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2007-07-19 11:46 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
batmomm -

Two words: clipless pedals. They take a bit getting used to, but your pedal stroke will be so much more efficient and smooth. I have had a few incidents of falling over as I got used to clipping in and clipping out (always at low speeds, so no harm done), but they really, really help my cadence. That's my $0.02, but I know there are cycling experts here who may have other suggestions.

Maybe it is my long ago track days as a sprinter, but I really didn't have trouble getting my cadence up on the bike and usually spin between 90-100 rpm. Spin classes in the off season last year may have helped me as well.

2007-07-19 11:50 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
mmmm clipless pedal??  I will look into this, so I would just trade them out with my currect pedals?  would my running shoes still work with them?  ok off to google it!!
2007-07-19 11:54 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
You would need bike shoes to use clipless pedals, and you just switch them out. Prices range like anything else bike-related. You could also look into pedals with cages if you want to still use your running shoes, but they won't be as efficient as clipless.
2007-07-19 11:57 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

ok just read into them and I like the concept but currently I do a lot of ride to somewhere run and ride home, I'd hate to have to lug my sneaks around with me, maybe cage ones for now with a look to the future. 

gosh I'm learning a ton!!

2007-07-19 12:32 PM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
A friend of mine that's a mountain biker has got clipless pedals. He's got shoes where the pedal clips are recessed, so he can walk around in the shoes without click-clacking along.

The other thing to keep in mind is that clipless pedals are portable from bike to bike.
2007-07-19 12:53 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
My Vote is for clipless - Huge gain on pedaling - you can get in expensive pedals $30-40 -you maybe able to get sale/close out shoes - I got my shoes for 50% off. I do change back into running shoes after the bricks - good practice!

2007-07-19 1:00 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Bat- You would want to get clipless MTB'ing shoes. They have, as has been mentioned, a recessed cleat so you can walk unimpeded. OR... do get what my buddy has: A clipless pedal with a removable platform on one side. This way he can hammer with us on our training/touring rides and wear plain 'ol sneakers to run to the supermarket.

Once using clipless you'll learn the joys of full circle pedaling, much higher efficiency and calf involvement for more power, efficiency and relief when your upper thighs start to LT overload...

Eric J
2007-07-19 1:59 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

alright enough arm twisting I'm sold, LOL.  Clipless it will be.

 So Michelle for your bricks do you take the sneaks with you in a pack or something or do you ride out and back home and then run??  I know I'm the never ending question machine but I'm really doing all this to keep your mind off your tapering!!

2007-07-19 2:06 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
No Problem - it's working!!

I have a practice transition area in my garage @home) - I rack the bike have my shoes and everything set just like at a race - you get fast and used to the order
I do...

Shoes first left then right
Helmet clipped (unclipped can get you DQ'd) and I don't mean Ice Cream lol
and out for the run Around 1 min or less - not counting the distance to the transitions

Those min's add up in shorter distances... not as much in Oly and up!

2007-07-20 11:11 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
1 min or less. That is awsome, Michelle! I am going to work on my transition!

Batmom - I just bought some Mt Bike shoes clips. I love them. I paid $100. I had road bike shoes and would always slip during transition. I opted for the Mt. Bike shoes b/c I knew I wasn't going to do real bike racing and I could walk around in them.
Once you get use to getting in and out of them, it is easy.
Happy shoe shopping!

2007-07-21 2:55 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
OK Peeps -

Really excited - coach approved run...

Just dropped a 4 mile PR - got a call to do a race in Buffalo today - drove this PM
Slammed 24:39 for 4 miles - 2nd Master - 4 seconds out of first - ran out of distance!!
Flat, fast w/ bit of wind - but not too hot!!
Got Prize $$ - bonus!!

Give you all the full race report later!!!


2007-07-21 2:25 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
whooo hooooo girl!!  You're FAST!!
2007-07-23 11:39 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Congrats, Michelle! That is a smokin' fast time.

I will post my full race report later this week, but I met both my goals for the NYC Triathlon yesterday: I finished, felt good and had fun. I also beat my goal time of under 3 hours (2:57:03, 73/219 in my age group). It was such a blast!
2007-07-23 12:16 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
fantastic job in NY!! cannot wait to read all the RRs (hint, hint...)
2007-07-23 10:02 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

Sorry been delayed - a close friend was involved in a serious mountain bike accident - he has spinal cord damage and just got out of emergency surgery...

always wear helmets - he had his on and helped save his life.

2007-07-23 10:52 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
omg sorry to hear this.  Prayers sent his way.  Take care!!

2007-07-25 12:27 PM
in reply to: #898254

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
michlmead - 2007-07-23 10:02 PM


Sorry been delayed - a close friend was involved in a serious mountain bike accident - he has spinal cord damage and just got out of emergency surgery...

always wear helmets - he had his on and helped save his life.


