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2008-03-12 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Hi guys!

Just bought my first road bike!!! I am so excited. I went to another LBS and what a difference. The service was perfect. They took much time and measured me to a T. I am so pleased that I didn't go the online route for the first bike. I would have ordered a med. frame and the small fit so much better! I got a Giant OCR3 (2006) for $549. I thought that was a great price. And the owners know so much about triathlons and the perfect training trails around here. I am picking it up on Sat. and cannot wait for the weather to cooperate!

On the way out the door this morning for my workout, my youngest son's school called and I had to bring him home. He promptly barfed on the living room carpet when we got home . Hopefully, I will be able to get a run in when his brother gets home from school. I am getting more excited about my upcoming races and am eager to improve. Also, has anyone seen the YouTube videos about the women in the 1985(?) IronMan featured on ABC Sports or the one featuring Dick and Ricky Hoyt?? UNBELIEVABLE! If you ever need motivation, check those out. Have a good day!


2008-03-12 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Glad to hear that you got your bike!!  Now once you pick it up, ride, ride, ride!!   As much of a discount as you can get on-line, sometimes it just pays to pay a little extra and make sure you are getting the right thing/size...good choice on the bike! 

As far as motivation, my favorite one is below...everytime I think I have run out of gas I think of Bevan Docheraty, and know that sometimes fumes are all you need!!  Check it out -


2008-03-12 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Very cool Sandy!  Now you're definitely ready for the bestt of the three sports! 
2008-03-14 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1267469

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Ben, I watched that Bevan Docheraty video. I thought the guy that sped up from the back in the blue was amazing...till I realized that he wasn't THE guy! If the blue guy hadn't acted like he had it in the bag and stopped looking behind him, he may have had it. Then here comes Bevan out of

About my workout today, I did the stationary bike for 40 min. and went 10 mi. I am looking forward to riding a real bike, for I don't feel like I am doing myself any good on the gym bikes. Then I went to the treadmill and ran. I didn't have a plan on how far or long, but I ran till I was sufficiently tired. I only got in 2mi, but my HR was clipping along in the 160's. I think that is too high, so I slowed my pace down to 5, which is difficult to do and it helped a bit. I was also running at a 1-2 incline so that I could lean into the run (Chi Running). Should I worry about my HR? Am I correct to slow down my pace to regulate it, or doesn't it matter?
2008-03-14 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED


When it comes to Brick workouts like that, you should keep your HR and PE (Percieved Effort) as high as you can.  The main reason is this is what a race situation will feel like.  If you were able to get 2 full miles out of yourself AFTER you biked that is AWESOME!!  I would continue to do this type of workout once per week, and when you are on the bike, make sure to make a point of pushing hard and making the lactic acid build up in them so that they are fatigued as much as possible when you hop on the treamill.  Also, try to limit the transition time from one to the other...this will also help the mind to realize what running after biking feels like and that it is normal.


As far as biking indoors on the stationary bike, I don't believe that it harms you...It is far better than you are doing something now and then once you get your bike you will be able to jump right into the miles without a hicup!

Great job on the workout yesterday!!

2008-03-16 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Well... I have done it and survived...

Despite the last two weeks of no training due to travel (work) and the lest 3 days having a sinus and ear infection... I have completed my first triathlon ever. Well, it was an indoor triathlon, not a full fledged outdoor tri, but a great place to start...

One thing I need to work on above all else, Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition... I did not run at the pace I wanted to but do to poor nutrition I started to feel a bit sick 3/4 through my bike... eased off the cadence for a bit and stomach seemed to settle... The spin bikes had the ability to use clipin pedals so that was a plus... Resisance was pre-set so everyone was on even ground as a far as bikes.

The run.. yuck... wanted to run at about 6.0 - 6.5 mph pace... but could not get the steam to do it... hovered at more like 5.1 - 5.5 until the last 30 seconds when I had more than enogh gass in the tanks to full sprint... need to work on pacing better...

