Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread 10 completed. It was a challenge. Went to get Boyfriend ready, and noticed front wheel a bit soft. While inflating, blew out the "presta?" valve and I need a real bf to help when it comes to putting the tire back in the rim. The gym is 30 min away, and would be closed by the time I got there. I was getting discouraged when my 7 year old pointed out that his older brother has a mountian bike. Had to inflate a tire there too, but no complications. Jacked up the seat, and off I went. It was a great ride because 1. I did it even though before this challenge I would have said, ah...the fates have delt me a rest day 2. my kids support 3. the position of the seat on Thing One's bike gave me more power, so I am going to have Boyfriend re-fit when we go over changing a tire tutorial 101 again at the bike shop. Thanks to all. It's been good. |