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2009-09-17 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2412645

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kenb - 2009-09-17 6:54 PM Well when we started following along with this my wife was cautious and just wanted to try it for two weeks, then she goes and looses 3 lbs her firist week and lost another 2 this week, so now she's saying " sooo how about going another two weeks"?" Like I have a choice in the matter

Awesome!!  I bet she just feels great too, right??

2009-09-17 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2412645

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kenb - 2009-09-17 12:54 PM Well when we started following along with this my wife was cautious and just wanted to try it for two weeks, then she goes and looses 3 lbs her firist week and lost another 2 this week, so now she's saying " sooo how about going another two weeks"?" Like I have a choice in the matter

LOL...You sound just like my hubby!  When I told asked him if he was going to do this with me he asked "do I have a choice?"  Funny thing is, he actually likes it 'cuz he reaps the benefits also but it's few and far between that he would admit it!

BTW, congrats to you both for making a change and seeing the benefits!!

Edited by Happychick 2009-09-17 8:29 PM
2009-09-17 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2412753

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-17 2:30 PM
Happychick - 2009-09-17 2:41 AM
kcovert1 - 2009-09-16 3:54 PM
Happychick - 2009-09-16 2:36 PM
carteroak - 2009-09-16 3:58 AM
Happychick - 2009-09-15 8:51 PM Is it possible to OD on fruit?    Seriously though, I have been finding myself starving the last few days and between the nuts and fruit I'm thinking I am waaaay overeating although (luckily) so far my scale hasn't shown it.  Maybe it's a growth spurt, huh?!  I always say that about my daughter when she eats non stop for days on end!

I think if I lived in Hawaii, I would LIVE on fruit, and fish!  As it is, so many yummy things are in season here, that I am eating a ton of fruit, too.  Those peaches are like candy!

Tell me about it!   My hubby even found an avacodo tree near his unit so he's been picking those and bringing 'em home ~ yum!!!


I'll trade you some avocados for some sugar free ketsup

You and your ketchup!!!  How's the home made working for you??

I know!!    It's not my Heinz but it's working.  I definitely eat less overall and find myself not eating it on eggs at all which is sooooo unlike me ~ I wouldn't even touch eggs before without it!  I just keep telling myself that in a year and a half I'll be back to the land "find whatever you need when you need it."  Is that pathetic of me?!  (Don't get me wrong, living here is an awesome experience and I am indulging in all HI has to offer but actually I just can't wait to get back to CO!!!)

Edited by Happychick 2009-09-17 8:28 PM
2009-09-17 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Well, I think I am about to face my biggest challenge so far.  I am headed to Georgia tomorrow to visit my husband's grandmother for five days.  So its southern cookin' and trying to politely abide to my no-sugar, no-junk eating habits without being rude or ungrateful.  I'm packing a lot of healthy stuff for the road, so the driving days will be okay.  Sat-Mon will be the test!

Wish me luck!!!  I'll miss you guys, but I'll be back to report on Wednesday!
2009-09-18 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2412891

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
carteroak - 2009-09-17 9:47 PM Well, I think I am about to face my biggest challenge so far.  I am headed to Georgia tomorrow to visit my husband's grandmother for five days.  So its southern cookin' and trying to politely abide to my no-sugar, no-junk eating habits without being rude or ungrateful.  I'm packing a lot of healthy stuff for the road, so the driving days will be okay.  Sat-Mon will be the test!

Wish me luck!!!  I'll miss you guys, but I'll be back to report on Wednesday!

Good luck!!  Maybe really try to fill up on delicious southern veggies (can you say fresh butter beans cooked with bacon?), so there won't be room for dessert!!
2009-09-21 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
How's everyone doing. Just got dinged in the last 15 minutes. Myself and a few others hosted an ice cream "social" for our staff and I ended up indulging (if only a little). Damn peer pressure! Other than that it's been going fairly well with 2 pounds lost so far and that's with hit or miss training.

2009-09-21 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I think part of me was happier with my blissful ignorance when it came to sugar . I was heading out the door and went to grab a slim fast that my daughter drinks when she is rushed getting to school, thank goodness I looked at the ingredients , sugar was number 2!
Been a good weekend my wife has been keeping me in line
2009-09-21 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009

This was not the best weekend for me when it comes to this challenge ~ I got a ding Friday night for drinking a strawberries and cream frappacino.  I must admit it tasted dang good but I can't honestly say WHY I even bothered to get it ~ it's not like it was calling my name or anything!  Oh well, looking at the big picture here!!

