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2011-05-11 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3493796

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
trigal38 - 2011-05-11 12:53 PM

bill2059 - 2011-05-11 8:49 AM
trigal38 - 2011-05-11 6:50 AM

OK - I have a dilemma. I am in my peak week. I have my long run scheduled for Wednesday but am switching days so I can run with my friend who is training for IM Louisville. So my long run will be Thursday night. I have a long ride/run brick on the schedule for Saturday (2.5 hour/20 min). Saturday we are traveling to visit my family and celebrate Mother's Day. This will be a 2.5 hour drive one way. Doing that long ride/run brick then immediately sitting in the van for 2.5 hours does not sound like the best idea. Can I just move the long/ride and run to Sunday? That means I'm taking 8 days to get in all of the training for my peak week but the next week is recovery so it does not seem like an issue to me.

Sunday there is a sprint race that is on the same course as the HIM course. I could volunteer for the sprint then ride the HIM race course. This seems like a perfect plan except for me messing with the schedule so much. What do you all think?

It sounds all good. Some moving around of the workouts is just part of having a life. I moved stuff around as necessary, and it sounds like most of have to make it work. You have some great support in your training and it is a good idea to use it.

That is what I was thinking. For some reason this one just bothered me since it will be in a different week on the training log/graph. 

You can change your week to begin on Monday to coincide with the plan. It used to bug me too when I switched stuff between Saturday and Sunday which would really skew my graphs. Some people could care less but I like to be able to trend my weekly volumes.

As far as your plan to move things around this week, I see no big deal. Come race day, it wouldn't make a bit of difference whether you switched days here and there as long as you keep the intergrity of the weeks objectives which sounds like you would.

2011-05-11 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3493897

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2011-05-11 1:36 PM
trigal38 - 2011-05-11 12:53 PM
bill2059 - 2011-05-11 8:49 AM
trigal38 - 2011-05-11 6:50 AM

OK - I have a dilemma. I am in my peak week. I have my long run scheduled for Wednesday but am switching days so I can run with my friend who is training for IM Louisville. So my long run will be Thursday night. I have a long ride/run brick on the schedule for Saturday (2.5 hour/20 min). Saturday we are traveling to visit my family and celebrate Mother's Day. This will be a 2.5 hour drive one way. Doing that long ride/run brick then immediately sitting in the van for 2.5 hours does not sound like the best idea. Can I just move the long/ride and run to Sunday? That means I'm taking 8 days to get in all of the training for my peak week but the next week is recovery so it does not seem like an issue to me.

Sunday there is a sprint race that is on the same course as the HIM course. I could volunteer for the sprint then ride the HIM race course. This seems like a perfect plan except for me messing with the schedule so much. What do you all think?

It sounds all good. Some moving around of the workouts is just part of having a life. I moved stuff around as necessary, and it sounds like most of have to make it work. You have some great support in your training and it is a good idea to use it.

That is what I was thinking. For some reason this one just bothered me since it will be in a different week on the training log/graph. 

You can change your week to begin on Monday to coincide with the plan. It used to bug me too when I switched stuff between Saturday and Sunday which would really skew my graphs. Some people could care less but I like to be able to trend my weekly volumes. As far as your plan to move things around this week, I see no big deal. Come race day, it wouldn't make a bit of difference whether you switched days here and there as long as you keep the intergrity of the weeks objectives which sounds like you would.

I'm with Pops - no big deal to push it off to the recovery week.

2011-05-11 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3490269

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

bill2059 - 2011-05-09 6:15 PM Gulf Coast Triathlon HIM was great! When I first arrived at PCB the waves were pretty intense! I got out in it just to see how it was and I decided I would swim however the ocean let me and not worry about what I wanted to do. Race morning the surf had setteled down and I had a great swim 34:19 for the 1.2. Saw little fishes in the water at one point and thought, if they scatter I should worry - they didn't so I didn't! Bike was strong for the frst half, watched that I didn't blow it up, and I didn't. Thought I was doing great through about mile 35 and then the head wind hit us. Went from averaging around 21 to averaging around 17. Finished as expected overall at 2:57 with a 19mph avg. Run was not as brutally hot as I had been expecting, which was a relief. Felt good through the first half and then the hips started hurting (ice in the racesuit!). By the last three miles I felt like I was on the edge of it, running on fumes, and I just kept taking what fuel I could to keep going. Not sure if it helped, but the last mile I was walking with someone in my age group and we both just started jogging the last mile. Stayed together (I was't willing to concede that spot!) to the end and I finished 2 secs ahead of him in the final dash. Overall 6:23:36 which was better than the 6:30 I had set m goal at, and I was able to walk the next day! Did someone say Ironman?

