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2007-07-29 11:15 PM
in reply to: #871601

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Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread

10 completed.  It was a challenge.  Went to get Boyfriend ready, and noticed front wheel a bit soft.  While inflating, blew out the "presta?" valve and I need a real bf to help when it comes to putting the tire back in the rim.  The gym is 30 min away, and would be closed by the time I got there.  I was getting discouraged when my 7 year old pointed out that his older brother has a mountian bike.  Had to inflate a tire there too, but no complications.  Jacked up the seat,  and off I went.  It was a great ride because 1. I did it even though before this challenge I would have said, ah...the fates have delt me a rest day 2. my kids support  3. the position of the seat on Thing One's bike gave me more power, so I am going to have Boyfriend re-fit when we go over changing a tire tutorial 101 again at the bike shop.  

Thanks to all.  It's been good. 

2007-07-30 3:46 AM
in reply to: #906109

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Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread

Ok so...

Mel - Done

Rick - Done

Jens - Done

jcjsc00 - Done

Cat - Done

Just waiting to hear from Mike and Chris... come on boys... hope you made it to Paris! 

2007-07-30 11:29 AM
in reply to: #906109

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread
Melhndi - 2007-07-29 10:15 PM

10 completed. It was a challenge. Went to get Boyfriend ready, and noticed front wheel a bit soft. While inflating, blew out the "presta?" valve and I need a real bf to help when it comes to putting the tire back in the rim. The gym is 30 min away, and would be closed by the time I got there. I was getting discouraged when my 7 year old pointed out that his older brother has a mountian bike. Had to inflate a tire there too, but no complications. Jacked up the seat, and off I went. It was a great ride because 1. I did it even though before this challenge I would have said, ah...the fates have delt me a rest day 2. my kids support 3. the position of the seat on Thing One's bike gave me more power, so I am going to have Boyfriend re-fit when we go over changing a tire tutorial 101 again at the bike shop.

Thanks to all. It's been good.


Congrats!  Way to overcome the challenges and meet your goal.  ( I need to relearn that lesson

2007-07-30 11:35 AM
in reply to: #871601

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread
Congratulations on a great tour and your individual accomplishments! Thanks for putting up with our shenanigans and especial thanks to Scott, Rick, and anyone else who came and showed the love in our thread. Vive le Tour!
2007-07-31 7:44 AM
in reply to: #871601

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Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread
Ok guys - just waiting for Mike to check in with his results.... everyone else is at 100%  great efforts!
2007-08-01 6:45 AM
in reply to: #871601

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Subject: RE: CSC Team Thread
Final challenge results are UP!

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