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2013-01-04 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4559397

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Deb - I remember last winter I did every one of my workouts in the basement on the trainer or treadmill when I started my IM plan - until it got to be nice out.  Seems to be just much more convenient then getting all bundled up and dealing with the cold.  Plus your workouts are more manageable in the beginning of your plan and you will be dying to get outside later! I remember a particularly brutal 3-1/2 hour trainer ride in the basement and telling myself it was time to move outside haha.

cheekymonkeys1 - 2013-01-03 7:04 AM I'm heading out for 3 miles this am. The thermostat says its 4 degrees with a feels like of -7. I'm starting to wonder if I should hit the TM for everything but my long run.

Edited by tmoran80 2013-01-04 11:37 AM

2013-01-04 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4561737

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Tim - It is the older model. the battery seems to work fine. Sometimes it does act up when I drop a lot of sweat on it but lately it has been fine. I have a cadence meter on my bike computer so I never felt the need to get it on my watch but thanks for the advise. I will consider it.

2013-01-04 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4562142

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

The nice thing about the Gramin cadence/speed sensor is that it gives you a really good estimate of your speed and distance while on the trainer.  I also just recently started using the Trainer Road software and it somehow takes all your Garmin info (HR,cadence, speed) and converts it into power.  It is pretty cool and much cheaper solution for $10/month then buying a power meter or computrainer for $$thousands.

gdelamora - 2013-01-04 11:54 AM

Tim - It is the older model. the battery seems to work fine. Sometimes it does act up when I drop a lot of sweat on it but lately it has been fine. I have a cadence meter on my bike computer so I never felt the need to get it on my watch but thanks for the advise. I will consider it.

2013-01-04 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4550197

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED


STORY: Played soccer growing up and I used to be pretty good at it.  Got into racing after college.  Went out with a girl who was a physical therapist and did all that goofy stuff.  As with most stuff I have done post puberty it usually starts off as trying to impress some girl.  

Started with a 10 miler in 2007 and have been hooked since then.  Knocked out a 10k, 8k, 2 half marathons and 2 marathons.  Had big issues running 5 or 6 days a week training for my first marathon, bought a road bike to replace some of those runs, absolutely loved riding and had an injury free and successful second marathon (this years Chicago).  So it was time to move on to the next challenge.  


CURRENT TRAINING:  No bike, some intervals, on 3rd of 4th week of re introduction to strength training, started swimming the day before yesterday.   14th starts more structured and focused chopping my mile splits and beefing up my bike training.  Totally changing gears from long distance to shorter should be a fun change though.  

2013 RACES: Chicago tri, probably the Purdue sprint in April, a 5k of some sorts on mothers day, either a half or full marathon in November -- trying to coordinate with a few people I've finally hooked into running who are deciding what they want to run this year so my schedule isn't solidified yet.  

WEIGHTLOSS: weight gain --- beef up to a lean 168-171

WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR OUT OF THIS GROUP: totally new to the sport so any input on managing time, doing races within several weeks of each other and not getting burnt out (I have issues wanting to go balls to the wall at all times), swimming, eating, hydrating and some people to drink beer with after crossing the finish line would be more than welcome.  

Edited by arock84 2013-01-04 1:56 PM
2013-01-04 1:51 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey Team.

Made it to Toronto last night safe and sound. TI starts tomorrow at 7 am Smile. I got a nice 7 km run in here in Toronto at High Park - so much more hillier here than where I am from.

I did a little reconnaissance trip to the pool to make sure I knew where I was going tomorrow. Here is a pic. I will make sure I let everyone know how it was when I get home. It looks like a great place - I wonder if they will let me jump off the 10 meter diving tower before class Tongue out

Have a great weekend everyone.



