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2009-10-06 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2445831

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 12:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:49 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 9:06 AM
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:34 AM Question of the Day: Does anyone else have a mental block when it comes to going beyond a certain distance?  And if you did and have pushed past it how did you do it?

Mine is the 6 mile mark...I am fine running 5 miles, 6 miles I have done once or twice and am reasonably ok but I (mentally) freak out when I think about doing anything more...I have never gone further than six.

GREAT question KATIE.

mine is 26.2.  ive been able to bring myself to contemplate running a full marathon.

last year i ran a half.  and finished w a smile on my face.

and considered what it would be like to 'have to' go another 13.1 miles.

i thought, naw, i dont think i would ever want to do that.

i will do a 1/2 IM before i do a full marathon.  theres just something not 'appealing' about that distance...for me.  (same with a full IM)

and ive decided that im not gonna 'push past it'. 

if somewhere internally (for whatever the reason) ive decided a full marathon is not for me, then i figure why 'fight it'.

perhaps there will come a time when that'll change, and im completely open to that.

but for now...im content w trng for halfsies and contemplating a 1/2 IM.


Sounds like my sentiments exactly! my brother is an IM...my daughter and niece will be racing in an IM in November...and I have no inkling to do one! very motivational for me to go bike and run...but not those absurdly long distances! not even in perfect conditions and flat course! hey, I too am considering a HIM! is there one half way in between us! what a hoot it would be to race with you! the mileage would zoom by! haha

ive found myself drawn to things and ive learned when i just 'give in' and move towards those inclinations i find a 'happy place'

tris in general just as an example.  when i first started running, i knew 'internally' that it was tris that i really wanted to end up doing.  and here i am, and i couldnt be happier.

i think theres a lot to listening to your 'heart' and following what your 'heart' tells you do.

course that could be and my intuitive personality type, but it works for me.

as for the HIM, im sure you can find one 1/2 way between. 

ERICA/ebshot has 'dibs' on me and my first HIM, we should all meet somewhere and do one together.  wouldnt THAT be a HOOT!



that would be really fun....funny, I just left her an inspire!

we could be the "BT tres amigas"

or the three stooges! haha

2009-10-06 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2445862

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

givemashot - 2009-10-06 12:40 PM

Hi gouhlies! Just thought it was high time I pop in and say hi to my teammates. I did pop in last night, but didn't have time to catch up, and well, I thought I'd post today... um, 20 pages later. What a talkative group! My goal for this month will be tiny--focusing on consistency more than mileage, so just a mere 20 miles for the month. Should be a little hard to reach since I have done NOTHING for a few weeks while my son was out of school and sick, but should be totally reachable, too. 

So, hi!

Hey Amy....we have been on a challenge team before I think!? anyways...welcome! wow hope your son is all better now! two weeks is a long time to be sick! if you want a run down on all the past pages, I think we can all help you get caught up so you dont have to spend your time trying to get caught up.

im a team player, ya know!

2009-10-06 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2445891

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

ceilidh - 2009-10-06 12:55 PM I am baaaaack..... the house is fine and I got 4 miles in....
Yea me!

schwoooo, thanks! I sure didnt want to burn the house down!...and now you have me thinking about two different songs...Jonas...burn the house down and Talking Heads burning down the house... I really heart the Talking Heads music!

2009-10-06 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2446048

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 3:56 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 12:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:49 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 9:06 AM
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:34 AM Question of the Day: Does anyone else have a mental block when it comes to going beyond a certain distance?  And if you did and have pushed past it how did you do it?

Mine is the 6 mile mark...I am fine running 5 miles, 6 miles I have done once or twice and am reasonably ok but I (mentally) freak out when I think about doing anything more...I have never gone further than six.

GREAT question KATIE.

mine is 26.2.  ive been able to bring myself to contemplate running a full marathon.

last year i ran a half.  and finished w a smile on my face.

and considered what it would be like to 'have to' go another 13.1 miles.

i thought, naw, i dont think i would ever want to do that.

i will do a 1/2 IM before i do a full marathon.  theres just something not 'appealing' about that distance...for me.  (same with a full IM)

and ive decided that im not gonna 'push past it'. 

if somewhere internally (for whatever the reason) ive decided a full marathon is not for me, then i figure why 'fight it'.

perhaps there will come a time when that'll change, and im completely open to that.

but for now...im content w trng for halfsies and contemplating a 1/2 IM.


