BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1163527

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2008-01-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1163527

Subject: RE: AHHhhhhhh Friday!
jblt4 - 2008-01-18 8:37 AM

Well we made it through another week. My training seems to be going well, I hope you all are having as much fun as I am. I picked up a book on TRIs. "The Complete Idiots Guide To Triathlon Training". The title suits me well! I am up to the "Transitions" chapter and I have a question, or two or three as the time goes on. When doing a tri, as i understand it, I have an area for you gear for both T1 & T2. Is this correct? How big of a space am I allotted? What are your experiences in the transitions?

Kevin's answer was awesome! As a newbie, I gobbled up anything tri-related. There is so much information online too. There are tons of little tips and tricks you'll be able to pick up by reading others race reports and articles. As well, experience makes all the difference too. Even going to watch (or even better volunteer for) a race before your big day will let you see a live demo and all the different ways that people go about their transitions. It is always a good idea to go to the pre-race meeting, especially if it's held the day before the race because the organizers will be best able to answer your questions. In larger races that I've been in, the race director even went through in detail as to rules and transition and tips with a group of newbies.

I second getting a spot at the end of your age group rack along the edge of the transition area - get there early and if a spot is taken, don't  move anyone's stuff (bad form!). If the racks are lined up against a fence, I've always like getting a spot closest to the fence where I can hang a towel or whatever and make it easy to find.

Finding your transition area is another issue. I've seen people with helium balloons or ribbons tied to the rack. I have a huge yellow beach towel that I lay my stuff on - it stands out pretty well. After you set up, it's a good idea to do a practice run through from/to the bike and run courses - the entrances may be different and a race-time perspective is valuable to find key landmarks to help you get to your transition sooner (count the racks, spot someone else's loud towel/blanket, pavement markings, rack numbers...).

And, yes smile! Actually, "to finish smiling" has become a key goal for me in all of my races even when things don't go according to plan wrt goal race times or whatever.

Here's a photo montage of me during my first tri - I had a silly grin on my face nearly the whole race and lots of people commented on it too!


Edited by marina 2008-01-18 11:12 AM
2008-01-18 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1163100

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: waaaaahhhh
Bopper - 2008-01-17 7:38 PM

ave fun cleaning out the crawlspace... you wouldn't find me doing that (only because I don't fit in crawl spaces anymore... that's what the kids are for ).

Ohhhhh child labour - can I borrow those kids for a few hours?!? ;-)
2008-01-18 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

What are your weekend plans? mum is here until Sunday so I'll be entertaining her a bit. She did bring homemade food with her - pasta sauce, homemade noodles and wedding soup so I don't have to cook for her. Yesterday's supper was a $10 rotisserie chicken meal deal from the grocery store...won't be losing any weight anytime soon...LOL.

Tomorrow, I'll get myself to the gym and then weather the cold for a run. Right now it's -28°C, but feels like -40°C with the wind...gotta love Saskatchewan (I keep reminding myself that I chose to move back). Then, Saturday evening, I'm going to an organization meeting for a new roller derby league in the city - how cool is that? As a hockey (inline and ice) and former rugby player, the sport suits me to a T!

Sunday holds in store, a trainer workout with the bike club crowd and swim with the multisport crowd.

2008-01-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1163989

Subject: RE: waaaaahhhh
SpiritFire - 2008-01-18 11:19 AM
Bopper - 2008-01-17 7:38 PM

ave fun cleaning out the crawlspace... you wouldn't find me doing that (only because I don't fit in crawl spaces anymore... that's what the kids are for ).

Ohhhhh child labour - can I borrow those kids for a few hours?!? ;-)

LOL...last summer I borrowed hired bribed my neighbour's grandkids to help me clean up my backyard.

2008-01-18 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1164005

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: weekend plans
I am actually off work this weekend - woo hoo!

Saturday in addition to cleaning up the rat mess, I hope to get to the yoga studio that afternoon for a good 90 minute practice. Sunday is my day off, and Monday (which I still consider my 'weekend') will be a nice run in the morning and my spin class with the club Mon night.

