BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-10-09 4:38 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
This has been an easy/lazy training week so far for me. I pushed my Sunday long run pretty hard, so I've taken off Monday and Tuesday entirely. Well, I really just took off Tuesday, since Monday is my scheduled rest day. I'll swim or run tonight, and then an easy trainer ride tomorrow. I have my HIM-distance Rev3 race this Sunday, and I'm looking forward to it. I'd definitely say I've trained and performed well lately, so I'm hoping that I can carry that into Sunday. Nate & I did this race last year, but we did the Olympic version; this year we figured that the best practice for IMChoo next year would be a HIM around now, so I'm hoping we made the right choice!

As far as Kona goes, I'll be keeping up with it on Sunday evening, but I'll be a little busy Sunday! My picks aren't that crazy: Pete Jacobs and Merinda Carfrae. Pete Jacobs doesn't really seem to have any weakness, as far as I can tell and Carfrae can really run. I do agree that the women's race will have the most drama; I'd love to see Leanda Cave make a big push, but she seems to have had a pretty rough year.

Anyone else racing this weekend?

2013-10-09 6:03 PM
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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Kona seems really wide open on both sides this year. I don't follow the pros closely but Slowtwitch had a good breakdown of the pro fields. I really like Craig Alexander but feel he would do well to be top 5. Would be great to see someone like Andy Potts break through and make the podium. No clue on the women's side. I like Mirinda C. and she has had a lighter race schedule but feel she is more a top 5 finisher than a likely winner.

I know a couple of folks, including my Coach, doing the race and I'll definitely be keeping up with what is happening.

Jamie-good luck with the HIM. Tell Nate the same.


Edited by slornow 2013-10-09 7:26 PM
2013-10-10 3:33 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Nancy-I think a little down time after a big race is normal. Don't sweat it. Do some unstructured training/activity that you enjoy. The last few months have been so focused on following a specific training plan or regiment. Now is the time to get some mental and physical recharging done. Then....find some races and have fun!

I have my last race of the season, a sprint, on Saturday. I feel that my fitness is pretty good for this point in the year but am having a hard time getting motivated to do hard intervals on the bike or in the pool. A local sprint was scheduled last weekend but was cancelled due to the storm in the Gulf. If they reschedule that then I will likely do it. Otherwise, I guess I will look at some running races for the "off season".

Anyone else racing this weekend? Jamie is the HIM this weekend?     


so yesterday I FINALLY got a chance to try some Hokas! I took the Bondi B 2s for a little 2 mile jaunt. My shins and calves were very sore after. Randy you have Hokas, don't you? DId you have this issue? The shoes felt great otherwise so I'm a little cautious about going out and buying a pair.

I wonder if it was sizing? the change in drop from my current shoe? (11mm Ghost 6 to the 4mm Bondi B). Thoughts?
2013-10-10 7:13 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED


GO RANDY!! WOOT! so yesterday I FINALLY got a chance to try some Hokas! I took the Bondi B 2s for a little 2 mile jaunt. My shins and calves were very sore after. Randy you have Hokas, don't you? DId you have this issue? The shoes felt great otherwise so I'm a little cautious about going out and buying a pair. I wonder if it was sizing? the change in drop from my current shoe? (11mm Ghost 6 to the 4mm Bondi B). Thoughts? THANKS!

Never had any issues with the Hokas. Legs felt better after long runs in Hokas than usual running shoes. Even used them for the run portion of a HIM. Jason has been using them for quite awhile so he may have additional perspective. I think mine are last years model and they seem to run maybe a 1/2 size larger than my typical running shoes.

Hope everyone is doing well as we transition into Fall!

2013-10-10 10:55 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

I suspect that it is the change in drop more than anything else. I have been running in Hokas since early 2011, but mostly for long runs and for recovery runs. They are a tool for me but not the only shoe that I use. I do think they run about a 1/2 size large (sizing for Newtons and Hokas are exactly the same for me, 8.5, while I wear a 9 in Brooks, Saucony and Asics). I like the cushion and use them to try to reduce the accumulated pounding on the legs that all of this training causes.

