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2013-10-14 6:50 AM
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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by wannabefaster Jamie and Nate, Nice job you two. That is some strong racing. Anyone watch the Kona streaming yesterday? What a great race. I couldn't stop. We went to watch a football game at a friend's house but I took an iPad and watched triathlon instead. Got some strange looks. Oh well. My coach had a bad (for him) race and went 9:36. That would be a dream for me. Just shows you the different stratosphere a lot of the Kona qualifiers are moving in.

I watched as much as I could!!!  I took my pc in the car as we drove to Milwaukee and watched the mens finish and Rinny's pass before heading to a concert.  I did find Rinny's finish on IM Streaming and watched that yesterday.  WOW.   I watch Rinny and how hard she worked to get back on top and it reminds me at my own level, I need to stop complaining about my shortfalls and work harder if I really want to achieve a goal. No one hands you success.  It isn't easy, but it is worth it.  I hope I can hold that all the way through the off season and into '14.

Great job on the races this weekend!!!  Those times are smoking, especially for a hilly course!

Edited by SSMinnow 2013-10-14 6:51 AM

2013-10-14 8:09 AM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Interesting to look at Rinny's season. Through much of the Spring and Summer there was speculation that she was having a "bad" year and would not be able to put it together for a good effort at Kona. Has to be gratifying to crush it like she did Saturday. A good lesson for all of us.....its a process and every time we go out and race/train we can't expect it to be stellar. But, each of those training sessions or races can be a part of reaching a bigger goal.

Its an easy/do what you want week for me. Got up and got a swim in and I'll run with a buddy at lunch.

Product plug! I bought a pair of the Roka Sim Shorts about 6-8 weeks ago. They are essentially jammers made out of wetsuit material. I've used them in the pool maybe 5 times when my legs are beat or I am especially tired. Used them this morning. They basically help float your hipps/butt but you can still similar to a pull buoy but more natural movement. I used them in my race Saturday. The water was wetsuit legal temperature but it was a warm morning and a short swim so I wore the Roka shorts. Had a good swim and got much of the benefit of a wetsuit without the heat and they are super easy to get off. Would be easy to use them alot...much like a pull buoy since they do make swimming easy but a good tool for those days when your legs are beat but you still need to get a swim in.

Question-has the BT site changed when you try to access via your mobile phone? Mine has and it sucks.

Have a good week everyone!   

2013-10-14 8:16 AM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow


Question-has the BT site changed when you try to access via your mobile phone? Mine has and it sucks.

Yes. I log out, then log back in but use the "go to full site" button and I get the normal view again.
2013-10-14 8:16 AM
in reply to: 0

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Question-has the BT site changed when you try to access via your mobile phone? Mine has and it sucks.

Have a good week everyone!   

there are all sorts of issues this am - all the race report comments from yesterday are gone too

nevermind. I'm an idiot.

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2013-10-14 8:38 AM
2013-10-14 8:28 AM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by SSMinnow

Originally posted by wannabefaster Jamie and Nate, Nice job you two. That is some strong racing. Anyone watch the Kona streaming yesterday? What a great race. I couldn't stop. We went to watch a football game at a friend's house but I took an iPad and watched triathlon instead. Got some strange looks. Oh well. My coach had a bad (for him) race and went 9:36. That would be a dream for me. Just shows you the different stratosphere a lot of the Kona qualifiers are moving in.

I watched as much as I could!!!  I took my pc in the car as we drove to Milwaukee and watched the mens finish and Rinny's pass before heading to a concert.  I did find Rinny's finish on IM Streaming and watched that yesterday.  WOW.   I watch Rinny and how hard she worked to get back on top and it reminds me at my own level, I need to stop complaining about my shortfalls and work harder if I really want to achieve a goal. No one hands you success.  It isn't easy, but it is worth it.  I hope I can hold that all the way through the off season and into '14.

Great job on the races this weekend!!!  Those times are smoking, especially for a hilly course!

I have been thinking a lot about a thread in triathlon talk where one of the posters states that "anyone can qualify for Kona if they put their mind to it and just work hard enough." Left Brain, a frequent poster, called BS on that. I agree. There are folks who can train 20 hours a week for the next five years and they will never be fast enough to qualify for Kona. Hard work will take many of us a long way but genetics and athletic history play a big role as well.