What a GREAT race!  I'm hoping for the same goal (6:30) for mine.  Congratulations on a great race!

2011-05-11 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Focus day was today!

45 minute swim followed immediately by a 1:30 run.

I did it! It's the longest I've ever run consecutively/successfully ... but not without incident.

So the pool is 5 miles from my house. I get everything all planned out before I head over to the pool. Checked and double checked.

Took a hammer gel and a 24 oz bottle of water with 2 scoops Ironman Perform powder and 2 endurolytes to the pool to pick up during swim-run transition. Left another gel and duplicate bottle in the fridge at home to swap out half way through the run. It was going to be the perfect scenario.

Ate 1/2 cliff bar 10 minutes before swim and then swam - check

Picked up gel and bottle at transition (my car) - check

Hit the road and run the first 5 miles to the house flawlessly - check

Turn the front door knob and it's locked - doh....but no big deal cause I keep a key hidden - check

Pause Garmin - :-)

Sneakily extract hidden key and insert it into the door lock - check

Turn Key - snap .... oh shista

Get pissed and smack the door knob in jest - slice

Watch the blood start slowing from my pinky - it's oxygen red!

Decide that while deep, it's not hospital worthy - whew

Wash my pinky off and fill my water bottle from the hose - check (p.s. - hose water sucks)

Unpause Garmin and start running, gathering myself and finding my groove/HR zone - check

Eat second half of cliff bar that I had shoved in my pocket just in case - man was that smart!

Finish run strong - check mate!!!

I guess I'll have to wait two weeks for my next long run nutrition assessment. Next week's recovery! I had really hoped to learn something today about nutrition. What I learned was that I can do five good miles on just water at the end of a ten mile run if my first five are fueled correctly!

Compression socks on, post-workout meal consumed, sitting with my wife watching re-runs of Sex in the City. ..... um .... I mean ...... she's watching it .... I'm typing too long of a post :-)

Edited by DV 1 2011-05-11 7:30 PM
2011-05-11 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3493161

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

DV 1 - 2011-05-11 8:41 AM Question: Today's workout is a 45 minute swim and a 1:30 run (Brick). The swim is only 1550 yards though. That will take me about 35 minutes with recovery time built in. Should I make the MS longer to be sure I get in the 45 minutes before the run, or just follow the distances prescribed?

I go with distances and use the times as baselines to shoot for. 

I see your update - I totally bonked after today's swim (just didn't eat enough in the hours beforehand) and had to wait it out for my run so I'm right there with you for best laid plans.   

Edited by kathy caribe 2011-05-11 7:32 PM
2011-05-12 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3494599

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-05-11 7:27 PM

Focus day was today!

45 minute swim followed immediately by a 1:30 run.

I did it! It's the longest I've ever run consecutively/successfully ... but not without incident.

So the pool is 5 miles from my house. I get everything all planned out before I head over to the pool. Checked and double checked.

Took a hammer gel and a 24 oz bottle of water with 2 scoops Ironman Perform powder and 2 endurolytes to the pool to pick up during swim-run transition. Left another gel and duplicate bottle in the fridge at home to swap out half way through the run. It was going to be the perfect scenario.

Ate 1/2 cliff bar 10 minutes before swim and then swam - check

Picked up gel and bottle at transition (my car) - check

Hit the road and run the first 5 miles to the house flawlessly - check

Turn the front door knob and it's locked - doh....but no big deal cause I keep a key hidden - check

Pause Garmin - :-)

Sneakily extract hidden key and insert it into the door lock - check

Turn Key - snap .... oh shista

Get pissed and smack the door knob in jest - slice

Watch the blood start slowing from my pinky - it's oxygen red!

Decide that while deep, it's not hospital worthy - whew

Wash my pinky off and fill my water bottle from the hose - check (p.s. - hose water sucks)

Unpause Garmin and start running, gathering myself and finding my groove/HR zone - check

Eat second half of cliff bar that I had shoved in my pocket just in case - man was that smart!

Finish run strong - check mate!!!

I guess I'll have to wait two weeks for my next long run nutrition assessment. Next week's recovery! I had really hoped to learn something today about nutrition. What I learned was that I can do five good miles on just water at the end of a ten mile run if my first five are fueled correctly!

