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2009-10-11 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2453928


Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Thanks for letting me jump in so late, thats awesome! I think I read somewhere that your weigh days are on Weds, is that correct? If so, I can send you all my weight this weds if that works best for you all, just let me know whens the best time. I'm pretty excited for this challenge, I've been looking for something like this to help me continue with my weight loss goals. I used to weigh 410 pounds and the last time i weighed myself I was at 287 pounds. My next goal is to compete in next years Lake Las Vegas Tri and to finish it! Thanks again for letting me join your challenge!


2009-10-11 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2454015

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

@Mike:  Thursdays are the weigh-in so plan on that.  Great job so far getting from 410 down to 287!  No small feat already and I am looking forward to seeing your progress over the next few weeks.

2009-10-11 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
My name is rob from louisiana, I'm @ 240 right now and would like to be @ 219 for christmas, I look forward to succeeding with you guys
2009-10-12 1:12 AM
in reply to: #2454015

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
mpontin - 2009-10-11 11:15 AM Thanks for letting me jump in so late, thats awesome! I think I read somewhere that your weigh days are on Weds, is that correct? If so, I can send you all my weight this weds if that works best for you all, just let me know whens the best time. I'm pretty excited for this challenge, I've been looking for something like this to help me continue with my weight loss goals. I used to weigh 410 pounds and the last time i weighed myself I was at 287 pounds. My next goal is to compete in next years Lake Las Vegas Tri and to finish it! Thanks again for letting me join your challenge!


Welcome to the challenge and to BT!!!  CONGRATS on your weight loss thus far!
2009-10-12 1:13 AM
in reply to: #2454290

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
armand69 - 2009-10-11 3:57 PM My name is rob from louisiana, I'm @ 240 right now and would like to be @ 219 for christmas, I look forward to succeeding with you guys

Welcome Rob!
2009-10-12 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Welcome to the group and to BT, guys!

2009-10-12 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
So how was everyone's weekend?  My hubby had a long one (4 days) due to Columbus day but we haven't really done anything special.  I have managed to most of the temptations set before me although I did snag some of my hubbies fries the other day!

I have a question about scales ~ I have one that does body fat in addition to weight.  I can set it to "normal" or "athlete" and have always left it on normal.  Today I wanted to see what/if there would be any difference if I changed it and while my weight was the same it showed a 4% difference on BF ~ any ideas?  What is the difference?  When do you use athlete versus normal?  I switched it back to normal but I have to admit I like the athletes numbers better!
2009-10-13 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Funny you bring this up regarding the scale.  I have one of those at home as well but I don't know if I have that setting.  A girl at my work suggested this morning that I check that setting and see if it is more accurate on athlete than normal.

I have noticed on mine that it can vary by as much as 8% based on what I believe are hydrations levels.  Morning being lowest and about 3 hours after waking up the highest.  Most that I have asked and google searches seem to confirm they are basically useless.

2009-10-13 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I have two. I use mine on athlete and it was pretty similar body fat % to when I did the water submersion method of body fat testing. Mine only various less than 1%. One thing someone said is that is really only measures body fat on lower part of your body due to the electric impedance going up one leg and down the other and I'm more muscular so that makes sense that it may be a little lower than it should be.

I won one at IMLP for being the Biggest Loser it is an expensive Tanta scale that maybe I should open up and use.
2009-10-13 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I have a Tanita scale as well, but not one with the choice of athlete mode.  Here is the FAQ from their website about athlete mode:

The Athlete mode was developed to provide a more accurate reading for athletic body types. Athletic body types are physiologically different than standard adult body types, due to muscle mass and hydration level differences. Athletes tend to have greater muscle mass and tend to be more dehydrated. These differences would skew the body fat reading high, when taken with the standard Adult mode.
  • Tanita defines "athlete" as a person involved in intense physical activity of approximately 10 hours per week and who has a resting heart rate of approximately 60 beats per minute or less.
  • Tanita's athlete definition includes "lifetime of fitness" individuals who have been fit for years but currently exercise less than 10 hours per week. Tanita's athlete definition does not include "enthusiastic beginners" who are making a real commitment to exercising at least 10 hours per week but whose bodies have not yet changed to require the Athlete mode.
2009-10-13 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Hmmm, interesting!  According to what you posted, Melissa, I would fall under that ~ kind of funny though since it never even crossed my mind that I might actually be an "athlete." 

Brian, that is surprising that your BF varies that much.  Mine will fluctuate but never much more than .5% ~ until I played with the athlete mode, that is (which I don't think I would have ever done in the first place had my daughter not changed it when she was playing with it.)

Sooooo, now what do I do?  I definitely like the 21% it showed in athlete mode versus the 25.5% in normal ~ maybe I should find somewhere to get myself tested so I have a better idea of which one is more accurate.  Oooor maybe I should just pick one, use it as a guideline and not obsess over it, huh?!

