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2008-05-07 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1387148

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-05-07 12:21 PM Off-topic from baby-mommas and stabbings .... let me pose a question: I'm a little peeved. I'm hoping you all will tell me I have a right to be peeved, and not tell me that I'm just being incredibly selfish. I agreed way back in October to be part of a relay team back home in Alberta (a 14-16 hr drive away) - the Banff-Jasper relay. 15 legs (so 15 runners) and 3 support crew. At the time I agreed to do it, the team consisted of mostly good friends and old co-workers that I knew well and was really looking forward to spending time with - kind of like a happy little reunion but with a relay run thrown in. Well, since then, EVERYONE that I know has dropped out and has been replaced by people that I don't know ... so the race would be me and 17 strangers. I know the team captain vaguely, we used to work together but never really spoke (large office) ... After much much thought, deliberation, and many conversations with my mother - I decided to pull out of the race ... lots of reasons, but the foremost being I didn't want to spend my very valuable vacation time and dollar on a trip to a place I don't really want to go, and spend 3 days in a very isolated place with people I don't know. (Remember I've quit my job and have a brand-new business .. this means I have NO extra money!) My initial desire to participate in the relay was to get together with old friends. Also - even though we had a facebook group and an email list set up, we were not coming together as a team. I attempted several times to get team discussions going and hopefully get to know some of these strangers ... offered my services as a fitness leader and nutritionist, tried to get a debate going re: team shirts or sweats, tried to get a conversation going about where we were going to stay, and transportation issues (this is a very small and isolated place - didn't want to be stranded there!) ... NOTHING. No response from a single member on the team. So - I decided to pull out. Now the team captain is refusing to refund my $100 entry fee, which I paid in October. I know I have been replaced, so one of two things is happening here; either the replacement runner did not have to pay their $100, or the team is banking my extra $100 to use however ... The captain is telling me it's like when you enter a normal race and DNS - you don't get a refund then. IMO that's completely different. The question is: is this fair? Shouldn't I get my $100 back?

Did everyone else who dropped out get their money back? If so, then, yeah, you should. If not, I can't imagine that it'd be fair for someone to take a spot without reimbursing the person they are replacing. You should get your cash back either way, it seems. You don't get your money back when you DNS at most races because normally, you can't just transfer your bib to someone else. But that does not seem to be the case here.

2008-05-07 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

You should totally get your money back. ESPECIALLY since you've already been replaced.

You should look into a chargeback (CC) or stop payment (check).
2008-05-07 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1387148

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-05-07 12:21 PM Off-topic from baby-mommas and stabbings .... let me pose a question: I'm a little peeved. I'm hoping you all will tell me I have a right to be peeved, and not tell me that I'm just being incredibly selfish. I agreed way back in October to be part of a relay team back home in Alberta (a 14-16 hr drive away) - the Banff-Jasper relay. 15 legs (so 15 runners) and 3 support crew. At the time I agreed to do it, the team consisted of mostly good friends and old co-workers that I knew well and was really looking forward to spending time with - kind of like a happy little reunion but with a relay run thrown in. Well, since then, EVERYONE that I know has dropped out and has been replaced by people that I don't know ... so the race would be me and 17 strangers. I know the team captain vaguely, we used to work together but never really spoke (large office) ... After much much thought, deliberation, and many conversations with my mother - I decided to pull out of the race ... lots of reasons, but the foremost being I didn't want to spend my very valuable vacation time and dollar on a trip to a place I don't really want to go, and spend 3 days in a very isolated place with people I don't know. (Remember I've quit my job and have a brand-new business .. this means I have NO extra money!) My initial desire to participate in the relay was to get together with old friends. Also - even though we had a facebook group and an email list set up, we were not coming together as a team. I attempted several times to get team discussions going and hopefully get to know some of these strangers ... offered my services as a fitness leader and nutritionist, tried to get a debate going re: team shirts or sweats, tried to get a conversation going about where we were going to stay, and transportation issues (this is a very small and isolated place - didn't want to be stranded there!) ... NOTHING. No response from a single member on the team. So - I decided to pull out. Now the team captain is refusing to refund my $100 entry fee, which I paid in October. I know I have been replaced, so one of two things is happening here; either the replacement runner did not have to pay their $100, or the team is banking my extra $100 to use however ... The captain is telling me it's like when you enter a normal race and DNS - you don't get a refund then. IMO that's completely different. The question is: is this fair? Shouldn't I get my $100 back?

If there is a replacement runner, I'd say the $100 bucks is yours.  Have you asked any of the other folks who pulled out if they got their money back?

2008-05-07 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

what everyone else has said.  If the other members got their money back then you do too.  If the captain is holding onto it because s/he's being petty then that's their problem.  If you pull out by a certain date, some organisations will give you a 50% refund (never usually a full) so if it's an organisational thing than take it up with the race organisation.   

