BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-02-14 3:17 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi All,

Another week has come & gone. 2 gym sessions, 1 run and 1 bike session this week. No swim again but there's a valid reason. I had a biopsy during the week and couldn't get the area wet. I'm hitting the water this week for sure. Great news at the doctor was that my blood pressure was perfect for the first time ever. While I'm still on BP meds the benefits of gym and resuming training are showing results.

Big Mike:
Not sure how to respond to a couple of your posts. Let's attribute your weight gain to being sick but you need to plan to lose some to improve your power to weight ratio. I don't know what your goals are or your health but can I suggest a structured approach with weekly weigh ins and measures. AS an example if you set a target of losing 3% of your weight each month you could drop about 100 lbs in 12 months, 11 lbs in the first month. I'm weighing myself daily now following the saying " what gets measured gets managed". It has helped prevent any blow outs like you've experienced. The heart attack scenario is frightening and it has happened to a friend of mine. He was a picture of health, probably took 2 aspirin a year if that but he has been hospitalized for 12 months. As larger athletes we need to listen to our bodies and not " blow a gasket" by over exertion. We are probably doing ourselves a favor by exercising and losing weight so keep at it.

Good luck with your race. Looks like your putting in the training hours to get the results you're after. Look forward to your race report.

2016-02-14 9:21 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Walked: 2.00mi (with the dog) - 36:48
HR: 110avg, 119max

Swam: 750yds - 25:00 (3:20? pace)
Got there later than planned, swam less than planned... still wiped out, lol!

no planned workout because....
Sky Zone Trampoline Park w/Family: 1:20:23
Estiamted Caloric Burn: 1161. Avg HR: 126bpm with several spikes into the 160's and a max of 169bpm.

Used my HRM and phone to track my activity under the "aerobics" category because I figured aerobics uses interval training in a way, plus my caloric burn estimates would be tied to my HR. I have the Scosche+ monitor which uses light pulses on my forearm to monitor HR. During the entire time there which included several wipeouts and dodgeball games, there were 0 instances where my HR flatlined (lost signal) on the phone.

Weight: 275
Rest Day

I'll be honest, I'm taking today as a rest day because yesterday wiped me out. I was falling asleep at 2000hrs last night. So... The plan for the week is as follows:
Mon: Walk, AM Swim as kids are out of school
Tue: Walk, 30:00 spin
Wed: Rest
Thur: Restart "Barry P" w/ 5:00 Run
Fri: 10:00 Run, Swim
Sat: 5:00 Run, 30:00 spin

Yes, it's an activity-heavy week for a restart, but I'm keeping the duration of each activity short. I'm also itching to get active again, which is a very good thing
2016-02-15 1:13 PM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Walked: 1.61mi- 30:05
HR: 107avg, 119max

Swam: 750yds - 25:00 (3:20? pace), Kickboard 50yds

Ran out of time before work. Still slow and wiped out

Edited by WebFootFreak 2016-02-15 1:14 PM
2016-02-15 2:57 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by cwpeters What is the process for joining this group and will it be listed in the mentor groups tab or here in general discussion?

Hey there! Welcome. Where in Sarasota are you? I was raised in Englewood and went to school in Venice. I am trying to get Big Mike to do the Venice Half Iron someday.

2016-02-15 2:59 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by WebFootFreak 2/12: Walked: 2.00mi (with the dog) - 36:48 HR: 110avg, 119max Swam: 750yds - 25:00 (3:20? pace) Got there later than planned, swam less than planned... still wiped out, lol! 2/13: no planned workout because.... Sky Zone Trampoline Park w/Family: 1:20:23 Estiamted Caloric Burn: 1161. Avg HR: 126bpm with several spikes into the 160's and a max of 169bpm. Used my HRM and phone to track my activity under the "aerobics" category because I figured aerobics uses interval training in a way, plus my caloric burn estimates would be tied to my HR. I have the Scosche+ monitor which uses light pulses on my forearm to monitor HR. During the entire time there which included several wipeouts and dodgeball games, there were 0 instances where my HR flatlined (lost signal) on the phone. 2/14 Weight: 275 Rest Day I'll be honest, I'm taking today as a rest day because yesterday wiped me out. I was falling asleep at 2000hrs last night. So... The plan for the week is as follows: Mon: Walk, AM Swim as kids are out of school Tue: Walk, 30:00 spin Wed: Rest Thur: Restart "Barry P" w/ 5:00 Run Fri: 10:00 Run, Swim Sat: 5:00 Run, 30:00 spin Yes, it's an activity-heavy week for a restart, but I'm keeping the duration of each activity short. I'm also itching to get active again, which is a very good thing

I have always wanted to go to a trampoline park!!! fun times.