Almost all of my shoes are 4 mm or less of drop so the Hokas are no different for me but if you are coming from a 10+ mm drop, the difference can take some getting used to. Somewhere on-line there is an instruction manual on how to "break your body in" to the use of Newtons. You may want to follow a similar procedure to get used to running in any low drop shoe.
2013-10-11 5:45 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

I suspect that it is the change in drop more than anything else. I have been running in Hokas since early 2011, but mostly for long runs and for recovery runs. They are a tool for me but not the only shoe that I use. I do think they run about a 1/2 size large (sizing for Newtons and Hokas are exactly the same for me, 8.5, while I wear a 9 in Brooks, Saucony and Asics). I like the cushion and use them to try to reduce the accumulated pounding on the legs that all of this training causes.

Almost all of my shoes are 4 mm or less of drop so the Hokas are no different for me but if you are coming from a 10+ mm drop, the difference can take some getting used to. Somewhere on-line there is an instruction manual on how to "break your body in" to the use of Newtons. You may want to follow a similar procedure to get used to running in any low drop shoe.

cool, thanks. I wear an 8.5 in the brooks and demo'd an 8.5 in the Hokas. Wonder if I could have worn an 8 too.

2013-10-12 9:01 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Good luck Randy.

Hope you are flying out there on the last race of the season.
2013-10-12 9:02 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Almost forgot.

Nate and Jamie,

Have a great HIM race tomorrow.
2013-10-12 11:53 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Got my Saturday run done in time to come home and watch the start of Kona. They say the pro men are swimming slow, but they look like they're hauling some azz to me!! A friend of mine, Sandee Daust, qualified at IM Louisville, so she'll be in the water soon (she also qualified for 70.3 worlds a few weeks ago at Augusta 70.3). SO exciting!!

Regarding goal this winter is to add some speed to my run. Last winter, I was averaging a 10:15ish average pace for anything over 4 or 5 miles. My fastest HM time was 2:12, and I ran a full marathon in 4:50.

I feel MUCH fitter as a runner with regards to stamina after my summer of tri training, but my run speed has gotten slower even though I can maintain a jog for more miles than ever before (I had to slow my pace to slow my HR in order to not have to walk).

I'd love to be able to run a 2 hour HM which would mean I'd need to be able to run a 9 minute mile. Is this feasible for someone who just isn't a natural runner?

Where do I start with regards to adding speed? I'm thinking I really need to do some 1/4 mile repeats at the track once/week as well as really working on tempo runs at shorter distances. What's the best process? Any and all thoughts are welcome.
2013-10-12 5:00 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'm just about all set up for tomorrow's race! Nate and I went got to the race site this morning, which is about 30 minutes away from Greenville. We did a practice swim, which felt great. The water is a great temperature, but still wetsuit legal. We picked up our packets and checked our bikes into T1. We plan on getting to the race site around 5:30 tomorrow morning, with a 7:50 start time. It's a Rev3 event, so if anyone feels like following along, my bib is 289, and Nate's is 599.
I'm feeling nervous about the race, I might be the most fit I've been all year. I've been feeling good, and I purposely had a light week this week to get ready for tomorrow. I've got three bottles of Perpetuem ready for the ride, along with Endurolyte Fizz in the bottles. They taste fine, and I want to make sure I have plenty of electrolytes. The weather looks great, so it's just a matter of pacing each portion so I don't fall apart on the run.
I'll update tomorrow when I'm done, hope everyone is having a great weekend!
2013-10-12 6:12 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Jamie-I'll be following you guys. Hope you and Nate have a great race. Finish strong!