Saturday we stopped by a friends house for their little girls birthday and I had vowed that I wasn't eating any cake since I had the drink Fri night.  Well, that didn't last long ~ I had just resisted choc/banana cream pie my hubby was eating only to give in to the cake.  I know it's not a ding but I must have dropped that vow I made at the door!

Then yesterday I smothered my lunch in (real) catsup without even thinking...luckily I realized what I had done before actually taking a bite.  It's funny how fast you fall into old habits when you're not looking.  Needless to say, I am back on track but feeling horribly guilty even though I keep telling myself that picking yourself back up is what matters!!!

2009-09-21 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2418783

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Happychick - 2009-09-21 8:15 PM

This was not the best weekend for me when it comes to this challenge ~ I got a ding Friday night for drinking a strawberries and cream frappacino.  I must admit it tasted dang good but I can't honestly say WHY I even bothered to get it ~ it's not like it was calling my name or anything!  Oh well, looking at the big picture here!!

Saturday we stopped by a friends house for their little girls birthday and I had vowed that I wasn't eating any cake since I had the drink Fri night.  Well, that didn't last long ~ I had just resisted choc/banana cream pie my hubby was eating only to give in to the cake.  I know it's not a ding but I must have dropped that vow I made at the door!

Then yesterday I smothered my lunch in (real) catsup without even thinking...luckily I realized what I had done before actually taking a bite.  It's funny how fast you fall into old habits when you're not looking.  Needless to say, I am back on track but feeling horribly guilty even though I keep telling myself that picking yourself back up is what matters!!!

Hang in there, Michelle!!  I think weekends are especially hard only because our whole lives weekends have been the cheating time, you know???  It's so hard to break old habits!!  You are doing great.
2009-09-21 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2418608

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kenb - 2009-09-21 6:15 PM I think part of me was happier with my blissful ignorance when it came to sugar . I was heading out the door and went to grab a slim fast that my daughter drinks when she is rushed getting to school, thank goodness I looked at the ingredients , sugar was number 2! Been a good weekend my wife has been keeping me in line

Nice catch!!  Sometimes I wish I had a wife to keep me in line!
2009-09-21 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2418199

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
colesdad - 2009-09-21 3:22 PM How's everyone doing. Just got dinged in the last 15 minutes. Myself and a few others hosted an ice cream "social" for our staff and I ended up indulging (if only a little). Damn peer pressure! Other than that it's been going fairly well with 2 pounds lost so far and that's with hit or miss training.

Nice job on the weight loss!!  Peer pressure is so tough.  I think a lot of it is because if you aren't indulging the people around you feel more guilty for pigging out, then they try to make you feel bad for not overeating to make themselves feel better!!

2009-09-21 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I had a tough weekend...but held strong!!!

We went over to a friends house for lunch yesterday, and there was tremendous pressure on me to eat the cake my friend had made.  I told her no, and she says, "just one bite!"  I finally just said, "not today, Dawn...make one for my birthday."

I really feel like I have turned a corner with my nutrition...can I say that I might even be considered a "healthy eater"???
2009-09-22 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2418894

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-21 3:08 PM I had a tough weekend...but held strong!!!

We went over to a friends house for lunch yesterday, and there was tremendous pressure on me to eat the cake my friend had made.  I told her no, and she says, "just one bite!"  I finally just said, "not today, Dawn...make one for my birthday."

I really feel like I have turned a corner with my nutrition...can I say that I might even be considered a "healthy eater"???

That is awesome, Kelly!!!!  I thought I was there but this past weekend taught me that I can't let my guard down!   Good for you for standing strong with your you told Bob, it's really hard to do when they keep pressuring you!!!
2009-09-22 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2418892

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-21 9:06 PM

colesdad - 2009-09-21 3:22 PM How's everyone doing. Just got dinged in the last 15 minutes. Myself and a few others hosted an ice cream "social" for our staff and I ended up indulging (if only a little). Damn peer pressure! Other than that it's been going fairly well with 2 pounds lost so far and that's with hit or miss training.

Nice job on the weight loss!!  Peer pressure is so tough.  I think a lot of it is because if you aren't indulging the people around you feel more guilty for pigging out, then they try to make you feel bad for not overeating to make themselves feel better!!

Had more pressure today at lunch as I took some vendors of ours out to a nice Italian place. I had a real good lunch but then the dessert tray came out. Others were aware I'm attempting this no sugar thing so I got some not so subtle "ribbing" but I good naturedly managed to avoid giving in. In reality it was easy as the lunch was way more than I would normally eat so I wasn't even hungry. The others were indulging in part I'd think just because it was getting expensed. Nothing like free food to make people over indulge.