2009-10-13 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I just made an appointment with a new Doc.  My carrier no longer has my current Doc in network.  Anyway, since I have covered my deductable for the year I am hoping to see if I can get some test done including BF, Stress Test along with the usual blood work. 

@Kathy:  Congrats on being the Biggest Loser at your IM event!  I bet that was a pretty cool feeling.


2009-10-13 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2457549

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-13 3:33 PM

I just made an appointment with a new Doc.  My carrier no longer has my current Doc in network.  Anyway, since I have covered my deductable for the year I am hoping to see if I can get some test done including BF, Stress Test along with the usual blood work. 

@Kathy:  Congrats on being the Biggest Loser at your IM event!  I bet that was a pretty cool feeling.


It was is a pictures

2009-10-13 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Soooo, what do you do when you want something to eat but you know it's only because you are bored??  Well, I just came across that dilemna ~ I found myself standing in front of the open pantry door barely an hour after eating lunch and trying to figure out what I can eat that won't totally kill my calorie count for the day.  After doing several surveys of all the shelves I finally forced myself to close the door, go change, and do the strength training session that I blew off yesterday.
I figured since I had already wrote in my blog about whether or not I was going to blow it off again today I needed to get off my arse and get it done so I could write that I actually did it.  Funny how things like that will motivate you, huh?!
2009-10-13 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2426990

New user
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Hi All- I think i would like to join as well, but I am not going to lie that I am a little nervous about it. I am almost 27, 5'2" and weight around 149.6 lbs. (that is what the scale said this morning). I have always weighed around 150 (since high school) and while I have bounced up to 165 it was not too bad for me to lose that 15 lbs. 150 seems to be the weight where I really need to put in the extra effort. I would love to get down to 140 lbs, maybe even lower, but I feel like I really need some encouragement. The only time I ever did that was when I was on an unhealthy low carb diet and I did not look or feel that great. I want to do this the right way. I play floor hockey, coach field hockey, and have always been pretty active. I try to aim for 1500 calories a day during the week and give myself one weekend night to enjoy. Suggestions on any of this would be great. Here goes!


Can't wait.
2009-10-14 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Well my week has totally sucked.  Firstly, I will say that I just got to weigh in today.  I should have weighed in on Mon, but I have a great reason.  OK, let just get out of the way that I GAINED 2 lbs (196). 

So, my littlest one has been given the diagnosis of H1N1.  She's been sick since Sat.  It's a really crappy flu. 

Monday I had to go to the hospital for my first iron infusion and had a severe allergic reaction to it.  Hives, throat and nasal passages closing up, blood pressure through the get the picture.  My husband had taken off of work to go with me, but had to stay home with little sickie.  So, he wasn't there when all of this was going on.  No biggie since I was obviously in a safe place for an allergic reaction.  But they kept me while for observations.  Now instead of three sessions over the course of 2 months, I have to go once every week for 12 weeks. 

So I was hoping that today would be the breaking point of Carson's fever, but unfortunately, she woke up with a low grade fever of 100.   Her coughing is absolutely terrible and the dr.s have her on 4 meds.  But 100 is certainly better than what it has been, so we are on the mend slowly.

Oh, and literally just got off the phone with my husband (not even a minute ago) who informed me that his grandfather had a stroke. 

When it rains it pours.....

2009-10-14 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2458083

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-13 7:27 PM Soooo, what do you do when you want something to eat but you know it's only because you are bored??  Well, I just came across that dilemna ~ I found myself standing in front of the open pantry door barely an hour after eating lunch and trying to figure out what I can eat that won't totally kill my calorie count for the day.  After doing several surveys of all the shelves I finally forced myself to close the door, go change, and do the strength training session that I blew off yesterday.
I figured since I had already wrote in my blog about whether or not I was going to blow it off again today I needed to get off my arse and get it done so I could write that I actually did it.  Funny how things like that will motivate you, huh?!

Pat yourself on the back for your self control.  That's awesome!!!!
2009-10-14 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2458587

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Key: Start/Current/Goal
Batlou: 179/176/165

Down 2 from last Thursday!  Not sure how to be quite honest but I will certainly take it and no complaints from me.

@crdvorscak:  Sorry, that sounds like a terrible week. 