2008-01-18 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1164005

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2008-01-18 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: weekend plan

Other than working on the bike............

Saturday go to the gym. Run 3 miles, do a stint on the expresso bike and then swim some laps. Hit the jacuzzi and suana.

Sunday is the same. What makes it nice is that my workout partner is my wife and that makes a very enjoyable time for me (and her).

All through the weekend: clean the house(our kids are grown and moved out so I cant get them to do it), play with the dog, do the grocery shopping. Play with the cats. Blah blah blah......


Talk to y'all as the weekend goes on!


2008-01-18 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Weekend (3 Day Weekend-Off from School Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Day):

Fri- Games, pizza, and drinks w/ friends

Sat- Bike, yoga, abs, ballet; Practice guitar; Homework; BF (who is my MoH) coming to visit and get to know my fiance better

Sun-Yoga, Tai Chi; BF & I are going up to my dad's to get some of my stuff and to give my sis a college pep talk (shes a senior and doesn't know what to do about college)

Mon-Run & Tai Chi; BF & I plan, scheme,  and address save the date cards; finish any left over homework; practice guitar

And who knows what else will pop up...

Have a good weekend everyone! 

2008-01-19 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1099933

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!



Friday: Run+Gym.Relax watch a movie and try not to fall asleep on the couch.

Saturday: work half a day,bike and take dog for walk.

Sunday: Ski at Mt Baker...................relax in hot tub with a beer.


2008-01-20 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Happy Sunday!

Ian - Enjoy your ski day! Nothing is better than a hot tub apres ski...or after any workout.

Jenn - You're a busy lady! Ballet, guitar, good big sister example?? Talk about all-round goodness! BTW, what's MoH? Oh yeah. Monday is a US holiday...lucky duck!

Jim - You are the bike dude! Downhill bike? Do you race? How many bikes do you have? People not in the sport think I'm odd travelling with both my tri and mtn bike...and I'm considering getting a road bike. Hope you had fun tinkering and playing with your bike parts!

TR - Hope you enjoy the yoga and rest day! Since I'm on a regular weekday schedule, I have to do my longest days on weekend but a whole restful day without work or training is a real treat. Good luck with the rats!

I know that Kevin has been spending the weekend indulging his SO and catering to every whim as she so deserves AND getting some training in AND finding the time to butt-kick inspire me at length. What a good mentor, huh?

Salma, Lindsay, Shannon, Paul?? Where are you!

Hey, don't forget to check out eachother's blogs and to use yours...once you get the hang of it, BT is an immensely valuable training tool.

In case you forgot, here are the links (in addition to the little "Logs" button under each reply)...

Marina = Marina
Kevin = Bopper
Jennifer = Jenni4
Paul = begining triathlete
Trina-Rae= SpiritFire
Jim = jblt4
Shannon = smh 23
Ian = ILowe
Salma = Salma
Lindsay = luckylinds

Edited by marina 2008-01-20 9:37 AM

2008-01-20 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Im back!!

Had a good work and school week, but I ended up getting into a car accident during the week. A big semi truck was STOPPED yes stopped in the middle lane of the 90/94 expressway, right after an S curve, so he wasnt very visible. With all the ice, I was amazed I managed to stop without rear ending him. Then I saw a semi truck aim right for me. I quickly darted into the left lane and almost got side swiped - unbelievable. No serious damage, but a serious anxiety attack afterward. I came home and broke into a sweat and threw up.

Next day my back was spasming and my neck was so sore. Probably from tensing up so much. But so happy to be here right now Very eerie feeling.

Took it easy on Thur and Friday and am back at the gym again. Too bad it's so cold.

TR - I have a mouse in my apartment that has decided to risk the 2 cats and come in from the cold. My cats are insane lately trying to find him. They have caught him a couple of times but of course they end up letting him go......grrrr - its all about the chase huh!!

Transitions - I finally have my system down, and in reality I don't need half the stuff I thought I need when I first started. Most people are great about space and sharing but sometime there is that one person that decides to throw their wet suit all over your running shoes. (boy was I mad) - but then I had to let it loose and just run in wet running shoes.

