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2009-06-13 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2211532

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
I'm gonna add one thing to what David said -- older people (like 40+ -- am I the only one here in that category??) benefit from weightlifting, because it helps to stave off bone mass loss, among other things.  This has been shown pretty conclusively.

Having said that, I've found that I have no time or energy for lifting while I'm training hard.  I did it last winter, though.

2009-06-13 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2215596

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Experior - 2009-06-13 7:54 PM I'm gonna add one thing to what David said -- older people (like 40+ -- am I the only one here in that category??) benefit from weightlifting, because it helps to stave off bone mass loss, among other things.  This has been shown pretty conclusively.

Having said that, I've found that I have no time or energy for lifting while I'm training hard.  I did it last winter, though.

I am in that over 40 Category by a little bit. I also tend to do weights more in the Winter and not so much in the heavier Tri training season. As a female over 40, I have to worry about natural muscle/bone loss so I try to at least do some weight bearing stuff like pull ups, push ups and core work. Also I try to get some light weight work in...not so much lately..trying to get everything back on track.

2009-06-14 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2215683

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
to echo the others, i totally agree for athletes as you get older that lifting should be added into your workouts, and even for those not racing anymore, some people do hold onto the muscle better than others but its a great way to prevent natural muscle and bone loss, and to keep day to day stuff healthy and working!

2009-06-17 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Anybody racing this weekend?  I have a local sprint.  I don't expect to be very `sprinty' for it, as I've got about 6hrs of workout scheduled for tomorrow, but I'll be there...  How about others?
2009-06-17 11:19 PM
in reply to: #2225501

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
nothing on my end, just a slow progressive overload of training for the next 8 weeks:-)

might be able to fit a race or two in there if things and cash work out right, otherwise nothing till 3rd weekend of aug.

2009-06-18 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
No racing for me.  Its tough to find a summer race in Phoenix without traveling.

2009-06-18 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2226345

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Dtharper - 2009-06-18 10:16 AM No racing for me.  Its tough to find a summer race in Phoenix without traveling.

Really?  I can't imagine why.  Smile  (On the other hand: it is supposed to be 95 degrees and approximately 500% humidity for my sprint this weekend.)
2009-06-25 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
It's been a little quite lately. I have a question to throw out.

First of all I'm looking at getting a wetsuit finally and found one I like but it's a john and rather than a full suit. My question is whether I should hold out and get a full suit or go ahead and get the john? I'm not a great swimmer but I'm not sure whether having my arms covered will really be worth the extra dough. I guess I'm asking whether the time savings are really that significant.

Also, What's everyone up to this weekend? Any races or big training? I'm giving bike crit racing a go to up my biking skill and to see what the ITU guys have to deal with. Wish me luck.
2009-06-25 11:26 PM
in reply to: #2244022

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
keep the rubber side down in the crit!

on the wetsuit, the sleevless ones are going to be more than enough as long as the water is not freezing.

personally i like swimming in them better, a full will be a few sec per 100 faster but the price jump is pretty high.
2009-07-08 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
I'd have to agree. I have a full that I got online for pretty cheap and it works but I do wish I had a sleeveless one.

Eppies race for me coming up next weekend. It's a little different as it's a 6mi run followed by a 12mi bike and then a 6mi kayak. I'm excited for the change up from the regular swim/bike/run.

August 8 is a normal sprint tri so back into the game for the normal stuff. My goal on that on is to do better then 36th in my age group as I did in my first race a couple months back so we'll see how it goes.

Not too much chatting on here so ppl must be keeping busy. Train hard...finish first!
2009-07-08 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2270842

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
injured on my end of things. did something to my knee, so no running or biking for a few days.

hopping it just pissed off, would really suck to miss all the running and biking while i am here:-(

next scheduled race is either aug 22 or 23, not sure which one i want to do yet, if the training gets on track quickly we'll do the half on the 23rd, if not the sprint on the 22nd.

2009-07-09 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Hi everyone  !!!
It has been long time since my last post here.Like before I was out for work plus very low motivation.I trying to change my workouts habits to see how works for me. Normally I was working out after 5 or 6 pm after work and I want to start early around 6 or 7 am before work.
Also I'm already signed up for a Olympic race on October 18 (Miami Nice triathlon) to push me to train... no matter what !!!. I'm thinking to do another race on August 16 (sprint) before to see how I'm doing.
I injured the back of my right knee on Monday running and I'm out for some days.Today I can walk normally and I'll try to jump at the pool. Next Monday I'm thinking to start training 4 to 5 times a week trying to be focus on swimming my weakest event. Could somebody tell me how many meters I'm suppose to swim in order to train for an Olympic tri in open water ? The swim distance for this one is 1500 m.

Thank you to everybody and see you around
2009-07-09 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Sorry my posting has cooled down.... sounds like we all got busy.

