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2009-01-16 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1912525

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Schmitty - 2009-01-16 1:59 PM

Happy Friday everyone!

So I jumped in the pool last night for the first time in over a year. The workout was not too bad- I swam 46 laps in 30 minutes. My tri is short- so the swim is only 0.25 miles. I calculated that to be about 18 laps in the pool. Does that sound right? My plan is to start increasing the number of laps I do without stopping. I took it easy last night- esp. since I was sharing a lane with two others. I find it challanging to do flip turns with others is such close proximity. Which leads me to a few questions on ettiquette in the pool.

1. Is it common to ask before sharing a lane? One lady waited until I stopped to ask if she could jump in. Another just started swimming with us and never said a word.

2. I wanted to do mix up my strokes and do a little backstroke (my stroke when I was on the swim team as a kid) but I felt like I might bump into someone since we were sharing.  Is that a no-no?

3. For the tri- do people swim freestryle the whole thing or is it ok to take a break and do a little breast stroke in between?


Hmmm....  There are 1,609.34 meters in a mile.  I'm assuming you're calling a lap 50meters - 2 lengths of a 25m pool.  1609.34m/4 =  402.3m That's how many meters in a quarter mile.  Divide that by 50 and you only have to do 8 laps or 16 lengths of a 25 m pool to swim 0.25 miles.

Regarding sharing - I think it should be common courtesy to ask - most usually do - but it's New Years - all kinds of people in the gym learning the rules and courtesies.

I've shared the lane with people doing backstroke all the time.  As a rule of thumb, I minimize my kicking and really try to hug the line during the pass.  I trust that they are doing the same.  If they get you, or you smack them on the butt while doing the backstroke.  Who cares?  It's happened to me a couple of times - I like to think it was on purpose...but I know better.

I haven't done a tri yet - so the xperts will be along.  But...Reading this forum tells me that newbies do all kinds of things during the swim - if they have to.  Breast stroke, side stroke, back stroke.  


2009-01-16 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1912369

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
saddles are a BIG personal pref thing. proper bike fit will go a long way in making them comfortable.

for what its worth, the big ones at gyms are wildly painful, and riding inside just sucks. i make it maybe 30 min on one and want to die. my bike has a paper thin rock hard saddle, and i can ride it for hours outside without issue because it fits me well.
2009-01-16 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Geez...we must have posted at almost identical used to seeing that much activity here...
2009-01-16 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1912590

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
i am pretty sure there are VERY VERY few 25m pools in the country.

almost everything is either 25yrds, or 50m.

as for the race, anything goes, any stroke. tri swimming is a full contact sport;-)

Edited by newbz 2009-01-16 1:28 PM
2009-01-16 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1912595

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

newbz - 2009-01-16 2:24 PM i am pretty sure there are VERY VERY few 25m pools in the country. almost everything is either 25yrds, or 50m.


Well...that is interesting.  I did not know that - I thought that was common. Now I have to go look and see what I've been swimming in.... Although...25yds... is about 23m

2009-01-16 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1912613

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
EightmanVT - 2009-01-16 2:29 PM

newbz - 2009-01-16 2:24 PM i am pretty sure there are VERY VERY few 25m pools in the country. almost everything is either 25yrds, or 50m.


Well...that is interesting.  I did not know that - I thought that was common. Now I have to go look and see what I've been swimming in.... Although...25yds... is about 23m


So...I just did a little research, the lap pool at my gym is a 25m pool.  So that's good...I don't have to recalculate anything.  You sure about 25yds???