I feel like maybe I am just outside of what I need to be fast enough. I am just not as fast as the animals that were racing AG on Saturday. But, Kona is my goal and I will continue to work towards that goal. It may happen but it may not. The fact is that I am still really enjoying the training and racing so even if I never qualify it is still a worthwhile goal.

Like you, I have decided to shut up and work harder and let the chips fall where they may.
2013-10-14 11:04 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Yes on the mobile BT site. It's AWFUL. It keeps asking me to log in to see stuff, I do, then it takes me back to the stupid homepage and won't let me access what I want!

Went for a 5 mile run this morning and had an interesting one. Ran my Greeneway route which was rolling hills for mile 1, slight uphill grade for miles 2 and 3 and then back down on that same grade for miles 4 and 5. Planned to do my 4 'strides' as Randy suggested once I got 3 miles into my run, and although I ran with my Garmin, I vowed not to look at it and was just going to push myself to be 'comfortably uncomfortable.'

Got to mile 3 (I've run this route so many times I know where my mileage is), did my strides for what I thought was 30 seconds, slowed back down, ran another 5 minutes, rinse repeat. Did this for 2 miles, so a total of 4 strides during my run. My HR was higher than normal, and I had to revert to 2/2 breathing rather than my comfortable 3/2 in the last mile, but I was surprised by my watch at the end.

Keep in mind, I've been an 11 minute miler all summer. I ran mile 1 in 10:26, mile 2 in 10:02, mile 3 in 10:07, mile 4 in 9:49 and mile 5 in 9:19. Yes, miles 4 and 5 were downhill, but I'm pretty pleased with today's effort.

I signed up for 4 running races yesterday...3 10Ks (one in late Oct, one in late Nov, one in early Dec) and a half marathon in late Feb. I originally was going to run a half marathon in December, but I'm thinking that I'm going to stick to the 6-8 mile 'long run range' through December just to work on increasing my pace for 3 months before adding longer mileage on long run day. I had also contemplated a full marathon in March, but they cancelled the one close to home (Columbia, SC which I ran last year). I'm going to sign up and run another half marathon in April instead.

Regarding the thoughts on Kona...I honestly don't believe I'm athletic enough to ever become fast enough to be a Kona qualifier. I seriously don't think if I had all the time in the world, the best training, etc, that I could ever become fast enough. I don't agree that it's one of those "if you want it badly enough, you can achieve it" sort of things. I think you have to have a certain amount of athleticism to be in that realm. It's also quite possible that I'm totally wrong.

I also wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you in this group. You all have been an incredible source of inspiration, motivation, and information. I feel lucky to have found this mentor group.

2013-10-14 1:44 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nancy-sounds like you had a good run. I think we sometimes rely too much on our Garmins etc. I know I do. I feel best when I just fall into a comfortable pace even though that typically is faster than my SUPER EASY pace. My previous coach would occassionally do a "non electronics" run where the Garmin/HR monitor etc were prohibited!

I think doing the shorter races will help you more with your speed goal than doing an extra HM or a marathon. 5k and 10K races hurt and I swear I feel more beat up after a 5K or 10K running race than I do after doing a full tri with that being the run distance. Those races are a great way to test yourself and work not only on the physical aspect of running faster but also the mental part of it....dealing with the pain/exertion that comes with hard efforts.

Great having you as a part of the group. You have done an outstanding job of building your fitness through the year and reaching your goals. I've enjoyed following your journey!   

2013-10-15 12:14 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nancy-as far as running faster goes, interval work has done a lot for me. I've found that in all three disciplines, going hard for short periods of time has made it easier for me to hold a hard pace. I think I'm swimming better bc I'm working in sprints, and the same with biking. It also gives me a better idea of what I can do before blowing up.

Kona-*ahem* I called Carfrae, which I'm pretty happy about. Good lord, she's fast. Pete Jacobs had a pretty crap day, but if anyone out there predicted the top three men, they really know their stuff. I liked watching the race; I just kept it on my computer all day and checked in every so often.