2016-02-15 3:00 PM
in reply to: RunnyBunny

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by RunnyBunny
Originally posted by AussieTurtle Hi All I watched this YouTube clip today and it's worth sharing for a bit of motivation.
This movie looks awesome. Can't wait!

I enjoyed that. Thanks.

2016-02-15 3:08 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by leatherneckpa SCARE DAY! I don't have anywhere else, or anyone else, to talk this out with. You will understand why in a bit. I really only have two close friends, Kevin and Mark. I've never been real social or active within my community, so no ties there either. My three brothers are jerks. Mom and Dad are dead. It was bad enough two weeks ago when the headline in the local paper read, "Triumph and Tragedy". There was a local trail type half-marathon run in mid-January, while it was still pretty chilly here. I happened to know one of the names of the ladies winner, she's the manager of my shoe shop. And a couple of paragraphs later I discovered what the tragedy part was. A 52 year old man who was running the event had a heart attack in one of the more remote sections and died before they could get him out and to aid. It started me thinking and questioning the wisdom of what I have been planning. But today I started getting texts from the wife and daughter of my best friend. He was having intense chest pains at work this morning and was rushed to the hospital. His EKG did not indicate anything, so we were all feeling pretty good. But the doctor insisted on a catheterization. They discovered that two of his previously installed stents were severely blocked. He will be having a quad bypass tomorrow morning. Kevin is 58, 240 lbs, diabetic, has two stents, and had a heart attack today. Mark is 56, 230 lbs, diabetic, high blood pressure, has four stents, and has had two heart attacks. I am 57, 385 lbs, no stents and no history of diabetes, heart attack, or high blood pressure. In fact, my blood pressure is consistently 120/80. I've been wondering all day if I am really that lucky or if I've just never had the right tests, "asked the right questions" so to speak. I've never experienced any light-headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath, beyond what you would expect under heavy exertion. All of my bloodwork has always come back clean. But I am starting to wonder if maybe I'm not planning too much too soon. Especially with LCpl Gung-Ho living in the back of my mind. I'd really like to talk to a doctor about my alternatives and possible diagnostic procedures, but have you tried to find a doctor lately who isn't "on the clock". They zip in, listen briefly, and zip out making a snap diagnosis. They don't sit down and actually discuss anything with you. And the doctor I've had for the last 25 years has moved up into the admin operations of the hospital and barely has time to see patients anymore. In other words, I'm scared. Really nervous at the very least. Right now I am seriously considering sacrificing my May Peasantman Sprint and everything else on the schedule, except my August Lumberjack Sprint to allow myself the extra time to build to it slowly. In theory, I could possibly be down to 300 or so by August and in better shape. I guess it's true that we begin to question our futures more the older we get. I don't think I've ever truly considered my own mortality in the past, not even immediately prior to any of my recent surgeries.

You have gotten your tough love re: wt gain. I second that. A good diet is a must. Now for being scared. Yep, that is definitely a "shot across the bow" and should be taken into consideration. HOWEVER, As has been pointed out, more people die from inactivity than activity. Paying attention to what your body is REALLY saying and moving forward with your plan is just fine. While you are moving forward, you may want to search for a sports med doctor. I find having a goal keeps me going much better than if I just wing it. Another idea is to look for a coach that has experience in larger folks and triathlon and booking at least one session to have an assessment and help in designing a good training plan.