I dont know the end results and wont know until Tuesday at the latest... However, here are more raw results...

S = 312.5M @ 10Min
B = 10M @ 30 Min
R = 1.75M @ 20 Min

Not the best, but a finish, none the less... need to start some where right...

2008-03-16 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1274514

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Awesome job!! How did it feel to actually complete it?? That's a bummer that you felt a bit sick while doing it though! What do you think you did wrong regarding your nutrition?

I am doing my first sprint tri in April and I believe your way of thinking...just a good outlook for the first time. I am sure there are things that you will do different next time, but think of how much you learned! You should be proud of yourself and when you get your final timings, I'll bet you did better than you think.


Edited by snady 2008-03-16 2:45 PM
2008-03-17 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Great job Jason! 

Can you give me a little more information about what happened leadin gup to you feeling sick?  HR on bike?  Did you swallow any water in the pool?  What time of day was it, morning I assume?  what did you have for breakfast?  How long was it from breakfast until you started your race?  How much water did you drink?

The reason that I ask all of these questions is that while nutrition plays a large part in most races, normally our bodies have enough in their glycogen stores to cover us for an hour or so...

Welcome back!

2008-03-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

I would agree with you about nutrition... Here is a breakdown of what took place

6:30 AM - Put of Bed
6:40 AM - Half Banana / Glass of OJ
8:40 AM - Start of Swim
8:52 AM - Half of Cliff Bar
8:55 AM - 6- 8 ozs Water
9:00 AM - Start of Bike - Did not drink during bike (Should have)
9:30 AM - Transition to Run (Did not drink)
9:35 AM - Run - Again did not drink
9:55 AM - End of run drank 1 bottle of water

I am not sure how much the ear/sinus infection played into things...

Started to feel slightly sick to my stomach at about 20 minutes into bike, slowed cadence down to bring HR down from about 188 to 175

During run, did not feel sick at this point, but not able to run at my target pace of 6-6.5 MPH

I would have liked to have maybe eaten something earlier in the morning 3 - 4 hours before race, but simply did not want to get up that early. Side note, in 8 years of the army, I always used to get sick in the 1/4 mile of our PT tests... easy enough get sick over your shoulder and keep on running... Difficult to do spin bike indoors... lol

I guess when I say nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, I am thinking more about working on taking in nutrition in general so that I am used to and body does not react funny... yes this is very short, but If I don’t practice as I should do in a race, chances are I won’t in a race...

All in all, I was glad to finish, which has never been the type of competitive personality I have... so this was difficult mentally. So time to raise the bar, now that I have something to compare it to...
2008-03-17 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1275659

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Everything looks good, with the exception of your HR on the bike (and of course not driking)...that seems really high.  Do you know what your Bike Lactate Threshold is?  Everyone is different, and even differnt at different sports. 

For example, My run LT is ~170, and my bike LT is ~ 155


Great job in finishing though...this should give you some good ideas of what to expect come June1st!

2008-03-17 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1275672

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
I am notsure what my LT is... my AT is 173... so I spent most of the time in Zone 4... I will try to post the graph of my HRM from the event later... might add some more insight to things... In the future, I will be wearing my HRM during the swim as well...

Edited by SnyderJasonD 2008-03-17 10:53 AM

2008-03-18 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Great race Jason!  That's good you now have a measuring stick.  Sounds like you now have an idea of how hard to push. 
2008-03-18 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Here is my HRM data not including most of T1 and the Swim...


HRM-LifetimeLakeville.JPG (58KB - 26 downloads)
2008-03-27 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

what up guys?  How is everything going for the past week...?  Everyone getting those workouts in and getting ready for the race season? 

Just so I can mark them, can everyone tell me again when their races are?

2008-03-28 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1298784

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
My year looks like this:

May 18th have a Du/Tri I dont know what one i want to do yet between the two. I am not happy with my swimming. I have the same problem that you do with over turning when I take a breath. Plus its a "c" or really a....d....e.....or f.....race.

