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2007-02-07 4:24 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I don't know Tyler the way you guys are bundled up it must have been all the way down to around what 60 ish in that picture. LOL

I have to feel for Kim I don't know what it is where she's at but she's north of me and it's around -5 F here.


2007-02-07 4:40 PM
in reply to: #683267

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Buddaha1964 - 2007-02-07 5:24 PM

I don't know Tyler the way you guys are bundled up it must have been all the way down to around what 60 ish in that picture. LOL

I have to feel for Kim I don't know what it is where she's at but she's north of me and it's around -5 F here.


Yep, they looked bundled up alright. I think if I took my bike out now the carbon would freeze and break into a million pieces, that is after I got around the snow banks. :0)
I went to the grocery store today and actually got a great workout pushing my cart through the snow to my car. It was much harder than you would think!

Temp today....a balmy 16

Tyler, the video idea is awesome. It just might help me quit whining about the cold. lol
2007-02-08 1:10 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Did my second swim of the week. Felt pretty good. Not offical weigh in day but down to 202. 7lbs down and 22 to go for my weight goal.

Ordered me some new rims and tires for my bike. I told myself I can't use them until I get down to 190 as a reward.

2007-02-08 1:16 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL


That is awesome.  Can't wait to hear more througout the year.  Budda is coming down here to Fl for a visit in the area.  He might stop by and we'll go for a run.  Pics and audio to follow ifhe makes it over here.

Kelley and I saw a 14 foot aligator on the bank of a retention pond only a 100 feet from the trail we road yesterday.  BIG sum-*****.  Looked hungry.


2007-02-08 4:12 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Left you a voice mail today. Looks like Tuesday later in the day should be the best opportunity. I have to be in a meat house in Plant City and have to talk with some second shift people but I should be able to get out of there. I'll call you when I know for sure. I don't know about running with gators although I might go faster then.

2007-02-09 1:22 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Help me out guys. Just thought about this problem. My new rims have flat spokes. How do you hook the magnet to the spokes. It will be facing the wrong way. Is their a different magnet for this type of spokes? Any suggestions?

2007-02-10 12:44 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I never thought of that. I don't have a solution but if you come up with one let us know. I might be having the same problem in a few months when I get a new bike.

2007-02-10 3:31 PM
in reply to: #686291

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Already figured it out. Found this product. Made for flat spokes.

Mavic Flat Spoke Wheel Magnet

2007-02-10 3:33 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Worked out late this afternoon. Found it hard to get motivated to run after doing some lifting. Only ran 2 mile today. Plan on swimming tomorrow morning and maybe running again.

Hope everyone is finding the time to work out and staying warm.

Official weigh in today. 201. Eleven more pounds till I can use my new rims which came in yesterday. Look nice on the bike. Wish it was warmer, I might break my weight goal and go ride them.

Edited by PGilger 2007-02-10 3:38 PM
2007-02-10 5:42 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Well gang,

I'm off to my 1st duathlon tomorrow.  First race of the season and my first race ever in a duathlon.  Chilly Willy Duathlon at Fort Desoto.  I am nervous as all get up.  Wish me luck.  Hope all the regular stuff has held up....carbed up the past couple of days.  Easy on the workouts, good sleep, mentally prepare.  Yadda yadda yadda.

Budda, Hope to see you Tuesday?  Can you drive up to New Port Richey? GREAT running a cycling trail her called the Suncoast Trail.



2007-02-11 5:43 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

My goal is to get out of the plant early afternoon Tuesday. I'll be able to get up where your at, I'll call you when I get back to the Hotel. It should only be about an hour drive to your area. I'm lookong forward to an "actual" outside run, it'll be my first in approx. four months.


2007-02-11 5:50 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Unscheduled day off today. Was at my brother-in-law's surprise birthday party later than I wanted and need to be at Our world underwater show early.

Jetpack good luck at todays race, I'm sure you'll do well.
2007-02-11 8:02 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey Jetpack how about a race report.

I went to the running store today about my feet going numb. They took one look at my shoes and decided they were too narrow. I was using Muzino 9's. They fitted me with a wide Muzino 8. I'll see on Tuesdays run with Jetpack if they make a difference. A report to follow.

2007-02-11 9:05 PM
in reply to: #687147

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Let us know how your feet feel.  Hows the swimming coming along. Gonna be a tough week to find time to work out here. Suppose to get a winter storm the next couple day here. Snow means long hours working. Will need to find some time to do something.
2007-02-13 6:46 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Had a fantastic run with Jetpack today. The weather was great, my left foot went numb after 32 minutes. My right foot was heading that way with the sole starting to go numb. During the sprint at the end, which was supposed to last 1 minute but lasted 5 I think I was hoodwinked, the feeling started to come back in my feet. This leads me to think it might be something in the way I'm running that's causing them to go numb. Just for the other northern members it was sunny and 75 during the run, I don't want to go home tomorrow.