Michelle - weekends are tough but half the battle is being aware and doing the best you can. Luckily I soured on ketchup a few years back so rarely use it so I don't have that hurdle.
2009-09-23 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I've found a great no-sugar added jelly (well, "spreadable fruit" it is called on the jar)!  I was having a really hard time eating the natural no sugar added peanut butter...and this adds a little bit of sweetness to make the peanut butter easier to eat.  I think it even tastes better than regular jelly, which can be too sweet sometimes.

It is Smucker's brand Simply Fruit Spreadable Fruit...which I've tried so far in Black Cherry, but I think there was at least one other flavor in my store. 

Honestly, I'll probably go back to regular peanut butter after the challenge is over...I'm not sure I'm willing to make the low sugar vs. low fat tradeoff in the long term (I usually do the low fat peanut butter, which doesn't seem to be available with no sugar added).  But, I may have found a new product to permanently replace my regular jelly/jam/preserves!!!
2009-09-23 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Well, I'm back from the trip, and I didn't do as well as I had planned to.  In addition to the "legal" foods that weren't so good for me like fried catfish and pizza, I caved on using my mulligan Monday night on goober pie.  Then on the way home yesterday, we stopped at a famous bbq joint in Durham.  I had a fried chicken breast, butterbeans, and brunswick stew - not great, but could have been worse.  Then it was POURing rain, so we had time to kill and I caved on the homemade chocolate cake with coffee.  : (  I had two very healthy meals each day as if I were eating at home, but then one big indulgent meal each day that I really should have avoided.  Now I feel like crap.  AND I weighed 5 lbs more this morning than I did a week and a half ago.  HOW BAD IS THAT!?!

I feel like I need to be aggressive about getting back on track, now, so I am going to weigh my food and count calories for a bit until I get back on solid ground here.

2009-09-23 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2422282

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
carteroak - 2009-09-23 1:55 PM

Well, I'm back from the trip, and I didn't do as well as I had planned to.  In addition to the "legal" foods that weren't so good for me like fried catfish and pizza, I caved on using my mulligan Monday night on goober pie.  Then on the way home yesterday, we stopped at a famous bbq joint in Durham.  I had a fried chicken breast, butterbeans, and brunswick stew - not great, but could have been worse.  Then it was POURing rain, so we had time to kill and I caved on the homemade chocolate cake with coffee.  : (  I had two very healthy meals each day as if I were eating at home, but then one big indulgent meal each day that I really should have avoided.  Now I feel like crap.  AND I weighed 5 lbs more this morning than I did a week and a half ago.  HOW BAD IS THAT!?!

I feel like I need to be aggressive about getting back on track, now, so I am going to weigh my food and count calories for a bit until I get back on solid ground here.

I'm hungry just reading about it! Even within the challenge you can still live life a bit here and there. Now get back on the wagon!
2009-09-23 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2421988

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
jessm - 2009-09-23 12:00 PM I've found a great no-sugar added jelly (well, "spreadable fruit" it is called on the jar)!  I was having a really hard time eating the natural no sugar added peanut butter...and this adds a little bit of sweetness to make the peanut butter easier to eat.  I think it even tastes better than regular jelly, which can be too sweet sometimes.

It is Smucker's brand Simply Fruit Spreadable Fruit...which I've tried so far in Black Cherry, but I think there was at least one other flavor in my store. 

Honestly, I'll probably go back to regular peanut butter after the challenge is over...I'm not sure I'm willing to make the low sugar vs. low fat tradeoff in the long term (I usually do the low fat peanut butter, which doesn't seem to be available with no sugar added).  But, I may have found a new product to permanently replace my regular jelly/jam/preserves!!!

I have found a new brand of no-sugar peanut butter that even my kids will eat.  It is called Revolution Foods, and it is a no-stir natural peanut butter and it comes in cruncy and smooth.  I buy it at Wegmans.  You might be having a hard time because I am pretty sure that the low-fat PB has MORE sugar than the regular, and not really that much less fat or calories!!

Hang in there!
2009-09-23 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2422282

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
carteroak - 2009-09-23 1:55 PM Well, I'm back from the trip, and I didn't do as well as I had planned to.  In addition to the "legal" foods that weren't so good for me like fried catfish and pizza, I caved on using my mulligan Monday night on goober pie.  Then on the way home yesterday, we stopped at a famous bbq joint in Durham.  I had a fried chicken breast, butterbeans, and brunswick stew - not great, but could have been worse.  Then it was POURing rain, so we had time to kill and I caved on the homemade chocolate cake with coffee.  : (  I had two very healthy meals each day as if I were eating at home, but then one big indulgent meal each day that I really should have avoided.  Now I feel like crap.  AND I weighed 5 lbs more this morning than I did a week and a half ago.  HOW BAD IS THAT!?!

