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2007-03-22 4:40 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hey Mandi,

I've gone through a similar experience since I started swimming at the beginning of the year. I had learned to swim when I was younger but never did anything competitive. I'm 41 now. When I started going to our local swim center to try to start some kind of training I was completely lost. I was afraid of looking like a big flailing whale among these graceful smooth "swimmers".I did a LOT of research on the Internet on swim techniques which helped. What I also learned is that everyone that swims well LOVES to talk to newbies about swimming. My guess is that the training is so isolated (you an't really have a conversation during the actual swim training) that when they get a chance to chat about swimming with someone else they jump on it. The people I've met at the pool have helped me the most.
Also, if all the lanes are full don't be afraid to ask to share a lane. I used to wait and wait until a lane was clear. I would see people sharing lanes but just assume that they were there together training.
That's about all I have. I've realized how important technique is to swimming. I just ordered the Total Immersion DVD which I've heard is a good program. I'll let you know how it goes.

Good luck,


2007-03-22 7:35 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi last year I did my morning swim with a team(was not on the team). On a regular basis the 11-12 yrs old girls would put about 25 yds on me per 100. I think they were also laughing at me as they went by. I am a better swimmer for it.
2007-03-22 8:44 PM
in reply to: #733933

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
That's a really funny story!!

I spent 22 minutes in the pool this afternoon. I lost track at 8 laps, but I know I hit 8 laps before I hit 10 minutes, so I think I probably swam 800+ yards. My goal was 400, and I had no idea how far that was, or my goal would have been higher

I think it went okay. I didn't feel like an red bike, and I actually had fun. I'm getting on the bike tomorrow, and then doubling up on Saturday for a group run at 6am and an afternoon swim. Part of my fear with tri training was loosing my running base. Now I'm starting to think that swimming and biking is going to make me a better runner. I have NEVER cross trained, and I think my body is going to like it once I really get going.

I'm going down to St. Pete to watch the Subaru Sprint on Sunday. It will be a good chance to watch others before I have to do all of that myself.

Tomorrow is my LAST day of spring break!! (I'm a teacher) So it's back to work on Monday!
2007-03-22 8:45 PM
in reply to: #734010

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
haha...where did "red bike" come from?? That's not what I typed!!
2007-03-23 4:36 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

Great job with the swim. I heading to the pool right now.

Check out this thread. It will explain the "red bike" LOL.
2007-03-23 10:01 AM
in reply to: #734010


Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

2007-03-23 1:49 PM
in reply to: #734452

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Is there another site where I can map my routes?

I've been in my house for over a year, and my neighborhood doesn't even exist on the BT route tracker. Keeping up with the development in Florida must be tough!

2007-03-23 2:40 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
2007-03-25 8:26 PM
in reply to: #734889

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I went down to watch the Subaru Women's Sprint and Supersprint today in Ft DeSoto--which I think is the same site as St. Anthony's.

WOW! It was the first time I had ever seen a triathlon, and I was amazed. I'm hooked. There were only a handful of elite athletes, mostly normal women just like me. It made me get much more serious about my training, and now I can't wait for May!

My friend and I stood at the transition area and watched what people did as they came in. Got A LOT of nice ideas that I never could have imagined without actually seeing the process. I hope I didn't look like a total dweeb staring at all the athletes in transition!

Edited by mlbwalk 2007-03-25 8:31 PM
2007-03-28 4:06 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
How is everyone's training coming along? I have been a bit sick this week.
2007-03-28 4:55 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
This is an Active Rest week for me. Had some great workouts this past weekend and I've been beat ever since.
I need to rest for a 10 mile race this Sunday in DC.
Also, waiting to hear some more of Mandi's pool stories. :-)

I hope everyone else is having a good week. It's finally starting to warm up in the NorthEast.


2007-03-28 7:41 PM
in reply to: #740848

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
The pool has been treating me pretty good!

I swam 1000 yards today, and I just happened to look up in the middle of it all to realize that I was swimming in the lane next to the cross country coach at the other high school I worked at a few years ago. He was actually the one who got me into running! He stopped me and says "can I show you some things??" Haha, so apparently my technique is not so good! But he was very helpful, and he showed me how to lift my elbows out of the water (I'm not really sure how to explain that!?). I had to stop swimming because I was laughing so hard underwater at how much faster I was going!!!!

Great advice!!!