Edited by kcgolf 2013-01-04 1:58 PM



OlympiumpoolToronto#1.jpg (49KB - 23 downloads)
animated-gifs-swimming-003[1].gif (16KB - 12 downloads)
2013-01-04 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4561785

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
tmoran80 - 2013-01-04 9:41 AM

Cool website - thanks for sharing.  Gonna have to spend some time that since I am a tech freak haha.  I have always been a Timex Ironman watch guy and was so pumped when they came out with the Global Trainer GPS watch.  I am hesitant because I have not heard good things about the GPS function (long time to find satellites and accuracy).  Glad you were able find that swim plan on Active.  They have some good stuff on their. 

Here is another great site for some swim workout ideas -

phishinphan - 2013-01-04 9:23 AM

For the others that are looking at gear, I found a good site by a triathlete with very detailed reviews.

I just read the Timex Global Trainer Review and started the 310xt review.

Today is a swim/strength day for me. Thanks to Tim, I have a nice couch to Olympic training schedule for the swim portion that actually makes my last workout (that I thought was shameful and lame) look right in line with week 1, day 1. Thanks Tim! For others, the article is on Search for 12-week swim workout for olympic


I have a Timex Ironman Run Trainer.  Started flipping out at mile 15 of my marathon and hasn't been right since.  Wont sync up with my computer and the GPS does this weird thing where it will show my pace but not keep track of distance traveled and their software was kind of MEH anyways.  It is a year and 2 days old.  Oops.  

My roommate has a 310xt and loves it (and I now have one in the mail).  The Garmin software is much cleaner as well.  

2013-01-04 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Running early - Me too.  Long runs 10 to 12 miles plus two one hour treadmill sessions for hjills and speed and a brick after a computrainer bike.  Goal is a marathon in April.  Hugely different than usual.  Normally I train to peak all three sports at A race time.  This year I am trying to kick it at Wisconsin so I need to work on the run.  Usually I run with the local run club to train for their 12K in early May.  This year, I am doing a marathon a couple of weeks before that 12K.  Goal is to reach a high level of run endurance early, then hold it while bringing the other two sports up to peak at IM Moo.  Tim is right about watching for overtraining too early and giving some recovery after the marathon.  I want to do as well as I can but I also know I will need to train through that marathon as much as I can.  Recovery won't, can't go on that long.  If it ends up having too, then the run-long idea was probably not a good gamble.  But how do you know until you try, right?    
2013-01-04 3:03 PM
in reply to: #4562410

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kcgolf - 2013-01-04 2:51 PM

Hey Team.

Made it to Toronto last night safe and sound. TI starts tomorrow at 7 am Smile. I got a nice 7 km run in here in Toronto at High Park - so much more hillier here than where I am from.

I did a little reconnaissance trip to the pool to make sure I knew where I was going tomorrow. Here is a pic. I will make sure I let everyone know how it was when I get home. It looks like a great place - I wonder if they will let me jump off the 10 meter diving tower before class Tongue out

Have a great weekend everyone.



WOW, now THAT'S a POOL!!  Can't wait to hear what you think about the TI clinic!  And I double dog dare you to do a cannonball off the high dive... 

2013-01-04 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4562410

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Wow that would be nice to have that as your local pool. Hope that class is good.  Do they do a video analysis for you with the class?

kcgolf - 2013-01-04 1:51 PM

Made it to Toronto last night safe and sound. TI starts tomorrow at 7 am Smile. I got a nice 7 km run in here in Toronto at High Park - so much more hillier here than where I am from.

I did a little reconnaissance trip to the pool to make sure I knew where I was going tomorrow. Here is a pic. I will make sure I let everyone know how it was when I get home. It looks like a great place - I wonder if they will let me jump off the 10 meter diving tower before class Tongue out

2013-01-04 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4562298

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Tim, thanks for posting that as I have the Garmin 310 (love it) with the bike HR and speed/cadence and was wondering how I would found out my power.  I was thinking about signing up for the Trainer Road and now you have me sold.

tmoran80 - 2013-01-04 1:53 PM

The nice thing about the Gramin cadence/speed sensor is that it gives you a really good estimate of your speed and distance while on the trainer.  I also just recently started using the Trainer Road software and it somehow takes all your Garmin info (HR,cadence, speed) and converts it into power.  It is pretty cool and much cheaper solution for $10/month then buying a power meter or computrainer for $$thousands.