June 8th: Pinchot Sprint Tri in Harrisburg PA.......B race

July 20th: Harrisburg Catfish Sprint Tri in Harrisburg PA......B race

Sept 14th: Pinchot Olympic Tri in Harrisburg PA......My A race for the year. This one means the most because i want to see how I stand against the others. Next year i plan on doing Olympic races only. So its my measuring stick for what i need to do for next year on how well i do this year againt my age group. Plus, i just want to kick some butt.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
2008-03-28 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1298784

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone!

Workouts are going well. I just got back in the pool today...I haven't swam in over 2 weeks. I have really been concentrating on the running. It has still been too cold here for biking outside. We actually got more friggin' snow last night. I can't stand this much longer!!!!

I am doing my first 5K two weeks from tomorrow, and my first sprint tri is 4 weeks from Sunday! I actually registered for the tri, so I should be getting my start time soon. That's all I know of at this point.

Hope all is well going well!!!


2008-03-28 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

For those of you that "LOVE" swimming as much as I do, I would HIGHLY reccomend getting the latest (April...I think) "Inside Triathlon" magazine (with Hunter Kemper on the cover).  There is an article that I found to be GOLD about swimming form...I can't say enough about it...I INSTANTLY took 10 sec's off my 100 yard times, with out doing ANYTHING different...$5 is a lot cheaper than a coach!

Boomer - You are in a tough spot, but both races will give you a great idea of where you are at.  My reccomendation would be to do the Tri, that way you will have that one extra race under your belt when it comes to swimming and transition from swimming to biking.  Also, it will give you a really good reason to get your butt back in the pool...which I find sometimes to be something near immpossible to do, but everytime you get in there, you get better, and if you want to have a decent gauge come Sept, I would really suggest honing your skills right now

Sandy - You are going to do great at your 5K...AND it is almost April, so us suckers in the midwest should be able to bike outside soon!!!!!  In the mean time, make sure that you continue to get all of your workouts in over then next 4 weeks...the ones leading up to the race are some of the most important ones.



2008-03-31 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Just so I can mark them, can everyone tell me again when their races are?

Hey, I need to check back here more often.  It's been awhile.

Right now all I have is IM Arizona - 4/13.  Yeah, only 13 freakin' days!  (if there was an emoticon for scared it would be right here)

I intend on doing an HIM sometime in the fall, with some sprints along the way.

FYI, my fiance (grvfrog) and I closed on our house last Wednesday! 

Looks like several of you are pretty close to racing as well.  I look forward to you all sharing your experiences.  What about you Ben?  What's your schedule looking like again?

2008-03-31 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1305099

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Oh, the joys of home-ownership!! It is a crazy time, moving all your sh__, but there's nothing like having your first house. I still love the little house my husband and I bought 14yrs. ago, though we've been in our "new" house for 10. Now you can no longer say "I have nothing to do," for when you have a house, there is ALWAYS something "to do!" You'll still have plenty of time to keep training though!

2008-04-02 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

My races for this year are as follows

4/29 - Ironman Bike Ride - C Race/ride- century ride, not much of a race but great way to get your in gear and be forced to log the bike miles

5/3 - Chain of Lakes Sprint - B Race - Most likely the legs will be a little tired from the ride on 4/29, but hiope to make the best of it

5/24 - Apple Duathlon -A Race - Short Course World Qualifier...although I have NO chance to Q for worlds, I just think it will be really cool to see who shows up

6/1 - Our Daughter is due, so not racing for a while

6/27 - Waconia Sprint -B Race - Best of The US Qualifier - Again, not a chance to Q, but always a good race

7/13 - GraniteMan - B Race- Sprint

7/20 - Heart Of the Lakes - A Race - Close to an Oly (swim is off by a little) was my very first Triathlon a few years back, and I always plan to do this one in the future....just a great race

7/27 - Chisagao Half Iron - A Race - Did this one last year, and I have a Bike and run course to destroy this year - sub 5 hours is the Goal 

8/24 - Baxter - B Race - Sprint

10/5 - Twin Cities Marathon - A Race - Sub 3:20 is the goal....we will see how the training stacks up coming down the stretch


I know, I am busy!!  But this is still a few races less than what I did last year!!