I can tell I did work on Sunday, as I'm still sore from it. My tri season is now over, so I just have a HM two weeks from now to look forward to. I want to do well in it; I ran it last year and got 1:52, which I was happy about as it's a pretty hilly course. I'll definitely be looking to go sub-1:50, so anything under that will make me happy. I hope everyone else is enjoying winding the season down. Has anyone already signed up for A-races next year? I've got IMChoo and Raleigh 70.3 on my plate, with others to be added later.
2013-10-15 12:23 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Nancy-as far as running faster goes, interval work has done a lot for me. I've found that in all three disciplines, going hard for short periods of time has made it easier for me to hold a hard pace. I think I'm swimming better bc I'm working in sprints, and the same with biking. It also gives me a better idea of what I can do before blowing up. Kona-*ahem* I called Carfrae, which I'm pretty happy about. Good lord, she's fast. Pete Jacobs had a pretty crap day, but if anyone out there predicted the top three men, they really know their stuff. I liked watching the race; I just kept it on my computer all day and checked in every so often. I can tell I did work on Sunday, as I'm still sore from it. My tri season is now over, so I just have a HM two weeks from now to look forward to. I want to do well in it; I ran it last year and got 1:52, which I was happy about as it's a pretty hilly course. I'll definitely be looking to go sub-1:50, so anything under that will make me happy. I hope everyone else is enjoying winding the season down. Has anyone already signed up for A-races next year? I've got IMChoo and Raleigh 70.3 on my plate, with others to be added later.

I really would like to know what happened to Pete from his POV.  He was talking so big at Breakfast with Bob and Paul.

I predict you will do sub 1:50 given your season.  No pressure!

I've only signed up for my Spring A race, Boston because I had to.  Holding off on defining A races for triathlon until after I see the '14 schedule.  Lots more flexibility with no IM on the calendar.

2013-10-15 1:37 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
"I also wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you in this group. You all have been an incredible source of inspiration, motivation, and information. I feel lucky to have found this mentor group."

It HAS been a great group.

Thanks to all who have stayed and made it so much fun and worthwhile this season. I miss some of the folks who haven't checked in for awhile and would love updates from anyone who is still following along but not posting regularly...........? Triathlon seems to be more fun when you can share it with others.


I think I have a pretty good layout of the basics of my season. I have no real "A" race as of yet but I am going to focus on trying to get smoking fast at the Olympic and 70.3 distances. My coach (and my wife for that matter ) has/have essentially forbidden a 2014 Ironman. Like Randy last year, I would like to qualify for 70.3 WC, held in Mont Trembant this year. I am not totally satisfied with my 2013 performance on that course and would like another go at it.
2013-10-15 6:23 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
First off great racing to everyone over the weekend, I've been away from the computer which was kind of nice. My training is starting to get back on track the silly season is almost over for us I can't wait. I'm one of those who no matter how hard I tried or how much I could train I'm just not going to qualify for Kona. It would be a dream but being realistic it's not going to happen. I do feel that with enough training and the right race I may be able to WC70.3 qualify but that is years down the road. I have signed up for my "A" race HIM 70.3 Boise and my "A-" race isn't open yet but it's an olympic at Tahoe. This has been a great group and THANK YOU to everyone involved it was great watching everyone progress thru the season.

2013-10-15 6:52 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Oh and since we're on the topic Kona aside, what is the one race you really want to scratch off of your bucket list. For me it's Escape from Alcatraz I really want to get into that one, just not sure about the swim, and the hills and the sand ladder. It would be a blast though.
2013-10-15 8:20 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Bucket list races:

Kona--done it (via lottery). Want to do it again via qualification.
Boston Marathon--done it via qualification. I want another shot at that course as I ran it in 2012 and it was ungodly hot.
American Triple-T--doing it next year. It sounds like a really fun experience.
American Zofingen? There is always a lot of talk about this race on ST. I want to see what it is all about
Challenge Roth
Escape from Alcatraz
Western States 100. Crazy but I am intrigued.
Any 100 mile foot race. See comment above.

