BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-05 12:15 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Gals Mentor Group Members
Wow! This is going to be a great group!

Quick shout out to Randy - glad you joined - missed being in your group the last few circuits.

With regard to the weight challenge, I didn't have any particular approach in mind (and really haven't coordinated with Steve or Scott, but we've done things like this in the past). Anyway, I'm open to ideas... looks like we have 5 or 6 of us who are interested anyway. I just find I do better if I'm accountable to others on things like this. Let's do the following for now - use our training logs to at least show the following:

Weight Loss Challenge
Jan 1st: 216
Start of Month: 216
Current: 215

Obviously, with your weights inserted instead of mine. Once we have a list of who's interested, we can come up with an approach. If it's a small group, maybe easiest to be supportive via inspires with perhaps a monthly summary of progress? Or we could break into two groups and do a biggest loser kind of challenge where no one gets voted off :-) I like the idea of cooperative competition, even if we are a bunch of type As.

And Karl - JuneApple has double meaning. First, it's the name of an old time fiddle tune, but also, my daughter was born in June, and she's always been the apple of my eye, even if she's now 6'1" :-)


2015-01-05 2:04 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Gals Mentor Group Members

So, headed to the pool for a swim at lunch. Pool was closed and drained last week for repairs. Temperature today was 71 pool was closed. I stuck my hand in and it wasn't bad. They said I could try it if I wanted. Changed and figured I would be ok once I warmed up. Eased in and made it to the top of my thighs. Apparently my hand is not as cold sensitive as the area just above my no swim today. I'll try to make it up later in the week. Probably would have been fine for the hardcore real swimmers or you northern folk just not for me.  

2015-01-05 2:31 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Thanks for having me in the group!

About me:
I am 56 yrs old and have spent my entire life in North Dakota. I have been married 35 years and have 3 grown kids and 7 grand children. I started running in 2012 to get in shape for a backpacking trip in Idaho. Funny thing is, I got in shape and lost 35 pounds, but we never went on the trip! I have been running ever since. My main race is the 10K. I absolutely love running, but I also love to bike, and it seems that at my age, I should mix it up a bit to prevent injuries. Like you said Scott, it is very cold up here in the winter, and life on the "dreadmill" is not always fun, so swimming and stationary biking really helps alleviate the monotony. Right now, my main concentration is swimming, and learning how to relax and control breathing!
Thanks again for the invite to the group!!
2015-01-05 2:34 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Gals Mentor Group Members
Originally posted by slornow

So, headed to the pool for a swim at lunch. Pool was closed and drained last week for repairs. Temperature today was 71 pool was closed. I stuck my hand in and it wasn't bad. They said I could try it if I wanted. Changed and figured I would be ok once I warmed up. Eased in and made it to the top of my thighs. Apparently my hand is not as cold sensitive as the area just above my no swim today. I'll try to make it up later in the week. Probably would have been fine for the hardcore real swimmers or you northern folk just not for me.  

That is funny and yes I agree!!!
2015-01-05 4:42 PM
in reply to: luvschips

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Originally posted by luvschips

Good Evening!

3 goals this week: 1. complete training schedule. 2. Drink 64 ounces of water. 3. Sleep 6 hours/night.

I did 30 miles on the bike yesterday and 30 miles today, both on flat bike baths. I have discovered that maybe I might need better bike shorts? What are your favorites? Also, do you wear "cycling" shorts or "tri" shorts for the longer triathlon bike ride? I used my tri shorts for a 13 miler and was ok but don't think those will work for 55 miles.

I am still trying to find a plan to try and follow for 70.3.

Thank you and hope everyone had a great weekend!


I had always been using bike shorts but went to tri shorts over the summer and found them to be waaaay more comfortable and I have always used chamois butter too,mi can't seem to ride without it no matter what shorts I am using
2015-01-05 5:04 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Wow, looks like we have a great group of people here, I will try and keep up with all the posts!

