BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: help

Originally posted by MSURDYKE It has to be shared to your email address and you have to sign up with google docs with that email address to get to it.... Otherwise you can only view it...


2014-01-04 7:44 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: help
btw, I use [email protected] for google docs.
2014-01-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MSURDYKE

I want in....

A few years back I found this website and forum and got in on a weight loss challenge. I believe it was 20 pounds in 20 weeks or something like that. Anyway I went from a lifetime high of 255 pounds down to a much more fit 205 pounds over about 18 months. In that time I also completed 2 Half Ironman events. Well, that was (wow I just looked back) the end of 2009. 2010 was a transitional year and I started with some pretty big goals, hired a local coach and she shot down my goal of 4 HIMs as unrealistic. In hindsight, I should have picked a different coach right away or explained to her that my goal was to complete them, improving my times from one to the next, nothing more. After all, I had completed 2 in one year (My first to tri's to boot) without any coaching at all, purely self motivation, so doubling that with a professional coach should have been easy.

Well, my training intensity tapered off as I couldn't wrap my head around a new set of solid goals and by the end of 2010 I had put on about 10 pounds and was training only 2-3 times per week.

Since then, I've gradually tipped the scale back up and even though my body composition is a little better from occasional workouts, I'm back to tipping the scale near the 250 mark.

So, starting Monday, January 6th 2014 it's back on. By the end of January my goal is to be down to 240. The first 10 pounds seems to always be the easiest. If I can lose 10 the first month, 8 the second, 6 the third and 4 the fourth, I'll hit May 1st around 220 pounds and be ready to get serious for the summer.....

So, if you've read all of this, feel free to give pointers and advice and make me stick to it.....

Simple Facts about me:

I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 21 years, we have 5 kids of our own with the oldest being 20 and we have a niece and nephew that we're also the guardians of.

I developed my love of cycling when I was about 14 using my bicycle as a way to go anywhere I wanted including a 10 mile trip to high school (until I was old enough to drive a car)

My swimming love came in college where I'd spend probably 8-10 hours a week either in a swimming class or just swimming because I loved it.

Running is the discipline that I only learned to enjoy when I was into my HIM training.

My long term goal is to compete in a full ironman.


Matt: We'd love to have you! Let's work together to lose a few pounds and have a good time while doing it!
2014-01-04 9:29 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Is your mentor group still open? If so, I would love to be a part of this and would be happy to share my story (and more importantly, my favorite beer, though it would be quicker to list my least favorites).

2014-01-04 9:40 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by MSURDYKE

It has to be shared to your email address and you have to sign up with google docs with that email address to get to it.... Otherwise you can only view it...

I went back in and made sure that everyone has editing privileges - so you should be able to add your goals now. If not - let me know. There has to be a way to make this happen.
2014-01-04 9:42 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jnmrunner

Is your mentor group still open? If so, I would love to be a part of this and would be happy to share my story (and more importantly, my favorite beer, though it would be quicker to list my least favorites).


Yep - we'd love to have you! I'd love to hear about both your favorite and your least favorite beers... both can provide a lot of motivation!

2014-01-04 9:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by MSURDYKE

It has to be shared to your email address and you have to sign up with google docs with that email address to get to it.... Otherwise you can only view it...

I went back in and made sure that everyone has editing privileges - so you should be able to add your goals now. If not - let me know. There has to be a way to make this happen.

hmmm I don't have a google email address and have never used google docs? is there a way around it without signing up for a new account? If it has to be shared to our email addresses would it be easier for all of us to message you our email address we would like to use for it?
2014-01-04 10:28 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: help
As long as you have any email address at all you can sign up with google. It doesn't have to be a google email account. Go to and sign up with whatever email you use and make sure the to let the group here know what it is.
2014-01-04 10:41 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ripariangal

What do folks here think of total immersion swimming? People in my old club weren't sold on it. I think it's the cats pyjamas

I would put it at the cats Meow.