I am flying to Phoenix next weekend with a girlfriend to run in the Pat Tillman 4.2 race. Kind of a random idea, but I had some old plane tickets on Southwest that had to get used. I can't wait!

Rob--are you still training for the IM in June? Hope you're feeling better this week. I'm LOVING the 80+ degree days here!!

Steve--good luck with the 10 miler! That's a great distance!
2007-03-29 6:17 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi glad the swimming is going well. Remember technique, technique is what it is all about. Good luck on your race and the same to you Steve. Still plan on doing the June IM, but I am way behind on my running. Life is busy and the kids and work eat up most of my free time.
Make sure you all give us a race report next week. Looking forward to hear how it goes.
2007-03-30 2:58 AM
in reply to: #740774

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Training is going fine in Denmark, spring is here. Weather is becoming warmer and we have had sun and blue sky for almost a week now. Temperature is up to 15°C (60°F) in the daytime, but it is still down to the freezing point in the night. Next week looks to be fine, but the weather forecast won’t rule out the possibility for snow on Wednesday. This weekend I will take a long run, 25 km, hope to improve speed a little bit and maintain the pace to the end. I’ll let you know how it’s going.
It’s only a month to the marathon, so I’m very focused on that. The Easter holidays is coming up, so this is a good chance to get the bike on the road and still do the 3 runs a week that’s in my plan.

2007-04-01 2:58 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

Hans, I know how you feel about Spring. It's getting warmer here and I love it, not quite in the 80s but still loving it.

Guess what?? I get to race today!!!!! I'm still going to shoot for making it a training run around 10 minute miles but it's still going to be nice to get out and race.'s only going to be in the 40s with a chance of rain. What happened to Spring???

Hopefully, I'll get a race report posted this afternoon.

2007-04-01 10:44 AM
in reply to: #744262

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Steve--did you say you were watching a DVD called "total emersion?" My former college swimmer friend gave me the book by the same title, and I was wondering what you thought of the guy's ideas. Reading the first 3 chapters seems like it makes sense...but I haven't had the chance to delve into any of the technique information yet.

Hope your race was great!

2007-04-01 9:37 PM
in reply to: #744395


Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi Mandi- I read "Total Immersion" and thought it was GREAT! I'm thinking about buying one of his instructional dvd videos. Here's the website w/some video previews. on TI TV on the top banner.


2007-04-02 4:13 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

I bought the book and DVD. I went straight to the DVD and haven't even opened the book yet. I've made a lot of progress just from what I learned there. I plan on reading the book over the summer when I'm not taking classes.

The Cherry Blossom 10 Mile yesterday was great. I'll get a race repport together soon. Now that that race is behind me it's time to really get down to some serious Tri training.

I hope everyone has a great week.

2007-04-02 8:20 PM
in reply to: #745046

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I can't even imagine what my summer will be like when I'm not taking classes!?

2007-04-05 5:44 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I'm with you on that one Mandi. I'm also coaching my daughter's soccer team and doing some volunteer work. I guess it's better than sitting in front of the TV every night.

How is everone's training going? It's been pretty quiet around here. I'm scheduled for my first brick workout Sunday. Hopefully, it goes well.
2007-04-05 4:25 PM
in reply to: #749781

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
training question:

Is the recumbant bike the same workout as the other one (I'm not sure what its called!)?

I know it doesn't quite mimic the same motions of riding a real bike, but the upright one just doesn't have a setting at the gym that is comfortable for me.

2007-04-05 4:46 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
It is probable close enough not to worry about. Just make sure and log some time on the bike you are going to race with.
2007-04-09 6:53 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
It's been really quiet around here. I've been in a funk since my 10 mile race. I can't get motivated to train. HELP!!!!
2007-04-09 7:44 PM
in reply to: #754527

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
That happens, Steve. I'm in a little bit of a funk myself.

What usually helps me is the "just get your butt out there and do it" mentality. The truth is, I always feel better after a workout than I did before...without fail! It just sometimes takes everything I have in me to get out the door.

Go to and watch an Ironman video...that will usually get me out the door too!

2007-04-10 5:37 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Like Mandi says sometimes you just have to drag yourself out the door. It is hard sometimes, but that is what makes it worthwhile. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. I see so many patients and friends that start on an exercise program and then they hit a bump in the road and stop. If they would just push through the short hard times they would stay on track. Over the years I think that this gets easier to do, just like most things the more you practice the better you get. Get out there and put is a session and just think of it as practice at working through a tough time. Have a good week.
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