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2011-07-20 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3604919

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-07-19 5:19 AM

That's an awesome video Rene! You looked great every time...fantastic.


And what Rene's NOT telling you all - he won third in his age group this past weekend in a sprint! Woot!


Thanks Jen! 

What happened to your ankle??!!  Sorry to hear this!

2011-07-20 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3605351

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
wbayek - 2011-07-19 2:22 PM

That video is awesome Rene.  Congrats on the podium.  And Matt crushed a sprint last week as well.  I guess IM fitness translates to the short course as well!

Thanks Warren!  I was wondering if it would translate.  Smile It was nice to not get injured also!

2011-07-26 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2555906

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
Did you guys see that Matt signed up for IMLP 2012? No rest for the wicked. Hope you all are doing well - I think both Bill and I need some mojo - any of you motivated types have any to spare?
2011-07-27 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3615826

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-07-26 1:52 AM Did you guys see that Matt signed up for IMLP 2012? No rest for the wicked. Hope you all are doing well - I think both Bill and I need some mojo - any of you motivated types have any to spare?


Matt you ANIMAL!!  Smile

2011-07-27 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3615826

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-07-26 4:52 PM Did you guys see that Matt signed up for IMLP 2012? No rest for the wicked. Hope you all are doing well - I think both Bill and I need some mojo - any of you motivated types have any to spare?

Meet me for a ride on the Timberman half course Sunday!  Just kidding.  Well, you're invited if you want, but I know it's just a little out of the way.

It's tough when you're battling injuries and it's easy to get frustrated.  I'm sort of there right now with the Achilles, but not to the point you were at.  Try to think long term, and remember how far you’ve come and how much you DON’T want to go back there.

It won’t hurt too much to be out of it for a little while; in fact it can really help your mental state to take some time off sometimes.  You look like you’re enjoying the biking and swimming, so maybe try to just have some fun with those.  Don’t worry too much about the training aspect of it – have some fun.

That was a little free form so hopefully it makes sense.

And Matt, we need to talk!  Aren’t you supposed to be in the “I’ll never do that again” stage for a little longer than a few weeks?

2011-07-28 5:55 AM
in reply to: #3617313

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
wbayek - 2011-07-27 3:05 AM

itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-07-26 4:52 PM Did you guys see that Matt signed up for IMLP 2012? No rest for the wicked. Hope you all are doing well - I think both Bill and I need some mojo - any of you motivated types have any to spare?

Meet me for a ride on the Timberman half course Sunday!  Just kidding.  Well, you're invited if you want, but I know it's just a little out of the way.

While tempting, I don't think I could keep up your wicked bike pace!

2011-08-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3618246

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-07-27 3:55 PM

While tempting, I don't think I could keep up your wicked bike pace!

Just tie a rope to his seat!  That is what I do when I ride with faster people  Smile

2011-08-02 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3604049

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
RunRene - 2011-07-19 12:09 PM

FINALLY finished my

Ironman Coeur d'Alene Race Day Video


That's an awesome video Rene!

I will send a bottle of my motivation "mojo" brew off to everyone! LOL!  You can do it guys!!

I really couldn't believe I signed up for LP 2012 either, but after reading an 2011 LP race report last week, I admit I got a little excited!  Although, I'm still not ready to ramp up training again, just trying to do something more days than not.  The hot weather is another obstacle for another month here.  I like Rene's goal of exercising an hour a day (I think he said this pre-Ironman, so he may have upped the ante on this .  I do like taking Friday's off I am usually bushwhacked by then from work, training, life etc. and I might not even get in a full hour everyday, but even if its only 30 minutes just try to do some exercise.  This is also consistent with the Younger Next Year book concept that I read.   

I'm looking forward to B2B HIM this fall now, so I need to start getting some bike rides in.  I have been spending more quality time with my daughter and that has been fun, I missed that on those long weekends that I felt I hardly saw her.

Hope Jennifer's injury heals and you get back to doing what you do!

Price of 2 tickets to 25 year HS class reunion $40.....going to class reunion an Ironman....PRICELESS!!! ;P

Hope everyone is having a great summer and enjoying family.

2011-08-02 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3625005

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
mdfahy - 2011-08-02 8:27 AM

Price of 2 tickets to 25 year HS class reunion $40.....going to class reunion an Ironman....PRICELESS!!! ;P

Hope everyone is having a great summer and enjoying family.

You guys are such babies, no wonder you're fast!

2011-08-03 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3625005

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
mdfahy - 2011-08-01 5:27 PM

I really couldn't believe I signed up for LP 2012 either, but after reading an 2011 LP race report last week, I admit I got a little excited!  Although, I'm still not ready to ramp up training again, just trying to do something more days than not.  The hot weather is another obstacle for another month here.  I like Rene's goal of exercising an hour a day (I think he said this pre-Ironman, so he may have upped the ante on this .  I do like taking Friday's off I am usually bushwhacked by then from work, training, life etc. and I might not even get in a full hour everyday, but even if its only 30 minutes just try to do some exercise.  This is also consistent with the Younger Next Year book concept that I read.   