2013-01-04 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4562410

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

KC, can't wait to hear what you learn from your clinic versus mine.  I also double dog dare you jump off the high board.

kcgolf - 2013-01-04 2:51 PM

Hey Team.

Made it to Toronto last night safe and sound. TI starts tomorrow at 7 am Smile. I got a nice 7 km run in here in Toronto at High Park - so much more hillier here than where I am from.

I did a little reconnaissance trip to the pool to make sure I knew where I was going tomorrow. Here is a pic. I will make sure I let everyone know how it was when I get home. It looks like a great place - I wonder if they will let me jump off the 10 meter diving tower before class Tongue out

Have a great weekend everyone.



2013-01-04 4:28 PM
in reply to: #4562658

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey Team.

Tim - yes they have asked us to bring a jump drive so we can have the video of our strokes through the weekend and I know you know I will be posting them for all of you to see. Smile

Also - I am thinking red speedo Laughing

Double Dog dare huh?


tmoran80 - 2013-01-04 4:53 PM

Wow that would be nice to have that as your local pool. Hope that class is good.  Do they do a video analysis for you with the class?

kcgolf - 2013-01-04 1:51 PM

Made it to Toronto last night safe and sound. TI starts tomorrow at 7 am Smile. I got a nice 7 km run in here in Toronto at High Park - so much more hillier here than where I am from.

I did a little reconnaissance trip to the pool to make sure I knew where I was going tomorrow. Here is a pic. I will make sure I let everyone know how it was when I get home. It looks like a great place - I wonder if they will let me jump off the 10 meter diving tower before class Tongue out


redspeedo.jpg (48KB - 7 downloads)
2013-01-04 4:51 PM
in reply to: #4562711

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

red Speedo's are allowed in the class as long as this guy is not in your lane with you.

Red Speedo

kcgolf - 2013-01-04 4:28 PM

Also - I am thinking red speedo Laughing

Edited by tmoran80 2013-01-04 4:51 PM
2013-01-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: #4562711

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I'd say anything goes KC, as long as you don't wear a Lime Green Mankini! Tongue out Have fun my friend, hope you get heaps of great info out of it!


kcgolf - 2013-01-05 9:28 AM

Hey Team.

Tim - yes they have asked us to bring a jump drive so we can have the video of our strokes through the weekend and I know you know I will be posting them for all of you to see. Smile

Also - I am thinking red speedo Laughing

Double Dog dare huh?


tmoran80 - 2013-01-04 4:53 PM

Wow that would be nice to have that as your local pool. Hope that class is good.  Do they do a video analysis for you with the class?

kcgolf - 2013-01-04 1:51 PM

Made it to Toronto last night safe and sound. TI starts tomorrow at 7 am Smile. I got a nice 7 km run in here in Toronto at High Park - so much more hillier here than where I am from.

I did a little reconnaissance trip to the pool to make sure I knew where I was going tomorrow. Here is a pic. I will make sure I let everyone know how it was when I get home. It looks like a great place - I wonder if they will let me jump off the 10 meter diving tower before class Tongue out

2013-01-04 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team, hope everyone is well, 39C (102.2F) here again today, Melbourne got the cool change but we (Bendigo, 2 hrs north) missed out, so I'm thinking about an evening ride.

I was wondering what training music you all listen to, as in motivational or power songs? I thought we could share some favourites as my playlist is becoming a little stale and I'm always keen to liven it up with some new tunes.