2009-01-16 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1912634

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
you know what, i just thought about it, rec gyms might still have/still be making 25m pools.

pools used for compitition are moving/have completly moved away from 25m, and are either in 25 yrds (short course yards or scy)or like the olympics, in long course meters, or lcm.

short course meter pools are getting harder and harder to find. looks like some older pools, pools at a lot of country clubs, and outdoor ones are still in scm.

as far as collegaite and highschool races go the only ones i know of are in maryland (or DC maybe?). and washington state, i am sure there are more though.

either way, the same distances are used in each, 400 yards or 400m, etc.
2009-01-16 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1912692

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

newbz - 2009-01-16 2:55 PM you know what, i just thought about it, rec gyms might still have/still be making 25m pools. pools used for compitition are moving/have completly moved away from 25m, and are either in 25 yrds (short course yards or scy)or like the olympics, in long course meters, or lcm. short course meter pools are getting harder and harder to find. looks like some older pools, pools at a lot of country clubs, and outdoor ones are still in scm. as far as collegaite and highschool races go the only ones i know of are in maryland (or DC maybe?). and washington state, i am sure there are more though. either way, the same distances are used in each, 400 yards or 400m, etc.


Do you live in Maryland?

2009-01-16 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

David, what is the definitin of "tempo" pace.  I recently adopted it from reading your logs when I log my 25+ minute efforts.  I presumed your use of the word matched my effort, but I thought I should check.

When I am on the trainer, and after I am warmed-up and then begin a long piece of work (15 to 30 minutes) such that I am working hard the whole time and becomming quite fatigued by the end, is that "tempo" pace/work?


Edit:  I should have noted the contrast of my use of "tempo" with "interval" training.  Those are work segments that are basically as hard as I can go for 3-7 minutes.

Edited by DieuEtMonDroit 2009-01-16 3:55 PM
2009-01-16 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1912711

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Nope, ohio here.

Thomans, paces work like this:

zone 1 or easy/recovery pace
zone 2 or mid aerobic (i spend a lot of time here)
zone 3 or tempo (this is about 80-88% of max pace, running if you do a 30 min tempo run, you should be able to hold that pace for 50-55 min, ie a 20-30 min tempo run is roughly 10k pace or a bit slower)
zone 4 or lactate threshold, in running this is the pace you can hold for 50min to an hour ALL OUT, cycling this is often reffered to as FTP (functional threshold power), and is again based on an hour TT.
zone 5 or max pace/vo2 max. this would be 5k race pace for faster people or just a bit faster, this is about the same as 2k pace erging, ie it HURTS

tempo pace for me running rightn is right around 6:30 mile pace, on the bike its about what i would hold for a HIM, or slightly slower than that (on flat ground roughly 20mph). it should feel like you are owrking, but not hurting at all. when i do tempo work on the bike once i am outside, i will do a lot of 20min tempo efforts, something like 2 or 3 by 20 min. at the pace i am going for those, yo ushould be able to hold it for 2+ plus hours. again the work is related to the distance. if you do 40 min at that pace, you should be able to hold it for much longer.

the goal of tempo work is to work at an elevated heart rate and add stress to the body without actually pushing into that next gear of race pace, and risking all that acompanies the faster paces.
2009-01-17 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Pasadena, TX
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Hmm, good info on the zones and all, interesting stuff, now I find myself trying to figure out where my workouts are falling Laughing...

I didn't get to do my long run yesterday as I planned, rather I should say I fell asleep on the couch unintentionally before I had my prerun oatmeal. Guess I was more tired than I thought from work the night before. I'm very upset about it though because I'm at my part time job for 24 hrs today and they don't let me go work out on the job, so that makes two consecutive days of doing nothing! It really makes me angry! That's kinda strange too because three months ago I was living on fast food and hadn't exercised regularly in years, but these two days off really make me mad!!! Oh well all I can do now is tell myself it's for the best since I was really sore yesterday, and get back on tomorrow. I really want to start running the pace I will need to meet my 1/2 marathon goal of 1:45, it's in a month and the only run I've averaged under an 8 min pace was only 5 miles and change, kinda feeling like I'm behind in the game here.