2016-02-15 3:16 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

As you can see, I am back from being sick and back from vacation. I did okay on vacation. No weight gain which is a world record. We were on a cruise then hung out in Charleston. Both places for FOOD and I ate healthy. Adult beverages were consumed, sometimes in profusion, but I did workout when I could. I am not nearly as behind as I could be in my training plan. Today was supposed to be a big training day but my vertigo (I always get it AFTER being on the water for days) has been really bad. Sitting is all I can do. I will at least get some ab work and my planks in since I can lie down for that.

2016-02-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Andrew.... are you ready for your race????

2016-02-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Rick, I like what you gave up for Lent. Go you!

2016-02-16 2:02 AM
in reply to: #5158491

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi guys.

We'll I've started the travel to wanaka for the HIM. Today we flew down to Christchurch and are spending the night at my sister inlaws place, tomorrow drive to Wanaka and begin the final preparations.

It's good to see Rick and Mike knocking off some good workouts. It seems you're both determined to make a change for the better. Keep up the good work guys.

Good to see you back Robin, no I'm not as ready as I want to be, but I'm as ready as I'm going to be. I'm confident I can finish, but I know it's going to be slow.

I'm heavily in taper mode. Only short 20 minute workouts so far this week. Feeling quite slack, but I know it's what I have to do.

One final thought, this forum is not great on the phone... but I will try to kep you updated.

2016-02-17 8:30 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Rod, I am currently aiming for a meager 2 lbs per week loss. Anything above that is "gravy". There has got to be a better word to use than "gravy" or "cake"!

Rick, the last time I was on a trampoline was in our neighbors backyard about 20 years ago. I was only around 320 at the time but it was not a very successful attempt. Every time I would really get some air I would bottom out on the ground. LOL, it was worth it though when I could throw forward or backward flips and the kids couldn't. We've got one of those tramp gyms in our city and I'd like to take my grandson to it, if he could simply stop talking in class.

Robin, I am working on building a meal plan/diet plan based upon American Heart's Heart Healthy guidelines. The way it looks right now is that my wife and I will trying to prepare our own dinners while our daughter cooks her usual "quick food" for her husband and kids. I'd like the kids to learn to eat healthy, but her husband and er oldest won't even taste veggies, mush less eat them. Hey! This is the first I've heard of that Venice HIM. When is that one? You're going to have to make up your mind. Venice or Mtns to Market.

Andrew do any of us EVER really think we are ready for our races? You'll be fine bro.
2016-02-17 9:59 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Walked: 1.62mi- 29:58 (18:31min/mi)
HR avg: 100bpm, max:108bpm

Wasn't able to hook up the bike last night. Shooting for Thurs as today is rest day. Also, looking at nice weekend temps... thinking about a sat AM ride instead of a spin.
2016-02-17 5:53 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
9/20 - Walk - 36m 11s - 2.10 miles - 17m 13s /Mi
Got home from school and went for a quick walk before I started working on the plan for Garden 2016.
2016-02-18 3:21 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Quick Survey

Who trains alone and who trains in a group?

I've started occasionally running with a group and I'm starting to see some benefits. Considering a swim squad and bike group. I'll join a tri club later.

2016-02-18 6:57 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by AussieTurtle Quick Survey Who trains alone and who trains in a group? I've started occasionally running with a group and I'm starting to see some benefits. Considering a swim squad and bike group. I'll join a tri club later.

I train alone. There are no groups near enough for me to join. I am also so slow and large that I would feel uncomfortable. I have done a couple of rides and mountain bike rides with groups and it is fun, but not really "training" per say.

2016-02-18 7:18 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I also train alone and for mostly the same reasons as Robin. First of all, the nearest tri club to me about a 2 hour drive. Second, I don't run anymore, so that removes me from that possibility. My bike pace is only 13-14 mph, even my PR is only 14.75 mph. Since I tend to "zone out" on swims I really prefer to swim during slack periods, without having to worry about dodging lane spliters.
2016-02-18 8:43 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by AussieTurtle
Who trains alone and who trains in a group?

With the exception of Sat AM group rides and Tues AM group rides when the kids are out of school, I train solo mio...

2016-02-18 8:46 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Quick question:

This morning I restarted my runs and of course I'm using a HRM now. I'm attaching a screen shot of the HR info from this morning... I'm really not sure what is good, what is bad... or much of anything HR data related... What do I need to be looking for?

