including proper rest) and swimming and biking. I really want to run the full marathon this year, but mostly so it is off my bucket list. My "A" race is the Oly. I want both! Ugh. The rational part of my brain, which I have been ignoring since I started running, is telling me to just run the half mary and move on with life.


Also, I enjoy stupid humor, and walks on the beach. 

2012-04-25 7:31 PM
in reply to: #4173405

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-25 7:02 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-24 11:13 AM


Last week I became a partner in a new business.  I am returning to the kitchen cabinet business and opening a showroom by the end of May.  This weekend we started preping the space.  So no formal training but a lot of physical labor.  Then Sunday I started getting sick.  Still feel lousy today (Tuesday), My first Tri (Sprint) is this Sunday.  Based on my schedule I may be able to get in the pool on Thursday night and a run Friday afternoon.  Unless I totally feel like crap, I'm going to the tri.

Does this sound like a good plan?  I'm fairly confident I will get through the swim and bike (200 yd, 10 mi). I'll do my best for the run(5k)

guess I'm getting a little nervous  Undecided

Tom'll be fine!  Your plan is've done a lot of training already.  Shake those butterflies off!  Better yet...flip them the bird!  Go do your Tri!  You're ready.  Can't wait to hear about it!

Jacki's right and she reminded me to tell you that I ALWAYS am CONVINCED I am COMING DOWN WITH SOMETHING in the week before a race. Hypochondria doesn't seem to cover it. More like crazyazztriathlete-itis. You're fine. And I love kitchen cabinets...we remodeled our own kitchen years ago before we had kids...lovelovelove all the different possibilities. Cool new business...right time for it??? Housing market is trying to come back and people are going to have all kinds of reasons to remodel...

2012-04-25 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4173422

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 7:15 PM


FAMILY STATUS: Happily married. Two boys and an "unknown" due in September. Tate just turned 7, Bode is 3. I love being a dad!

STORY: My wife and I started our weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I was at 320+ and in desperate need of a change. Long story short, we decided together to change. We changed the way we eat and got off the couch. Last year we both ran in our first sprint tri. To top it off we did it on our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm hooked on triathlons. That's why im here.  

CURRENT TRAINING:   Training for the Missoula Marathon in July. Right now I swim once a week, (wish it was more.) I enjoy time on my bike the most. 

2011 RACES: Zootown Tri (sprint)

2012 RACES: Missoula Marathon, Zootown Tri (Sprint), Garden City Triathlon (Oly)

WHY AM I HERE: I am nursing a sore knee (bothered me last year.) I am currently struggling to balance marathon training (including proper rest) and swimming and biking. I really want to run the full marathon this year, but mostly so it is off my bucket list. My "A" race is the Oly. I want both! Ugh. The rational part of my brain, which I have been ignoring since I started running, is telling me to just run the half mary and move on with life.


Also, I enjoy stupid humor, and walks on the beach. 

TJ, sharing this hobby with your spouse is an excellent, excellent way to do it...and congrats on the new one on the way! Your first real season sounds a lot like mine. I peaked for an OLY then went over to Marathon training. It was my best year of running and got  lot of PR's. Looking back my husband and I were frustrated the next year over our running which really took a hit. Point is, we've started to come to the conclusion here at Casa Mysterio that if you're gonna train for tri's, that's fine, but don't expect big gains in your run. One or the other.  It's fine to do both or three-th (four-eth) in a season, but don't expect to be awesome in all sports at the same time...

Since you're nursing a sore knee, I would focus on training for tri and do the run races to check the block on your bucket list items. Plus training for an OLY is an excellent way to train for a 1/2 is how I PR'd the 1/2 distance that year...

2012-04-25 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4173422

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 7:15 PM


FAMILY STATUS: Happily married. Two boys and an "unknown" due in September. Tate just turned 7, Bode is 3. I love being a dad!

STORY: My wife and I started our weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I was at 320+ and in desperate need of a change. Long story short, we decided together to change. We changed the way we eat and got off the couch. Last year we both ran in our first sprint tri. To top it off we did it on our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm hooked on triathlons. That's why im here.  

CURRENT TRAINING:   Training for the Missoula Marathon in July. Right now I swim once a week, (wish it was more.) I enjoy time on my bike the most. 

