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2009-05-19 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Hi everyone.  I was gone for a week after my HIM -- I took a week of no training and no thinking about triathlon, to get myself ready -- mentally and physically -- to start IM training, which began for me yesterday.

My HIM (my first one) was a learning experience to say the least.  I've been going too easy on the bike in my other races, and I was determined not to make that mistake again. I didn't!  I went too hard instead, and that plus the heat and other factors led to a blow-up on the run.  So now I know what 'too hard' feels like!

I hope everyone else is doing well.  Congrats to all on the race results.

Oh, and as we are all posting pics of our babies, here's mine:

Orbea Ora

2009-05-19 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Andres: Nice Bike and if your current saddle doesn't workout the Adamo is a great saddle. I love it.

Michael: Your bike is beautiful and you don't see many Oreba around here.

David: Congrats on your good season rowing/crewing?? Maybe I'll see you Sun at TTT.

As for me I have been trying to train consistently with the help of our Fearless Leader. I hope everyone else is doing well.


Edited by chrisrunzs26 2009-05-19 1:04 PM
2009-05-19 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Hello All,

I have my very first tri this coming Monday, Memorial Day.  Last Thursday I had a little injury... doctor called it a "muscle sprain."  It happened as I was lifting in the weight room.  Maybe I shouldn't be doing that near a race, huh?  It forced me into a little more of a "taper" that was needed.  I'm learning.  Anyway... I'm excited about my race on Monday but very nervous about the swim.  I will post on how it goes...
2009-05-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
I had my first on Sunday (a 400, 10k, 5k sprint).  I finished in 1:21:35 which was about where I expected.  It was my first open water swim, and the chaos made me completely panic.  So the swim was much slower than I would have liked.  Then on the bike I got a shard of glass stuck in my front tire (I didn't bring a spare tube with me) and had to ride the last .5 mile on a flat.  I was still able to average a greater speed than during most of my training.  The run was about the only thing that went as planned.  Overall I had a great time and now know the importance of proper planning!
2009-05-22 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Good luck to everyone who's racing this weekend!
2009-05-22 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2167928

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Experior - 2009-05-22 9:39 AM Good luck to everyone who's racing this weekend!

Thanks... I am excited and nervous all at the same time.  There are so many unknowns when it is your first.

If there is anyone else racing this weekend I hope we all come back with good reports!  Good luck!

2009-05-22 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Good luck on your race!  I'm not racing this weekend, just relaxing. 

2009-05-22 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Good luck on your race. And everyone else have a great and safe Memorial Holiday Weekend!!

I am not racing just training and spectating the TTT.


2009-05-23 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2168352

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Columbus, OH
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

OK - my wife just had a baby last week (our first) so I missed about a week of training and I am only getting 3-5 hrs sleep a night.  I did a 4mile run on Thursday and my first open water swim on Friday (more on that later) to try and get back into things.  Does anyone have experience with sleep deprived training?  Should I cut back on the duration, intensity, number of days each week?  I know sleep is important for recovery so I don't want to over do it, but I also want to stay in shape for my first race which is on 6/14. 

Open Water Swim - I went for my first OWS yesterday.  Had a great time.  The water was cold, but bearable.  Unfortunately I seem to swim in a circle!  not quite, but close.  I was trying to swim parallel with the beach, but whenever I put my head down and swam to focus on technique I would end up turning slowing and swiming straight towards the beach.  Didn't matter whether I swam with the beach on my left or right.  I assume it was 
the tide (not strong at all) and I tried to sight while swimming, but I could not tell if I was keeping parallel with the beach until it was too late.  Is it easier with a bunch of people around you in a race?  I fear I am going to swim way off course in the race.  Any suggestions?    


2009-05-24 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2169504

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
sleep deprived training, i just got out of school, i now this one well!

for me, running has never been an issue on little sleep (i run very late, past 12 often), i just dont run as fast.

biking i could do in my sleep, but need to cut back how hard i can go,

swimming i NEED the sleep and rest.

for most people cutting back intensity some, and knocking off the really long workouts when you are not getting sleep is usually the best way to go about it.

on the swimming, open water can reveal a lot about your tech, and which arm if either you favor when pulling, breathing, etc.

a good way to see if it is just the open water or your swimming is to get in a pool and close your eyes, but still bring your head up to breath and see which way you drift.
2009-05-24 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2169504

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
cscottjr - 2009-05-23 9:47 AM

OK - my wife just had a baby last week (our first) so I missed about a week of training and I am only getting 3-5 hrs sleep a night.  I did a 4mile run on Thursday and my first open water swim on Friday (more on that later) to try and get back into things.  Does anyone have experience with sleep deprived training?  Should I cut back on the duration, intensity, number of days each week?  I know sleep is important for recovery so I don't want to over do it, but I also want to stay in shape for my first race which is on 6/14. 

