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2010-01-23 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2630249

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cincinnati, ohio
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Well we got our new dog today.  His name is tucker and he is 18 months old.  he is neurotic about playing fetch but think he will run like a crazy boy.  Going to try to attach his picture, first time trying this.


Tucker2010b.jpg (15KB - 1 downloads)

2010-01-23 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
That boy has got some big feet! I am sure he will be great to run with. You better figure out his sweat rate and put together a proper nutrition plan. hahaha
2010-01-24 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2631102

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
lulubug - 2010-01-23 7:13 PM Well we got our new dog today.  His name is tucker and he is 18 months old.  he is neurotic about playing fetch but think he will run like a crazy boy.  Going to try to attach his picture, first time trying this.

He is adorable!  He is going to grow into those feet by the way

2010-01-24 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2631102

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Cute. Come with a saddle? Wink
2010-01-26 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2592294

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Just posting to get our group back on the first page.  Heading to the track this afternoon while my son practices soccer and then to the pool for a swim tonight.  Only 102 days until for first triathlon!  Still a long way to go to be ready for the bike portion. 
2010-01-26 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

Hi all!  Sorry I've been quiet again for a few days.  Weekends are often actually harder for me to slip onto BT.

Looks like most people are starting to develop a nice workout pattern (a few started with one already).  Just remember that what you do for training is often less important in that you do it consistently.  Anythigh you can do to build some level of "routine" into your trianing can help.  I know it's not an easy task for many, so use everyone here for ideas if it might help you out.  You never know where you'll find that extra 30 or 60 minutes that you can turn into a workout.

And congrats on the new family member lulubug!  I'm sure Tucker will become a great running partner in time. 

2010-01-26 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2635044

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Ok group, I have two questions.

First - do any of you have a trick for keeping track of the laps you have swum in a pool?  My pool is 25m and I am constantly losing count of how far I have gone.

Second -  Do any of you have that "I could run two marathons at this pace" pace?  For me, that pace is a 10 min/mile.  When I do that steadily on a treadmill, I could literally run all day.  But when I run outside, I am constantly going faster than that and I find it almost impossible to pull myself back.  I naturally run about an 8:50 at the beginning of my runs.  No matter how hard I try, I can only slow myself to about a 9:20 mile.  Does anyone have a technique for slowing yourself down? 
2010-01-26 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2636390

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
aggienmmi - 2010-01-26 9:44 PM Ok group, I have two questions.

First - do any of you have a trick for keeping track of the laps you have swum in a pool?  My pool is 25m and I am constantly losing count of how far I have gone.

Second -  Do any of you have that "I could run two marathons at this pace" pace?  For me, that pace is a 10 min/mile.  When I do that steadily on a treadmill, I could literally run all day.  But when I run outside, I am constantly going faster than that and I find it almost impossible to pull myself back.  I naturally run about an 8:50 at the beginning of my runs.  No matter how hard I try, I can only slow myself to about a 9:20 mile.  Does anyone have a technique for slowing yourself down? 

I usually slow myself down at the beginning of a run by doing dynamic stretching during my 10 min warm up. So I might skip, do butt kicks, side step, or whatever I can think of that makes me look retarded while running. lol One tool that has helped me slow down at the beginning of my run is my watch. Seeing my pace every few minutes helps me to stay on track.
2010-01-27 4:35 AM
in reply to: #2636472

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Mcluvin22 - 2010-01-26 9:46 PM
aggienmmi - 2010-01-26 9:44 PM Ok group, I have two questions.

First - do any of you have a trick for keeping track of the laps you have swum in a pool?  My pool is 25m and I am constantly losing count of how far I have gone.

Second -  Do any of you have that "I could run two marathons at this pace" pace?  For me, that pace is a 10 min/mile.  When I do that steadily on a treadmill, I could literally run all day.  But when I run outside, I am constantly going faster than that and I find it almost impossible to pull myself back.  I naturally run about an 8:50 at the beginning of my runs.  No matter how hard I try, I can only slow myself to about a 9:20 mile.  Does anyone have a technique for slowing yourself down? 

Stop running for 14 years and pack on 20 pounds.... worked for me Laughing. But seriously folks,  according to the book I'm currently reading (ChiRunning) you'd keep your cadence and reduce your stride length.

2010-01-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2636390

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
aggienmmi - 2010-01-26 9:44 PM Ok group, I have two questions.

First - do any of you have a trick for keeping track of the laps you have swum in a pool?  My pool is 25m and I am constantly losing count of how far I have gone.

Second -  Do any of you have that "I could run two marathons at this pace" pace?  For me, that pace is a 10 min/mile.  When I do that steadily on a treadmill, I could literally run all day.  But when I run outside, I am constantly going faster than that and I find it almost impossible to pull myself back.  I naturally run about an 8:50 at the beginning of my runs.  No matter how hard I try, I can only slow myself to about a 9:20 mile.  Does anyone have a technique for slowing yourself down? 

People have all kinds of methods for counting laps in the pool (try a search of the tri forum fro many threads on the topic).  Most of my swims, I break into sets of 500m or less so then I just have to remember how many reps I've done.  But for longer swims (and even for some of the shorter sets) my trick is to spell the name of members of my family.  Every name is 4 letters (have to shorten Kathy and Sarah by dropping the last letter), so each "person" is 100 and every "family" is 500.  Even with that, I mess up sometimes.  But that gets me close and I can check the clock for any glaring miscounts.