(HR 2-18.png)

HR 2-18.png (130KB - 2 downloads)
2016-02-18 11:20 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by WebFootFreak
I'm really not sure what is good, what is bad... or much of anything HR data related... What do I need to be looking for?
Rick, I'm a Science teacher and a data geek, so I love training with a HRM. The American Heart Assoc has a decent explanation of target heart rates and zones here. I would caution you to remember that, like everything else we do in training, these are just guidelines. Zones are not "one size fits all". For instance, according to AHA, my max 100% HR is 165 and I should not be training beyond 145 routinely. But I have frequently recorded periods of HR 168. with a personal peak of a scary 184 once. As a heavier athlete I literally cannot go out for anything more than a 3mph walk and keep my HR in the desired Zone 3. It's almost impossible for me do the Zone 2 training session suggested by some plans.

The main thing I find them to be useful for is to monitor my progress. The last time I was seriously consistent with my HR training I observed nearly a 10% decrease in HR for the same points in the same workouts/courses. When I first started using it I recorded a 172 climbing my personal Heart Attack Hill (Hillside Drive). After the two summer months of training I was routinely recording between 148 and 152 on the same hill. That is the kind of data I was looking for, and thereby measuring my fitness progress. Unfortunately, my daughter has lost the charger for my Timex Global Trainer and I can't find a new one anywhere. So I am saving up my pennies to buy a Garmin 920XT this spring.
2016-02-18 10:52 PM
in reply to: #5167350

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Aussie turtle: I also train alone most of the time. The only group activity I do is some weekends (probably 3/4) I ride with one of my good friends. But that's for social reasons not training ones. I find I get more out of my time when I'm on my own and I also enjoy the alone time.

Rick: I used to train with heart rate but no longer do. I found I was getting to hung up on numbers and not enjoying things as much. That said there's no doubt it'd a useful tool. This site has a good threshold test explained somewhere to find your correct heart rate zones. Like Mike said there is no one size fits all and 220-your age to find your max is a shot on the dark. If you're going to use a HRM do the threshold test (it will suck) so you can use the correct zones and get useful information out of it.

2016-02-18 11:01 PM
in reply to: #5167977

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I am currently lying on the bed in the motel room. The bike is racked. Transition bags have been handed in. I'm all ready to go for the big day tomorrow. The weather forecast is not great. It's going to be a windy day, which means my best case scenario is gone. So it's just going to be a case of working hard, pushing through the hard bits and doing the best that I can. And of course trying to enjoy it.

I'm feeling pretty good I know I can do the distance. It's just a case of low slowly and keeping aead of those cutoff times.

For those who want play at home, my race number is 1053 and I start at 815 nz time (I think that's 215pm east coast time for you Americans) and the challenge wanaka website should have some live updates.

So, I'll talk to you latter guys. Hopefully with a nice shiny finishers medal around my neck.
2016-02-18 11:34 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bulfrog

I am currently lying on the bed in the motel room. The bike is racked. Transition bags have been handed in. I'm all ready to go for the big day tomorrow. The weather forecast is not great. It's going to be a windy day, which means my best case scenario is gone. So it's just going to be a case of working hard, pushing through the hard bits and doing the best that I can. And of course trying to enjoy it.

I'm feeling pretty good I know I can do the distance. It's just a case of low slowly and keeping aead of those cutoff times.

For those who want play at home, my race number is 1053 and I start at 815 nz time (I think that's 215pm east coast time for you Americans) and the challenge wanaka website should have some live updates.

So, I'll talk to you latter guys. Hopefully with a nice shiny finishers medal around my neck.

Good Luck in your race. We all need a little bit of luck along the way but it's the hard work that pays off. I'll be tracking your progress and providing moral support from across the Tasman Sea.

2016-02-19 7:02 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Charge on Andrew and best of luck to you.
2016-02-19 7:04 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
10/20 - Walk - 56m 02s - 3.20 miles - 17m 30s /Mi
It's amazing what you can get used to. I stepped out to walk and thought it was a pretty pleasant day, sunny and 32* out. Did the medium walk today. Didn't break the 56m mark, but did manage to meet my 17:30 goal, so nothing to complain about.
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