2008-05-07 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I agree - if people have had a refund then you should too and in my opinion if the cost is 15 x 100 then taking more money is profit and presumably this isn't why the race is being run. I would imagine it would be pretty easy to find out what happened to the others as they are the ones you know. Also when I organise SCUBA trips we always state the cut off for a refund and if they were going to use different policies for refunds according to time then this should have been stated up front.
2008-05-07 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Just throwing in my 2 cents worth...which is the same as everyone else's.  I think you should get it back. 

As far as the asking for it back...I would calmly state all the reasons here first...Just from experience (and having a bit of a temper) I know that sometimes a factual e-mail with some possibly relevant folks copied on it (like the folks who also dropped out), and maybe a little "woe is me" (new job, no money, no buddies on the team anymore) thrown in is a lot more effective than an irate phone call demanding it back.   Just mentioning it because if I found out my friends who dropped out got their $ back, I could see myself doing the latter.  (Please don't tell anyone that, though, okay? )

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-05-07 4:16 PM

2008-05-07 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Thanks guys ... I didn't think I was completely out to left field by expecting the money back ... I have sent a few emails out, wait and see what kind of responses I get.

I'm SUCKING with my training. I have a triathlon in 2 1/2 weeks and I am not prepared. I didn't train yesterday, and it's looking like I am not doing anything today either. I am getting stuff done for school, and I'm keeping up (for the most part) with the house and the yard, I guess training is still the one thing that is the first to give when I get too busy. And I am really disappointed with myself for it - this was supposed to be my year!

Am I starting to sound like a broken record? ;-)

I haven't really been online much the past few days - too busy ... how is everyone else doing?
2008-05-07 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

My leg is STILL not healed.

It's completely fine for swimming, cycling, or running, but kicking a ball is PAINFUL.
2008-05-07 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1388422

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
bcart1991 - 2008-05-07 5:39 PM


My leg is STILL not healed.

It's completely fine for swimming, cycling, or running, but kicking a ball is PAINFUL.

Good thing you don't have to kick a ball to complete a triathlon. ;-)
2008-05-07 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1388422

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

^^^^^ditto to the above

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-05-07 8:29 PM
2008-05-08 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
But it's soooo much fun to chase that ball around the field!

Hey, I've been doing it for 27 years, why stop now?

I need to get back on the tennis court too...

2008-05-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1389398

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-08 9:59 AM But it's soooo much fun to chase that ball around the field! Hey, I've been doing it for 27 years, why stop now? I need to get back on the tennis court too...

No reason to stop if you like it. But trying to fit in 5 sports a week might be difficult, esp. if/when you want to start seeing some real improvement in your tri times. I'm not the world's greatest triathlete, but to be honest, this past week, with the amount of training I did and still have yet to do (will probably get at least 8 hours this week), which was probably an "average" amount for most normal people, I couldn't possibly see where I could have fit in other sports, if I wanted to have any downtime. And there are PLENTY of people who train a lot more than I do.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-05-08 9:14 AM
2008-05-08 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I hear that.

Tri for me is currently more about fun and fitness than competition right now. My first race is still 3 weeks away. If I get really geeked out about it, I'm sure I'll switch some training/sports priorities.

The soccer & tennis are things I've done since I was a kid. No real reason to stop if I can still perform physically.
2008-05-08 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1389522

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-08 10:38 AM I hear that. Tri for me is currently more about fun and fitness than competition right now. My first race is still 3 weeks away. If I get really geeked out about it, I'm sure I'll switch some training/sports priorities. The soccer & tennis are things I've done since I was a kid. No real reason to stop if I can still perform physically.

Yeah...once you do that first race, you'll be hooked and I bet you $20 you'll be reorganizing your priorities Happens to all of us. I used to be really into rock-climbing. I still like it, but I just don't have time to do it as much.

2008-05-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
What does everyone have planned for the weekend? I've got another 50 mile ride on Saturday morning - possibly longer, but we'll see. Then the hash run on Saturday afternoon. I am also supposed to go biking with some other BT girls (easy, spinny ride) on Sunday afternoon, and I do need to get in a 5 mile run, but we will see if that gets broken up between the hash run and a "leftover" session on Sunday. I can do 5 miles straight, no problem, just don't want to kill myself.
2008-05-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1389547

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
wurkit_gurl - 2008-05-08 7:44 AM

bcart1991 - 2008-05-08 10:38 AM I hear that. Tri for me is currently more about fun and fitness than competition right now. My first race is still 3 weeks away. If I get really geeked out about it, I'm sure I'll switch some training/sports priorities. The soccer & tennis are things I've done since I was a kid. No real reason to stop if I can still perform physically.

Yeah...once you do that first race, you'll be hooked and I bet you $20 you'll be reorganizing your priorities ;) Happens to all of us. I used to be really into rock-climbing. I still like it, but I just don't have time to do it as much.