Well, I wrapped up my season today. Solid day with 7th overall finish. Pretty consistent across all three with overall placing of 11th in the swim; 8th on the bike and 12th on the run. Felt like I had a really good swim, solid but not spectacular bike and a "struggling" run. Looking back my run time wasn't bad (19:37/3 miles) but felt like I was dying the whole way. The run course is really hilly and I never got into a rhythm. The whole run I was thinking "man I'm glad this is my last race...just get me to the finish"

Brett Favre, former NFL QB, was at the race watching his wife race to a 3rd place Masters finish.

I have a week of unscheduled workouts ahead. Coach and I agreed that I would do whatever I felt like for the upcoming week since it is the end of my season. I suspect I'll keep at it pretty steady but nice to have a break.


2013-10-12 6:49 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by glfprncs Got my Saturday run done in time to come home and watch the start of Kona. They say the pro men are swimming slow, but they look like they're hauling some azz to me!! A friend of mine, Sandee Daust, qualified at IM Louisville, so she'll be in the water soon (she also qualified for 70.3 worlds a few weeks ago at Augusta 70.3). SO exciting!! Regarding goal this winter is to add some speed to my run. Last winter, I was averaging a 10:15ish average pace for anything over 4 or 5 miles. My fastest HM time was 2:12, and I ran a full marathon in 4:50. I feel MUCH fitter as a runner with regards to stamina after my summer of tri training, but my run speed has gotten slower even though I can maintain a jog for more miles than ever before (I had to slow my pace to slow my HR in order to not have to walk). I'd love to be able to run a 2 hour HM which would mean I'd need to be able to run a 9 minute mile. Is this feasible for someone who just isn't a natural runner? Where do I start with regards to adding speed? I'm thinking I really need to do some 1/4 mile repeats at the track once/week as well as really working on tempo runs at shorter distances. What's the best process? Any and all thoughts are welcome.

Nancy- I would look at a good HM plan like Hal Higdon/Jack Daniels/McMillan or someone similar. If you can just continue to run consistently over the next 6-8 months you will see improvements in speed. I would be careful to jump in with speed/track workouts as these often lead to injury due to the bump in intensity. A good way to "safely" work on speed is to do some "strides" at the end of a couple of runs each week. These are basically 30 second runs where you build speed over a 30 second period and then do an easy jog and repeat. Start with 4 then after a week or two go to 6. These are NOT sprints. You want to build your speed over the course of the stride/interval to where you are running hard over the last 10 seconds or so. This helps with leg turnover and get your body more accustom to running fast.  Fartleks are another option. As you run pick a point.....a light pole, the next block and pick up your pace to that point then fall back into your normal pace for a bit and repeat. Again, not sprints but just a bump in pace.

Hope that helps. Be patient. It will come.  

2013-10-12 7:02 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Go Randy! Kick some butt!
I'm ready but worried for tomorrow, myself. Work was really crazy these past 3 weeks and I didn't get the training in that wanted. My HIM at Raleigh was 5:20 ish and I don't know if I'll be close to that. Anything under 6:00 will be a win for me! I look forward to the offseason to rest mind and body to be ready for my journey to IMCHOO next year!
2013-10-12 7:13 PM
in reply to: leechj

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nate-all those miles/hours in training this year will give you what you need to have a good race. Be confident!

Nancy-the occasional 5K or 10K where you really push yourself is a good way to work on your speed.

2013-10-12 8:47 PM
in reply to: slornow

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Have a great race tomorrow, Nate & Jamie!
2013-10-13 8:45 AM
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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Nancy- I would look at a good HM plan like Hal Higdon/Jack Daniels/McMillan or someone similar. If you can just continue to run consistently over the next 6-8 months you will see improvements in speed. I would be careful to jump in with speed/track workouts as these often lead to injury due to the bump in intensity. A good way to "safely" work on speed is to do some "strides" at the end of a couple of runs each week. These are basically 30 second runs where you build speed over a 30 second period and then do an easy jog and repeat. Start with 4 then after a week or two go to 6. These are NOT sprints. You want to build your speed over the course of the stride/interval to where you are running hard over the last 10 seconds or so. This helps with leg turnover and get your body more accustom to running fast.  Fartleks are another option. As you run pick a point.....a light pole, the next block and pick up your pace to that point then fall back into your normal pace for a bit and repeat. Again, not sprints but just a bump in pace.