2008-04-02 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1310057

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Wow Ben! I am are a freak !!!! I actually got word of another sprint tri in my neck of the woods for June 17th. I have until June 7 to sign up for it, so we'll see if I love this sport after April 27th!!

The forecast for this weekend is decent, so I cannot wait to get out on that bike. Now that I am improving on my running, I am terrified that I will wipe-out big time because I don't know how to use a road bike. What a dork.....

2008-04-03 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Yeah, I LOVE the racing part of this sport, and I am kind of a freak....I am lucky to have so many nice races near (within 3 hours) of me and a great Tri club 

As far as falling goes...

remember, it is not a question of IF you will wipe out, but a questions of WHen and HOW is something that I used to few almost more than fear itself, but now have gotten accustomed to the fact that it IS going to happen some day, knowing and accepting that won't make it hurt any less, but it makes me less stressed out when I ride....One thing I ALWAYS make sure to do is to ride smart, meaning always ride where there is the least amount of traffic and don't try to take corners at Mach 3...maybe just Mach 1-2



Edited by benihana 2008-04-03 7:30 AM
2008-04-03 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1312635

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Bootcamp day for workout. We played dodgeball. It was a blast!! If you got whacked with a ball, you had to go to the side to "regenerate" by doing jumping jacks, push-ups, up-downs, L and R side raises, and full body crunches, in multiples of 5...5 reps of ea. the first time, 10 reps the next time, and so on. I got up to 30 reps of ea. exercise in one game! If you were nailed with a small purple ball, you had to run 5 laps on the track. We were all complaining that we weren't getting a good workout, but when was the last time you played dodgeball for an hour?? Oh to be 10 yrs. old again....

It's a great idea if you ever teach a group workout and want to change it up a bit.

I have to work tomorrow, but looking forward to the biking on Sat., and yes Ben, I have a helmet!!

Edited by snady 2008-04-03 4:41 PM
2008-04-05 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Glad to hear you have a helmet....I just wanted to make sure   The dogeball sounds like it was a fun time!
2008-04-05 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Okay, thought I'd share my first day EVER biking on a road bike.

We had great weather today, so I was very anxious to get out. The basics of the bike were explained to me when I bought it and I skimmed the manual. I made my short trip to a great path that is 14 mi long (one way), very scenic and one of the most popular around. About 2 or so miles down the path, the shifting wasn't working...user errror...DORK. I actually called the bike shop from the path explaining what was happening. To make a very long story short, I packed up my bike (riding back 2 mi. where I came from!!) and went to the shop. Of course, it was fine when the dude there tried it, and I found out that it was my inability to shift the bike correctly. I forgot about shifting the using the brake make me feel better he said the cables were too tight, making the shifting rough. Thanks pal..

Ok, back on the bike to ride. I have no idea how far I rode, but I am getting to know how it works. I have to say I was very distracted by my intense discomfort in the girl parts. ( the dude at the bike shop tried to adjust the seat for me, helped a bit...) This MUST be addressed before my tri in 2 weeks or I will not make 15 miles!!!!!!

And to top it off, here's the kicker...I fell!!!!!!!!! Ben and I just talked about not wondering if you are going to fall, but when. I was riding in my neighborhood with my 6y/o. He stopped suddenly in front of my, I couldn't brake fast enough, got my left foot stuck in the pedal, rode into his bike and down we went. I hit my knee pretty bad, actually drew blood! So, now I have done my "fall" for the season!

That's it in a nutshell my friends! I am so glad I have you to share this with and I hope you got a good laugh!!!

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