Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Closed I use to be able to s/b/r through the pain and the sickness...been hit hard this year and can't seem to find that in me anymore. Had a bad cough for four weeks...ran a few times and just when it started getting better it got worse! Been down for two days...gonna run it out tomorrow.
My wants for 2014:
I want to feel that desire to do better not just get through it
I want to feel the pain and say aaahhh I did well; this is a good soreness
I want to enjoy myself
I want to make the last year of my 40s EPIC!
I want to be fearless
I want a massage once a month
I want more socks
I want more running shoes
I want a tri bag
I want more sex
I want more muscles
I want more water
I want to travel the world
I want to be faster than last year
I want to do yoga three times a week
I want to inspire others by doing
I want a better GPA...fling flanging b average
I want more of everything! The good the bad and the ugly because I am learning that if I push through all that is bad and ugly I will have more good than imagined