There are so many races that are so interesting. It should keep triathlon/endurance training exciting for me for a long time.
2013-10-15 10:55 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I've been a little incommunicado lately. Having done our slightly insane European road trip (to summarise - LOTS of beer and nice food) we got home and I had great intentions to get back into light training. However, despite having no real plans to move, we have found a house we really want to buy. Our house is nowhere near ready to put on the market, so we've spent the last two weeks frantically de-cluttering, decorating and trying to sort it out in general. We're nearly finished the bedrooms, but there's still the bathroom and then the entire ground floor, the garage and the garden to do. probably another 3-4 weeks work. So training has pretty much gone out of the window, along with everything else except work.

I did manage to fit in a session of functional movement screening on monday. This basically involved me being told to try lots of different movements to find out if I have any weaknesses, imbalances etc. It appears that in general I have pretty good balance and flexibility and my back and core are in better condition than I expected (historical spinal surgery means that I always expect the worst). My only real issue was tight hamstrings. I'll be getting the full report in the next couple of days and I've got a whole bunch of exercises that will hopefully help make sure I am nicely balanced and flexible before I start ramping the training up again (whenever that actually happens).

I'm definitely starting to put together my plan for next year, but need to check exact dates for the races I'm considering.

As for the kona question, its an interesting one. I'd have said I could never consider being fast enough to qualify. But over the last two years I have achieved things that 3 years ago I would have said were impossible. I think a lot of people, if they put in the right work, and had the right support, would be capable of more than they imagine. But of course it also depends which AG you're in. Some are MUCH harder than others... I've got kona as a vague "some day" goal, but I'm sure I'd need a coach and a 5 year plan to get there. At the moment the money isn't there for that, let alone the trip to Hawaii!

Bucket list races:
IM Austria
Challenge Roth
(Both meant to be awesome races)
Challenge wanaka (because wanaka is possibly my favourite place in the world - I can't think of a more beautiful place to race, although I think Tahoe probably comes close. But it'll definitely involve some saving up to be able to race in New Zealand)

Just in case I fall off the planet again for the next few weeks, I just wanted to say well done to everyone. There've been some amazing results recently and over the whole season. This is a great group to be part of and I'm proud of everyone in it. Good luck to anyone who's got stuff coming up shortly.
2013-10-16 6:56 AM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Rachel--good luck with the house.  We moved a little over two years ago and it was a tremendous amount of work on both the selling side and buying side.  I told my husband, the next time I moved it would be in a pine box!

The bucket list is a great question and mine has been very short.  Ever since I did my first IM, it has been Kona.  I won't go unless I qualify.  As of now, I've only been able to creep up to 15th in my AG.  My swim really holds me back, but I'm going to keep trying.  I recently added, "qualify for something other than Boston" to my goals so my coach suggested Nationals since this is a "go-short" year for me with only Olympic distances on the plan.   If I cross that off the list it would be a big step forward for me.

2013-10-16 9:21 AM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Kona? I don't see ever getting there. I'm not an IM distance guy and its never been a priority. I've had 2 surgeries on my right knee so I suspect there is a good bit or arthritis in there. Thats not going to get better. Just don't think I could put in the time/miles to reach that level of performance to get over the top and qualify. Getting into this late doesn't help either. I'm 51 now and finishing my 4th full season of racing. I have improved each year and I suspect I can improve a bit, not nearly as much, over the next 2-3 years. Then it will be 2-3 years of trying to maintain that level and then a decline. Thats just how age seems to work  There are some amazingly fast guys in the 50-54 and 55-59AG. If I get to 60 and am still doing this, am relatively healthy, have maintained my fitness and lost my mind I might try to qualify at 60. Very unlikely.

Bucket list? Not doing IM distance or marathons knocks out the usual races like Kona and Boston. Right now I would have to say qualifying for Team USA and competing at the World Championships in Chicago in 2015.  It would be a memorable experience racing with so many great athletes as a part of the Team. With that said the 2014 AG Nationals will be a crazy competitve race with so many folks trying to qualify for Chicago. If anyone has the chance to do an AG Nationals race you should really think about it. Quite an event. I did my first during my 2nd season, finished maybe 50th out of 70 in my AG but loved being a part of the event.  I think last year in Milwaukee there were 170 in my AG in the oly and 80 in the sprint.