I am a novice swimmer. I started by adding laps on top of eachother each session until I could stay in the water for 10 minutes and swim 200 yards. I went from nothing to something by watching youtube videos and trying to plow through the drills and water to get faster and gain endurance. I got it to where I could swim for 30 min sessions and had an endurance pace of 2:00/100. I then got introduced to TI. Short story. I did it. It was an adjustment. I trained using TI for 3 months leading to HIM. There was a learning curve. I got to 2:00/100 using TI, but I was more relaxed and way more confident. I swam my HIM in 46 min, and had mad energy for the bike and run. I'm a believer.
2014-01-05 12:38 AM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Is your group still open? If so and you are okay with another female joining the group, I'd love to join. You had me when you said there is a beer app. Here are the basics:

1. Training for a sprint, already signed up. Yes I'm clearly a huge newbie. I've played the cheerleader role this past few years for my husband as he has ran half marathons and 1 marathon. I also have free entry to a half marathon in August so I'd like to do that.
2. I just got a road bike this past May which is what caused me to get the triathlon bug. Prior to that I was more into the typical kickboxing, fitness classes, etc. The girly stuff. I can do a mean roundhouse kick though.
2. Married, 2 kids ages 10(as of this next Thursday) and 6. Everyone in our family does races.
3. I've really only done 5k races so definitely not up to par with you all but great motivation
4. I kind of drink beer and try to lose weight all at the same time which makes this group seem like a good fit. I know it's bogus to try to lose weight and drink beer together but I think my priorities are valid. Here is the part you may not want to read...I am not an IPA fan. Sorry! I do like craft brews and that is really all I'll drink. I will try any beer once, yes even if it's an IPA. I currently dig Winter Ales but Amber Ales, as long as it's not too hoppy are my style. My husband brews his own beer so we tend to drink a lot of home brews.

So in the end, I can't really join a group that is going to frown upon me drinking a beer or two while I train, so I thought your group would be an excellent fit even if I'm lacking the fitness level that is in this group.

Edited by kascha 2014-01-05 12:39 AM
2014-01-05 3:18 AM
in reply to: kascha

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by kascha

Is your group still open? If so and you are okay with another female joining the group, I'd love to join. You had me when you said there is a beer app. Here are the basics:

1. Training for a sprint, already signed up. Yes I'm clearly a huge newbie. I've played the cheerleader role this past few years for my husband as he has ran half marathons and 1 marathon. I also have free entry to a half marathon in August so I'd like to do that.
2. I just got a road bike this past May which is what caused me to get the triathlon bug. Prior to that I was more into the typical kickboxing, fitness classes, etc. The girly stuff. I can do a mean roundhouse kick though.
2. Married, 2 kids ages 10(as of this next Thursday) and 6. Everyone in our family does races.
3. I've really only done 5k races so definitely not up to par with you all but great motivation
4. I kind of drink beer and try to lose weight all at the same time which makes this group seem like a good fit. I know it's bogus to try to lose weight and drink beer together but I think my priorities are valid. Here is the part you may not want to read...I am not an IPA fan. Sorry! I do like craft brews and that is really all I'll drink. I will try any beer once, yes even if it's an IPA. I currently dig Winter Ales but Amber Ales, as long as it's not too hoppy are my style. My husband brews his own beer so we tend to drink a lot of home brews.

So in the end, I can't really join a group that is going to frown upon me drinking a beer or two while I train, so I thought your group would be an excellent fit even if I'm lacking the fitness level that is in this group.

The group let's fruit beer drinkers in and I lean towards wine so for the group welcome!

2014-01-05 3:45 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by kevinbe

Tomorrow, Swim/strength at the gym. that will make 3/30.

Today, I went to wrestling practice to help coach, hoping to lose at least 2 lbs. The first live wrestle, My head went down while this kids head was going up. I got a nasty split above the eye. Da$M, there goes the moneymaker. took 20 minutes out of the 2hr. practice to get the blood to stop. Was able to get 1 hr. in of live wrestling.

Goal this week: By next Monday I will weigh <203. Started week at 205.2

Love the fact that you're wrestling! That'll help you drop the weight in no time. I think we need a "weight loss competition" similar to the challenge... Thoughts? I'm looking to drop weight so I can be at my race weight in time for IMMT in August. I need to lose a pound a week in order to make 165 by August 17th a reality. I need something to get me reved up because my eating has been in the crapper since my son went into the hospital. Not an excuse - just saying its harder to eat well in here.

It is hard while your son is in the hospital! The stress the schedule and emotion of it all. Yes, you can over come these obstacles but you need to recognize them for what they are. Take time for yourself and plan, plan, plan. How is your boy doing by the way?