Compression socks on, post-workout meal consumed, sitting with my wife watching re-runs of Sex in the City. ..... um .... I mean ...... she's watching it .... I'm typing too long of a post :-)

Ha ha ha - this post cracked me up!

2011-05-12 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3493840

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Toronto, ON
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
trigal38 - 2011-05-11 1:10 PM
lamb_y2003 - 2011-05-11 12:14 PM

Trigal, could you move the brick to today?  Ha, possibly a bit late for that response but you never know.  I was debating between my tri club's plan and the BT plan and one of the things on my club plan was that every week they do a long brick one day and the long run the next day.  It's referred to as "key workouts" and recommended to do it in that order every week so your long run is always on tired legs.  Sounds painful but good race specific training.  If you did the brick tonight and then the long run tomorrow night, you'd have the full 24 hours to recover.  Just an idea.

I'm on week 18 and missed a run yesterday and I feel so guilty.  I did my ride, which felt awesome but was left with only 34 minutes to do a 30 minute run and was still in my bike gear on my front porch.  So I opted to shower instead and then picked up my son from school.  I'm sure the other parents appreciated my shower but I felt grumpy about putting a red X through that workout instead of a bright yellow checkmark.

This is exactly the opposite of what I thought was recommended. Interesting. I thought you were supposed to space those workouts apart to give yourself time to recover, decrease risk of injury and set yourself up for the best quality workout. Won't running on tired legs just teach your body to lock in the same tired run pace? I don't mean to pick on your recommendation. I'm just trying to understand different points of view and I'm asking anyone reading the thread. Regardless, the weekend just works better for me with a long ride but thanks for the idea. I really want to try to ride further than the 2.5 hours in the plan and I can't get that done during the week.

I remember thinking the same thing and wondering about proper recovery, worries about injury, etc.  I'm too new to be able to comment intelligently on it but I thought I'd throw it out there.  I can see both sides: you're right, it's a lot of work for your body in a short period of time but then so is your race, right?  I don't know if there's a "right" way.  Maybe Jessica can weigh in with her opinion.

DV, that sounds like a comedy of errors and I'm sorry about your finger but .... bwa ha ha!  You have a way with words!  Good on you for finishing strong despite the dozen or so roadblocks thrown your way.

I have a sick boy home with me today so the ride I'd been looking forward to will become time on the trainer this evening.  I'll get 'er done but BOO to the trainer in springtime!

2011-05-12 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3495917

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
lamb_y2003 - 2011-05-12 1:52 PM

trigal38 - 2011-05-11 1:10 PM
lamb_y2003 - 2011-05-11 12:14 PM

Trigal, could you move the brick to today?  Ha, possibly a bit late for that response but you never know.  I was debating between my tri club's plan and the BT plan and one of the things on my club plan was that every week they do a long brick one day and the long run the next day.  It's referred to as "key workouts" and recommended to do it in that order every week so your long run is always on tired legs.  Sounds painful but good race specific training.  If you did the brick tonight and then the long run tomorrow night, you'd have the full 24 hours to recover.  Just an idea.

I'm on week 18 and missed a run yesterday and I feel so guilty.  I did my ride, which felt awesome but was left with only 34 minutes to do a 30 minute run and was still in my bike gear on my front porch.  So I opted to shower instead and then picked up my son from school.  I'm sure the other parents appreciated my shower but I felt grumpy about putting a red X through that workout instead of a bright yellow checkmark.

This is exactly the opposite of what I thought was recommended. Interesting. I thought you were supposed to space those workouts apart to give yourself time to recover, decrease risk of injury and set yourself up for the best quality workout. Won't running on tired legs just teach your body to lock in the same tired run pace? I don't mean to pick on your recommendation. I'm just trying to understand different points of view and I'm asking anyone reading the thread. Regardless, the weekend just works better for me with a long ride but thanks for the idea. I really want to try to ride further than the 2.5 hours in the plan and I can't get that done during the week.

I remember thinking the same thing and wondering about proper recovery, worries about injury, etc.  I'm too new to be able to comment intelligently on it but I thought I'd throw it out there.  I can see both sides: you're right, it's a lot of work for your body in a short period of time but then so is your race, right?  I don't know if there's a "right" way.  Maybe Jessica can weigh in with her opinion.