Keeping the intensity in training to a minimum this week. Heading up to Tuscaloosa Friday to see my son race in the Crimson Classic XC race Friday afternoon at the University of Alabama. Have not see him in 2 months and always love to watch him race. Should be fun.....ROLL TIDE!

2013-10-16 7:09 PM
in reply to: #4878003

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Been meaning to ask this for a while - roll tide? Please explain to an ignorant non-American.
2013-10-16 8:36 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by chapfallen Been meaning to ask this for a while - roll tide? Please explain to an ignorant non-American.

HaHa! No problem. The University of Alabama is called "The Crimson Tide". So, "Roll Tide" is kind of a rallying call for the team. I did not go to The University of Alabama but my son does. My support and enthusiasm have increased quite a bit since he started there. The link below has the history behind the "Crimson Tide" name. I always thought it was because the football team wore crimson/red and looked like a wave of crimson when they ran on the field....guess I was wrong

2013-10-17 3:38 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ok gang, before we all break up, I need one more piece of advice. I'm on the cusp of a terrible/great idea, inspired by the Bucket List...I need some input on training to Boston-qualify next year I've researched a few races, and there is a popular BQ race in Georgia on March 1st, which would be just enough time for a 16-week training plan...but what does everyone think about doing this during the off season? My thoughts are that this would be my chance to focus more on running, since I don't need to follow a tri-specific workout plan over the Winter months. However, I also don't want to risk injury, as I've already set up my A-race next year with IM Chattanooga. So, am I just crazy, or what? Don't hold back, give me some candid advice!

P.S., I have a tendency to be like this. An idea hatches in my brain, and then I get a little focused/obsessed with it. It's how the first IM happened!
2013-10-17 4:10 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

I did something similar this year.  Ironically,  I  looked at both Georgia and Oakland and went with Oakland which is a little later in March, but a helluva lot hillier. My coach had very specific reasons why he wanted me to do it and since running is my favorite thing it was a no brainer at the time.  I liked the training, I liked BQing again and PRing, but it took a lot of mental energy.  I felt like I put so much into that result that I was a little fried when we started IM training about a month later.

Which race is more important to you?  IM or Boston?  Not that you necessarily have to give on one to get a great result with the other, but it does take a certain mental and physical toll.  I also don't think that running a marathon makes you a better IM'er.  Personally, Ive seen more gains by focusing on shorter more intense racing, but maybe that's because I was a marathoner to begin with.

If you feel you can do both and achieve your goals without frying yourself go for it!  Boston is a great experience and you have to be sort of good to get there! 



2013-10-17 4:21 PM
in reply to: 0

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

Ok gang, before we all break up, I need one more piece of advice. I'm on the cusp of a terrible/great idea, inspired by the Bucket List...I need some input on training to Boston-qualify next year :) I've researched a few races, and there is a popular BQ race in Georgia on March 1st, which would be just enough time for a 16-week training plan...but what does everyone think about doing this during the off season? My thoughts are that this would be my chance to focus more on running, since I don't need to follow a tri-specific workout plan over the Winter months. However, I also don't want to risk injury, as I've already set up my A-race next year with IM Chattanooga. So, am I just crazy, or what? Don't hold back, give me some candid advice!

P.S., I have a tendency to be like this. An idea hatches in my brain, and then I get a little focused/obsessed with it. It's how the first IM happened!

I think that it is an awesome idea. I think you will have to have an obviously run focused off-season and if you are using a run plan for a marathon it will have to be modified to allow some cycling. If I were doing this I would make all of my cycling short and super intense. Three one hour sessions (more or less) per week and 5-6 runs/week. Days that you do the bike workouts will be "easy" or recovery run days. You may have to adjust the plan so you aren't really hurting yourself the day before a key run so you will have to identify each week's key run(s) and plan accordingly. If it were me, I would be training seven days a week but the seventh day would be super easy running miles or swimming but I think it is imperative that you be running as much as possible.

I used a Runners World, free, online plan for my two best marathons and would gladly use it again.

There is no substitute for running mileage. Biking will help build your aerobic fitness but you will need to run! I personally don't think you need to be running 70-80- miles per week to BQ if you are bike training too, but you will need a few weeks of 50+ miles (IMO) to run as hard as you will need to for 26.2 miles.

