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2013-09-29 2:40 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nancy is in with a time of 6:31:55. Congrats! Excellent first HIM!

2013-09-29 2:43 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nancy, Very nicely done.
2013-09-29 2:58 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Decent swim, cooked the bike (but boy was it fun!), run was pretty brutal. I know where I need to do my homework. Overall, I'm very pleased. Frieda Feltearned her oats today. More later when I can feel my legs.
2013-09-29 3:09 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncs

Decent swim, cooked the bike (but boy was it fun!), run was pretty brutal. I know where I need to do my homework. Overall, I'm very pleased. Frieda Feltearned her oats today. More later when I can feel my legs.

Congrats on the solid race performance, Nancy! You've more than earned some time to relax and put your feet up!
2013-09-29 3:24 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
I had a great race today at The Dam Tri. It was a "Sprinternational" distance: 1,000m swim, 21 mile bike, and 7k run. I got 3rd in my AG, and was only 35 secs. behind 1st place. I improved 13 minutes over last year's time. This was probably my most consistently solid race so far: I felt good on the swim, pushed on the bike, and really went hard on the run. The weather and perfect, and I really enjoyed the course. A good day!
2013-09-29 3:43 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

I had a great race today at The Dam Tri. It was a "Sprinternational" distance: 1,000m swim, 21 mile bike, and 7k run. I got 3rd in my AG, and was only 35 secs. behind 1st place. I improved 13 minutes over last year's time. This was probably my most consistently solid race so far: I felt good on the swim, pushed on the bike, and really went hard on the run. The weather and perfect, and I really enjoyed the course. A good day!

Congrats Jamie and Nancy! GREAT DAY!!!

2013-09-29 3:50 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by WoodrowCall I had a great race today at The Dam Tri. It was a "Sprinternational" distance: 1,000m swim, 21 mile bike, and 7k run. I got 3rd in my AG, and was only 35 secs. behind 1st place. I improved 13 minutes over last year's time. This was probably my most consistently solid race so far: I felt good on the swim, pushed on the bike, and really went hard on the run. The weather and perfect, and I really enjoyed the course. A good day!

Great job Jamie. Those are some big gains over the last year. Congrats!

2013-09-29 4:45 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by glfprncs Decent swim, cooked the bike (but boy was it fun!), run was pretty brutal. I know where I need to do my homework. Overall, I'm very pleased. Frieda Feltearned her oats today. More later when I can feel my legs.

GREAT JOB NANCY!!!!  Can't wait to hear the details!

2013-09-29 6:08 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Great job Jamie and Nancy!! Big accomplishments for you both!

I went out today to do an 11 mile run. I went with a small group, there were 5 of us. Having people to chat with really made the time fly by and we ran 13 miles!!! 10 was the most I had done before it! Feels really good, and I am not sore other than a small amount.

2013-09-29 7:23 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nancy and Jamie - congratulation on great results in your races!

I'm back from our little jaunt around Europe. We drove just over 2,500miles, visited 7 countries (some of them twice), slept in 6 different cities, each in a different country. There was a lot of nice food and a lot of nice beer. We managed to hit Oktoberfest in Munich, so for that day there was a LOT of beer...

Needless to say, there has been absolutely no exercise (other than walking) for the past two weeks, and my weight is somewhat higher than when I left. Goals for October are to get back into training for the off season, and get my weight back down to where it was before this holiday!
2013-09-29 7:59 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Question/s for the group. We are almost 3/4 of the way through the year. Looks like the group has only a few triathlons planned into October. Looking back through the year/season maybe we can reflect a bit and answer some questions.

1. What are you most proud of so far this year/season? My performance at Outlaw. It was a really tough day, and I'm incredibly pleased that I managed to execute the race so well under the circumstances, especially when compared to some of the guys I know who really struggled, despite being what I would consider to be much fitter than me.

1a. Rate your season in terms of how you feel about what you accomplished. 1-10 with 1 being low. Probably 9. I got a glimpse of what I think I *may* be capable of, and although I probably couldn't have done any better in those conditions, it's given me motivation to keep working to improve.

2. What is your weakness/where do you see room for the most improvement? This is a tricky one. I think I need to improve most on the bike, as this has the largest impact on the race overall. (Getting all the way through an IM race without a crash would probably help too) But I am very aware that compared to many other people I'm just not capable of the training volumes/intensity that they seem to do. I've tried training harder and I just land up exhausted and broken. So for me it's all about finding the balance between volume/intensity and recovery. Working shifts probably complicates the issue...