BUT I do have a race this weekend.  My second tri!  I'm a little more excited about this one for two reasons.  First, it is my second so I know what I am getting into.  Second, I am finally able to put some distance together in my swim.  I swam 600 yesterday non-stop - and I could have kept going!  I know that isn't much to you guys but I am one of those that has really struggled.... could not do one lap without issues when I started training for my first sprint a few months ago.

Counting this weekend I am registered for two more races and I have one more that I am thinking about registering for... then it will be training for the half mary here in Houston.
2009-07-13 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Hi, there is somebody there !!! I hope everything is ok .

Edited by ampryler 2009-07-13 10:28 PM
2009-07-19 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2283050

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
how is everyone doing? room has been quiet for a while.

training, racing?

2009-07-19 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Things are going well here.... had a blast at my second tri last week.  I saw good improvement over #1!

I do have one question.  My swim focus has been just doing the distance... figuring out how to breathe and put laps together.  I have finally hit some milestones and have strung some 1000m continuous swims together... I'm getting this breathing thing FINALLY!

How do I find swim workouts that will begin to help my speed in the water?  I have been doing the 0 to 1650 program that is talked about here on the site and it worked well for building up my distance.

2009-07-23 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

I've been sort of quiet lately.  Keeping my head down and focusing on training.  I'll share my log entry from today.

This was the final workout before the NJ Sprint Tri on Sunday. It's been sort of an ominous week, requiring me to make several unwanted changes for Sunday. On Tuesday, my goggles broke, so I've ordered new ones. I have a new pair that I've worn once, and another pair I've never worn. Today, the weather is stormy, and humid. Seemed like there would be a break in it when I got home.  I couldn't find the tri shorts I wanted to wear. 10 minutes later I locate them and get ready to begin my brick workout. Hmmm, the rear tire on the Lemond is flat. That's the same one that went flat on me on Sunday. Started to change it and seemed like it was still holding pressure. The Forte tubes I bought seem to do that some time, but I decided to pump it up and hope it would last for the 45 minute ride I had planned. I also wanted to test out my final bike adjustments for the pedals, seat and handlebars. Get a 100 yards down the road, and Pop! There goes the rear tire. I've been debating whether to ride the Lemond or my old Raleigh all week, but with the poor fit or the Lemond, and the popping tire issue, I have no more confidence in it. Too late to switch all my gear to the Raleigh tonight, and decided to head off to the gym to do my brick. Hit every traffic light. I mean EVERY light. and traffic was heavy, of course. Starts to downpour. Well, at least I made a good choice there. Get to the gym and begin to ride. Feel ok, but at the 15 minute mark, slightly behind pace. End up finishing averaging 16 mph, so, that met my minimum speed goal, so was happy about that. Going to try for 18 on the Raleigh, which will be a challenge on a 23 year old bike.  Clean up the stationary bike, and jump on the treadmill. Been a long time since I've been on one with the nice weather. Start out with a little problem with the speed control, but it finally dials in, and a slight cramp in my calf goes away. My goal was to set a 9:45 pace. 1 mile, down, all is good, pick up the pace to 9:40. 2 miles down, pick up the pace to 9:30. Half mile to go, getting close, so pick up the pace in order to finish 5K under 30 minutes. End up at 29:55, which is the faster I've ever done (used 1% incline). My stretch goal is to finish the sprint under 90 minutes. It will be a challenge for me, and really depends on everything clicking. So, it's time for the show, and I'm ready. I've come a long way since Thanksgiving  getting off the couch 60 pounds heavier, New Years beginning walking, and March 1st running for 4 stints of 2 minutes, not without a lot of struggle. But in time, I did one mile, then 2, then 5k, then an hour, then 10K.  It's a major accomplishment for me to get this far, and I'll be happy just to finish, therefore meeting my goal to complete a tri before I turn 50 in less than 6 months. And my 2 oldest sons will be competing as well. So, that's cool.

2009-07-26 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2304846

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
hip, thats awesome.
a few years ago running a mile for me was a HUGE struggle, but i just kept chipping away at the distances and finally got there, last year, in the early spring i had a pretty bad lower leg issue and basically had to start running from zero (400m at a timem, then 800 the next week, etc).
its awesome to see when it finally pays off!
good luck with the race.

on the swimming front, here are some workouts, goal speeds, etc that i think are helpful, these are set up in the distanance i normalyl do, but its easy to nock off some of the sets, cut out some warm up, etc to get them the right distance.
if you have questions on paces let me know and i can help adjust stuff.
but you are on the right track, once you know how to swim, you will see VERY LITTLE benifit from jsut getting in and swimming:

For ref on all this, my swim times/PRs were/are aprox:
50yrds: 26 sec
100yrds: 1:01
500 yards: 1:14 pace
2000m : 1:18-20 pace

As I need to I add/take away from workout length from the warmup/cool down for the most part, I have foundwith the longer warm-ups it gets in a big extra chunk of distance. I was tired a bit more the first two weeks I was doing that, but got used to it pretty quick- if I have the time I like to keep the winter swims with warm-ups in the 700-1000 range, once it warms up and I am training a bit more, in the 400-800 range.