Mountaindan comes from my Love of the mountains, before I moved to Maine I spent all of my spare time hiking and climbing, I have made winter attempts on Mt Rainier, Multiple Mt Shasta and Mt Whitney as well as all around Lake Tahoe, I like the winter where there are less people and more of a challenge . I still like to get out, its just not as frequent so now I devote most of my time to Triathlons

I use my tri shorts for all of my races and most of my training, I find them more comfortable!

2015-01-05 5:16 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
George, you asked about the cause of the adrenal fatigue, and there are several things that I believe have contributed. First and i think most importsnt is nutrition, I didn't realize when I was training for my first few long course races how little was eatting. I wanted to lose weight and I also didn't log food after the first IM fail , I statrted working with a trainer who suggested logging my food and discovered I was eatting about 1500 calories a day which is not good coupled with some significant stressors that I would just find ways to avoid and didnt discuss by keeping myself busy until.......wham. All I can say is I think Iam getting it figured out this time because I do not want this ever to happen again.
2015-01-05 6:10 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Training Plans and Training Logs
Last year was my first at BT, although my 4th in triathlon. I used the Intermediate Sprint plan and I must say, although I was kind of dubious about some things, I mostly followed it and had great results, piling up PR after PR. The best thing about it for me was learning to train and race by heart rate. I had never before been able to pin down my zones. The BT procedure for LT testing is pretty simple and will generate separate HR zones for running & cycling. Just go to "My Membership" in the top left of the menu bar; click on "Using Your Membership" on the drop-down menu; scroll down about 9 lines on the article that appears, and there will be a link to heart rate zones & LT test procedures.
(Why, BT powers that be, is this so well hidden?)
This fall & winter, focusing on running, I am using a custom plan I bought from, adding in my own biking & swimming maintenance workouts. I'm having super results with that, especially in the area of injury prevention. I'm also using the strength training plan from Triathlete's Training Bible, or trying to.
When I'm done with my HM in February, I plan to go back to one of the BT plans for the Olympic distance.
Regarding Training Logs: one of the VERY BEST things about BT is those members who have made their logs open to friends. There is a little feature called "inspire" by which you can do exactly that. I get so much encouragement from those people who take the time to look at my log and give me an "inspire." Some of them have become real friends.
2015-01-05 7:10 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by KWDreamun

. . . Also, it would be fun to know the meaning of people's user name. Mine is KWDreamun, easy to figure out, if I'm awake or sleeping Keywest is odn my mind, I love the attitude and climate in KeyWest! 

Back in the mid 80's through 2000 I was a volunteer search dog handler with the State of California Office of Emergency Services working through an agency called the California Rescue Dog Association (CARDA).  My screen name was my radio call sign - k9car363.  I still use it as a daily reminder of my dear departed poopers, I mean puppies, I mean German Shepherds.

2015-01-05 8:05 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge
Count me in!

2015-01-05 10:24 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Training Plans and Training Logs
WOW! I have already learned quite a bit here reading everyone's posts!

Scott -

1. I didn't think about putting my training here. I usually just let my Garmin magically upload to Garminconnect but will start logging things in starting this week. My past triathlon training has been following a marathon training schedule running 4 days (30 to 40 miles/week) and throwing in 2 days of swim (1 day pool/1day 1 mile lake swim) and 1 day of bike (15 miles - I know, don't laugh). I am planning on totally changing this with a new triathlon focused plan - I know I need a lot more bike. This past month I have worked out 4 to 5 days doing whatever - run, swim, bike. No agenda but to do something. I am assuming a "beginner" 70.3 would be best?

2. I really didn't think about my goal until you mentioned it. It's first to complete the half ironman distance. Second I want to have fun. And third I want to feel really good when I finish, like I really gave it my best shot.

3. I am going to try that butter stuff :-)

Thank you again for all your help - I will look through the training plans to see what might be a good fit (but let me know if you think

2015-01-05 10:40 PM
in reply to: 0

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Training Plans and Training Logs
Originally posted by luvschips

WOW! I have already learned quite a bit here reading everyone's posts!