@HappyChick:  My blog also helps keep me in line.  I find that even if nobody was reading it I still need to post and it keeps me accountable.  BTW...Link???
2009-10-14 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2458268

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
becroy - 2009-10-13 7:05 PM Hi All- I think i would like to join as well, but I am not going to lie that I am a little nervous about it. I am almost 27, 5'2" and weight around 149.6 lbs. (that is what the scale said this morning). I have always weighed around 150 (since high school) and while I have bounced up to 165 it was not too bad for me to lose that 15 lbs. 150 seems to be the weight where I really need to put in the extra effort. I would love to get down to 140 lbs, maybe even lower, but I feel like I really need some encouragement. The only time I ever did that was when I was on an unhealthy low carb diet and I did not look or feel that great. I want to do this the right way. I play floor hockey, coach field hockey, and have always been pretty active. I try to aim for 1500 calories a day during the week and give myself one weekend night to enjoy. Suggestions on any of this would be great. Here goes! 149.6/149.6/140. Can't wait.

Carbs are important for energy and fuel but dont over or underconsume them, its important to plan so that you are not consuming to many when you are not active(before bed,working at desk,driving,etc.) and consuming the majority of your carb intake when you get up, before and after working out. If you are sticking to 1500 calories try to space it out evenly between 4-6 meals a day, eating a good number after you work out. Have a good Idea of food ratios you are eating and calorie content,glycemic index,fat content, that way its fairly easy to make adjustments as you go, its a learning curve no mater how much you know.
2009-10-14 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2458083

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-13 5:27 PM Soooo, what do you do when you want something to eat but you know it's only because you are bored??  Well, I just came across that dilemna ~ I found myself standing in front of the open pantry door barely an hour after eating lunch and trying to figure out what I can eat that won't totally kill my calorie count for the day.  After doing several surveys of all the shelves I finally forced myself to close the door, go change, and do the strength training session that I blew off yesterday.
I figured since I had already wrote in my blog about whether or not I was going to blow it off again today I needed to get off my arse and get it done so I could write that I actually did it.  Funny how things like that will motivate you, huh?!

Ah man! I was up for a good derail story!!!!!!!!!No twinkies,pop tarts,bacon sandwich, or a whole bag of Holoween candy?
2009-10-14 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2459344

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Ah man! I was up for a good derail story!!!!!!!!!No twinkies,pop tarts,bacon sandwich, or a whole bag of Holoween candy?


2009-10-14 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2458718

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Batlou - 2009-10-14 9:04 AM Key: Start/Current/Goal
Batlou: 179/176/165

Down 2 from last Thursday!  Not sure how to be quite honest but I will certainly take it and no complaints from me.

@crdvorscak:  Sorry, that sounds like a terrible week. 

@HappyChick:  My blog also helps keep me in line.  I find that even if nobody was reading it I still need to post and it keeps me accountable.  BTW...Link???

Hah!!!  I just realized it's Weds not Thursday.  I need to get more sleep.  Will weigh in again tomorrow and post.


2009-10-14 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2426990

New user
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Do you guys think 1500 is a good number to aim for? This is what I try to consume on non exercise or easy exercise days and I may do a few hundred more if i have done a hard workout. Thanks in advance!
2009-10-14 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Welcome to the challenge Rebecca!  After reading your initial post I wanted to refer you to a website that I used to get myself started.  It is here and it follows the food pyramid.  I initially used it to calculate what my daily caloric intake should be (myfoodpyramid ~ the link is off to the left on the home page) and printed off a few of the sheets to track what I was eating each day.  It really helped me find just how much of each food group I need to be eating and what kinds of foods as well as portion sizes.  I see now they have a menu planner which must be fairly new 'cuz today was the first time I've seen it (either that or I am just half blind!)

Another really good site is fitday.  This site really breaks it down for you as far as how many calories you should be eating to loose weight which is based on the info you put in and your goal weight.  Plus, I really liked the food and activity log on this site ~ both are very user friendly!

I found that by using the knowledge from both sites I was able to find a good balance of info to tweak my diet.  It is hard to sit here and tell you how many calories or what kind you should be eating when we don't know what you do each day.  These sites help break it down based on YOU and YOUR activity levels.

2009-10-14 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2459462

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-14 8:28 AM

Batlou - 2009-10-14 9:04 AM Key: Start/Current/Goal
Batlou: 179/176/165

Down 2 from last Thursday!  Not sure how to be quite honest but I will certainly take it and no complaints from me.

@crdvorscak:  Sorry, that sounds like a terrible week. 

@HappyChick:  My blog also helps keep me in line.  I find that even if nobody was reading it I still need to post and it keeps me accountable.  BTW...Link???

Hah!!!  I just realized it's Weds not Thursday.  I need to get more sleep.  Will weigh in again tomorrow and post.

What's funny is that it didn't even dawn on me when I read this!
As for my blog, I am always on this site so this is my one stop shop for blogging, nutrition/weight/bodyfat tracking, logging workouts...the works!  Plus, I know that at least ONE person will read my log each day so that person(s) is sometimes the only reason I do the "right" thing!

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-14 7:31 PM
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