3. Where have you made the most progress? Looking at my results for Outlaw compared to IM last year, I took 90min off my total time, and each section was pretty much proportionate. I feel like my run has improved the most, and my HM results definitely back up that it's improved. But I definitely haven't reached my potential yet.

4. Biggest dissappointment, if any, of the season? Probably the biggest thing was taking my eye off the ball at Outlaw and missing my target of 13 hours by such a small margin. I was focusing on not beating myself up about missing the faster target, and so stopped watching the clock. In general that was the right thing to do, but I'm fairly certain that if I'd realised how close I was with 3 miles to go, I could have got in at 12:xx.

5. Were there any things you learned during the season/year that were really key to racing/training better? Kind of an "Aha" moment? I realised that with enough recovery I can handle a much bigger training volume that I ever thought I could. My big training weeks were an absolute revelation to me. But it involved not really going to work for a month. Not sure how to work that into my "real" life. I also realised that consistency is much more important than anything else. I felt like I was struggling with getting going at the start of this year, and joined a mentor group that was focused on consistency. Making sure I did the training without stressing too much about what or how much helped me exceed my initial goals for the year.

6. What are your goals through the rest of 2013?  In terms of racing, I'm done. It's really starting to get cold and dark here now, so tri season is over. The plan from now is to get a really good solid off-season of training in. I'm planning to do one or two HMs and I really want to work on getting stronger on the bike. We're considering a late iron-distance tri for next year, which will give me a really long off-season, so the plan is to do lots of short, hard sessions to really get stronger. And then I can start building the distance up when the weather gets nicer again.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to achieve my goals. I want to work on the bike, but don't want to neglect my run. And I enjoy swimming the most, so although my husband keeps telling me I should ditch the swim sessions, I really don't want to. I guess that's the challenge with multi-sport - balancing all three sports in the best way to meet your personal needs/goals. I'd love to get a coach, but I don't think the timing's quite right (budget, and personally). I think I'm going to need one eventually to achieve my long term goals, but I'm still improving quite a lot on my own. Once that slows down it may be time...

I think the point made about year-on-year improvements is very true. This is my 3rd year of training, and I just coped better than I have previously, both mentally and physically. I'm hoping that the improvements will keep on coming.

Oh, and I'm going to put next year's goal out there now, just because. I want to get under 12 hours at IM distance. It's another big(ish) drop from where I got this year, and faster than I had previously conceived of, but I think with the right training and a good day it will be very achievable. But we shall see...

2013-09-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
I have another question for the group. With all this talk of new bikes, and some of the previous comments made, I wondered how many, and what type of bikes does everyone have?

To answer my own question, I have 4 bikes.

1) My hybrid was the original one and was bought for cycling to work about 8 years ago. I used it for my first two tris, before I thought this was something I might actually stick with. I also used it a lot for off-season training (off road) up until about 18 months ago as it has semi-slick tyres, but it's mostly lived in the garage since I got my real MTB.

2) The next bike I bought was my road bike, about 3 years ago. It's a Giant with tiagra gears. Despite being relatively cheap, I love this bike as it got me through everything up to and including IM (and got me to Paris 3 weeks ago). I bought it on the "bike to work" scheme as it was the only way I could afford it at the time, and have used it to cycle to work a total of twice... It had clip-on aero bars, but I took them off a few weeks ago as it's time to have a "proper" road bike, and I now have a proper tri bike.

3) I got a MTB (front fork suspension) about a year ago to use for off season training. It's been really good for my bike handling skills, although I cried the first time I did proper downhill routes on it because I was so scared. I've improved a bit since then, although mostly it's my confidence that will make the biggest difference. I use this for any off road cycling I do now, including the old railway lines around where we live, which are great for training when the weather's not so good and the roads get slick.

4) The tri bike was this year's purchase. It's a full carbon frame with 105/ultegra gearing. This is my pride and joy and cost a lot more money that I can ever really justify. I can probably account for most of my cycling improvements for this year just with the bike...

I'm told that the optimal number of bikes is x+1, where x is the number of bikes currently owned...
2013-09-29 8:35 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Great Job everyone out there. I have been missing for some time now. My mom and sister visited from Germany for 2.5 weeks which kept me from the computer most of the time. Wednesday September 18th I woke up with a stiff neck but it didn't hurt. I went for a 2.5 hour bike ride and felt solid after. Thursday morning September 19th I woke up and had a stiff neck again. I figured what better to go swimming. 25 x 100 between 1:25 and 1:30 with 10 secs recovery. I finished the workout as strong as I ever felt on the swim ... fast forward about 10 hours and I wasn't able to move my head in any direction without pain other than down. 

