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2007-02-18 5:18 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Edited by trYgrl 2007-02-18 5:27 PM

2007-02-18 5:27 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

I have a good mix for running that i like.  Some of the same stuff, but I like to listen to different stuff sometimes that I don't hear on the radio all that much. 

Send me on my way--rusted root,Galvanize--The Chemical Brothers Listen to the music-Doobie Brothers,Crazy and Smiley Faces--Gnarls Barkley**, Vertigo--U2**, Gold Digger--Kanye West, Cascada, Pretty Vegas--INXS, Take me Out--Franz Ferdinand, Under Pressure--Queen & David Bowie,My Doorbell--White Stripes, Heavy Metal Drummer--Wilco, Suddenly I see--KT Turnstill** (one of my favs!) SexyBack--Justin Timberlake, Finding out true love is Blind__Louis XIV, Let go-Frou Frou, Turn out the light--New Amsterdam, Dance Dance**Black Betty-

 Spin Cd is a little more techno in nature--Like Ready, Steady, Go--Oakenfeld and Dare--Gorillaz  but some people like to run to that.  I don't like the hard core rap and I usually am a more mellow in nature so I mix up so I have all sorts for a variety in my run or spin.  I'll pick it up on choruses to do some speed work and have recovery songs too! 

2007-02-18 5:35 PM
in reply to: #694760

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks - I forgot about Queen, U2...
I will be adding to my list.
2007-02-19 7:08 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I used to listen to mostly hip hop and rap, with some alternative rock mixed in.  Now it's mostly rock with a little alternative and hip hop mixed in.  I have a nano, so I have a few different mixes depending on my mood   I used to be obsessed and NEED music to run.  But my caoch used to put a few specific runs in "race simulation - no ipod" so don't forget to do that once in a while.  headphones are NOT allowed in any triathlon races.  I actually never use it for any races - even the marathon.  I've found that I actually enjoy the races and like to take it all in   Plus, I don't want to zone out during a race...  Which I sometimes do with my ipod  
2007-02-19 7:19 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

So what are our goals for this week?? 

Mine are to keep my drinking in check - I'm on vacation so it might be difficult   And to get in at elast 9 hours of training...  I think that would be manageable.   

HAVE a GREAT week everyone

2007-02-19 7:28 AM
in reply to: #695199

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
juliapurr - 2007-02-19 7:19 AM

So what are our goals for this week?? 

Mine are to keep my drinking in check - I'm on vacation so it might be difficult   And to get in at elast 9 hours of training...  I think that would be manageable.   

HAVE a GREAT week everyone

Ok, If I was in Mexico I would not be worrying about keeping my drinking in check...have a corona for me!  Heck I've been on vacation from working out, or so that is what I keep telling myself to keep me from biking or running and I am drinking more than I usually do!  (Maybe it is putting me over the edge!

My goals this week....Yoga 1 night and swim 2 days, lift 1 day...maybe try to do a light bike on Friday if all is feeling ok.  Drink more water!! 

2007-02-19 8:40 AM
in reply to: #695199

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
juliapurr - 2007-02-19 7:19 AM

So what are our goals for this week??

Mine are to keep my drinking in check - I'm on vacation so it might be difficult And to get in at elast 9 hours of training... I think that would be manageable.

HAVE a GREAT week everyone

I need to make goals I can actually accomplish in a week. Apparently mine don't happen so easily. Why is it soo hard to get to bed early enough to get 8.5 hours sleep??? Anyway I've made progress towards my goals. My goals again for the week, get enough sleep, get my workouts done in the morning before 10am, eat more veggies.
2007-02-19 8:44 AM
in reply to: #695177

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Wow Seriously - No headphones!
I am going to have to check on that for our event. It sure does help pass the time.

My goals to are basically the same this week minus swimming. Lose 2lbs, jog/walk 3x, bike 16miles, add fruit/vegs as snacks 3x. I have added - take stuff with me to sons wrestling tournaments Sat & Sun and use it. (shoes for walking/running, etc)

Edited by Diane&Mike 2007-02-19 8:50 AM
2007-02-19 10:21 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
My goals for the week are:
- to eat more fruit. I am very good at making sure my toddler gets plenty of fruits and vegetables, but then I don't eat any.
- to go on at least one family run. I went out and bought a second running stroller so my husband and I can run together with both the kids.
- Swim 2 times and try to swim a mile in 30 minutes (which is how long my lane reservation is for)

2007-02-19 11:13 AM
in reply to: #695199

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
juliapurr - 2007-02-19 5:19 AM

So what are our goals for this week??

Mine are to keep my drinking in check - I'm on vacation so it might be difficult And to get in at elast 9 hours of training... I think that would be manageable.

HAVE a GREAT week everyone

I think I better make a goal to get more than 2 hours of sleep per night. I've been terrible lately. I have to stop working so much!

My other goal is to break 7.5 hours of training... going to try to do at least 8 hours. This includes strength, in addition to swim, bike run.

I'm also going to try to modify my schedule a bit so I can fit in some yoga, stairclimbing, and core work. If it doesn't work out this week, this will be my next week's goal.
2007-02-21 12:29 PM
in reply to: #695525

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

I'm a little late posting this, but my goals this week are to start tracking my hours slept, and to practice yoga/stretch at least twice for 10+ minutes. It seems like I'm always tired, I think I delude myself about how much sleep I'm actually getting.