DV, that sounds like a comedy of errors and I'm sorry about your finger but .... bwa ha ha!  You have a way with words!  Good on you for finishing strong despite the dozen or so roadblocks thrown your way.

I have a sick boy home with me today so the ride I'd been looking forward to will become time on the trainer this evening.  I'll get 'er done but BOO to the trainer in springtime!

Let me first say if I get out of bed in the morning, I'm on tired, creaky legs. Doesn't really matter except in degree what I did the day before.

I used to do my long ride on Saturday and my long run on Sunday so I was following the tired legs thing. I switched my long run to Thursday for a couple of reasons. First, I have battled through many overuse injuries, mostly achilles tendon and calves, and found that I was more comfortable with increasing my distances if my legs were as well rested as possible.

Second, for injury prevention, I wanted my legs to be reality fresh on the long runs and also needed to keep my recovery time to a minimum. With two majors efforts in a row, it was half a week before I felt recovered enough to feel good about my other workouts.

Lastly, I think about running form a lot and while not as important or apparent as in swimming, your form will break down as you become overly fatigued. This is an issue with me because of all the injuries, surgeries, etc. I have had I am very asymmetrical. Asymmetry causes supporting structure like tendons and joints to have to adapt to a certain running form or gait. When I'm overly fatigued the stresses on these areas get magnified. I can suck it up and push through during a race but I need to be cautious during my weeks and months of training.

Edited by popsracer 2011-05-12 3:56 PM
2011-05-12 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Apropos to Pop's comments the following article suggests avoiding the long run and long bike weekend workouts:

While geared towards the full IM training plan, the author's comments also ring true for HIMs.

Had my first OWS of the season.  Water temp was 64 degrees, but it was so much fun to get out of that stinking pool. Managed to get kicked in the face and returned the favor myself. Kinda funny, the guy I kept getting tangled with was swimming stroke for stroke parallel next to me and it was great to get that kind of race simulation.  When we both finished we both remarked how much we liked the contact and close quarter swimming.


2011-05-12 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Toronto, ON
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Ha, guess I stand corrected.  Well, my club plan does anyway.  Glad I chose this plan instead.  
2011-05-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3495917

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
lamb_y2003 - 2011-05-12 1:52 PM
trigal38 - 2011-05-11 1:10 PM
lamb_y2003 - 2011-05-11 12:14 PM

Trigal, could you move the brick to today?  Ha, possibly a bit late for that response but you never know.  I was debating between my tri club's plan and the BT plan and one of the things on my club plan was that every week they do a long brick one day and the long run the next day.  It's referred to as "key workouts" and recommended to do it in that order every week so your long run is always on tired legs.  Sounds painful but good race specific training.  If you did the brick tonight and then the long run tomorrow night, you'd have the full 24 hours to recover.  Just an idea.

I'm on week 18 and missed a run yesterday and I feel so guilty.  I did my ride, which felt awesome but was left with only 34 minutes to do a 30 minute run and was still in my bike gear on my front porch.  So I opted to shower instead and then picked up my son from school.  I'm sure the other parents appreciated my shower but I felt grumpy about putting a red X through that workout instead of a bright yellow checkmark.

This is exactly the opposite of what I thought was recommended. Interesting. I thought you were supposed to space those workouts apart to give yourself time to recover, decrease risk of injury and set yourself up for the best quality workout. Won't running on tired legs just teach your body to lock in the same tired run pace? I don't mean to pick on your recommendation. I'm just trying to understand different points of view and I'm asking anyone reading the thread. Regardless, the weekend just works better for me with a long ride but thanks for the idea. I really want to try to ride further than the 2.5 hours in the plan and I can't get that done during the week.

I remember thinking the same thing and wondering about proper recovery, worries about injury, etc.  I'm too new to be able to comment intelligently on it but I thought I'd throw it out there.  I can see both sides: you're right, it's a lot of work for your body in a short period of time but then so is your race, right?  I don't know if there's a "right" way.  Maybe Jessica can weigh in with her opinion.

DV, that sounds like a comedy of errors and I'm sorry about your finger but .... bwa ha ha!  You have a way with words!  Good on you for finishing strong despite the dozen or so roadblocks thrown your way.

I have a sick boy home with me today so the ride I'd been looking forward to will become time on the trainer this evening.  I'll get 'er done but BOO to the trainer in springtimeI!

Hope your son feels better soon! I know how you feel. I'm always trying to remember to be thankful I have a trainer. I put it outside on the patio a lot when the weather is nice but I'm home with the kids.