2007-02-14 6:29 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Bad news this morning there is no delays at Chicago's airports and I have to go home.


2007-02-14 10:52 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Had a great time with George (aka Budda) on a run yesterday in New Port Richey, FL.  It rained like crazy then the sun came out and was beautiful.  We jogged a nice 4.25 mile run in 50 min.   Nice smooth 11:50 pace.

I gave Budda my entire IM Dvd collection.  He's going to watch them and then send the dvd's to the others. 


(IMG_4163 (Small).JPG)

IMG_4163 (Small).JPG (64KB - 34 downloads)
2007-02-14 3:16 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Looks like you guys had a good time on the run together. I'm still looking forward to seeing the pavement again...another snow day today for my kids. I did manage to pound out 4+miles on the treadmill today.
We're off to Colorado tomorrow to visit my mom and ski a couple of days.
Everyone have a great weekend and keep training strong.

2007-02-14 4:23 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
It does look like you had a good time training guys. 8" of snow hit us here in Michigan last night, but I'm still plugging away at the training. Another hour spin/hills class down yesterday morning. Am up to consecutively swimming at 250m at a time now....! The treadmill is up to 13 miles a week. Keep up the good work, first run for me is March 11th, in Detroit. Corktown 4 miler.
2007-02-14 7:04 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

After a fot of snow in the past two days I was finally able to get a workout in. I now have a trainer that my brother gave me when he upgraded. So on the first trial I only did 20 min. Need to figure out how much tention to put on it. Will also need to get use to the bordom aspect.

Went to the pool and did my laps. Think I am finally figuring out my stroke. I am under 2 min per hundred and that an inprovement of about 20 sec. Of course this is only doing 200 straight and 100 intervals. But I am well under the 2:00 min. mark. Feeling good right now. Picked up some pointers from watching a catch drill. from another posting. Not doing as much drag.

2007-02-15 8:03 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Found my new first race of the year. Dumping the duathlon and starting with a tri a week later.

2007-02-15 8:27 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Looks like it'll be a great race. BTW I'm getting in the pool tomorrow for my first swim in a week.
2007-02-16 9:21 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Had to skip my bike work out tonight been feeling a little under the weather. Hoping to complete a bike run brick in the morning and burn off some of the calories I'm behind for the week.

2007-02-17 7:37 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
35 min. bike and 35 min. run had a good work out.

Jetpack could you talk a little about the amount of time it takes to get from basicly being a couch potato to say being able to run the pace we were running and having your heart rate as low as yours was?

2007-02-17 9:45 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

In vegas!  How can I run...but I must    Going for an early morning run somewhere in  Vegas in the AM.  Staying at the Monte Carlo.

 Budda- Sure I can talk about that.  I think what was instrumental in my "success" is that I never over did it.  I still don't.  Knock on wood (knock knock) Since starting this I have been relativly injury free.  Of course I have had the usual soreness, tightness, pulled muscles etc...  but never have I been injured where I had to take time off or seek real medical attention from some injury related to tri training.

That said...When I decided to get up of the couch and do something about health and weight I didn't just get on treadmill and start to run or jog.  It took some time.   I set out to just get up do something.  So if I only managed a 20 minute walk on the tread and some light weight lifting that was ok with me.  The strength slowing increased, the endurance came and one day I tried to jog for 20 min straight.  I think I doing about 4.7 mph. 

From there I just did what I could manage without overexerting myslef to the point where I thought I could injure myself.  I usually feel great after a workout, better then I did prior to starting the workout.  If you feel like a pile jello or mush after a workout then you really didn't do it properly.  You probably over exerted or spent too much time on it then you should have.

Budda- I think you did spectacular on our 50 min jog the other day.  Tell me if I'm wrong, but I got the impression that you where a little surprised about how slow we started out and how slow we mantained that whole run.

I personally think these things are the most important to remember while training:

1. Not over-exerting or over extending (time) yourself. When you think you should stop doing what your's time to stop.  Save the crawling for race day.

2. Diet

3. Rest

I began many diets, excercise programs, and New Year resolutions that went no where fast because I didn't see results right away.  Remember that if your a person that is trying to take off the pounds as a goal, never forget that the weight didn't go on over night.  It sure isn't going to come off overnight.  When I was 20 I weighed about 150.  When I was 30 I weighed 200.  50 pounds in 10 yrs.  Don't expect to lose 50 pounds in 10 weeks.  It's unrealistic.  Set and shoot for small obtainable goals and you'll go very far.

This also goes to performance.  Speed is both a natural thing and also a trainable feature in a athlete.  But behind good genetics, it takes a long time to build speed.  Work more on the endurance and the speed will come with time.


Edited by tydarby 2007-02-17 9:46 PM
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