Hope everyone's weeks and goals are going well!

2007-02-21 10:24 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
So found out today that our event is one that does not allow for headphones.
What a bummer
Well thanks for giving the heads up - now I know to do as you advised and train without the music too.
2007-02-22 7:07 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
From experience Diane, people still use can sneak them in.  I think if you are a expert like Julia and are placing in events then I would advise not to bring them.  Personally I have brought them for my long races, just the running though. 
2007-02-22 10:38 AM
in reply to: #698945

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks I thought about that too.
With this being our first ever I really don't think anyone will notice the back of the pack.
Besides what if you only use the right and stay to the right? Only thing for me the little ear buds don't fit my ears, they fall out after a few steps.
I am planning on taking it with me anyways what is the worst that can happen?
2007-02-22 11:13 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Exactly...a DNF? When you are starting out, it is just getting through the race!  It makes it so much more enjoyable to me, although when I did my half it was nice to just take everything in and rely on all my senses.  Depending on your race, the fans are awesome motivation. 
2007-02-22 1:12 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
My copy of the Triathletes Bible arrived yesterday. I can not believe I will be doing stuff like this. I would be amazed if i actually got results. Today swimming with paddles and flippers, i was flying through the water or so it felt. I was going as fast as I could, just for fun, and it is still slower than a friend who swims for her university club, I have no idea how the speed comes..

2007-02-22 1:49 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
francisjade:  Do you take lessons?  If you can have someone look at your stroke, you can see where you might need to be more efficient.  A lot of the swimming is just getting in time in the pool.  I thought I was a decent swimmer, but I had the swim coach at school take a look at my stroke and I realized that I didn't dig deep enough into the water, nor did I finish as far back on my left side.  I really like the flicker drill to remind me of this part.  If you don't want to get a coach, just have someone assess your stroke really quick and perhaps you can pick up where you can become more efficient. 
2007-02-22 7:38 PM
in reply to: #698824

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-02-21 9:24 PM So found out today that our event is one that does not allow for headphones. What a bummer Well thanks for giving the heads up - now I know to do as you advised and train without the music too.

Just do it once or twice a month - no need to torture yourself every day .  And when you do, think about things like how often you drink water - if there are aid stations every mile on the course, then just take a few swigs every mile.  think about your form and how much fun you had on the bike and in the water

2007-02-22 7:41 PM
in reply to: #698945

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

trYgrl - 2007-02-22 6:07 AM From experience Diane, people still use can sneak them in.  I think if you are a expert like Julia and are placing in events then I would advise not to bring them.  Personally I have brought them for my long races, just the running though. 

They will actually give you a pretty hefty penalty in a triathlon.  In a running race, it's ok, but in a tri, it a communication thing - and VERY dangerous on a bike.  If someone wants to pass you, you can't hear them coming etc.  I honestly would NOT do it.  Even if you're just a novice.  You might be surprised at how much more you absorb and enjoy the whole race experience too

2007-02-22 9:10 PM
in reply to: #699992

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
You are right too. If I am doing this as a challenge for my self and something to be proud of, I want to do it correctly. "Cheating" is not something to be proud of. It would be cheating the rules therefore myself.
I am going through the efforts of training I should give 100%. Thanks for the support.

2007-02-23 7:04 AM
in reply to: #699999

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Oh, I would never advise wearing headphones on your bike.  I just meant the running.  I've seen a ton of people wearing headphones running though, cheating....well, not following the rules maybe....and I agree with taking everything in, you would miss a lot.  Plus, I do some of my best thinking when I zone out in runs.   Did anyone see the Darwin Award list where the guy zoned out so much during a run, he ran himself right off a cliff?  Now, that is a scary thought....

2007-02-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #700231

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
That would so be my husband. He would be so into his music he would ride or run off the road. If there is going to be an accident he will be involved.
No matter how stretched the pay check maybe-always pay life insurance first! lol
2007-02-25 8:06 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I am gonna start us off for the week,

Goals this week: lose 1-1/2 lbs, Bike event course 16m, jog 4x, swim 1x, fruit/vegs snack 4x.

This week I am trying to add another jog in and fruit/veg to my goals. Last weeks goals all but 1 accomplished, I did not get any biking in. I should not had put it off to the last minute, I should had done the ride when I had a free chance. I put it off thinking I would have Sunday but son's event took way longer than it was scheduled, so lost out on accomplishing all.
This week I really need to stay focused and step it up a notch (small notch but still up)

Have a good one everyone!
2007-02-25 8:13 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

I'm really having a hard time with goals right now...I'm seeing that deadline approaching rapidly and wondering if I will make the cut off point.  So....

 Goals:  Check out registration for another HIM (Racine?)

             Be more positive....

             Swim 3 days/Yoga 1 day

             Core work x 10!!

             Bike 10 min. 

2007-02-25 8:23 PM
in reply to: #702687

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I totally missed my training goals this week. I gotta stop working so much. Next weekend is the LA Marathon, so I shouldn't really do as much this week since I'm tapering.

I have a swim lesson this week, which is an hour, and I'd like to get in at least 2 hours total of swimming before next weekend, so I'll try to get to the gym pool at least twice. It'll be the least impact on my running muscles, but still be a great cardio workout.

My other goal is to do yoga at least once. Gotta get in lots of stretching this week.

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