2011 RACES: Zootown Tri (sprint)

2012 RACES: Missoula Marathon, Zootown Tri (Sprint), Garden City Triathlon (Oly)

WHY AM I HERE: I am nursing a sore knee (bothered me last year.) I am currently struggling to balance marathon training (including proper rest) and swimming and biking. I really want to run the full marathon this year, but mostly so it is off my bucket list. My "A" race is the Oly. I want both! Ugh. The rational part of my brain, which I have been ignoring since I started running, is telling me to just run the half mary and move on with life.


Also, I enjoy stupid humor, and walks on the beach. 


Awesome work on losing the weight, and for you and your wife getting off the couch together.  Such a great thing to be able to train/motivate each other.    Your example for your boys and "unknown"  Is  one of the best things a parent(s)  can give.     You should feel really great about that.  

How many miles per week do you run?   I know you wanted to provide that via daily mile logs.  But give us an idea on how much you do currently.   Or what you have been doing before sore knee kicked in.     Do you have any injury history?     I am of the firm belief ***DAVE DISCLAIMER*** that cycling  (assuming good bike fit and not trying to push too much)   really helps improve knee issues.   

I think Quincy is right on as per usual when she says  its pretty hard to be at your "best" running, while also trying to focus on triathlon.    This being said,  I also believe that TRI training does cross over on a level and you could certainly pull off doing both.   Since it would be your first marathon  it would be a PR.    But don't think once you do one it will remain a bucket list item.   You will more than likely want to do another one.  OR OR  at least be a victim to a friend going  "oh you gotta do another one!"   heh

Basically ***DAVE DISCLAIMER***  about 20% of a marathon "plan"  can be cross training.   Ya you don't see that on a Hal Higdon or Jeff Galloway or whoever typical marathon plan.     The long runs are the key   if you biked versus run on one of the other days of the week  I dont think you are at a loss.  

    So I am NOT of the opinion that you ought to drop the marathon.     Its just that it IS tricky to marathon train and tri train at the same time  when you have little experience in either endeavor.

oh and why be rational?   this is where we get to be kids all over again and have fun.    I see the mary is in July.  When is the Oly?

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-04-25 8:22 PM
2012-04-25 8:19 PM
in reply to: #4173282

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-25 5:23 PM
oriolepwr - 2012-04-25 3:34 PM
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 3:28 PM

Any more room in here for a big, slow, clyde? Don't worry, what I lack in speed I make up for in sarcasm. 

I have no logs entries yet. They are all on dailymile. I can't import them can I? Dang.

Absolutely!   please join the tour,  please share your  bio and the sarcasm.         I'm especially amused that you wanted to join after our last couple of pages of "silly stuff"

Not sure about the daily mile import.  Sorry

I think the last couple of pages is some of our best work yet...they're going to be beating down the doors after that naked chick swimming in an ice fjord+vikings+Orca combo...

Yes please on the sarcasm, we eat that for breakfast around here...

We ARE enjoying ourselves are we not?  hee hee     I'm happy that others want to join in on the hilarity.    

2012-04-25 9:11 PM
in reply to: #4173282

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-25 5:23 PM

oriolepwr - 2012-04-25 3:34 PM
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 3:28 PM

Any more room in here for a big, slow, clyde? Don't worry, what I lack in speed I make up for in sarcasm. 

I have no logs entries yet. They are all on dailymile. I can't import them can I? Dang.

Absolutely!   please join the tour,  please share your  bio and the sarcasm.         I'm especially amused that you wanted to join after our last couple of pages of "silly stuff"

Not sure about the daily mile import.  Sorry

I think the last couple of pages is some of our best work yet...they're going to be beating down the doors after that naked chick swimming in an ice fjord+vikings+Orca combo...

Yes please on the sarcasm, we eat that for breakfast around here...

X2. I'm still laughing several posts later. My dh says all tris in the south should be this way ( that is a bunch of naked ladies in the swim). He did change his mind when I reminded him of the sights we've seen at some tri's. Some things are just better with window dressing- lol.

2012-04-25 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4171048

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Thanks Dave for the advice, I really enjoyed your race report!  In fact, I've read every 2010 & 2011 report posted, and guess what, everyone says it was hot! lol  It's on July 15th this year, so I'm sure it will be nice and cool!

I was really impressed with your bike, averaging over 20 mph. I have only gone out once so far (doing lots of spinning), and averaged 15 mph for 50 miles, but hope to go faster with training, and a closed course.

Questions, I'm assuming that suit juice is body glide?  How bad are the roads in Racine? Are water exchanges a big deal on the bike? 