I will look through the training plans to see what might be a good fit (but let me know if you think

Hi Donna:

Here's one more training plan for an HIM for your consideration. I'm planning on using a modified version of this for Hawaii at the end of May.



Edited by lutzman 2015-01-05 10:42 PM
2015-01-06 1:37 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge
Count me in for the weight loss challenge too.

2015-01-06 5:21 AM
in reply to: Danger

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Originally posted by Dangerus

Hey guys, I would love to join the group if there's room. I was working with a trainer for a while who is a really great guy, but I took some time out for an advanced course at work and I'm just starting out again in the world of tri'ing. I'm looking to give it another tri. (Cue the groans. )

NAME: Dangerus (Dave Baluk)

MARITAL STATUS: Happily Married 15 years as a couple of DINKS (Double Income, No KIdS)

STORY:While I was very fit and athletic in my junior days, playing semi-pro ice hockey, time has not been kind to me. After embarking on a career as a pilot in Canada I've moved all over the world in pursuit of my dream job. I've lived in Arctic Canada, Northern Manitoba, almost every major city in southern Canada, India, Qatar and I now live in Hong Kong, flying a B747 for Cathay Pacific Airways. Having not been good enough to make it to the NHL I left ice hockey in my 20's and really haven't done much in the way of athletics since. (I'm not making excuses but unless you can outrun a polar bear in -50C, running up in Resolute Bay, NWT, Canada is not really condoned.) I've dabbled with training programs but nothing has really stuck. The hardest part of training (besides getting older) for me is the bizarre hours I keep as a long haul airline pilot. Departing Hong Kong at midnight in the B747 and flying 16 hours to New York, Los Angeles or London and then trying to get a proper training session in has proven to be almost impossible on a regular basis.

After reading quite a few books on health and diet, and having taken a nutrition course online through Cornell University, I've become "plant powered". After reading the book by Rich Roll, "Finding Ultra" I've regained my passion and motivation for multi-sport. So now I'm a plant powered 50 year old looking to become a proper triathlete. I didn't give up meat because I want to hug a cow. I firmly believe that a plant based diet is the healthiest way to go. That and I REALLY enjoy answering the question, "Where do you get your protein?".

I'm hoping that joining up here will help tremendously with my motivation as well as enabling me to partake of the many great ideas that you may have for how to keep up with my training as I compensate for my flying addiction, and helping me with my insane choice of taking up the sport at 50 years of age. Of course, not wanting to seem like a late blooming over achiever, I would really like to make it to an Ironman one day, and the Speight's Coast to Coast race in New Zealand is my "bucket list event".

CURRENT TRAINING: Since I've started back to the sport I've begun my training again. I'm currently doing approximately 5-9 hours per week. I mostly concentrate on running as my access to pools and bike routes when I travel is fairly limited.

PLANNED RACES: Garmin Barcelona Olympic Tri on 21 June 2015 WEIGHT LOSS: I firmly believe that weight management is nothing more than calories in vs Calories Out. I believe tri training will help me get back to being fit as much as I believe that being plant powered will help me stay healthy. Definition of a Triathlete: Someone who's not smart enough to realize that one sport is hard enough. :D

I am curious how long you have been " plant based" I started reading the Rich Roll book and didn't get very far, and yes I will ask where do you get your protein from?
2015-01-06 5:35 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Good morning all. Traveling today then a bike workout tonight.

One thing that might be helpful since we have a big group would be for people to write their name at the end of each post. It would help us associate a pic/screen name with a "real" name.

Have a good day.

2015-01-06 6:03 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Jo, I will not answer for Dangerus but I went vegan, well almost, I still eat egg whites and an occasional bite of salmon. I did it for cholesterol purposes. I started in July 2014 and in October 2014, I had my cholesterol checked again. The dr called and that never happens and she said she had never seen a change like that and wanted to know what I did.