Anyway, I'll start with my current top 20 in no particular order:

1. Any Way You Want It - Journey
2. Mr. Torture - Helloween
3. The Edge of Glory - Lady GaGa
4. Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson
5. Viva La Vida - Coldplay
6. Don't Stop Believin' - Journey
7. Dreams - Van Halen
8. Land Down Under - Men At Work
9. My Brain is Hanging Upside Down - Ramones
10. Over My Head - Sum 41
11. Reach - Gloria Estefan
12. Shut Up - Simple Plan
13. Speed of Sound - Coldplay
14. We Found Love - Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris)
15. We Can - LeAnn Rimes
16. Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
17. Bring Me to Life - Evanescence
18. How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20
19. Fighter - Christina Aguilera
20. The World Ain't Slowin' Down - Ellis Paul

Pretty eclectic selection I guess, but some are power songs for beat and some are uplifting for lyrics. I'm keen to see what everyone else shares!

Have a brilliant weekend peeps!

2013-01-04 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4561721

New user

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

It is, only down side is there aren't many big climbs near but I suppose enough bumps to get the legs feeling it.  it's a great shame I haven't taken advantage of it before. Hopefully will finally get around to ordering my first road bike next week so I can get good use of them! I'm looking at the C'dale CAAD8, anyone any opinions on it?

tmoran80 - 2013-01-04 3:14 PM

Wow that sounds like some great riding areas. All I get to see is cornfields Cry

Spudlander - 2013-01-03 8:44 PM

I'm from County Antrim, which is north coast of ireland.  I live on the coast so can drive/cycle along the coast through the glens which is a beautiful area. as is Clare, I've been there several times. Mind you, I find alot of Ireland has brilliant scenery apart from the weather! 

@kruzmeister, I don't tend to listen to music when I'm training. My earphones always fall out when running, I like to be able to listen to traffic when biking and my earphones don't work for some reason in the pool!

Although, when doing weights it's the music of the gym being played, which is usually dance/electro ie a constant beat. Not my kind of music but good for getting into a rhythm I suppose.


Got my first training session of the year done. Went swimming and had my main set as just a long swim, 2000m in 33mins. Happy with it

Edited by Spudlander 2013-01-04 8:49 PM

2013-01-04 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4562953

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Great job on the swim, you must be a rocket in the pool!

I only listen to music when I run or do weights (or I'm dreaming/visualising finishing an Ironman), I find it helps me get into a rhythm when I'm running and helps psych me up for strength sessions.

Besides music is good for the soul! Smile


Spudlander - 2013-01-05 1:32 PM

@kruzmeister, I don't tend to listen to music when I'm training. My earphones always fall out when running, I like to be able to listen to traffic when biking and my earphones don't work for some reason in the pool!

Although, when doing weights it's the music of the gym being played, which is usually dance/electro ie a constant beat. Not my kind of music but good for getting into a rhythm I suppose.


Got my first training session of the year done. Went swimming and had my main set as just a long swim, 2000m in 33mins. Happy with it

2013-01-05 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Ok so I'm officially hurt. I tried to deny it for months but I'm going to have to face reality. Luckily I'll still be able to cycle and swim.

I have chronic pain in my heels and it has finally come to where I have to stop running. I'm optimistic that it won't be long so I will only have to scrap my plans to do the Illinois Marathon in April.

I'll take it one day at a time.
2013-01-05 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4562930

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hello Team!  I need to get caught up on logging my workouts in here.  I have set a loose goal to see how many days I can run in a row- nothing crazy, on "off" days I am only going for a mile easy and following that up with stretches.  Day 5 and still going, despite the chilly temps!

This morning was the first cycling workout with my tri team.  We did a two hour indoor ride with some strength intervals in the first main set and spin-ups in the second main set.  It's a blast and goes by quickly when you are with a group.  We followed that up with a 20 minute outdoor run.

Simone, here's my list.  I have songs I listen to before races and songs for running (especially when I am dreading going for the run).  Although, I have not taken the iPod out on any of my runs so far this year.