 Thanks again for the advice, and if anyone else hasn't read Dave's race report, it's a good read!


[Racine 2010

Edited by Turner100 2012-04-25 9:26 PM

2012-04-25 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4173422

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 7:15 PM


FAMILY STATUS: Happily married. Two boys and an "unknown" due in September. Tate just turned 7, Bode is 3. I love being a dad!

STORY: My wife and I started our weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I was at 320+ and in desperate need of a change. Long story short, we decided together to change. We changed the way we eat and got off the couch. Last year we both ran in our first sprint tri. To top it off we did it on our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm hooked on triathlons. That's why im here.  

CURRENT TRAINING:   Training for the Missoula Marathon in July. Right now I swim once a week, (wish it was more.) I enjoy time on my bike the most. 

2011 RACES: Zootown Tri (sprint)

2012 RACES: Missoula Marathon, Zootown Tri (Sprint), Garden City Triathlon (Oly)

WHY AM I HERE: I am nursing a sore knee (bothered me last year.) I am currently struggling to balance marathon training (including proper rest) and swimming and biking. I really want to run the full marathon this year, but mostly so it is off my bucket list. My "A" race is the Oly. I want both! Ugh. The rational part of my brain, which I have been ignoring since I started running, is telling me to just run the half mary and move on with life.


Also, I enjoy stupid humor, and walks on the beach. 

Welcome to the nuthouse, err group -I meant group really I promise I did. I think it's awesome that you and your wife have done much of this together. My dh and I train together often and we are doing our first tri together in June. It's his actual first not mine but our first together. We've also done a couple of road races together and we are just having so much fun with it all. We've also gotten our nine year old doing tri's and races with us. It's become a family thing.

Congrats on number 3. Will you guys find out what you're having or will you be surprised? My dh and I are the be surprised type but we definitely are the minority. I am also an LnD nurse and we fight over the patients who don't know what they're having- lol.

2012-04-25 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4128570

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Evening or good morning (depending on when you read this) everyone!  Sorry I dropped of the face of the planet on the last tour.  Promise it wont happen again. 

Have any space left on the ride? 

Edited by mjh1975 2012-04-25 10:35 PM
2012-04-25 10:59 PM
in reply to: #4128570

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Thanks ya'll.  So a little more detail:

The marathon is July 8th, the Oly is September 8th. Also the Sprint is Aug 11th. 

I have focused on running through the winter (seemed like it would never end) Now I have been adding bike commutes to work (20+ miles one to two times a week) and swimming with the family once a week. I swim laps (1500 yds), and they play. I work full time and I am also a youth pastor. Before, I thought I had no time to be in shape let alone time to train. You have to find a way to make it happen sometimes.

My weekly running miles are at 21 with a 10 mile long run last week. This was on the full mary plan. This week called for 22 total miles but I think I have decided to back up into a half mary plan adding in more biking. I know at this point physically I can do the half. If I have to choose between running a full and no tris, or half and tris, well then I'm running the half. So, sorry to bore you with the deets, but there they are anyway.

2012-04-25 11:05 PM
in reply to: #4173605

User image

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Turner100 - 2012-04-25 9:22 PM

Thanks Dave for the advice, I really enjoyed your race report!  In fact, I've read every 2010 & 2011 report posted, and guess what, everyone says it was hot! lol  It's on July 15th this year, so I'm sure it will be nice and cool!

I was really impressed with your bike, averaging over 20 mph. I have only gone out once so far (doing lots of spinning), and averaged 15 mph for 50 miles, but hope to go faster with training, and a closed course.

Questions, I'm assuming that suit juice is body glide?  How bad are the roads in Racine? Are water exchanges a big deal on the bike? 

 Thanks again for the advice, and if anyone else hasn't read Dave's race report, it's a good read!


[Racine 2010

You'll get super faster as you ride more, that's called T I T S (really BT sensors, really?)(time in the saddle)

...the roads in Racine are pretty crappy, including one stretch that took out a BTer so hard last year that she shredded her tire. Not her tube, the whole stinkin' tire. Check it out.

Water exchanges are pretty easy if you have a very specific plan. Slow down, pick someone out, make eye contact, hold eye contact, slow down some more, and grab the bottle. BOOM, off you go...

Suit Juice is kind of a Pam Cooking Spray for helps get the suit on and off. It comes in a spray bottle and looks like this...