I went to my chiropractor on Friday morning and he did what he could but due to the pain he send me to the ER. The ER gave me Valium as a muscle relaxer and some pain meds. My neck got better day by day but the meds just knocked me out. Two days ago I swam 1000 yards for the first time in over a week and felt alright. Today I rode 45 miles mostly out of aero to give my neck a break. 

Well, all of this came about 1 month before 70.3 Austin, my first half ... getting back hard tomorrow. Still need to catch up on the posts. 

2013-09-30 9:24 AM
in reply to: d3term1ned

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by d3term1ned

Great Job everyone out there. I have been missing for some time now. My mom and sister visited from Germany for 2.5 weeks which kept me from the computer most of the time. Wednesday September 18th I woke up with a stiff neck but it didn't hurt. I went for a 2.5 hour bike ride and felt solid after. Thursday morning September 19th I woke up and had a stiff neck again. I figured what better to go swimming. 25 x 100 between 1:25 and 1:30 with 10 secs recovery. I finished the workout as strong as I ever felt on the swim ... fast forward about 10 hours and I wasn't able to move my head in any direction without pain other than down. 

I went to my chiropractor on Friday morning and he did what he could but due to the pain he send me to the ER. The ER gave me Valium as a muscle relaxer and some pain meds. My neck got better day by day but the meds just knocked me out. Two days ago I swam 1000 yards for the first time in over a week and felt alright. Today I rode 45 miles mostly out of aero to give my neck a break. 

Well, all of this came about 1 month before 70.3 Austin, my first half ... getting back hard tomorrow. Still need to catch up on the posts. 

Michael-glad to have you back with us and feeling better. Plenty of time to finish training for Austin! 

2013-09-30 10:43 AM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
I still need to do my answers to the question posed by Randy I just haven't gotten to it yet, great racing by everyone this weeked. I am not so stoked this morning I think I may have seperated my left shoulder this weekend waiting to get into the doc for confirmation.
2013-09-30 1:29 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by chapfallen I have another question for the group. With all this talk of new bikes, and some of the previous comments made, I wondered how many, and what type of bikes does everyone have? To answer my own question, I have 4 bikes. 1) My hybrid was the original one and was bought for cycling to work about 8 years ago. I used it for my first two tris, before I thought this was something I might actually stick with. I also used it a lot for off-season training (off road) up until about 18 months ago as it has semi-slick tyres, but it's mostly lived in the garage since I got my real MTB. 2) The next bike I bought was my road bike, about 3 years ago. It's a Giant with tiagra gears. Despite being relatively cheap, I love this bike as it got me through everything up to and including IM (and got me to Paris 3 weeks ago). I bought it on the "bike to work" scheme as it was the only way I could afford it at the time, and have used it to cycle to work a total of twice... It had clip-on aero bars, but I took them off a few weeks ago as it's time to have a "proper" road bike, and I now have a proper tri bike. 3) I got a MTB (front fork suspension) about a year ago to use for off season training. It's been really good for my bike handling skills, although I cried the first time I did proper downhill routes on it because I was so scared. I've improved a bit since then, although mostly it's my confidence that will make the biggest difference. I use this for any off road cycling I do now, including the old railway lines around where we live, which are great for training when the weather's not so good and the roads get slick. 4) The tri bike was this year's purchase. It's a full carbon frame with 105/ultegra gearing. This is my pride and joy and cost a lot more money that I can ever really justify. I can probably account for most of my cycling improvements for this year just with the bike... I'm told that the optimal number of bikes is x+1, where x is the number of bikes currently owned...

Rachel-I have a tri bike that I love. 2010 Blue Triad SL w/Di2 and a 15 year old Trek mountain bike that primarily serves as decoration on the wall of our garage. Rarely used other than to go on a joy ride while my wife rides her "granny" bike. 

2013-09-30 1:30 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by mrajki I still need to do my answers to the question posed by Randy I just haven't gotten to it yet, great racing by everyone this weeked. I am not so stoked this morning I think I may have seperated my left shoulder this weekend waiting to get into the doc for confirmation.

Mike-hope its nothing major. Keep us updated.

2013-09-30 5:28 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Waiting for the X-ray to come back but per my doc, "something is wrong in there" so until he finds out if its seperated or not which should be tomorrow, no swimming, for 2-3 weeks (even if it isn't seperated 5-8 if it is), he would perfer if I didn't run, and I can ride but stay off the aero bars and out of the drops. I really am not in the best mood right now.
2013-09-30 5:54 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by mrajki

Waiting for the X-ray to come back but per my doc, "something is wrong in there" so until he finds out if its seperated or not which should be tomorrow, no swimming, for 2-3 weeks (even if it isn't seperated 5-8 if it is), he would perfer if I didn't run, and I can ride but stay off the aero bars and out of the drops. I really am not in the best mood right now.