Now there is a big misconception of being a vegetarian and a carbaholic. This is not a license to eat donuts, cookies, lasagna, noodles, macaroni and cheese etc etc etc. For spaghetti, get spaghetti squash or go to Bed Bath and Beyond and get the spaghetti veggie spiral maker thing and spiral up some zucchini to look like noodles and it tastes beter too. I did find some black bean noodles at Costco and they are OK but I prefer the veggies

I try to eat natural and I have NEVER felt better, I feel like I'm 20 again, maybe that is why I'm always injured because I have unlimited energy...remember I get up at 3:20 a.m. to work out.

So where do I get my protein. Black beans, red beans, quinoa, tofu, soy milk, all nuts, seeds, hemp hearts seeds, broccoli, nut butters and yes I supplement with organic plant protein powder. I also take vitamin b-12 and d.

A sample menu for me is:
breakfast - veggies sauteed and egg whites and soymilk and protein powder
snack of soybeans and craisins or almonds
lunch salad of tomatoes, spinach, sunflower seeds, black beans, apple etc
snack almonds or apple and almond butter
supper black beans, broccoli with nutritional yeast, zucchini baked w/ hemp hearts
another snack before bed, apple or banana spinach, protein powder, almond milk blended in the Vitamix

I do sip on amino acid all day in my tea.

When I start experimenting with different vegies, the variations are limitless.

last night I sliced the firm tofu real thin, put olive oil in a pan, spices and beer and pan fried it, it was AMAZING!

I loved Rich Rolls book and I read the China Study too and Forks over Knives.

Except for the protein powder and amino acid, there is no prepared/processed foods there, all are natural.


2015-01-06 6:28 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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New user

Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
I may be a little late to the table but the meaning of my name egoalie is simple as well, Name Edwin and I am a goalie from the true North Canada
2015-01-06 3:43 PM
in reply to: Egoalie

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
You might assume that I adopted ok2try in relation to triathlon, but in fact I adopted it 7 years ago for an online language forum which I was using to help teach myself Spanish. My daughter & I were planning a service trip together to Nicaragua to celebrate my 60th birthday. I needed to learn functional Spanish from nada in 6 months and I did. After 2 years of studying Spanish & 2 service trips, I had to drop it in favor of reviving my high school French. This was because another daughter began working in a French-speaking country in Africa, and visiting her took precedence over any more Central American trips. So now, as far as languages go, estoy confundida ...tout le temps.
But I have learned that, although the aging mind and body are less plastic than they once were, it is always ok2try.
2015-01-06 3:58 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Subject: Swimming with Coach Sara
I'm at a conference near Orlando FL (business) and decided to drop-in this morning for a workout with the Central Florida Masters swim team. The team is focused on triathletes, the workout was great, and the coach was really helpful. The whole time I was thinking this coach looked vaguely familiar. Later I realized it was Sara McLarty, who writes the Coach Sara column in Triathlete Magazine. I was recognizing her from her picture in the magazine.

If you are ever spending a few days in Orlando, I recommend dropping in for a workout ( The pool was in Celebration FL, just a couple miles from Disney World.

Scott I.

2015-01-06 7:23 PM
in reply to: matrixband12

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by matrixband12

Good Morning

Once the group is set, could you guys help to point me to the appropriate Olympic plan?

Currently Im doing about 6 hours a week over all three disciplines.

Thanks Tom 

Hi Tom,

There are a number of good free Olympic plans here on BT.  If you step up to one of the paid memberships then you would have more plan options available.  In the free section there are 16-week and 20-week balanced plans as well as plans that focus on a specific discipline if you need to work on a weakness.

2015-01-06 7:29 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by bswcpa

SCOTT K - Also on your "let's talk" to JANET on swimming - please include me in that talk as I need it too.

Hi Brenda,

So where are you at with your swimming?  Will be happy to offer any advice I can.

2015-01-06 7:58 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by soccermom15

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by soccermom15

I printed out the novice program from Scott's website so will start off with that and see how things progress. 