Sending prayers and wishes for a quick and full recovery....

Eric J
2007-07-25 12:45 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I think I posted a couple weeks back that I opted out of this past weekend's Biathlon when my running just beat this bike racer's knees to dirt. I took a rest after that and started riding and training again to find that I feel great. The break from constant training was much needed.

Mentally though, I've been having a very rough time with my decision to bow out of the upcoming Westpoint Tri on Aug 19th. I don't quit...ever. I've been in races when guys half my age ate it and I was crying from the pain near puking. Losing, to me anyway, is different than quitting.

Losing means you have more work to do, quitting means your work is done. And I've got way too much work left to do.

I do not quit.

Its been on my mind almost constantly as of late to the point of distraction. So last night I made the decision that I don't "want" to do Westpoint, I HAVE to.

I have about 6 friends all doing the WP Tri which gives me a built in support system. I contacted Coach Jeanette and we'll be sitting down and assessing on Tuesday what I need to do to get me through the run with minimal hurt, even if that means a slow (relative to me) pace and walk breaks.

I'm not worried about the swim, I was an open water swimmer at age 4. And my cycling background gives me the edge to hammer the cycling portion. I just know that if I don't get up there with my boys I will regret it all winter long and maybe into next season....

I sometimes wish I wasn't this driven, I'd probably be content and happy....

Eric J
2007-07-25 10:47 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

good luck to you Eric!!  If you gotta do it, do it.  Play it smart and use your support staff.  You'll have to let us know how it goes.


I've recently developed plantar fascitis (actually I guess I've had it for a while but finally realized that I have it) so I'm working throw that one.  Still running though.

2007-07-26 8:10 AM
in reply to: #900935

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

I know exactly what you mean with respect to having to do something once it's planned.

Westpoint tri is a sprint distance, correct? If so, I am confident that you'll be fine. As you said, you are strong in the swim and bike so even if you have to walk (unlikely) the entire 5k you'll do great!

People do tris for all sorts of reasons. I know a guy that does 'em after having TWO knee replacements! The reason you're doing this one is because you HAVE to, not to WIN it so go do it and have some fun with your friends.

Have a good day folks!

2007-07-26 8:16 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

I just have to share my excitement for an event I have coming up this weekend. I'm going to IM Wisconsin training camp!

Camp consists of 3 days of swim/bike/running as well as seminars for nutrition and race day logistics.

Many concerns will be shelved by attending this session as I'll get to ride the bike course a couple times as well as learn how transitions and fueling work on race day.

I'll give you a full report when I return on Sunday.


2007-07-27 1:24 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi everyone! I'm joining a little late in the game, and I don't know if this group has closed out already, but I thought I would give it a post.

I'm a 9 to 5-er from NYC who trains to relieve stress. I'm not ready to do a tri yet, but it is a long-term goal of mine that provides motivation to make the extra trip to the gym. Right now I want to shed a little more weight to become more spry and am working on my speed and stamina with the hopes of running a 5k soon.

I keep good logs of my exercise and nutrition and seemingly never leave the house to workout without my heart rate monitor; I just need to get into the habit of putting my logs on the BT website.

If there's still room with this group, I'd love to join you guys and get one step closer to actually doing that much-talked-about tri.

2007-07-27 1:34 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi Allie:

We always have room for one more!! - LeapDog also co-mentors with me - we are all students of multisport with different strengths!! So hop on board - the only dumb question is the one that does not get asked!!!

Leap - is @ IronMan Training Camp - I'm leaving for Short Course Du Nationals - sooo if you have questions - some of the gang may be able to help too!! We will report back from our events!!

Check out the training logs - i will add you to my buddy section!!

2007-07-30 8:07 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hey Leap & Michelle -

How'd it go at training camp and at short course du nationals? I had a busy week at work last week and traveled most of the week to see clients. It was a recovery week after NYC, so I am back at it this week to prepare for a local triathlon in September (almost Olympic distance). I will be better with my logs this week!

Hope everyone else's training is going well.

2007-07-31 5:57 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I have a question for those of you who train based on time and HR zones. I imported my training plan for my next race into my log last night and attempted my first run based on time/HR zone this morning. I am using a Gale Bernhardt plan, and this morning's run was an E2 run (endurance mostly in zones 1-2). Now I need to admit that I have not run the official test to determine my exact zones, but I have a pretty good sense of them after watching my heart rate while training over the past 6 months. This morning I kept my heart rate down in zones 1-2, and a run that usually takes me 50-55 minutes took me over an hour. I felt like I was crawling. So, I have two questions:

1. Is it normal to feel this way when switching to this style of training?
2. Will my body get used to running at this slower pace and "forget" how to run fast?

Thanks for any help those of you more experience with this can provide!
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