Sounds like my sentiments exactly! my brother is an IM...my daughter and niece will be racing in an IM in November...and I have no inkling to do one! very motivational for me to go bike and run...but not those absurdly long distances! not even in perfect conditions and flat course! hey, I too am considering a HIM! is there one half way in between us! what a hoot it would be to race with you! the mileage would zoom by! haha

ive found myself drawn to things and ive learned when i just 'give in' and move towards those inclinations i find a 'happy place'

tris in general just as an example.  when i first started running, i knew 'internally' that it was tris that i really wanted to end up doing.  and here i am, and i couldnt be happier.

i think theres a lot to listening to your 'heart' and following what your 'heart' tells you do.

course that could be and my intuitive personality type, but it works for me.

as for the HIM, im sure you can find one 1/2 way between. 

ERICA/ebshot has 'dibs' on me and my first HIM, we should all meet somewhere and do one together.  wouldnt THAT be a HOOT!



that would be really fun....funny, I just left her an inspire!

we could be the "BT tres amigas"

or the three stooges! haha


has a very nice ring to it.

i likey.

but then we need to add.


i can just envision him w his fingers in his ears the entire 70.3.

well minus the swim, cuz swimming w your fingers in your ears would prove to be difficult.

come to think of it, cycling would be difficult as well.

i know....

EAR PLUGS!!!!  heee heee.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-10-06 4:07 PM
2009-10-06 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2445918

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 1:04 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:05 AM

wgraves7582 - 2009-10-06 4:34 AM

Alright - finish up my oatmeal and head over to TC Marathon RR!

oatmeal sounds yummy about now! although my dd's friend brought over fresh eggs from their hens...so I think I will have a few fried eggs with some toast...with the homemade blueberry jelly she also brought! had some if it yesterday! OMG it will be gone before the end of this week! its delish! my daughter took the homemade salsa, raspberry jelly and fig jelly! guess I have to go visit her down south if Im going to try those!?

Blueberry jelly...Lucky you!!!

everything but my hips are lucky...cuz everything I consume seems to go there...guess the ol saying of

between the lips..and straight to the hips

is very true in my case! but thats why I ran! the extra half mile today!

2009-10-06 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2445940

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 1:11 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:18 AM

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 7:12 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-05 6:51 PM

kromanowski - 2009-10-05 4:32 PM Oh yipee I just called my DH and he is making Tostadas with guacamole for dinner!!!  Boy am I a lucky girl!
yes indeed...enjoy them you lucky girl you!!!

They were SOOOO good!

I love making left over tosados for lunch...so, you got any we can make???

I did have left overs, but I ate them for lunch already sorry I didn't share

Bad manners TOPPAGE

so forgiven! Im not a hater!

2009-10-06 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2445911

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-10-06 3:03 PM So, What's for dinner?





and ANN is joining us, and she's brining dessert.

2009-10-06 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2445949

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 1:15 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:20 AM

 will find a way... The human body can survive on surprisingly little sleep.

yes, soooooooooo true when you are young...but at my age...I need all the sleep I can get...I consider it my beauty sleep! if I dont get a good 8-9 hours of sleep...Im worthless the next day...well, more so then usual! LOL

I can survive for about a week on 3 a night, but then I have to get at least 8-10 one weekend night...5 will get me by fairly regularly

ok the bags in my eyes are now sagging to my feet...3 hours and I cant think! kids..to be young again!!!!

all seriousness, good luck and way to go strong in med school! how much longer?

2009-10-06 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2445978

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 1:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:31 AM

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 7:34 AM Question of the Day: Does anyone else have a mental block when it comes to going beyond a certain distance?  And if you did and have pushed past it how did you do it?

Mine is the 6 mile mark...I am fine running 5 miles, 6 miles I have done once or twice and am reasonably ok but I (mentally) freak out when I think about doing anything more...I have never gone further than six.

we all have some type of mental block when running...I too would find it hard to get past 8...I found that if I didnt run a certain route and instead just went out blindly I would do better...and I would force myself to go out 5 miles and that way I had to run home the 5 miles or walk...most often I would chose to run then walk.

or make a music mix with your favorite boogie woogie songs set to play around when you start to fade...so say 6 songs in...put some of your fav pick me up music and hoping it will do to you what it does for me....ENERGIZE YOU! I cant remember if you are one that listens to music when you run!??

do you have a running club that you can join up on the weekends? I know you work a lot but maybe you can cut out for a run here and there???

Very good suggestions!  There is a running club...but I am not sure if there is anyone as slow as I am that is part of it...most people are leading up to the marathon this weekend, I wonder what their training will look like after it is done.

there seems to always be someone that will pair up with you...they welcome kicking back a little....give it a try...you just never know! that is if you can find time in the few hours you have free...between work, training and hubby time!