Hey Janet,

Maybe we should have a chat.  You're first Sprint Tri was in 2009 so you have been swimming for at least 5-6 years, yet you still refer to yourself as "a horrible swimmer."  That pretty clearly says to me that there might be a technique issue.  As you have undoubtedly already read at the top of my Novice Training Plan, you can put in lap upon endless lap, but if your technique is flawed, you are wasting your time.  Beating the water into submission isn't the answer and it's not going to get you faster so I am happy to talk about improving technique if you like.

Scott - I was actually hoping to get some feedback from you after I start swimming again.  I say I'm a "horrible" swimmer but really I think it's just a matter of endurance (and not swimming often enough).  I'm very slow but am able to swim comfortably, if that makes sense.  I was told once (by a triathlon coach - it was at a triathlon camp) that my form is good but we didn't get into any details on that.  I'm planning to start swimming with a triathlon club on Sunday mornings starting on Jan 11th and I'm hoping someone there can either watch me or do a video for me and give me some pointers.  So I may have some questions for you next week.



The whole point of the novice program is to develop stroke technique and then begin to build a swim fitness base.  You have been swimming for several years so the novice plan may be going to far back to the beginning unless you need serious work on technique which you said a coach said you do not.  I wouldn't see a problem with doing the first couple of weeks of the novice plan but then switching over to the sprint base plan.

If you can get some video at your club meeting that would be wonderful.  I can give you a link and you can upload it, then I can make a couple observations.  If you want to see my opinion of good freestyle, the "Freestyle-From the Beginning" article on my website has video that shows a powerful freestyle stroke that any triathlete would do well to emulate.

2015-01-06 8:05 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Hi Gray Guys/Girls

It has been great reading about everybody's background and experience. It certainly is a diverse group.

I enjoyed looking at the pictures of the snow. I've seen snow 4 times in my life so I can't imagine what it's like to live in such an environment. We're currently experiencing a heat wave. It got to 110 F the other day and we had our second hottest night ever recorded as the temperature only dropped to 80 F overnight. We also had very strong winds and smoke from fires nearby. I didn't even think about any training as it has been too hot.

My user name "Aussie Turtle" is based on the slow & steady approach of the turtle.

I had an X ray on my knee yesterday as a precaution. The doctor expects it is cartilage damage and it should take 6 - 8 weeks to repair. I'm up to week 5 and I'm concerned that if I have an unexpected knock, twist or turn it hurts like crazy.

It has been hard to stay focused on any training as I am very restricted. I've been walking and doing some upper body work and a bit of swimming. I've prepared a draft plan for the year based on a slow recovery so we'll see how that goes.

This Sunday I'm off to watch Race 2 of the series I had entered. I'll support the group I was training with and take a few photos.

2015-01-06 8:05 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Gals Mentor Group Members

Originally posted by slornow

So, headed to the pool for a swim at lunch. Pool was closed and drained last week for repairs. Temperature today was 71 pool was closed. I stuck my hand in and it wasn't bad. They said I could try it if I wanted. Changed and figured I would be ok once I warmed up. Eased in and made it to the top of my thighs. Apparently my hand is not as cold sensitive as the area just above my no swim today. I'll try to make it up later in the week. Probably would have been fine for the hardcore real swimmers or you northern folk just not for me.  

Hey Randy,

You wimp! 

I did a sprint the first part of December and the water was 72.  I went back and forth on a wetsuit and final decided to tough it out.  Longest 8 minutes of my life and yeah, that part just above the thighs was a couple ice cubes by the time I was out of the water.

Next time I'll follow your lead!

2015-01-06 8:12 PM
in reply to: Burchib

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by Burchib

Right now, my main concentration is swimming, and learning how to relax and control breathing!

Hey Barry,

Not sure when you learned how to swim but a common trait among adult-onset swimmers is never having mastered the fundamentals, which would include relaxing and controlling breathing.  On my website, the "Freestyle-From the Beginning" article goes over the fundamentals and may help you with relaxing, breathing and some of the other things often overlooked.

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date : March 10, 2011
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
Tinley on triathlon, aging, and the attitude of a masters athlete