1. Good Feeling - Flo Rida (This was my theme song for IMWI last year)

2. Feel So Close - Calvin Harris

3. A-Punk - Vampire Weekend

4. Runnin' Down A Dream - Tom Petty

5. In the Air Tonight - Phil Collins

6. Unstoppable - Rascal Flatts

7. Home - Phillip Phillips

8. Lights - Ellie Goulding

9. The Figher - Gym Class Heros

10. Girl on Fire - Alicia Keys

11. Sweet Disposition - Temper Trap

12. The Champ - Nelly

13. Where the Streets Have No Name - U2 (This was our warm-up song for soccer in college)

14. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO

15. Dirt Road Anthem - Jason Aldean

16. Move Along - All American Rejects

17. The Sound of Settling - Death Cab for Cutie

18. The Adventure - Angels and Airwaves

19. Quiet Dog - Mos Def

20. Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine

I also listen to quite a few on your list, so I tried to switch it up for mine.

2013-01-05 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED


 Have you seen anyone for your heel pain?  Make sure to take care of it now...I dealt with a hip flexor injury from May-September last year.  NOT fun.  Is it your Achilles' or the bottom (plantar fascia)?  I am an athletic trainer, so I may be able to suggest some things to help the healing along.


2013-01-05 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4563688

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

gdelamora - 2013-01-05 3:50 PM Ok so I'm officially hurt. I tried to deny it for months but I'm going to have to face reality. Luckily I'll still be able to cycle and swim.

I have chronic pain in my heels and it has finally come to where I have to stop running. I'm optimistic that it won't be long so I will only have to scrap my plans to do the Illinois Marathon in April.

I'll take it one day at a time.

Oh no, Gil... That stinks!  Had you already registered for the April marathon? 

At least you're accepting the reality of the situation and not blowing it off any longer, potentially worsening the injury.  Hope your heels heal (ha!) quickly.

2013-01-05 6:10 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Ooo, I'm loving all your playlists!  I need to download some new tunes for my HM training - time to mix things up.  Thanks for the recommendations!

A few others that motivate me --

My Body by Young the Giant

We Are Young by Fun.

All These Things That I've Done by The Killers

2013-01-05 8:36 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Hey team. First TI day in the books. I liked it . Just checking in via I phone. Will report more on Monday when I get a chance.

2013-01-05 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team,

hot and windy here again today (33.7C.. er sorry.. 92.66F), but at least I got a 2 hour MTB ride in through the bush, I really dislike riding in the wind, but it's making me stronger so I no longer look for excuses to avoid it and just suck it up and get out there.

Gil - sorry to hear about your injury, I have problems on and off with my right achilles, mostly when my calves are really tight from longer runs. I've found the roller on my calves and icing directly after my run really helps. Hope you can get it sorted out soon, at least you can still bike and swim.

Jenny - nice ride! And thanks for the list, I'll check them out when I get home from the pool! Smile

Kristen - I'll check yours out too, thanks!

KC - glad you are enjoying the TI weekend!

I used the BT custom planner yesterday to create a 12 week 3x Balanced Oly program. I start tomorrow. Really need to get into the groove of following a plan before my HIM plan starts rather than just doing what I feel like on the day. Hopefully this will give me a good base to work on.

Anyway peeps I'm off to the pool for a swim to cool down

Hope you are all having a good weekend!

2013-01-05 10:52 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Gil - probably a good call to layoff the marathon.  Tough decision to do but most likely the best if it is bothering you that bad.  I agree with Jenny that you should see someone to get it checked out or at least bounce some stuff off of her.

Simone - Sorry can't help with the music list.  I stopped listening to music while working out about 4 years ago.  I do usually get some stupid song in my head like this summer when i had Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares To You" on a six hour bike ride - and the worst thing is I only knew the lyrics to one verse and chorus.

KC - Glad to hear the first day went good.

Today was the first day that I am feeling back to normal but I am really starting to go nuts not being able to workout.  I got on the scale and have now gained over 12 lbs. since September - probably cause I am eating like a maniac.

I found this online today and though it was hilarious.  Hopefully you get a laugh out of it.  It is so true.  I know my co-workers are so tired of me talking about my races haha.,30792/

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.  

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