Open Water Swim - I went for my first OWS yesterday.  Had a great time.  The water was cold, but bearable.  Unfortunately I seem to swim in a circle!  not quite, but close.  I was trying to swim parallel with the beach, but whenever I put my head down and swam to focus on technique I would end up turning slowing and swiming straight towards the beach.  Didn't matter whether I swam with the beach on my left or right.  I assume it was 
the tide (not strong at all) and I tried to sight while swimming, but I could not tell if I was keeping parallel with the beach until it was too late.  Is it easier with a bunch of people around you in a race?  I fear I am going to swim way off course in the race.  Any suggestions?    



First things first: figure out how to get some sleep.  You have to get creative.  When ours (3 of them) were that age, I would often nap with them when possible.  Take naps at other times during the day.  Work out a schedule with your wife that allows both of you to get some decent amount of real sleep too.  Oh, gets easier (the sleeping, not the child rearing).

As for training, my guess (and I'm guessing here -- it's just what I've had success with when I don't have a lot of sleep) is that it's best to keep training, but not to do anything that requires serious recovery.  For me, sleep is more important when I've done really intense or really long training.  I can get away with relaxation and naps (and overall less sleep) if I've done less intense and shorter bouts of training.

2009-05-26 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Okay guys... I finished my first triathlon on Memorial Day.

Wow... So, as I have said before I am soooo new to swimming and am horrible at it.  I rented a wetsuit because I read/heard it would help me as a bad swimmer.  It was a deep water start where you tread water for a few minutes and then the gun goes off.  I walked down the dock and jumped into the water and the shock hit... the water was FREEZING and I was so surprised because I thought the suit would shield me from that.

I hit the water and found myself grasping for air with those short breaths that accompany the cold water.  And then I could never calm down.... I could not relax my breathing.  The wetsuit felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I was panting with these fast short breaths.  I forced my face into the water and tried to begin my stroke but that just was not going to happen.  So........ I rolled over and weaved my way through the swim course with my backstroke and the entire time I was grasping for air unable to ever relax.  I made it but it was a very frustrating experience.

During the bike and run I felt so dead from the water.  I have swam the race distance in the pool so many times and I popped out of the water feeling great... it was such a surprise to me how gone I was from the race swim.  Even with the frustration I enjoyed the race and I do look forward to doing it again.  However, I must get some professional help on my swim.
2009-05-26 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2174448

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Well, first of all, congrats on your first race.  I know it feels good.

Yeah, OWS is a totally different beast.  My first couple of times in I didn't quite panic, but I definitely felt like I wasn't in Kansas anymore.  You were dealing with cold water, possibly some current or chop, and lots of people around you, not to mention a new wetsuit that may or may not fit properly and in any case is a new experience for you, sighting, race jitters, no black line at the bottom to follow, etc....  The resulting discomfort isn't too surprising.  The good news is that you can get used to all of that.  More time in the water, more races, and getting used to the wetsuit will all help.  Oh, and once you get used to the wetsuit, I'm sure you'll see that yes, it helps.  I'm told it helps weaker swmimers (like me) more than stronger swimmers, so even though it is far from an 'equalizer', every little bit is nice.

2009-05-26 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2174448

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
You;re not the only one that this has happened to, almost every single person that uses a wetsuit in a race for the first time runs into this issue (assuming the suit fit).

if you can get a few times of pracing in with it, even if its just in the pool.

congrats on your first race, it was a good learning experince and hopefully got you hooked!
2009-05-31 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2167939

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
everybody still alive?
2009-05-31 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Well I'm alive...mostly Must be all the nice sunny weather. Everyone is out training or racing. Looking forward to the next week of training.

Have a great rest of the weekend all!


edited for spelling

Edited by chrisrunzs26 2009-05-31 2:04 PM

2009-05-31 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Congrats David on your great race and getting #1!!! Way to go!! So is there a race report coming??? You know I live vicariously through you. LOL   Oh to be sooo fast.