I'm looking forward to B2B HIM this fall now, so I need to start getting some bike rides in.  I have been spending more quality time with my daughter and that has been fun, I missed that on those long weekends that I felt I hardly saw her.

Hope Jennifer's injury heals and you get back to doing what you do!

Price of 2 tickets to 25 year HS class reunion $40.....going to class reunion an Ironman....PRICELESS!!! ;P

Hope everyone is having a great summer and enjoying family.

I am trying to do at least a 30 minute workout a day.  Yesterday my boss told me I have to clock out if I am going to workout at lunch, bummed about that!

I agree!  Going to class reunion an Ironman is pretty cool!!  ..."braggin rights for life"! Wink

2011-08-18 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Alright gang – I need some mojo.  Send what you got on over. 

This Achilles thing has me at a motivational low.  I’m racing Saturday in what was supposed to be my A race this year, but I’m going in with a “I’m participating rather than racing” mindset.  I plan to give it everything I have as it’s my last race of the year, but I’m not going to worry about the results.

Given my lack of running, I’m planning to swim easy, expend all ordinance on the bike, and see if I can limp through a 5k.

2011-08-18 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Orange, CA
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Sending some mojo...

You can do it Warren, have a nice taper and alternate heat and ice on the Achilles like you mean it. Then go out and rock that bad boy. You are a monster! We don't need no stinkin' achilles!!!

2011-08-18 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2555906

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
Warren - I gave this a bit of thought (which can be challenging for me ;-)  You are an excellent swimmer and a pretty decent bicylist...I'd love to see you come in the top three for swim and bike at Timberman for your age group. The run will come - but you definitely have the capabilities to go very quickly on the first two events. Let's see what you can do!
2011-08-19 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Thanks folks. 

Jeez Jennifer, I need some of that kool-aid!  Seriously though, with the size of Timberman and the folks I know are going, top 3 in any discipline would be reserved for Rene and his ilk!  I'm just hoping to improve on last year's bike and try to get through the run.  It's a pretty hilly course and until I lose some of this baby fat I think the climbing will be my limiter.

2011-08-21 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Well, Timberman is over and I think it went well.  Thanks for the vibes.  The swim was a bit longer this year, so all the times were slower.  Based on pictures of the start my son took this year and last, I'd say it was about 150 yards longer.  The timing mats were also in different places this year so comparing apples/apples times from last year for the bike was difficult.

I came in 111/1464 overall and unofficially 56th on the bike, so not bad.  I think I was 10 in the AG, the full AG results aren't posted.  The run went ok, but I had to stop and "unstick" my Achilles at one point - really strange.  I wouldn't say it hurt, it just kind of got offtrack and locked up a bit and needed to be tweaked.  I've never had anything like that before, so I'll be asking my guy about it this week.  It didn't cost me too much time but it was strange.  I also think I ran too easily more from a mental standpoint that anything, but overall I'm happy with the race.

2011-08-22 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Orange, CA
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
sounds like you ripped it up despite the physical difficulties. Take care of that heal now and get it healed up.

2011-08-22 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
2011-08-31 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Hey all!

I signed up to race on Sunday (the Maine Sport Triathlon (Oly) - about 4 miles from my house, I did it last year) in an effort to race once this year. I have been able to run the last couple of weeks and was reminded how much I really like running and being outside - no matter the weather. I am apprehensive - I'm certainly not well trained for this, but also excited to have a chance to participate in at least one tri this year.

I had in my head that the first year I did triathlon, I would do Sprints (which I did), the second year Olys (done), the third HIMs (which is where the wheels fell off) and the fourth, my question to you all...can I jump over the HIM year and stay on plan or would it be wiser to extend the plan a year to do HIMs next year and IMs the year after? Is the jump from HIM to IM significant enough that a slower ramp up would be advised? Because the wheels fell off during the HIM training - should that be a red flag to me that I need to move more slowly? Any thoughts?

I hope you all had/are having a fabulous summer. Hurricanes, earthquakes and bum ankles aside - it's been a nice one for me.

2011-08-31 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3667244

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-08-30 7:39 PM

Hey all!

I signed up to race on Sunday (the Maine Sport Triathlon (Oly) - about 4 miles from my house, I did it last year) in an effort to race once this year. I have been able to run the last couple of weeks and was reminded how much I really like running and being outside - no matter the weather. I am apprehensive - I'm certainly not well trained for this, but also excited to have a chance to participate in at least one tri this year.