2009-10-06 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2446077

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 2:05 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 3:56 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 12:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:49 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-06 9:06 AM
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:34 AM Question of the Day: Does anyone else have a mental block when it comes to going beyond a certain distance?  And if you did and have pushed past it how did you do it?

Mine is the 6 mile mark...I am fine running 5 miles, 6 miles I have done once or twice and am reasonably ok but I (mentally) freak out when I think about doing anything more...I have never gone further than six.

GREAT question KATIE.

mine is 26.2.  ive been able to bring myself to contemplate running a full marathon.

last year i ran a half.  and finished w a smile on my face.

and considered what it would be like to 'have to' go another 13.1 miles.

i thought, naw, i dont think i would ever want to do that.

i will do a 1/2 IM before i do a full marathon.  theres just something not 'appealing' about that distance...for me.  (same with a full IM)

and ive decided that im not gonna 'push past it'. 

if somewhere internally (for whatever the reason) ive decided a full marathon is not for me, then i figure why 'fight it'.

perhaps there will come a time when that'll change, and im completely open to that.

but for now...im content w trng for halfsies and contemplating a 1/2 IM.


Sounds like my sentiments exactly! my brother is an IM...my daughter and niece will be racing in an IM in November...and I have no inkling to do one! very motivational for me to go bike and run...but not those absurdly long distances! not even in perfect conditions and flat course! hey, I too am considering a HIM! is there one half way in between us! what a hoot it would be to race with you! the mileage would zoom by! haha

ive found myself drawn to things and ive learned when i just 'give in' and move towards those inclinations i find a 'happy place'

tris in general just as an example.  when i first started running, i knew 'internally' that it was tris that i really wanted to end up doing.  and here i am, and i couldnt be happier.

i think theres a lot to listening to your 'heart' and following what your 'heart' tells you do.

course that could be and my intuitive personality type, but it works for me.

as for the HIM, im sure you can find one 1/2 way between. 

ERICA/ebshot has 'dibs' on me and my first HIM, we should all meet somewhere and do one together.  wouldnt THAT be a HOOT!



that would be really fun....funny, I just left her an inspire!

we could be the "BT tres amigas"

or the three stooges! haha


has a very nice ring to it.

i likey.

but then we need to add.


i can just envision him w his fingers in his ears the entire 70.3.

well minus the swim, cuz swimming w your fingers in your ears would prove to be difficult.

come to think of it, cycling would be difficult as well.

i know....

EAR PLUGS!!!!  heee heee.


haha...even running for me would be difficult with fingers in my ears.

2009-10-06 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2446091

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 4:12 PM

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 1:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:31 AM

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 7:34 AM Question of the Day: Does anyone else have a mental block when it comes to going beyond a certain distance?  And if you did and have pushed past it how did you do it?

Mine is the 6 mile mark...I am fine running 5 miles, 6 miles I have done once or twice and am reasonably ok but I (mentally) freak out when I think about doing anything more...I have never gone further than six.

we all have some type of mental block when running...I too would find it hard to get past 8...I found that if I didnt run a certain route and instead just went out blindly I would do better...and I would force myself to go out 5 miles and that way I had to run home the 5 miles or walk...most often I would chose to run then walk.

or make a music mix with your favorite boogie woogie songs set to play around when you start to fade...so say 6 songs in...put some of your fav pick me up music and hoping it will do to you what it does for me....ENERGIZE YOU! I cant remember if you are one that listens to music when you run!??

do you have a running club that you can join up on the weekends? I know you work a lot but maybe you can cut out for a run here and there???

Very good suggestions!  There is a running club...but I am not sure if there is anyone as slow as I am that is part of it...most people are leading up to the marathon this weekend, I wonder what their training will look like after it is done.

there seems to always be someone that will pair up with you...they welcome kicking back a little....give it a try...you just never know! that is if you can find time in the few hours you have free...between work, training and hubby time!

Cool... well as I said right now the schedule is a little lighter so I should give it a try

2009-10-06 4:18 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

gotta go run some errands....not run...but got to go do some errands...already did my run for the day!


go "SHOW us your GHOULIES" go!

make sure you are getting those runs done now....dont wait til the end! run team run!

2009-10-06 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

my brother is smoking some ribs and sausage for tonite! sure he will go all out! maybe I do need to run to the store and to the post office and to the bank..just so I can eat all his rich and yummy food! nahhhhhhh theres tomorrows run to take it off!

2009-10-06 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

and yay...we are almost to hump day!

2009-10-06 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

another weekend is getting closer! woo hoo!

2009-10-06 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

ok enough post padding...off to the bank!