Hey me too - I used to climb all the time when I lived in Alberta ... loved it. I miss it now, haven't climbed since I moved here a year and a half ago. ;-(
But yeah - no time - priorities!

Edited to say - WORKING thru the weekend - for the very last time! Come Sunday I am going to be absolutely crazy to get out of there ... here's hoping they kick me out early. ;-)

Edited by SpiritFire 2008-05-08 10:55 AM

2008-05-08 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I also used to love to rock climb...we are just starting to get back into it as the little ladies are old enough to do a little bouldering and top-roping.  Unfortunately my clone (the oldest) has gotten warts on her feet every time we rent her shoes, so I guess we'll have to buy her some...and my lack of pay for the next 4 weeks is going to set us back for awhile with late fees and what-have-you.

This weekend I have a plan that actually relates to triathlon training, although I don't have the energy to swim, bike or run yet.   All I have permission to do is walk, actually.  (I had plenty of time to use my brain in the hospital!) SO, I am going to take that wetsuit that I bought a couple of weeks ago and I am going to practice getting in, and getting out.  It was a pain to try it on in the store, so I know I need the practice!  I'm a little concerned that might wear me out, too, but I'll do it in the bedroom so I can just pass out when need be.  (I'm imagining my hubby coming home to find me passed out on the bed just after the struggle to get my butt out--it's a funny picture!)

Just a thought about your busy schedule, the martial arts we learned the importance of visualization.  There have been studies done showing that it can be quite effective.  I have visualized myself running, alot, during all the times when my body won't or can't, and I can usually come back to where I left off--okay, that is still slow , but I can usually handle the distances.  I am going to have to rely heavily on it as I'm still holding out some hope of getting my first triathlon in on June 15th. 

2008-05-08 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Probably some hill work tonight, not quite the weekend yet.

Tomorrow night we're supposed to see a jazz band play with some people from Mrs. bcart's work. Saturday, i'll probably work in a swim and a run, I need to cut the grass too. I'll make it a three-fer!

Sunday, who knows. Probably knock out 50 miles on the bike with a couple friends, then decide whether to play soccer or not that night. I'm good to go right-footed, but lefty is still iffy. We shall see.
2008-05-08 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1389659

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
wurkit_gurl - 2008-05-08 10:14 AMWhat does everyone have planned for the weekend? I've got another 50 mile ride on Saturday morning - possibly longer, but we'll see. Then the hash run on Saturday afternoon. I am also supposed to go biking with some other BT girls (easy, spinny ride) on Sunday afternoon, and I do need to get in a 5 mile run, but we will see if that gets broken up between the hash run and a "leftover" session on Sunday. I can do 5 miles straight, no problem, just don't want to kill myself.
I'm chomping at the bit to get in some long bike rides. Got a Biathlon at the end of the month (no water! relief!) and havent done anything longer than an hour so far. I might be able to squeeze in one on Sunday afternoon, assuming I can aquire a saddle bag to carry my phone and get the pump adaptor so I can get proper pressure in the tubes before then. Saturday morning, the hubby and I are running a 5k, followed by a street party BBQ with beer and live music. If we are still standing in the evening, the bimonthly birthday dinner is at the in-laws, at which I am required to bring the salad which means an extra shopping stop crammed in there, too. Sunday, I have a 9 miler scheduled in the morning before church, then of course Mother's Day visiting. It's also our 12 yr anniversary, but we will be postponing the celebration til next weekend. There's just no more room left this weekend.
2008-05-08 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Wow, that's quite a lot! I have to squeeze church and a birthday party in there this weekend as well - didn't even mention those
2008-05-08 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1390185

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I have a morning swim on the schedule for Saturday morning then I think I'm going to hit the local LBS to look at some road bikes.  Saturday night I'm going to see Eddie Frickin Izzard!!  I'm so stoked!  Sunday is a longish run before heading out for a family Mother's Day gathering.  Did I mention that I can't hardly wait to see The Izzard??!!

2008-05-08 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
It's raining, and I'm still in a poor mood.

Today just became a rest day.

Good news is I'm boiling some shrimp for dinner. Yummeh.
2008-05-08 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

this is just a quick drive by post. I'm busy,busy, busy(good stuff). Will post more productively later but I am still around. Keep up the chatter guys.

2008-05-09 1:06 AM
in reply to: #1391002

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-08 3:59 PM It's raining, and I'm still in a poor mood. Today just became a rest day. Good news is I'm boiling some shrimp for dinner. Yummeh.

MMMMMM, shrimp!  I only get to eat it when the hubby is traveling since he's deathly allergic.  I used to not care for shellfish so much, but then, now that I can't have it around, it just seems so appealing

2008-05-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1391663

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I used to not care for shellfish so much, but then, now that I can't have it around, it just seems so appealing

Ahh, one of mankind's ultimate foils.

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