Edited by chrisrunzs26 2009-05-31 5:58 PM
2009-05-31 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2184398

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
newbz - 2009-05-31 2:32 PM everybody still alive?

More or less.  I did a hard brick today.  Still having trouble running after a long bike, but it's getting better...  In sprints -- and even my Oly -- I felt I could run quite strongly after the bike, but after longer bike rides, well, I'm working on it...
2009-06-01 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2167939

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
2009-06-02 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Hi everybody !!! First I'm sorry to everyone I was out of here & training for 10 days more or less working.Yesterday I returned to the pool, but I did just 1000 m. Today another crazy day with the job,I finished so late NO TRAINING AGAIN   I had to change my plans about my next race on June (I can't go without the right amount of training) The next one will be on July, hopefully !!! What about you guys ?? I saw here first races, first baby, congratulations !!!!

2009-06-03 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
I am having the hardest time getting back into routine.  I am fighting some kind of illness and not feeling 100%  I was able to get a run in yesterday... planned on swimming today but I just didn't feel like it was wise after such a rough night.  I getting frustrated with not being able to get back into the routine... I want to feel healthy so that I can begin seeing some progress.

sorry... just needed to vent.

2009-06-03 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2192400

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
burritosdaily - 2009-06-03 2:18 PM I am having the hardest time getting back into routine.  I am fighting some kind of illness and not feeling 100%  I was able to get a run in yesterday... planned on swimming today but I just didn't feel like it was wise after such a rough night.  I getting frustrated with not being able to get back into the routine... I want to feel healthy so that I can begin seeing some progress.

sorry... just needed to vent.

Sorry you're feeling bad.  I always have a hard time deciding whether to train when I'm feeling sick.  I've heard the rule that if the illness is in your head you can train, but below that, no.  I don't know what the reasoning is behind this 'rule', or whether it's a good rule, though.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

2009-06-03 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
I have a question about HIM/IM pacing.  Suppose (and this is a big supposition, I know) that a person knows what Z1/Z2/Z3/Z4/Z5 are for him.  (I'm talking here in terms of the zones that I find in Friel, so Z1 is recovery, Z2 is easy/moderate, where I do a lot of my longer training sessions, Z3 is moderate, sort of no-man's land for me (when I train there it's usually by accident), Z4 is just below LT, and Z5 starts around LT and goes to above LT.  These zones would be determined, in this 'hypothetical' situation, by field tests of the sort that Friel recommends and that you find on this site.)  Then, assuming solid training (i.e., following a solid plan, and sticking to it), and assuming that you know how to determine what zone you're in on race day (more big assumptions, I know), where would you want to see yourself during the bike and run portions of the race?

I'm not super concerned here with how one characterizes the zones (in terms of HR, RPE, power, whaterer), but just where you think a person ought to be at various stages of the race, for longer races.

Or if that's not the right way to think about pacing (in longer races), then what is?
2009-06-03 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Matt: I'm sorry that you are feeling unwell. I hope that you feel better soon. I know you just did your first race this past Memorial Day and did well. So just maybe you need a little bit of rest to recover...and I have heard that some athletes tend to get a little run down by their training and then after the event they get sick-ish. Maybe that is going on with you. You will get back at it and feel fit and healthy but get healthy first.

David: Very nice race report and Congrats!! And I actually got all my training done today rain and all.

Michael: I am curious to see what David thinks on this one. Great question.

Well I'm off to hit the shower before my dog and Hubby make me go out in the yard. 'Night All!


2009-06-04 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2193542

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Experior - 2009-06-03 7:44 PM
burritosdaily - 2009-06-03 2:18 PM I am having the hardest time getting back into routine.  I am fighting some kind of illness and not feeling 100%  I was able to get a run in yesterday... planned on swimming today but I just didn't feel like it was wise after such a rough night.  I getting frustrated with not being able to get back into the routine... I want to feel healthy so that I can begin seeing some progress.

sorry... just needed to vent.

Sorry you're feeling bad.  I always have a hard time deciding whether to train when I'm feeling sick.  I've heard the rule that if the illness is in your head you can train, but below that, no.  I don't know what the reasoning is behind this 'rule', or whether it's a good rule, though.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks. Yes, I read that last night... I was thumbing through Friel's book and found it.  I am really hoping I am back at it tomorrow.

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