I feel like I need to be aggressive about getting back on track, now, so I am going to weigh my food and count calories for a bit until I get back on solid ground here.

Carla, tough weekend.  I'm sure the weight gain has a lot to do with the travel, not just the food!! I'm sure it will come off without too much effort!!  And if you were going to use your mulligan at least it was on something called Goober Pie!!
2009-09-23 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2422859

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-23 11:41 AM
carteroak - 2009-09-23 1:55 PM Well, I'm back from the trip, and I didn't do as well as I had planned to.  In addition to the "legal" foods that weren't so good for me like fried catfish and pizza, I caved on using my mulligan Monday night on goober pie.  Then on the way home yesterday, we stopped at a famous bbq joint in Durham.  I had a fried chicken breast, butterbeans, and brunswick stew - not great, but could have been worse.  Then it was POURing rain, so we had time to kill and I caved on the homemade chocolate cake with coffee.  : (  I had two very healthy meals each day as if I were eating at home, but then one big indulgent meal each day that I really should have avoided.  Now I feel like crap.  AND I weighed 5 lbs more this morning than I did a week and a half ago.  HOW BAD IS THAT!?!

I feel like I need to be aggressive about getting back on track, now, so I am going to weigh my food and count calories for a bit until I get back on solid ground here.

Carla, tough weekend.  I'm sure the weight gain has a lot to do with the travel, not just the food!! I'm sure it will come off without too much effort!!  And if you were going to use your mulligan at least it was on something called Goober Pie!!

I totally agree...I have no idea what goober pie is but it just sounds yummy (for some odd reason!)   As for the weight gain, it has been my experience that the weight comes RIGHT off once you get back on track.  Now I desperately need to go find myself a food scale...
2009-09-24 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Thank you guys for all the encouragement!  I was already down 2lbs this AM, so at least that much must have been water weight.

The scale that I have been using recently is actually made for mail!  It works great, though.  It is digital, and it switches back and forth between grams and ounces - very useful!

And for those of you who are not familiar - goober pie is a very rich and creamy peanut butter pie - about the consistency of a dense cheese cake, and usually w/a graham cracker crust.  Probably not usually worth the calories, unless it is the real-deal southern, homemade version.  It is AWESOME!!! (and bad!!!)

2009-09-25 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Okay...for all of you who really miss baking (one of the hardest things about this challenge for me)  here is a recipe I found.  I have made it twice (without the cream cheese frosting), and everyone in my family loves it, including my husband who usually makes disdainful faces at my attempts to bake "healthy", and my sons (3 and 6).

2009-09-26 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Palm Desert, California
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
OK where do I start? The Challenge has been very positive for me I have lost 7lbs and my clothing is starting to hang on my body. I have more energy and feel very good over all. I have had a few slip ups, some not knowingly some knowingly. I've marked the speed sheet accordingly.

I'm in the process of donating my kidney to a friend. I spent two days last week at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona going though a batter of test. I laugh when I was doing the glucose test and had to drink 12oz of some sugary drink. I ask my girlfriend if I had to take an X for that. She just laugh. Everything went well, best physical you could ever have. EKG, CT, Kidney function, So many blood test, just to name a few. We will find out if we can move forward on Tuesday.

Looks like everyone is doing well and i enjoy reading all the story's and updates on everyone. Keep up the healthy food choices and training.

2009-09-26 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2427553

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
MASHIE36 - 2009-09-26 1:23 PM
I'm in the process of donating my kidney to a friend. I spent two days last week at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona going though a batter of test. I laugh when I was doing the glucose test and had to drink 12oz of some sugary drink. I ask my girlfriend if I had to take an X for that. She just laugh. Everything went well, best physical you could ever have. EKG, CT, Kidney function, So many blood test, just to name a few. We will find out if we can move forward on Tuesday.

Looks like everyone is doing well and i enjoy reading all the story's and updates on everyone. Keep up the healthy food choices and training.


Wow, Steven! That's really impressive.  I admire the fact that you are willing to go through that for your friend! 
2009-09-26 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2426562

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-25 3:04 PM Okay...for all of you who really miss baking (one of the hardest things about this challenge for me)  here is a recipe I found.  I have made it twice (without the cream cheese frosting), and everyone in my family loves it, including my husband who usually makes disdainful faces at my attempts to bake "healthy", and my sons (3 and 6).


I can't wait to try this!  I have bookmarked the web pages so that I won't loose it.  Thanks!
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