Funny you guys were just talking about lifespan of running shoes. I'm starting to notice a little nagging knee pain after running (not during, ...?), and I think it's probably the shoes. I have no idea how many miles these have on them, but I've also been wearing them around a lot as well. Planning on going to buy another pair in the next few days that will be dedicated to running. Anyone use the equipment tracker on this site for that purpose? 

David, I've been using that site you sent me to it's the greatest website ever! I don't even need to bother with planning routes anymore I just run wherever my legs take me for whatever time I'm aiming for, and map it when I get home. It really beats using the car!

I watched the 2008 Ironman championship today, found the link on this site, pretty inspiring, it really made me wanna go run! but instead I'm inside playing around on the forum .....sigh


2009-01-17 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1914138

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
yeah wearing the shoes around will shorten their usefull running life a lot, just more wear and tear.

i feel you on the falling asleep, i passed ou the other day and ened up taking a day off instead of the two workouts i had planned. sometimes your body knows best when its rest time.

dont worry about running faster for yoru training, the goal for the most part is getting the miles in, not running them hard.

i do a good deal of my training in the 7:40-8:40 range, and race in teh 5:50-6:20 range.

aside from a very few runs most are way over race pace.
2009-01-18 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1912576

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
everyone still alive out there?
2009-01-18 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1915166

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

newbz - 2009-01-18 5:51 PM everyone still alive out there?


Everyone is watching football.  I made it to the gym this morning - log updated.  Also joined the MidMD tri club on Friday.  Turns out my physical therapist - who I met on Thurs - is a triathlete - she turned me on to the club.  They do group winter rides - which sounds like fun to me.  I'll probably start bike shopping this week.

2009-01-18 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1858045

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

I picked up the flyer for the indoor tri that I'm doing Feburary 15th.  Its a 15 minute swim, 15 minute bike and then 15 minute run.   I thought I was swimming in a 25m pool, but the flyer says 25 yards.  So that throws my log off a little bit.  At least the times are accurate. 

Since this is my first tri - what do you bike and run in?  I have my thick biking shorts but I don't think they would be the best to run in.  What works best? 

2009-01-18 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1915471

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
if its set up like outdoor races in that transitions count as your overall time, check out a pair of tri shorts.

they are a bit thicker than swimming shorts, with a pad in them that is MUCH thinner than bike shorts, they dry within min. they are a mix of spandex swimming shorts and bike shorts, and you do the whole race in them.

2009-01-19 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Thanks for the shorts info.  They have a planned 5 minute transition between each part.  I'm sure that's not enough time to switch out of a suit. 

I'm excited to see where my times measure up to others.  I'm hoping after I'll have an idea of where to set some goals and what I really need to work on. 

2009-01-19 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1915980

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
unless you plan on replcing them often, dont swim in them in a pool much. the chlorine will destroy them much quicker than a swim suit.
outside of that they should last a while (i do all my riding in them and htey last me most of a season)
2009-01-19 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Made it back from AZ last night.  The RNR AZ Half Marathon was a fun race.  It's hard to tell my true efforts on the run, since I started out pacing a friend that is slightly slower than I.  After we made it about half, she told me to run at my own pace, so I increased the pace some.  The first 7.5 miles where in the 11-12 min pace, the remainder was in the 8-9 min pace.  Either way I had a good time.  A RR will be up this afternoon for anybody interested.
2009-01-19 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1916223

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

tlnewman30 - 2009-01-19 12:23 PM Made it back from AZ last night.  The RNR AZ Half Marathon was a fun race.  It's hard to tell my true efforts on the run, since I started out pacing a friend that is slightly slower than I.  After we made it about half, she told me to run at my own pace, so I increased the pace some.  The first 7.5 miles where in the 11-12 min pace, the remainder was in the 8-9 min pace.  Either way I had a good time.  A RR will be up this afternoon for anybody interested.

Glad to hear you had a good race.  I've got to get my mind thinking about racing again and then enter a race.

2009-01-19 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1916223

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
sounds like a good time, i wish it were warm here!