Suzy has BQd several times. Any input on this? (too late--I see she has already chimed in :) )

Edited by wannabefaster 2013-10-17 4:22 PM

2013-10-17 4:34 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the input, Suzy and Jason!

I feel the same as you, Suzy, in that running is my favorite of the three tri-sports. As far as which is more important to me, IMChoo would still be my A-race without a doubt, but I definitely train a lot better with a race in mind. So, I figured that training for a marathon wouldn't hurt me over the off season, even if it didn't particularly help me. I think I can switch gears to IM come Spring without much problem; I was able to train for IM Louisville for 9 months, and I never felt that burnt out. It helps that I can be totally selfish with my time.

Jason-I'm pretty comfortable with eventual 50+ mile weeks; I topped out around 190 over the summer, and that was with 5-7 hour weekend bike sessions. To me, running is also the one sport out of the 3 that I find easiest to motivate myself for. I can get up early and run without much problem, but riding the trainer for hours, or going to the pool in the dark always seem to suck!

Thanks for the input; those little crazy-gears in my head are definitely turning pretty good.
2013-10-17 5:27 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

Thanks for the input, Suzy and Jason!

I feel the same as you, Suzy, in that running is my favorite of the three tri-sports. As far as which is more important to me, IMChoo would still be my A-race without a doubt, but I definitely train a lot better with a race in mind. So, I figured that training for a marathon wouldn't hurt me over the off season, even if it didn't particularly help me. I think I can switch gears to IM come Spring without much problem; I was able to train for IM Louisville for 9 months, and I never felt that burnt out. It helps that I can be totally selfish with my time.

Jason-I'm pretty comfortable with eventual 50+ mile weeks; I topped out around 190 over the summer, and that was with 5-7 hour weekend bike sessions. To me, running is also the one sport out of the 3 that I find easiest to motivate myself for. I can get up early and run without much problem, but riding the trainer for hours, or going to the pool in the dark always seem to suck!

Thanks for the input; those little crazy-gears in my head are definitely turning pretty good.


2013-10-17 6:06 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by WoodrowCall

Thanks for the input, Suzy and Jason!

I feel the same as you, Suzy, in that running is my favorite of the three tri-sports. As far as which is more important to me, IMChoo would still be my A-race without a doubt, but I definitely train a lot better with a race in mind. So, I figured that training for a marathon wouldn't hurt me over the off season, even if it didn't particularly help me. I think I can switch gears to IM come Spring without much problem; I was able to train for IM Louisville for 9 months, and I never felt that burnt out. It helps that I can be totally selfish with my time.

Jason-I'm pretty comfortable with eventual 50+ mile weeks; I topped out around 190 over the summer, and that was with 5-7 hour weekend bike sessions. To me, running is also the one sport out of the 3 that I find easiest to motivate myself for. I can get up early and run without much problem, but riding the trainer for hours, or going to the pool in the dark always seem to suck!

Thanks for the input; those little crazy-gears in my head are definitely turning pretty good.



Gotta love the enablers in this world.
2013-10-17 6:40 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by WoodrowCall

Thanks for the input, Suzy and Jason!

I feel the same as you, Suzy, in that running is my favorite of the three tri-sports. As far as which is more important to me, IMChoo would still be my A-race without a doubt, but I definitely train a lot better with a race in mind. So, I figured that training for a marathon wouldn't hurt me over the off season, even if it didn't particularly help me. I think I can switch gears to IM come Spring without much problem; I was able to train for IM Louisville for 9 months, and I never felt that burnt out. It helps that I can be totally selfish with my time.

Jason-I'm pretty comfortable with eventual 50+ mile weeks; I topped out around 190 over the summer, and that was with 5-7 hour weekend bike sessions. To me, running is also the one sport out of the 3 that I find easiest to motivate myself for. I can get up early and run without much problem, but riding the trainer for hours, or going to the pool in the dark always seem to suck!

Thanks for the input; those little crazy-gears in my head are definitely turning pretty good.



Gotta love the enablers in this world.

I thought that was the whole point of these forums? No?

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