It costs slightly less than liquified gold and platinum flakes mixed with cristal champagne...I actually used Pam for my first helps get the suit on and off, conditions the skin, and costs slightly less than suit juice. Plus you can use it at home to, you know, cook with...

Body glide looks more like solid

deodorant, but it doesn't make you smell better, it makes you not scream in agony in the hot shower after chafing the crap out of looks like this:

It is best applied liberally on known chafe spots like between (fatty boom boom) thighs, behind upper arms, and my personal fave, the back of the neck where your wetsuit will burn a sneaky little hole during a long OWS...

Edited by quincyf 2012-04-25 11:06 PM
2012-04-25 11:06 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Shelly, we are the "be surprised" type. We were surprised the first 2 times and loved the suspense. There are not many surprises in life that are wonderful either way. I am hoping for a girl though.

2012-04-25 11:09 PM
in reply to: #4173706

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
mjh1975 - 2012-04-25 10:34 PM

Evening or good morning (depending on when you read this) everyone!  Sorry I dropped of the face of the planet on the last tour.  Promise it wont happen again. 

Have any space left on the ride? 


See, Dave, see????!?????!!!!!! nudity+vikings+killer whales=they're coming out of the woodwork!!!

It's OK Matt, the alien abductions are really bad this spring. Welcome back...Q

2012-04-26 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4172917

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-04-25 3:47 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-04-25 1:03 PM


That really made me laugh out loud for at least a couple of minutes! I promise I will not go naked, and I will not undress in front of any other racers! I'm pretty sure there will be some funny stories to report, though, 'cause I'm known for being pretty goofy. Plus, having no experience in open water racing, transitions, and cycling in general - something has got to happen!


One of Quincy's lines is  "and then Hilarity ensued"    These are the unexpected odd things that happen,  the fails,  the comedy of it all.  the being ridiculously serious about your performance, until its just ridiculously funny.  Things you learn about yourself in the process.    For example:   I learned that I will actually steal a GU from a spectator, if I need one bad enough.     gotta have fun!      So yes please do the tri and please share the hilarity! 

And now for something completely different!  

I did read your cycling adventure on your blog!    Everyone falls over with clipless pedals  its part of the fun!!   I've been using them for decades and on the order of once per year I still have a fall over "incident"    BTW to answer your question as to why its called "clipless" even though there IS a clip.     These cages that you slipped your feet in  were/are called Toe clips.      So ya pedals that do not have the cage are "clipless"'s all starting to make sense now!! I probably could have just googled that, but thanks for the explanation. I have to admit, as I was laying in the road with my feet still clipped into the pedals, I really was cursing under my breath "#$&% clipless pedals my @$$"

2012-04-26 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4173742

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-25 11:09 PM
mjh1975 - 2012-04-25 10:34 PM

Evening or good morning (depending on when you read this) everyone!  Sorry I dropped of the face of the planet on the last tour.  Promise it wont happen again. 

Have any space left on the ride? 


See, Dave, see????????!!!!!! nudity+vikings+killer whales=they're coming out of the woodwork!!!

It's OK Matt, the alien abductions are really bad this spring. Welcome back...Q

Matt-  Oh yeah how can we go out on tour with out our drummer? 

Here is Matt in action people!   Oh and this was BEFORE he was abducted by aliens!


Q-  Ya ya I see I see!!  Pretty soon we can start the CONTEST!    BTW can you donate a can of Mrs Renfro's ghost pepper salsa as part of the winner package???  hmmmmmmm???     more to come on this.    


2012-04-26 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4128570

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Does this merry band of tour-ers need a bass player? I've been known to slappa da bass. 

Side note: I play with is slung a little lower. Same cheezy face though.

2012-04-26 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4128570

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


if you get up to *** stars you will receive lifetime membership  in the group and all that goes with it.

Magical Mys-Tri Tour  "The Sequel"

*= One Tour, **=Two Tours  

* Rob-Turner100

* Sarah-sarah73

* Chantay-flagrl4evr

* TJ-Lesandtj

* Alicia-Trirun26

** Shelly-FitMomma2010

** Matt-mjh1975

** Tom-TLkatos1259

** Jacki-DaDooRunRun

** Yvonne-Ybeal

** Todd-trei

** Dave-oriolepwr

**  Quincy-quincyf

Everyone please copy/paste this handy dandy index into your blog area!  

Oh and add us all to your "friends list"  I've already done so.