We found out today that my daughter has a fracture in her foot and my husband has to work ball games all night tonight and tomorrow. She will need to get a cast or boot or something put on it tomorrow. For today she had to keep weight off her foot all day. Nothing like doing your longest run in years then carrying a 3 year old around all day long! Yikes, my sore foot is killing me now.

2011-05-12 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3496455

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-05-12 6:39 PM

Apropos to Pop's comments the following article suggests avoiding the long run and long bike weekend workouts:

While geared towards the full IM training plan, the author's comments also ring true for HIMs.

Had my first OWS of the season.  Water temp was 64 degrees, but it was so much fun to get out of that stinking pool. Managed to get kicked in the face and returned the favor myself. Kinda funny, the guy I kept getting tangled with was swimming stroke for stroke parallel next to me and it was great to get that kind of race simulation.  When we both finished we both remarked how much we liked the contact and close quarter swimming.



I can't wait... I'm in Colorado. Water is very cold. Got a smokin deal on a good wet suit and it has been dry in my closet for the last 2 months.

We have limited OWS here but looking forward to some swim time in June.

2011-05-13 12:04 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
So far week four has been one heck of a week. I'm running scared. The clock is ticking and I'm pushing beyond the plan. Added an extra run Monday and it ended up being an eight mile tempo run. Today's long run turned into a half marathon which I did 30 seconds under my goal race time. I was prepared to shut it down as soon as it got uncomfortable but it was a perfect spring day and felt great. Ran with my daughter and she really pulls me along. I should be putting any extra into my biking but I enjoy running much more and I do this all for the pure enjoyment of it.

I got a long ride this weekend so I'll just stick with the plan for swim/bike.

Learned a couple of things today. It is good to do some of these long workouts in your actual race clothing. With my tri top, bodyglide is needed on the inner, under side of my arms as they were a bit chafed. I had to go back to my old tri top (not the one I originally wanted to race in) because it holds my gel flasks better. I bought the coolest tri running shoes for my race, Pearl Izumi iso transitions , and have done some shorter sockless runs and loved them. Today, I wore my New Balance 890's, which are not as sexy but have much more cushioning. The 890's will be my choice on race day as I feel the extra comfort will be most appreciated on those last few miles.

Lastly, I've done many longer runs between 8 and 26 miles over the past few months. On the runs over 10 miles I really start to fall apart before I get to 13.1. Today was the first time I've gone the distance with my last mile feeling strong. I feel if I had limited my long run to those specified in the plan then I would not have felt as good as I did today nor set myself up to deal with those last few miles.

I feel that the race will really start in the latter half of the run and how well you pace up to that point and how you will deal with the last 3 to 5 miles is the key to your overall results. I have experienced and read so many times about a great swim, great ride yet had to walk the last few miles. You are way better off to keep well within yourself until that point. For me, I am going to scale back my goal bike pace, run the pace I did today but add 30 second walks through the aid stations each mile and do all I can to have something in the tank for the latter half of the run.
2011-05-13 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Nice job Pop's! I want to second doing your workouts in actual race gear. I have spent the last two weeks trying to do workouts with exactly what I will have on raceday. Down to the same socks and same kind of sunscreen. My goal is nothing on raceday I have not done or had on several times before. And you do learn some things!

  I am packed and will be heading out the door to my race in a few hours! But after a week of being worked up/nervous, I have a strange calm yesterday and today! Other then a major mishap on Tuesday (backed my car over my front bike tire and destroyed it! New tires on race week!) Things have gone well and I feel ready to do this.

 Good luck to everyone racing this weekend and I will give you all an update when I get home!

2011-05-13 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3496726

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2011-05-12 11:04 PM  I feel if I had limited my long run to those specified in the plan then I would not have felt as good as I did today nor set myself up to deal with those last few miles. I feel that the race will really start in the latter half of the run and how well you pace up to that point and how you will deal with the last 3 to 5 miles is the key to your overall results. I have experienced and read so many times about a great swim, great ride yet had to walk the last few miles. You are way better off to keep well within yourself until that point. For me, I am going to scale back my goal bike pace, run the pace I did today but add 30 second walks through the aid stations each mile and do all I can to have something in the tank for the latter half of the run.

When I looked at this plan it said it was a light plan to get you through a HIM. Seemed a little light to me plus I do weights too. But what do I know, this is my first tri.