For me? Well i may survive this class of chest infection. Of course if you had asked me that yesterday or the day prior my answer would have been different. Everyday I thought was my worse the next day would roar in even worst. However, there should have been some weight loss since I couldn't eat for a day and a half. Now I know I was sick when I don't eat! Let's do something since I did get a jump start.
2014-01-05 4:09 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by kevinbe

I just found out that the local HIM distance I did in 2012 has just added a sprint distance this year. The race is at the end of May. My wife may be interested in doing this as her first tri. If she does, I'm going to sign up and do it along side of her (hopefully, if she doesn't leave me in the dust.) She's a strong biker, easily as good as I. She did a 7K with me in 2012 and finished at a 9:00/mi pace, and she's never swam a lap in her life, which would mean she'd have to start swimming laps. That idea does not sit well with her.
I'm hoping she goes for this, because I think she would really grow to love tri's, (she's a wee bit competitive, though she wouldn't be the first to admit it.) I'd love to do it with her, because I think with my calf being all screwed up, I could shoot for a May sprint and just ease into running again by then. We have until end of February to sign up. Any words of wisdom on how I might be able to coax (gently) her into changing her mind on the pool?

Kevin, I do not know your wife but she sounds aaawwweesssoome! Ask her, if she were to take on this challenge how would she approach the swim? Follow her vision of how she would like to train and learn to swim and then help her get there her way. I don't know how you two do it with a new baby and all but it is amazing to me. Best wishes!
2014-01-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: kascha

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by kascha

Is your group still open? If so and you are okay with another female joining the group, I'd love to join. You had me when you said there is a beer app. Here are the basics:

1. Training for a sprint, already signed up. Yes I'm clearly a huge newbie. I've played the cheerleader role this past few years for my husband as he has ran half marathons and 1 marathon. I also have free entry to a half marathon in August so I'd like to do that.
2. I just got a road bike this past May which is what caused me to get the triathlon bug. Prior to that I was more into the typical kickboxing, fitness classes, etc. The girly stuff. I can do a mean roundhouse kick though.
2. Married, 2 kids ages 10(as of this next Thursday) and 6. Everyone in our family does races.
3. I've really only done 5k races so definitely not up to par with you all but great motivation
4. I kind of drink beer and try to lose weight all at the same time which makes this group seem like a good fit. I know it's bogus to try to lose weight and drink beer together but I think my priorities are valid. Here is the part you may not want to read...I am not an IPA fan. Sorry! I do like craft brews and that is really all I'll drink. I will try any beer once, yes even if it's an IPA. I currently dig Winter Ales but Amber Ales, as long as it's not too hoppy are my style. My husband brews his own beer so we tend to drink a lot of home brews.

So in the end, I can't really join a group that is going to frown upon me drinking a beer or two while I train, so I thought your group would be an excellent fit even if I'm lacking the fitness level that is in this group.

Kayla - We would love to have you join the BDAS as you train for your HM in August! Just want to say - it is possible to lose weight and drink beer at the same time. It's amazing how hard you will work out when beer is on the line. I always try to sign up for races that serve beer at the finish line as an extra incentive not to give up.

Just want to touch on what you said about "not being on par" with the rest of us because the only thing you have done is 5K's. Fact is - an Ironman isn't any better than a 5K - what matters is the effort you put in and the fun you get out of it.

Also glad to have another home brewing family in the group. Nothing like good home brew!
2014-01-05 10:16 AM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Hop in! it is a great group! Post your information as we are filling up quickly!

Originally posted by jnmrunner Is your mentor group still open? If so, I would love to be a part of this and would be happy to share my story (and more importantly, my favorite beer, though it would be quicker to list my least favorites). Jeanne

2014-01-05 10:20 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Kayla, I will add to David's response in that in triathlon, you will find that the only one you are competing against is yourself. Keep track of your workouts and be amazed at what you will accomplish whether it is a sprint or and ironman. Don't worry about the race distance. Nobody ever asks Usain Bolt if all he does is a 100meter sprint...