2009-01-20 12:12 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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New user

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

The AZ rock 'n' roll was my first race. I thought it was a great one. Made me do two more rock 'n' rolls last year!

Thanks for the advice on swimming. I have another swimming question- this time about goggles. The pair I have are a cheap pair of speedo goggles I got at the gym. When I swam with them last week, they left little red marks under my eyes. The closest thing I can compare them to are little hickies (the only thing I could think of to describe them!)

Any advice on brands or types to buy? About how much should I expect to pay for a decent pair? 


2009-01-20 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1917502

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
depending on local prices,

8-15 would be a good range.

cehck out the speedp vanquisher. i think they are 9 bucks here. fit great, real adjustale, the guys and girls models fit exactly the same so you will have a much larger color choice range (for sure i know they come in light and dark blue, red, smoke tinted, mirriored lenses.

they adjust in the back of your head, not by the sides, so any lose strap is not goign to hit your face.

i went through about 6 pairs before someone pointed me to these.
sweedish ones work well too but are not for everyone.

yeah the ones with the rubber nose pieces are bad, my little brother went to the pool with my the other day and it llooked like someone took a baseball bat to his face around his eyes.

hows the swimming going?
2009-01-20 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1917949

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
after looking through some logs, and seeing the questions that keep popping up on the main forum, i thought i would post a bit about running (that and we have really not got into it at all so far).

I've seen a lot of newer runners asking the best ways to get faster, and without fail almost all of them want to run harder, and faster. for most people, (i would venture to say all), this is a recipe for disaster, as your body is simply not meant to handle this type of stress, and injuries will quickly develope, or you will simply hit a point and not get faster.

running hard does show very quick speed gains, however, what it does not do is provide the endurance to keep dropping times. in addition it adds a huge amount of stress to your body.

what then should you do? well, in simple terms, run more, more often.

in more detail, you shold look at running more frequntly, for shorter amounts of time to start with. the thought behind this is you get faster by running more, the shorter the run the less harm it does to your body, the faster you recover, the more you can run.
i would not worry about pace all that much right now. simply get the time in, and do it consistently, weight will come down (if thats a goal/there is any to lose), you will get faster, things will speed up.

a great deal of run fitness comes simply from running more over a prolonges period, running harder will not speed that up much at all and brings with it a MUCH higher risk of injury.

just as an example, i train primarly for sprint races with a 5k run. my race pace is approx 2 to 2 1/2 min miles faster than i train 95% of the time. i run fairly slow for most of my training simply because it allows me to run more without getting hurt, and just the volume alone will give you huge returns.

another example, if you take two people, have one run 20 miles a week spread over 6 runs, keep them all easy, and have another run 2-3 times a week, same distances, and have them run them much harder, the one running everyday easy will see less gains in the first few weeks, but will continue to improve (to a point), for a long time, and will much more likely remain injury free, while the one running fewer times harder will likely hit a point, and stop getting faster.

by running more often, your body slowly gets used to the stresses of running, and it stops hurting the body (once you hit this point its time to raise the level again), while running hard will always bring with it muscle and possible bone damage.

that is not to say running fast is not an important tool, but should be used lightly and only with the proper base. for those running under 20 miles a week, adding in speedwork is likely to lead to injury, and will honestly yeild little time gains over simply getting the time in. over 20mpw one tempo run per week will give huge returns with much less stress than running race pace or sprints. tempo for running is roughly the pace you should hold for another 1/3rd the distance you are running. so you would do a 30 min tempo run at the pace you could hold for 50-60 min, ect.

more to come later.

hope everyone is having a great day!
2009-01-20 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Made it to the pool today for the first time in about a week.  Felt good considering my legs are still a little tired from the race.  Plan to get another swim in tomorrow morning.

Well I have two half mary's and 2-3 full's on the schedule for 2009.  Now to start figuring out some tri's and I will be all set.

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