Good to hear of you experience. I have done plenty of riding but not at a race pace. That is my toughest thing to figure out.. how hard can I go on my favorite part and still keep some in the tank for the run.

I started doing longer bricks. I did a similar brick one week.... then the next was going to do a full OLY distance brick. I was feeling great.... bonked 3 miles into the run ans had to walk back. I didn't take anything though. Got it done the next week.

So ya... I'm putting in longer stuff. Want to get some rides done and set a pace so I know what I can do on the run. Tough when I'm feeling so good on the bike and still a rookie at running.

2011-05-13 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3497162

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Based on comments from a number of people (including me), it should be apparent to most folks that the plan (while great in structure) is not one size fits all.  Interestingly, swimming is the only area in which the plan prescribes distances and yet I have heard of no one who has followed the plan lament that there's not enough swimming.  That's because (1) there is a lot swimming and (2) you practice distances which should get you through the swim phase. 

The issue with the run and bike appears to be that the prescribed times in the plan may not correspond to long enough distances for some of us.  While some may surpass 13.1 miles during a 2 hour run, others may not.  If you have never run this distance, it may be daunting for some folks to just run 9-10 miles.  However, if you think about marathon training plans, they rarely have you run over 20-22 miles and it is expected that the training and racing energy will get you through those extra race miles on race day.  In some ways, I think this same mindset needs to be applied to a HIM. 

For those of us doing their first HIM, it really wouldn't make sense to do 56 mile/13.1 brick in preparation for the race.  That said, I do agree that I would like see (and I intend to do) a truly long brick (35-40M bike followed by an 8 mile run).  For me, I need to know what it is physically and mentally like to run for that long on tired legs.  I see a place for this type of a workout at an endurance pace in Week 4 as I move into more long race specific workouts.

As you move farther through the plan, you get a much better sense of pacing and the purpose of each workout.  This will also allow you to assess where you feel there maybe weaknesses in your training.  I wouldn't necessarily advocate upping your training hours, but you should consider reprioritizing the workouts as needed.

2011-05-13 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Great observations Joe... and tells me I'm sort of on track. I felt good doing a Oly distance brick.  I wanted to use that as sort of a base. Never intend to do a HIM distance brick. Just like you mentioned... I figured late in training if I could do a 35-40/8-9 mile brick I would be in good shape for race day. Running I don't see a need to go over 10 miles for training. Biking I have no doubts about... just about the pace I can do and still put in a half marathon on race day.
2011-05-13 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Great points Joe and I agree 100%. One caveat and that is one has to really be honest with oneself and have a pretty high level of overall awareness on where they are at fitness/strength-wise before going beyond the boundries of the plan. As I go through my peak weeks, I know I am really pushing my limits but have been around enough to know where those limits are for me and I'm not afraid of pulling up if things don't feel right. Last thing you want is an overuse injury three weeks out from the race.

That being said I turned my 40 minute swim today into a swim race simulation. Full tri suit and speedsuit in the pool for 1.2 miles. I was 1:10 under my goal race time but I really felt good and relaxed as I exited the pool. This after running a half marathon yesterday. I think I am just finding that groove and going with it.

It is an absolutely beautiful sunny day here. So appreciated after the cold, rainy weather we have had. I put a set of Specialized Mondo S-works Open Tubulars and latex tubes on my bike this morning so I am anxious to get out for a ride this afternoon and see if they are worth the hype. I think I'll take it easy though, rest tomorrow (maybe a short recovery run), and focus on my long ride Sunday (50 miles). I'm not doing the 8 x mini-duathlon practice. I need a good long ride more than the transition practice. I'll focus on that more during my taper week.

Edited by popsracer 2011-05-13 4:01 PM
2011-05-13 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
This is my 6th week on this plan and I love it! It is a very solid plan that is perfect for me. There are some tough days and early morning workouts that I have to fit into my schedule but I am starting to see results. My times are are going down, pace is getting faster and my leg mussels are getting stronger and more defined. WARNING! There should be a disclaimer though. If you do this plan you will be eating a TON to hold your body weight. I have been eating 6 meals a day, Protein shakes and snacks and have lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks and I am only 136lbs. Good luck everybody!
2011-05-13 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3496821

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wozin8or - 2011-05-13 6:56 AM

Nice job Pop's! I want to second doing your workouts in actual race gear. I have spent the last two weeks trying to do workouts with exactly what I will have on raceday. Down to the same socks and same kind of sunscreen. My goal is nothing on raceday I have not done or had on several times before. And you do learn some things!