I had in my head that the first year I did triathlon, I would do Sprints (which I did), the second year Olys (done), the third HIMs (which is where the wheels fell off) and the fourth, my question to you all...can I jump over the HIM year and stay on plan or would it be wiser to extend the plan a year to do HIMs next year and IMs the year after? Is the jump from HIM to IM significant enough that a slower ramp up would be advised? Because the wheels fell off during the HIM training - should that be a red flag to me that I need to move more slowly? Any thoughts?

I hope you all had/are having a fabulous summer. Hurricanes, earthquakes and bum ankles aside - it's been a nice one for me.


Great job on signing up for the Maine Sport Triathlon!  Good luck!!

I would recommend you do the HIM next year to rebuild your confidence and your health/body.  This will also allow your body to adjust to the longer training hours and endurance races. I think skipping the HIM is a big jump, but not unheard of.  I skipped Olys and went from sprint to HIM and another friend of mine skipped everything and went strait to IM, it was his first Tri.  It isn't impossible, but it isn't practical.  Good luck with your decision! Laughing

2011-08-31 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

I would tend to agree with Rene on this one Jennifer. I have no doubt you'd be able to get through a full course event next year, but given the year you've had it probably makes a pile of sense to give your body two more years to get to that distance.  A 70.3 is pretty challenging, and no small feat to accomplish.

My IM plans have likely also been derailed a year due to less training this year with the injury, so my current plan is to not push the envelope too hard on IM and build for another two years.  That could change, but for now that's my plan.

Maybe we can do Timberman together next year and meet Chrissie!  It's a tough course, but scenic and fun.  I'll likely do either Timberman or Pumpkinman next year as HIM "A" race.

2011-08-31 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3667422

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
wbayek - 2011-08-31 12:18 AM

Maybe we can do Timberman together next year and meet Chrissie!  It's a tough course, but scenic and fun.  I'll likely do either Timberman or Pumpkinman next year as HIM "A" race.

Hey! I like that idea. I have been tossing around Timberman for a while. The other one that has peeked my interest is the new Rev3 in Old Orchard Beach in late September - probably an easier course than Timberman, eh?

2011-09-01 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3667738

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.
itsallrelative_Maine - 2011-08-31 2:40 PM
wbayek - 2011-08-31 12:18 AM

Maybe we can do Timberman together next year and meet Chrissie!  It's a tough course, but scenic and fun.  I'll likely do either Timberman or Pumpkinman next year as HIM "A" race.

Hey! I like that idea. I have been tossing around Timberman for a while. The other one that has peeked my interest is the new Rev3 in Old Orchard Beach in late September - probably an easier course than Timberman, eh?

Yeah, I just saw the Rev3.  That will be a smokin course compared to Timberman.  I think the first 15 miles of the Timberman course has more climb than the whole Rev3 route.  And the run will be fun with a lot of it on that trail.  And there's something really fun about an ocean swim.  If I can convince my wife to leave the lake for a weekend next summer, I may try to do that one.  I wish it were two weeks between Timberman and Rev3 - I'd do the Timberman sprint and then the Rev3 half.

Is one week too close to do a sprint before a half?

2011-09-20 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Jennifer - As hard as it is to reconcile, giving yourself the extra year of prep for an IM is probably the right plan.  I'm figuring out that my body (and motivation) can only take one of these longer races a year and it's great for your confidence going into an IM with a HIM under your belt.  You learn alot about nutrition and pacing doing the HIM that translates over to IM well.  Good luck on getting back at it!!

Warren - Tough call, you can probably "do" a sprint before the HIM, but depends on how you assess your recovery rate/time from a sprint.  I would probably have a hard time from a mental perspective as well.  I would be tempted too, but probably keeping a two week taper for an HIM "A" race is a better decision.  Hope your achilles feels better!!

I am working on getting my runners knee healed, relearned again that after a big race and/or downtime, I have to slowly build up again. 

Keep on keepin on everyone!

Fantastic job Rene on your podium finish and PR!!!  WahOO!!

2011-09-21 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Hey all - I heard Jennifer may have found the source of the foot/ankle issues!  Hopefully that'll be it and it's all rebuilding from here on out.

I have a virus that is really hammering me.  I'm approaching two weeks of feeling less than human.  I tried running Monday, but there was absolutely no way.  I see stars when I stand up and have absolutely no balance.  Hopefully you guys skip this one.

In terms of next year - I think I'll be doing the short course year again, but doing the Rev3 Half as the bike leg of a relay team.  There's an outside possibility I'll do the Timberman half, but I doubt it as that would really kill my ability to hammer a 56 mile bike the next weekend.

2011-10-08 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2555906

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Subject: RE: Aaron Davidson's Group -- Closed.

Another amazing Ironman World Championship today, Craig and Chrissie do it again.  Pretty cool watching the final miles of the marathon online. 

Hope everyone is healing up.

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