Originally posted by Qua17
Originally posted by kascha Is your group still open? If so and you are okay with another female joining the group, I'd love to join. You had me when you said there is a beer app. Here are the basics: 1. Training for a sprint, already signed up. Yes I'm clearly a huge newbie. I've played the cheerleader role this past few years for my husband as he has ran half marathons and 1 marathon. I also have free entry to a half marathon in August so I'd like to do that. 2. I just got a road bike this past May which is what caused me to get the triathlon bug. Prior to that I was more into the typical kickboxing, fitness classes, etc. The girly stuff. I can do a mean roundhouse kick though. 2. Married, 2 kids ages 10(as of this next Thursday) and 6. Everyone in our family does races. 3. I've really only done 5k races so definitely not up to par with you all but great motivation 4. I kind of drink beer and try to lose weight all at the same time which makes this group seem like a good fit. I know it's bogus to try to lose weight and drink beer together but I think my priorities are valid. Here is the part you may not want to read...I am not an IPA fan. Sorry! I do like craft brews and that is really all I'll drink. I will try any beer once, yes even if it's an IPA. I currently dig Winter Ales but Amber Ales, as long as it's not too hoppy are my style. My husband brews his own beer so we tend to drink a lot of home brews. So in the end, I can't really join a group that is going to frown upon me drinking a beer or two while I train, so I thought your group would be an excellent fit even if I'm lacking the fitness level that is in this group.
Kayla - We would love to have you join the BDAS as you train for your HM in August! Just want to say - it is possible to lose weight and drink beer at the same time. It's amazing how hard you will work out when beer is on the line. I always try to sign up for races that serve beer at the finish line as an extra incentive not to give up. Just want to touch on what you said about "not being on par" with the rest of us because the only thing you have done is 5K's. Fact is - an Ironman isn't any better than a 5K - what matters is the effort you put in and the fun you get out of it. Also glad to have another home brewing family in the group. Nothing like good home brew!

2014-01-05 10:24 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

5/31 after a tough swim this morning. Checked the weather at the Edmonton international airport and it was -38c(-36F). With windchill -48c(-54f). Not too many runners outside today! Now off to both my children's hockey game.

Have a great day everyone!

2014-01-05 12:07 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by thor67

5/31 after a tough swim this morning. Checked the weather at the Edmonton international airport and it was -38c(-36F). With windchill -48c(-54f). Not too many runners outside today! Now off to both my children's hockey game.

Have a great day everyone!

Way to get it done Thor and balance commitments with family. That's sometimes easier said than done. From one in the US to my Canadian friend, -48 is brrrr cold. We need to ask Darren if anything freezes off in -48.

I made my 2lb. loss this week. I was 203.1 this morning. That's 2.1 lbs lost this week. Weight used to just fall off me when I was younger, but it is now such a discipline to get it off. Much more rewarding this way. I have set up my days based on 2000 calories, and this seems to be a good number to stick to for me. For all the new members, I am the textbook example of YO-YO. I go up, then down. There has been a lot of up in 2013. Here's to going back down in 2014.

Next weeks goal is another 2 lb loss.
2014-01-05 12:20 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by MSURDYKE

It has to be shared to your email address and you have to sign up with google docs with that email address to get to it.... Otherwise you can only view it...

I went back in and made sure that everyone has editing privileges - so you should be able to add your goals now. If not - let me know. There has to be a way to make this happen.

I went in this morning (Sunday) and entered goals. This is a very motivating way to put your week on paper and make it happen. Everyone get your goals in, and watch them fall as you check them off for your week! I used the Link that DQ shared on page 6 of this thread.

Have a great week BDAS!
2014-01-05 1:23 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Any room at the inn? If so, I'd love to join the group (and I have to admit that I've been trolling the group for the last two mentor cycles)!


Name: Gretchen

2013 Training: sporadic at best in the spring, with a summer break to focus on boxing and then a solid fall until December when my father went into the hospital for several weeks

2013 Races: 5K in November(first race of my life), but only planned tri was cancelled in October due to government shutdown (a real bummer)

2014 Training: begins tomorrow with 12 week beginner sprint program from BT

2014 Races: planning on sprint tri in late April, August, and October.

Family: with partner for 14 years (gettin' officially hitched in June 2014--thanks state of Illinois), two dogs (13 and 5 years)

Drinks: go to is bourbon, but I sure do enjoy a great beer. I really don't like hoppy beer, so I think that puts me in the minority. I will try anything once though!

Weight Loss: yes, please! I originally started tri training to lose weight, and am down 50lbs. I would like to continue that downward trend in 2014.

2014-01-05 1:58 PM
in reply to: 0

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: help
Not sure how to approach my goals this week. Just a short time ago I had everything laid out from where and when I was going to swim and setting up the bike on the trainer and winter running gear received from my girls for Christmas. But now I am at a loss on training. I want to make sure I approach this correctly and not relapse with pnuemonia nor do I want to miss oportunity to start building again. Today I finally feel human and think I will be able to manage a short walk. From there I have nothing so I am open to suggestions.

Since I rarely take a sick day I have a gazillion to use and I think I will take one more day off to get one more recovery day. And, to attain on of my wants I have not been responding to my work emails...yeah me!

Edited by SportzVision 2014-01-05 1:59 PM

2014-01-05 3:18 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Qua17

Good Morning BDAS! One thing I want to make a habit this year is setting weekly goals. We did it sporadically last year and I want to do a better job of doing it consistently. Setting short term goals will help us stay motivated, which is especially important since race season seems so far away, and will keep us accountable to ourselves and each other.