I must say the best advice is to mark out where your stuff is, use trees, porto potties, etc. Sometimes i miss my transition area and get really frustrated trying to find it. Its amazing how all the bikes look the same when your racing. I use my my Canada flag on the end of my bike (not that many of them here in Chicago) - it helps differentiate my trek from others. I also have a big yellow towel and getting there early is the best advice.

Ok I still havent put my butt on the bike about procrastinating. Tomorrow is MLK day and even though I have work, I don't have school. Im taking this day as an extra work out day and will get on the bike...I promise.

2008-01-21 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Marina wrote:

Jim - You are the bike dude! Downhill bike? Do you race? How many bikes do you have? People not in the sport think I'm odd travelling with both my tri and mtn bike...and I'm considering getting a road bike. Hope you had fun tinkering and playing with your bike parts!

I reply:

I have three bikes that I use consistently.

The downhill/freeride bike is an IRONHORSE SGS Freeride. Full Suspension, 7 inches front and rear, hyrdrolic disk brakes, weighs 43 lbs. Heavy yes but what a great ride!

The commuter, another Ironhorse. The urban. This is a basic bike with only 8 gears, 80mm front suspension fork, fenders. The stuff that gets me to work. It's still too cold for riding to work here.

 Then the road bike which is an older Bianchi. This will be what I will use for the tri. Nice, very retro. This bike has been good to me as it's what I use for centuries here in New England.


I use to race downhill, but not any more. Very expensive to replace parts which do break quite often. Then I shattered my left arm and had to have it pined and plated together and that ended the racing. I still go downhilling but it's for pleasure.



2008-01-21 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1167497

Subject: ...
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2008-01-21 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

I agree with Bopper. Why spend the money on a tri bike. Yes it would be nice to have a newer bike, but with the economy here in the US (thanks Greenspan and Bush) i would rather keep my cash on hand.


2008-01-21 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: where the heck is that wagon?
After an entirely dsyfunctional weekend - Monday is here and I'm glad to be back on track! ... This is why my long-term goal is mental toughness ... I find I am so easily sidetracked and distracted and as a result am not commited to my training. But I'm trying, I really am. ;-)

I've readjusted my race goals for the summer. I took the Oly out, along with a few of the 'C' races. I think I will be happy with a few really solid sprints, without doing the distance of the Oly. My thinking here is that I'm (once again) taking on too much, and really unsure if I can train properly for the longer distance. And I don't want to put too much pressure on myself, and take all the fun out of it (like I did last year).

With my yoga teacher training in the fall I need to focus on regular yoga practice, and with school and setting up the business I need to dedicate a large amount of time to that ... and I'm registered to complete my Group Fitness Instructor course in Feb/Mar and hope to find a part-time job once that's completed ... oh and let's not forget work ... yup I still work. ;-)

I'm trying to find that balance between triathlon and the rest of life. It's tough! lol

Salma - sorry to hear about your accident ... make sure you get that neck checked out just in case. We don't want it turning into a worse injury down the road.
Everyone else - hope you had a good weekend!

2008-01-21 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: where the heck is that wagon?
After an entirely dsyfunctional weekend - Monday is here and I'm glad to be back on track! ... This is why my long-term goal is mental toughness ... I find I am so easily sidetracked and distracted and as a result am not commited to my training. But I'm trying, I really am. ;-)

I've readjusted my race goals for the summer. I took the Oly out, along with a few of the 'C' races. I think I will be happy with a few really solid sprints, without doing the distance of the Oly. My thinking here is that I'm (once again) taking on too much, and really unsure if I can train properly for the longer distance. And I don't want to put too much pressure on myself, and take all the fun out of it (like I did last year).

With my yoga teacher training in the fall I need to focus on regular yoga practice, and with school and setting up the business I need to dedicate a large amount of time to that ... and I'm registered to complete my Group Fitness Instructor course in Feb/Mar and hope to find a part-time job once that's completed ... oh and let's not forget work ... yup I still work. ;-)

I'm trying to find that balance between triathlon and the rest of life. It's tough! lol

Salma - sorry to hear about your accident ... make sure you get that neck checked out just in case. We don't want it turning into a worse injury down the road.
Everyone else - hope you had a good weekend!