2009-10-06 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2446085

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 4:10 PM

kromanowski - 2009-10-06 1:15 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 11:20 AM

 will find a way... The human body can survive on surprisingly little sleep.

yes, soooooooooo true when you are young...but at my age...I need all the sleep I can get...I consider it my beauty sleep! if I dont get a good 8-9 hours of sleep...Im worthless the next day...well, more so then usual! LOL

I can survive for about a week on 3 a night, but then I have to get at least 8-10 one weekend night...5 will get me by fairly regularly

ok the bags in my eyes are now sagging to my feet...3 hours and I cant think! kids..to be young again!!!!

all seriousness, good luck and way to go strong in med school! how much longer?

4 years more!!
2009-10-06 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Let's see.  Where did I leave off?  Pg 80?
2009-10-06 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2444921

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:15 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-05 6:53 PM

kromanowski - 2009-10-05 4:33 PM You see my DH does 99% of the cooking since I work 80-90 hours a week

what the???...and you find time to run? when? in your sleep? my hat is off to you! way to find time to train and spend some time with your husband. what takes soo much of your time???

I am a surgery resident...80-90 is the worst that it gets...right now I am in the lab doing basic science research for a year so I work around 60-70( I work 10-12 hour days 5 days a week and then take one over night call)...thats how I get the running in...Not sure how I will do it when I am back to full clinical duty next summer...I will find a way... The human body can survive on surprisingly little sleep.

That is a crazy schedule!  I am impressed.
2009-10-06 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2444940

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:22 AM
disturbed275 - 2009-10-05 7:53 PM Lemon dill shrimp tonight for dinner with steamed veggies.  Been awhile since I've cooked.  Totally worth it.

That sounds yummy!  When can I come over?

The door is always open.  Better come quick though as I'm liable to eat the leftovers
2009-10-06 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2444957

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:30 AM Morning All!  I got my 4 miles in this morning...I am now 27% done for the month YIPEE!

Sweet!  Congrats!

2009-10-06 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2444971

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-06 9:34 AM Question of the Day: Does anyone else have a mental block when it comes to going beyond a certain distance?  And if you did and have pushed past it how did you do it?

Mine is the 6 mile mark...I am fine running 5 miles, 6 miles I have done once or twice and am reasonably ok but I (mentally) freak out when I think about doing anything more...I have never gone further than six.

I used to, but it was more of a fear of getting so far away from home and injuring myself.  I dealt with it by doing multiple loops around the 'hood.  Having a road ID helps now.

Also, I find it easier to deal with the long distances by breaking it up in my mind.  Sort of like a bunch of short runs bunched together.  It's easier to think 6 miles into a 10 mile run "hey, I've just got 4 miles left.  I've run a ton of 4 milers in the past.  This should be easy."  Rather than dwell on how far you've gone and how much further you will have gone by the end.
2009-10-06 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2445076

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
iowagander - 2009-10-06 10:14 AM
disturbed275 - 2009-10-06 4:28 AM I finished up the race report last night.  It's here if anyone is interested.

Great report! Keep it up with your training, and next time make sure you get pics of the pace booty! You know, to help inspire you for the next race and stuff...

Pics or it didn't happen
2009-10-06 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2445116

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 10:29 AM

serendipity - 2009-10-06 3:31 AM Good morning!  It let the dogs out this morning and it wasn't raining! Cool

Lots to get done this morning, but I've got it all planned out to get my run in while the laundry is drying.  For my warm-up I'll be pushing the vacuum around.  Teaching yoga this afternoon and evening, with a trip to the doctor with my daughter in between because she's got an earache that won't go away. 

I guess I'd better get moving!  (In case I don't get back to the computer until late, I'm making chickpea curry in the crockpot for dinner.)

who let the dogs out???



sorry but I couldnt resist!

Good to see I wasn't the only one thinking that.  I was a little embarrassed to type it out though
2009-10-06 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2445168

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-06 10:47 AM

disturbed275 - 2009-10-06 4:26 AM For the record, stairs are a vile, evil creation.

haha...were you standing at the bottom looking up just like in that video I sent? that is sooo true. In fact the parking they had all the athletes/runners park in for the hm was up a set of 20 or more stairs....if you did not walk up them..you had to go around a block to this ramp....there were only a few brave runners who climbed the stairs..most walked the block (and I did too!) no stairs for me!

and now the question of the day!?? how many stairs? and how long did it take you? oh and were you going up...or down those stairs?

3 flights of stairs and I had to go up and down them at least 10 times today.  Down was far worse than up.  I'm shuddering still thinking about it Darn our split level facility!
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