I did a little exploring and found a good article on how to set good weekly goals - here is the link:

Tomorrow - I will start a thread in here where I will outline my weekly goals and you can add yours. Putting all of our goals on the same page will allow us to cheer each other on during the course of the week. and we can give each other crap if we need a good kick in the pants (for a Molsen Canadian light drinker, Thor is amazingly good at this form of motivation) On Wednesday or Thursday we can check in as a group and see how we are doing.

So today - take some time to come up with 3-4 goals for the week. Since this is the first week, try really hard to set goals that are easily attainable so you can get off to a good start. Finding a good training plan or working out 2 times in one discipline would be something that you could easily accomplish and build momentum for the season. Also, set specific goals. Instead of saying, I want to run faster, a better goal might be to do 1 speed or hill workout during the week. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.

Big kudos to Kevin, Matt, and Melanie for posting their goals on the google doc. As a teacher, I'm all about using the positive to motivate people, but as a beer lover, I know the power of a really bad beer. Don't make me bust out the Coors Light Penalty so early in the year. Enter those goals or your next beer will be a lukewarm warm Coors light.

Here's the link:
2014-01-05 3:26 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by SportzVision

Not sure how to approach my goals this week. Just a short time ago I had everything laid out from where and when I was going to swim and setting up the bike on the trainer and winter running gear received from my girls for Christmas. But now I am at a loss on training. I want to make sure I approach this correctly and not relapse with pnuemonia nor do I want to miss oportunity to start building again. Today I finally feel human and think I will be able to manage a short walk. From there I have nothing so I am open to suggestions.

Since I rarely take a sick day I have a gazillion to use and I think I will take one more day off to get one more recovery day. And, to attain on of my wants I have not been responding to my work emails...yeah me!

Cyn - your primary goal should be to get better. So set some goals that will help to restore your body. Maybe it's to eat well or get a certain number of hours of rest this week. You might think about going for a walk or doing some yoga or getting in a short swim later in the week. Do what you need to do for yourself so you can really hit the ground running next week.
2014-01-05 3:34 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Any room at the inn? If so, I'd love to join the group (and I have to admit that I've been trolling the group for the last two mentor cycles)!


Name: Gretchen

2013 Training: sporadic at best in the spring, with a summer break to focus on boxing and then a solid fall until December when my father went into the hospital for several weeks

2013 Races: 5K in November(first race of my life), but only planned tri was cancelled in October due to government shutdown (a real bummer)

2014 Training: begins tomorrow with 12 week beginner sprint program from BT

2014 Races: planning on sprint tri in late April, August, and October.

Family: with partner for 14 years (gettin' officially hitched in June 2014--thanks state of Illinois), two dogs (13 and 5 years)

Drinks: go to is bourbon, but I sure do enjoy a great beer. I really don't like hoppy beer, so I think that puts me in the minority. I will try anything once though!

Weight Loss: yes, please! I originally started tri training to lose weight, and am down 50lbs. I would like to continue that downward trend in 2014.

Gretchen - Welcome to BDAAS! No wonder people hate Congress so much! Wrecking the economy is one thing but to have a part in the cancellation of a triathlon - well thats inexcusable!

I have a lot of respect for bourbon drinkers - what's your favorite? A friend of mine loves good bourbon and we some times get together on weekends and share a bottle with friends around a fire. So nice... What should I bring to the next one?

Congrats on the 50+ of weigh loss. How much more do you want to lose?
2014-01-05 3:55 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Here is an updated BDAAS member list. Please let me know if there is anyone is missed or if I misspelled anyone's name.

Qua17 = David
Thor67 = Thor
mirthfuldragon = Charles
Kevinbe = Kevin
Burd = Alex
NeverTri'd = Bill
rydergal = Tera
drewmarcus15 = Drew
MOlsen = Mark
SportzVision = Cynthia
jimyak = Jim
Bradleykd = Brad
sma777 = Sean
ripariangal = Melanie
jnmrunner = Jeanne
kascha = Kayla
drfoodlove = Gretchen
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
of 59
date : September 2, 2010
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Discussions on balanced meals, recommended amount of protein, losing weight for an Ironman, is pizza good? and beer as a recovery drink.
date : March 4, 2008
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Four months ago I set upon a journey to train for and complete a triathlon, and a few Sundays back I raced in the Blue Water Triathlon in Parker, Arizona.
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date : April 3, 2005
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