Hope that helps. Be patient. It will come.  

Thanks for this info. I like the idea of the strides as I did do 'some' of that with my HIM training plan (just not consistently like I should have!). It called for 'strides' every 5 minutes during 60+ minute runs.

I also used a Hal Higdon training plan for last year's full marathon, and every Tuesday was also a tempo run...shorter distance (i.e. 10K or less), but at a faster overall pace. The HIM plan I used this year also required tempo runs built into the long slow runs (i.e. run 2 hours...after 30 minutes run 3T, 2R for 30 minutes, then 30 min of recovery--so in that 30 minute middle section, 3 minutes at tempo, 2 minutes at recovery). Because I was having a hard time running and keeping my heart rate in a zone where I could keep running, I bailed on the tempo repeats in most of those runs.

I feel that now that I have a true running base (even though I've been running for 2 years), I can actually truly incorporate the speed work.

On a side note...Jamie and Nate are out of the water and are on the bike!

Edited by glfprncs 2013-10-13 8:46 AM

2013-10-13 11:07 AM
in reply to: glfprncs

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Jamie and Nate are both off the bike. Looks like they are having a good day. If I'm reading it right Nate's bike split was 2:50 and Jamie was 3:04.

2013-10-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Great day for Jamie and Nate:

Jamie:finishes in 5:42 with a 1:55 run

Nate 5:22 with a 1:53 run

Great work guys. Strong racing!

2013-10-13 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
All finished up; I'm personally really happy with how the race went. However, it was a really hard course, just constant hills. And I mean constant, on the bike and the run. Also, I need to figure out what the deal with this race is, some of the people we were racing against we're crazy fast! I must've been passed 200 times on the bike. I'll post more later, it's time to eat!
2013-10-13 2:25 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Great day for Jamie and Nate:

Jamie:finishes in 5:42 with a 1:55 run

Nate 5:22 with a 1:53 run

Great work guys. Strong racing!

Holy Crap! NICE JOB Guys!!!
2013-10-13 2:36 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
NICE JOB Jamie and Nate!!! You guys post times I can only dream about!

2013-10-13 6:40 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
All finished with the Race Report:

Thanks for the congrats, everybody! This was a tough course, and a tougher field! Nate and I found out after the race that this was the USAT Long Course and Aquabike Championship, so it was an insanely fast field. Here are my main points:

Swim-I can't believe that the swim is one of my best disciplines now; it's where I placed the highest today, which is crazy. I felt good and made an effort to push the pace, and I'm happy with how I did. I just need to hold onto my goggles!

Bike: Hills, hills, hills. I'm just going to keep working on my power over the Winter. I nailed my nutrition and got off the bike feeling good, which was my main goal for this race. Also, I saw my first bike accident, which was crazy; I'm really glad that the guy involved wasn't seriously hurt.

Run: I broke 2:00, and I'm happy I went with a conservative plan on the first lap. I would've seriously hit a wall if I hadn't!

Overall, I performed well for my last triathlon of the year!
2013-10-13 7:11 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

All finished with the Race Report:


did you remember to make public?
2013-10-13 7:13 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by WoodrowCall

All finished with the Race Report:


did you remember to make public?

I sure didn't! Try it now!
2013-10-13 9:49 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jamie and Nate,

Nice job you two. That is some strong racing.

Anyone watch the Kona streaming yesterday? What a great race. I couldn't stop. We went to watch a football game at a friend's house but I took an iPad and watched triathlon instead. Got some strange looks. Oh well.

My coach had a bad (for him) race and went 9:36. That would be a dream for me. Just shows you the different stratosphere a lot of the Kona qualifiers are moving in.
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