This way you can more easily check up on the rest of our little group.     It's "expected"  Yes rule #2  after no double-dipping (UGH Sooooo  uncool)      that you: 

Harass, Cajole, sweet talk, support,  push, pull,  insert funny pic's,  and otherwise do whatever it takes to keep your fellow band mates,  on their freaking bikes, lacing up the shoes, and swimming naked in fjords!!!

via Inspires

We hopefully will get a few more people that want to take part in the fun,  then I'll edit the list and re-post for your convenience.  

2012-04-26 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4173422

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Lesandtj - 2012-04-25 8:15 PM


Welcome, TJ!

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married. Two boys and an "unknown" due in September. Tate just turned 7, Bode is 3. I love being a dad!

I just love dads who love being dads! My husband is the same way, which is nice, except he keeps wanting more and more kids...ahhhh!

STORY: My wife and I started our weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I was at 320+ and in desperate need of a change. Long story short, we decided together to change. We changed the way we eat and got off the couch. Last year we both ran in our first sprint tri. To top it off we did it on our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm hooked on triathlons. That's why im here.  

That's awesome!! It means so much more when you accomplish things together, and it's such a great thing for your kids to see. Not only do they see the importance of excercise, but they see mom and dad working together and supporting each other. Keep it up!!

CURRENT TRAINING:   Training for the Missoula Marathon in July. Right now I swim once a week, (wish it was more.) I enjoy time on my bike the most. 

2011 RACES: Zootown Tri (sprint)

2012 RACES: Missoula Marathon, Zootown Tri (Sprint), Garden City Triathlon (Oly)

WHY AM I HERE: I am nursing a sore knee (bothered me last year.) I am currently struggling to balance marathon training (including proper rest) and swimming and biking. I really want to run the full marathon this year, but mostly so it is off my bucket list. My "A" race is the Oly. I want both! Ugh. The rational part of my brain, which I have been ignoring since I started running, is telling me to just run the half mary and move on with life.

My husband ran the Chicago Marathon with me last year (his first and my third) as a bucket list item, and I know he will do more. We are tri training now, since the marathon training alone seems to be so much more exhausting and time consuming than doing multi-sports. I know that doesn't really make sense, but it's just our experience.


Also, I enjoy stupid humor, and walks on the beach. 

Who doesn't Wink

2012-04-26 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4174293

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Lesandtj - 2012-04-26 9:03 AM

Does this merry band of tour-ers need a bass player? I've been known to slappa da bass. 

Side note: I play with is slung a little lower. Same cheezy face though.

Bass player   for sure for sure.  Its a "need" area.   Can you play old Beatles tunes?  Or at least one in particular??      I mean we play that song while riding bikes,  out on long runs,  carousing  and drinking Grog (oh that still counts as carousing me thinks)

2012-04-26 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4157106

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-17 9:27 PM


Shelly! wow I love my job because of people like you!!!! woooohooooo for beating cancer's butt...yeah!

By any chance is it adryamicin that affected your heart? It sounds like you are doing great though and ready to rock this tri season. Keep up the swimming and biking.

I am off for the next 2 weeks to Spain and Portugal, so excited! it is a trip with my mom and sister. When I get back I have to start being serious about my (I am not really ever serious) and trying to loose the 9 pounds I put on while I was on chemo...can u believe it? who gains weight during chemo? Yell


Stay well and happy running....Alicia

Alicia, My heart damage was actually from radiation treatments for the Hodgekin's. I have pretty severe aortic and mitral valve stenosis because of it. I see an excellent cardiologist and he says it's not a matter of if I'll have to have valve replacement but when. His goal is to get me to age 50 but even that is looking debatable. My last check up was not what he wanted it to be. I just pretend like I don't hear him- you know fingers in the ears - la la la la I can't hear you. It doesn't really work but I try anyway- lol. He doesn't like me pushing my heart rate so we compromise- I stick to sprint tris and he does the worrying. It works so far. Shelly


Wow, Shelly! I hadn't read all the posts until now, and you are really amazing!! It's not just that you have been through so much, and continue to endure, it's your attitude...your spirit. You are such an uplifting person! As an RN I know you are aware of how much a positive attitude can affect your health, and you're a great example of that!  But....listen to your cardiologist!! -Sarah


Edited by Sarah73 2012-04-26 9:29 AM
2012-04-26 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Yes, I can play old that old Beatle's tune............ over and over and over.  Here is a pic from the Old School Mys-tri Tour. 

Do you think they did the flying squirrel mount out of T1?

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