Did I miss it?

How did you do this?

Hope the news is good (or less bad).
2013-09-30 5:58 PM
in reply to: d3term1ned

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by d3term1ned

Great Job everyone out there. I have been missing for some time now. My mom and sister visited from Germany for 2.5 weeks which kept me from the computer most of the time. Wednesday September 18th I woke up with a stiff neck but it didn't hurt. I went for a 2.5 hour bike ride and felt solid after. Thursday morning September 19th I woke up and had a stiff neck again. I figured what better to go swimming. 25 x 100 between 1:25 and 1:30 with 10 secs recovery. I finished the workout as strong as I ever felt on the swim ... fast forward about 10 hours and I wasn't able to move my head in any direction without pain other than down. 

I went to my chiropractor on Friday morning and he did what he could but due to the pain he send me to the ER. The ER gave me Valium as a muscle relaxer and some pain meds. My neck got better day by day but the meds just knocked me out. Two days ago I swam 1000 yards for the first time in over a week and felt alright. Today I rode 45 miles mostly out of aero to give my neck a break. 

Well, all of this came about 1 month before 70.3 Austin, my first half ... getting back hard tomorrow. Still need to catch up on the posts. 

I can really relate to the neck pain issues. It affects everything you do, every minute of your day. I hope that this resolves for you in time for Austin. You have my sympathy.

If it helps at all, once my neck started getting better, it got better quickly and I haven't looked back (yet).
2013-09-30 6:30 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Originally posted by mrajki

Waiting for the X-ray to come back but per my doc, "something is wrong in there" so until he finds out if its seperated or not which should be tomorrow, no swimming, for 2-3 weeks (even if it isn't seperated 5-8 if it is), he would perfer if I didn't run, and I can ride but stay off the aero bars and out of the drops. I really am not in the best mood right now.

Did I miss it?

How did you do this?

Hope the news is good (or less bad).

Well I'm not so sure but I think it happened Thursday night, I was putting away a box in the garage, over my head of course, dropped it, caught it, shouldn't have tried to catch it but I'm pretty sure thats what did it. Felt okay afterwards went swimming, felt fine Friday. Rode, ran and did yard work Saturday, woke up Sunday and boom lots of pain limited range of motion numbness in my pinkie, and it was worse this morning. So nothing Tri related just one of those dumb moments in life.

2013-09-30 6:49 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
2013-09-30 9:13 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nancy - Congrats on your race. Yes, learning to pee on the swim is beneficial. I hate swimming on a full bladder. One could practice in the pool but I'm not opening up this can of worms... or did I????

Rachel - I have the following:

1) Shiv with SRAM Red build and Hed 3 wheels - my favorite and current race bike
2) Cervelo P3 with Ultegra build - I'm going to sell this one to offset the cost for #1
3) Trek 5200 OCLV Road bike - over 10 years old
4) Trek Mountain Bike - about 17 years old and still going strong
5) Cervelo P2 Ultegra - has presently found it's home on my trainer for the last year
6) Harley Softail Classic

Also, here are my monthly totals:

Swim: 3h 20m - 9200 Yd
Bike: 19h 55m 08s - 387.12 Mi
Run: 18h 18m 36s - 122.27 M

No excuses, I blew off the pool. I'm going to make up for it this month. Good month for run, and decent bike as I did lots of sprint work. Next month in prep for IM AZ I am focusing on volume in all 3. My bike is the best its ever been and running has definitely improved this month, likely due to volume and also due to interval work.

2013-10-01 12:27 PM
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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Finally getting around to looking at my Sept. numbers. Pretty solid month with 2 rest days and one taper week. 

Swim: 13h 08m   -42790.42 yards

Bike:   18h 54m   -402.62 miles

Run:    13h 07m   -94.52 miles

Edited by slornow 2013-10-01 12:30 PM
2013-10-01 5:36 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

I had a great race today at The Dam Tri. It was a "Sprinternational" distance: 1,000m swim, 21 mile bike, and 7k run. I got 3rd in my AG, and was only 35 secs. behind 1st place. I improved 13 minutes over last year's time. This was probably my most consistently solid race so far: I felt good on the swim, pushed on the bike, and really went hard on the run. The weather and perfect, and I really enjoyed the course. A good day!

13 minutes improvement in a shorter race is amazing. Only 35 seconds behind the winner. You must be really excited about those results.

Reminds me of the saying, if you want to run a fast 5K, go out and train for a marathon and then run a 5K. All those IM training miles are serving you well.
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