  I am packed and will be heading out the door to my race in a few hours! But after a week of being worked up/nervous, I have a strange calm yesterday and today! Other then a major mishap on Tuesday (backed my car over my front bike tire and destroyed it! New tires on race week!) Things have gone well and I feel ready to do this.

 Good luck to everyone racing this weekend and I will give you all an update when I get home!

Looking forward to the race report! All your training is coming to a climax this weekend. You're gonna nail it!!! Go get 'em.

For all the racers this weekend......NEED MORE COWBELL!!!!!!!!

2011-05-13 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi All,

Starting the 20 week tri training plan on Monday for a HIM on October 2 at Gold Coast Asutralia. First HIM race, so an ambitious goal I know, but one that is definitely achievable.

We leave for Vegas towards end of October, so a great excuse to stay lean for the hols!!!

Looking forward to sharing ideas and hearing others stories.



2011-05-14 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

so the other day I was supposed to do about a hour at race pace (plan said 10-15 bpm lower than LT (Z3)) in intervals (3 x 20 min) and man oh man did that hurt.  I honestly couldn't do it.  I changed my target HR to around 15-20 lower than LT (Z2-3(I wonder if my LT has changed in the last couple months?) and I was still beat after that.  The entire ride was HIM ride length (90km).  I had planned to shoot for 140 bpm (15 under LT) for my HIM but now I'm thinking I should shoot for 20-25 below (Z2).  Any advice?

OTOH, had a great 1:30 run today and was totally stoned afterwards.  I only get high from running - not swim or bike. 

2011-05-14 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3496821

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wozin8or - 2011-05-13 5:56 AM

Nice job Pop's! I want to second doing your workouts in actual race gear. I have spent the last two weeks trying to do workouts with exactly what I will have on raceday. Down to the same socks and same kind of sunscreen. My goal is nothing on raceday I have not done or had on several times before. And you do learn some things!

  I am packed and will be heading out the door to my race in a few hours! But after a week of being worked up/nervous, I have a strange calm yesterday and today! Other then a major mishap on Tuesday (backed my car over my front bike tire and destroyed it! New tires on race week!) Things have gone well and I feel ready to do this.

 Good luck to everyone racing this weekend and I will give you all an update when I get home!

Can't wait for your race report. Good luck!

2011-05-15 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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New user
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I am just getting my HIM training underway but I have  few questions;

I have a terrible time keeping track of my laps, I have seen these lap counters in tri mags (never can find them at my local sporting stores) & was wondering if anyone is using them & can recommend a particular one.

When there are 2 w/o in a day and it does not indicate brick are most people doing one in the morning & another at lunch or after work?  Do some people do them back to back because of their schedules?

Lastly, if anyone is aware of OWS in the Philly area please share.  I am aware of some swim clinics, however they are like 60 bucks a pop & while I think 1-2 would be helpful, I would like to get in more OWS w/o this summer.

Thanks, hope everyone had a nice weekend & got some training it too!


2011-05-15 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3500138

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
NurseHeather - 2011-05-15 4:31 PM

I am just getting my HIM training underway but I have  few questions;

I have a terrible time keeping track of my laps, I have seen these lap counters in tri mags (never can find them at my local sporting stores) & was wondering if anyone is using them & can recommend a particular one.

When there are 2 w/o in a day and it does not indicate brick are most people doing one in the morning & another at lunch or after work?  Do some people do them back to back because of their schedules?

Lastly, if anyone is aware of OWS in the Philly area please share.  I am aware of some swim clinics, however they are like 60 bucks a pop & while I think 1-2 would be helpful, I would like to get in more OWS w/o this summer.

Thanks, hope everyone had a nice weekend & got some training it too!


Heather - have the same problem with lap counting, brain tends to turn to mush after a while. Never used the counters, but try to count 50s instead. Once you get a sense of pace you will be able to look at your watch and generally know of you skipped or went longer. For me, I always assume that I am undercounting my laps so worse comes to worse I swim extra. As for two a days, unless it says brick, assume that you should give yourself a couple of hours between workouts. However, there are some run swim workouts and others in which the second workout is a recovery workout. There's a free OWS about 20 mins outside of Center City every Thursday nite in South Jersey, well run and free if you are a USAT member. Bike racks are also setup for rides afterwards and practicing transitions. Swims go all summer. If you need more details send me a PM.
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