Edited by SpiritFire 2008-01-21 11:18 AM
2008-01-22 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Jenn - You're a busy lady! Ballet, guitar, good big sister example?? Talk about all-round goodness! BTW, what's MoH? Oh yeah. Monday is a US holiday...lucky duck!

Well, the weekend didn't turn out quite as planned. I didn't get any homework or reading done, but I can get it all done today since its rainy and I don't have to work. Ended up goung all over West Tenn looking for a wireless keyboard and mouse for our home computer (we have a Mac). And some new toy for my fiance's guitar. But I had a fun weekend hanging out with my best friend(MoH=Maid of Honor) and talking over plans. Plus it was nice to see my dad and sister. My dad is feeling a lot better (he's up walikng around which is much better than the last time I saw him). My sister is still clueless, but I'm going to email her some info and help pointer in some direction. Short week this week with the holiday on Monday and me missing class Friday afternoon so we can go to Kansas to see the KU basketball game.

2008-01-22 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Hey all!

TR brings up a typical triathlon dilemma. TR,don't stress about sticking with the Sprint races. Managing the training schedule no matter what the distance we train for is half the battle - really, think about time to get to the pool, change into running clothes and shower after a run, and finding a good chunk of time to get on the bike. Never mind, all the time hanging around BT (some of us are worse than others ). It's tough. Good for you on recognizing what you can do.

I train with a gang of people around me training for IM Canada putting in incredible hours already. This year my goal is a couple of half IMs, with the eventual goal of the full...but I think that may be longer down the road than I once thought. want to get better at the middle distances and gosh, I have so much room for improvement possible with respect to technique, power and speed, that aiming for higher endurance over quality workouts just isn't my priority right now. Time isn't an issue for me since I'm single with dog and in a stable 8-to-5 job. I can put in lots of time training but balance is a real priority because I want to invest my time in other non-fitness stuff while it's there (not that I see myself getting hitched or having a kid anytime soon).'s the week looking troops?

What is your biggest challenge this week?

I've had a decent start. My challenge this week is to do some strength training and get back on plan with that. Going to the gym is the first thing that I can talk/rationalize myself out of.

2008-01-22 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: this weeks plan
I have had a good start to the week also. I hope to meet my schedule everyday this week, unlike last week. The Wednesday morning swim is out due to the pool being taken over by the local high school swim team. So the plan is to do cardio(either running or biking). I hope the weather holds so that Saturday morning I can get out for an Urban Assault Ride in Boston. Wooo Hoooooo!
2008-01-22 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1170011

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: this weeks plan
My week's goal - stick to my training plan! Cross your fingers no additional distractions (such as a rodent infestation lol) pop up, and that I stay strong enough to stick to the plan.
If all goes accordingly - I'll work out every day this week except Sunday ...
I may have additional motivation as I've applied for a part-time trainer position at a Boot Camp, and they want to interview me (I'm just finishing up my Fitness Instructor Certification) ... if I'm a Boot Camp Instructor - I have to set a good example! hahaha

2008-01-23 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1169819

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2008-01-23 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: foot/leg pain

On the triathlon talk thread someone's posted that she experiences foot/leg pain when she runs very slowly ... is this common? I have had horrible pain lately - foot pain, what feels like shin splints in both shins, knee pain, and so on ... could my speed (or lack thereof) be causing this? I'm trying to run slowly to keep my heartrate down.
2008-01-23 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1172801

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2008-01-23 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1172005

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: flip turns
Bopper - 2008-01-23 10:32 AM

I've decided I need to get back in the pool this week. Even if it's just to work on flip turns and kicking. I think the active therapy in the pool will help my shoulder, as long as I'm not working it hard. I went to pool this morning and tried flip turns for the VERY FIRST TIME... and I was able to do them.... some were pretty ugly, but I was doing them. I wasn't swimming hard but it went much better then I expected. If any one is interested in a good instructional video on flip turns... watch this one. EXCELLENT instruction.

My swim coach tried to teach me to do flip turns ... it wasn't pretty. ;-)

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