#1: interval times for this workout are on the shorter side, this is more of an endurance/threshold workout, rest gets comparatively shorter with each increase in distance. As an example, I am swimming 2000m races around or just under 1:20 pace, best 50 and 100 are 26 and 1:01

intervals would look like 50s on the min, 100s on the 1:40-50, 200s on 20-25 sec rest.

1000 mixed warmup
main set:
400 easy pull
200 easy mixed cooldown.

600 mixed warmup
main set:
4x100 on 2 min
4x100 on 1:50
4x100 on 1:40
2x100 on 1:30 (etc until you cant drop the interval anymore.

This is a good test workout every few weeks to see if you can get the lowest interval down a bit more.

#3: one of my two fav speed workouts

400-800 mixed warmup, include some kicking in here
Main set:
30x50 on the min (adjust up or down a bit as needed, I use this interval when doing them in the 30-40 sec range)
cool down

#4: other fav speed workout:
warm up x2
4x50 on 15 sec rest
100 pull
100 kick
Main set:
6x100 on 3 min
8x25 on 25 sec rest
4x50 sprint with fins. 40 sec rest
Easy 200 pull cool down

500 warm up
main set:
4x300 on 40 sec rest
2x200 pull (first 200 easy, 2nd 200 hard)
4x50 kick with fins.
200 cool down.

#6: this one pretty much sucks, but helps
400-800 warm up
main set:
5x200 at HIM pace-20 sec rest
500 hard pull
2x250 hard swim- rest 25 sec
easy cool down as needed.

#7: for when you have the urge to get in and not stop
warm up as needed
split up per 1000 as: 25 easy/25 hard, 50 easy, 50 hard (etc up to 100 then back down)
rest 2 min between 1000s.
cool down

500 warm up
main set: x2
4x50 sprint on the min
2x100 on 1:30
200 pull
cool down

#9: kicking/pull focused
warm up 10x50 on 15 sec rest
main set:
2x100 hard swim with fins- 25 sec rest
400 pull
4x50 kick with board
2x50 kick on back with fins
2x200 pull as first 100 tempo/ second 100 as threshold
4x100 swim on 1:30
cool down.

2009-07-27 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Thanks - those look good.  I'll give one a try this week.

I finished my first tri!  Here's the race report.  Next up - The Nation's Tri on Sept 13.

2009-07-30 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Ok, well I completed my 2nd tri and though it was not a normal tri I still had fun. The Eppies Race as it's called consists of a 6mile run followed by a 12mile bike and a 6mile kayak. All in all my performance was poor but live and learn is my motto. I carb loaded the night before but hardly trained enough for this one and it showed. Around 4miles into the run (1st event) my knee locked up and I was left walking the last 2 miles. Then about 200 yards into what I thought was going to be a great ride my right leg (the one with the bad knee) cramped up so severely that I had to unclip and try to massage it out while riding with one leg....interesting to say the least. Lastly the kayak leg seemed to only drag on and when it was all said and done I was left limping for at least 3 days after my ice bath and leg wrap. My place overall was around 800 out of 1200. After such a horrific race I guess the only thing to do is shrug off the loss and acknowledge I need to train harder for the next race (August 29th) My understanding of the love of the race comes in knowing that even after the tough races if you enjoy what you do you get right back on the horse and train for the next one. You can't let the bad days drag u under.
Enjoy your day all!
2009-08-04 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
Hi everybody how are you !!!
Finally I get back on training.I'm trying don't skip training days except weekends (I HAVE TO WORK).
I met some people 15 days ago at the gym that they also do triathlon, is nice to have someone to train with.They also are doing sprints this year and How I'm training for my Olympic and I'm more experienced they chose me as their coach.
I have my next tri on August 16 (sprint) I feel good about my training and time.I'm focus in my swimming for my big race this year an Olympic on October 18.
See you guys later.

2009-08-08 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2327117

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
hi all, looking like you guys are keeping busy!

indeed you just need to take the race as a learning experince and use it for nxt time.

i too raced this weekend, local sprint i have been doing for a few years now, report it up:
2009-08-08 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!

Yea David and Congrats!!! What our fearless leader didn't/forgot to mention is that he won the race. How great is that?!? 

So how is everyone else doing?? I've been training and such and pulled the trigger and registered for the Great Buckeye Sprint Tri. in a few weeks. Hope everyone is having a great I have to go run and quit playing on the computer.  Later guys.


2009-08-13 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
David - with my current schedule and the excessive heat in Arizon, I am limited to biking only three times a week - with 2, 1 hour rides during the week and a 2-4 hour ride on the weekend.  For a HIM 11 weeks away, what type of bike workouts should I focus on?  I try to ride hills as much as possible, even though the course will be mostly flat.
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