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2009-06-23 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Hope everyone is doing well with there training!!!

My running class starts tomorrow and we are going over the introductory pieces and then running a 1.5 mile loop. Depending on our fitness level depends on how many times the coach is going to have us run the loop. I'm really excited about this class and will definitely be sharing what I learn with you guys. It consists of 2 classes per week for 10 weeks. 1 class is on the track and the other is a long distace. I'm hoping that this will definitely help me on my running because that seems to be my weakness.

My 3rd sprint triathlon will be on July 11th which is just around the corner and I'm hoping that I see some improvement between the last one and the next one!!

2009-06-24 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
I look forward to hearing your info from the running class. I'm not too great with the running but I am pleased with my progress in the last couple months. I feel stronger and I am mostly running straight without walking breaks.

Yesterday I had my first flat tire so I am getting the hang of tire changing. I have a 5K on sunday and I'm hoping to do it at least in 34 min. I know that's pretty slow for a lot of you but that would be pretty good for me.

peace and health, 
2009-06-26 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2239829

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
wolfwoman - 2009-06-24 1:02 PM I look forward to hearing your info from the running class. I'm not too great with the running but I am pleased with my progress in the last couple months. I feel stronger and I am mostly running straight without walking breaks.

Yesterday I had my first flat tire so I am getting the hang of tire changing. I have a 5K on sunday and I'm hoping to do it at least in 34 min. I know that's pretty slow for a lot of you but that would be pretty good for me.

peace and health, 

Biked this morning and blew out a tire about 75% of the way through my much fun changing a tire ont eh side of the road instead of the comfort of ones own!!! I messed up with the first air cannister which made matters even worse.
2009-06-28 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Did my little race this weekend. The leg was still sore, but I stretched a whole lot before. Did my personal best at 11 min mile. I was # 30 out of 111.
2009-06-29 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2248656

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
ilucy2 - 2009-06-28 6:00 PM

Did my little race this weekend. The leg was still sore, but I stretched a whole lot before. Did my personal best at 11 min mile. I was # 30 out of 111.

Congrats on running your personal best!! That's great!!
2009-06-30 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2249946

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
I have a general question that I am hoping some people can provide insight on. The sprint that I am doing is in a lake, so wetsuits are not recommended as temp will be above 78. I am looking into another tri where the swim is in the ocean and wetsuits are recommended.

Since I do not have one, curious to know everyone's thoughts on sleeves vs. sleeveless? looking on line are sizes running true to form (ie. height, weight, etc.)? general thoughts are appreciated. recommendations, references are welcomed.



2009-06-30 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Just went through the same thing, recommendation is generally to get sleeves.  They'll help your swim, and will be warmer when the water temps drop.
As far as sizes go, it depends on the manufacturer.  I'd shop around, check the classifieds, look for sales, etc., then when you find one you may want to buy call that company and see what they say.  Also, if you buy new alot of companies will work with you to get you the right size, and if you get the wrong size they're pretty helpful in exchanging it.

Edited by matt_d 2009-06-30 3:49 PM
2009-07-02 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Sorry... can't help on the wetsuit... it's always too hot down here.

Jenn - How is the swimming going?

How is the rest of everyone's training going? Any upcoming races?

My next and last tri of this summer is just about a week away on the 11th, then the only events that I've signed up for are running events. On August 7th and 8th, I'm doing something called the Tour de Pain. Mind you we are in the high 90's and 100's with 300% humidity right now... and the Tour de Pain is 3 races in 24 hours. On Fri evening it's a 4 mile beach run, Sat morning a 5K, and Sat afternoon a 1 mile "sprint". I've watched in the past and am looking foward to how I do. I'm also hoping since I've really been working on my running, I improve in my sprint triathlon times next weekend. I can't express to everyone how great I feel or how much fun I've had since I decided to do my first one earlier this year!!

So the running class that I signed up for is great!!! It's $75.00 for 10 weeks and it includes one on one consultations and then group runs. The class has about 20 people in it in a variety of running levels, although most of the runners are crazy fast and consistantly win their age groups in the local events. So far, we have met 3 times. The first night, a Wed., we just got to know each other, the coach talked to each one of us to evaluate where we were starting from and what are goals were and we ran about 3 miles. By our next meeting on the following Sat, we had been emailed an individualized 4 week training plan. He included swimming and cycling on top of the running for me since he knew I was more focused on triathlons right now. That Sat we ran a 1m warm up, then ran the trails at a local Univ (UNF) for about 2.25 miles and a mile cool down. Unfortunately, right now this area is a swamp... it was so stagnant and hot we had to cut our run short. Yesterday was our 3rd meeting and we did a 1 mile time trial... wow... I think that's the fastest I've run in 15 years! We did a 1m warm up and 1.5m cooldown. I ran my 1m time trial in 7:45!! Not the fastest ever, but I'm excited!!! I am one of the slowest in the group, but it gives me something to work for. This class is through one of the local running stores and one of the owners wife is participating in the group, so I'm meeting a lot of the local runners, they are all extremly supportive and helpful. If any of you have something like this in your area and running is your weakness, I highly suggest it. Best thing I've ever done!!

I wish everyone a happy and safe 4th!!! Good luck on any upcoming races and y'alls training!!!

2009-08-08 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Its been awhile since I posted but its been a crazy summer. I completed my first sprint Tri today. I happy with the results but know I can do better. 

400 yd lake swim - 7:37
T1 1:51
9.5 M bike 33:08
T2 1:35
5k 41:04 (walked most of it but did do some running)
2min pentalty (I have no idea why)
Total time 1h 27m

My goal was 1:45. I know many of you are so much faster. But I am just trying to get back in some type of shape, lose weight after having double hip replacement 12 years ago. As you can tell running is not my strength. Biking is getting better but still dont' have the strength on hills but also improving. The swim is usually my strength but for the life of me, I can't swim in a staight line in open water. The walk/run was actually my fastest 5k compared to my training times.

I will do another one at the end of September and hope for some improvements. Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions here. They do help.

2009-09-04 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2336338

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
216000929 - 2009-08-08 7:06 PM

Its been awhile since I posted but its been a crazy summer. I completed my first sprint Tri today. I happy with the results but know I can do better. 

400 yd lake swim - 7:37
T1 1:51
9.5 M bike 33:08
T2 1:35
5k 41:04 (walked most of it but did do some running)
2min pentalty (I have no idea why)
Total time 1h 27m

My goal was 1:45. I know many of you are so much faster. But I am just trying to get back in some type of shape, lose weight after having double hip replacement 12 years ago. As you can tell running is not my strength. Biking is getting better but still dont' have the strength on hills but also improving. The swim is usually my strength but for the life of me, I can't swim in a staight line in open water. The walk/run was actually my fastest 5k compared to my training times.

I will do another one at the end of September and hope for some improvements. Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions here. They do help.

Each person's goals are different. Mine in a race is to finish. Congrats on your first Tri. Do you have the gotta go bug yet?
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