The best advice I can give you if you don't have a GPS or footpod device to give you current pace, is to try to do at least some of your runs starting from the same spot and have a very good idea where some intermediate points are (e.g., .25, .5, .75, 1) and use your watch to force yourself to slow down.  It will feel "sillly" slow in all likelihood.  But better to go "too" slow at the start and finish strong than the other way around.  As mentioned, try not to "plod" by really slowing down your cadence (it might slow some, that's OK).  Instead just shorten your stride.

And I'm not sure I have any pace that I could "run two marathons".  Those things are freakin' tough. 
2010-01-27 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2637708

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cincinnati, ohio
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I bought a sportcount lap counter. It goes on your finger and you just tap the button everytime you hit the wall. Its not expensive and a lifesaver for me. I am awful at counting laps. I prefer to let my mind go.

2010-01-28 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2637708

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I do have a GPS, but even so its difficult to slow myself down.  You're right, it does feel silly slow and that's the problem.  When I try to do it, I literally feel like I have a rope on my back pulling me slower and then when I stop thinking about it, I speed back up into my "natural" pace. 

I'm definitely going to look into one of those sports counters - that's a good idea.

Anybody have an opinion (or real proof) as to whether or not treadmill runs are as helpful in training as road runs?  I can't help but feel like I'm cheating myself or not getting the full value of the miles when I'm on the treadmill.

Also - can I just say that I'm down to 171 lbs. as of today - only 6 more to go to get to the ultimate goal weight!  When I started this whole triathlon odyssey, I was at 197.  I stopped and maintained for a few months at 175 and now I'm on my way down again.
2010-01-28 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2640437

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I think your pacing issue may be one that faces athletes trying to run longer than their bodies are fully "ready" for.  I recall that from my first season when I also ran a marathon.  I did fine, but I really didn't have the running base to be able to train well for the marathon (many don't when they run their first, so I'm not trying to deter you at all).  In order to run those really long runs, I had to really force myself to slow down at the start--even more so on race day.

Now when I run long (or run a marathon), I still have to hold back my pace at the start sometimes.  But that pace feels much more "natural".  This is just a guess of mine though--no idea if it's more widely true among runners.

There are some people who do almost all their training on a treadmill.  You may not be able to trust the pace or mileage it says if it's not well-calibrated.  But it's still running and I use it a fair amount during the winter.

And a big congrats on the weight loss!  That's awesome!
2010-01-28 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2640585

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Tomorrow's my rest day and I'm looking forward to the day off from training. This week my swimming and running both improved, but I'm still pretty sore after my runs. I'm having difficulty getting my Garmin 305 to record detailed HR data from my second workout each evening. Anyone experienced this before? I'll go through the manual again tomorrow... probably operator error. Snow in the forecast for Sat. I'll believe it when I see it. Hope everyone had a good week. Smile
2010-01-28 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2641304

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hey gang,

Been running the corporate rat race in SFO this week, flat out from breakfast meetings starting at 7:30 AM to dog and pony rah rah rallies until 10 PM. Hmmm...doesn't sound like I love my job right now, but I really do.

Home, tired, squeezed in one measly two mile run on the hotel treadmill Tuesday...need SLEEP! Then back on track. Maybe I can get up at 5 AM tomorow for a run...we'll see


2010-01-29 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2592294

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

As of today my first sprint triathlon is 99 days away!  Having swam in high school I thought my stroke was pretty good.  However, after reading and watching a lot of videos I found out the recommended catch and pull has changed in the last 25 years.  Imagine that!  So, instead of doing the S pull that I have done for years I started last night with the more modern technique of just pulling back without the sculling motion of the S pull.  It felt different, but was a much stronger pull.  I was taking 16-18 pulls per length.  Last night I had one length that was 13 strokes. 

I could feel the difference when I got home last night, you know that good feeling with a slight burn in your muscles that lets you know you worked them.  After three weeks of swimming 2-3 days a week I am slowing building up the distance.  I am confident in my swim for the May 15 tri.  

I have got to start working on the run.  The weather is improving, more daylight now after work, so I hope to start running at least 3 days a week.  The treadmill is ok...but I enjoy the outdoor runs so much more.  The last, and probably my most difficult part, since I have never done any, is the bike ride.  I hope to purchase a bike in February so I can begin riding.  Hopefully, I will have time to get ready.

Any suggestions on a 2 1/2 month bike training plan?  Need to ride a short 12 miles, the course is flat, around Jeykell Island, GA.  Thanks in advance!  

2010-01-30 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2641899

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hey Triton-

I have a great idea.  Let's figure out a way you can do my swim and I'll do your bike.  I'm like you.  First tri coming June 5.  But feel much better about the run and bike portions.  My swimming form is frightening- sometimes people jump in to help, and I have to tell them I'm fine- just swimming some laps! 

I'm planning to get six sessions with a master swim class at a local Y, but logistics of getting the swims in is killing me.  Otherwise I'm following the 20wk 2X tri plan to the letter.  I think I'd rather be in your shoes, though.  Feeling good about the swim and run.  You'll get through the bike portion with no trouble.

2010-01-30 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2644152

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Aubiewood - 2010-01-30 7:37 AM Hey Triton-

I have a great idea.  Let's figure out a way you can do my swim and I'll do your bike.  I'm like you.  First tri coming June 5.  But feel much better about the run and bike portions.  My swimming form is frightening- sometimes people jump in to help, and I have to tell them I'm fine- just swimming some laps! 

Ditto! I can go about 50 yards before having to roll over and take in some air. Working hard on relaxing while swimming and I'm improving... but my sprint is in late March and I'm worried about going the distance. It's a 300m pool swim and my goal is to swim it without having to breast stroke or roll over on my back for air. In three weeks of swimming I've doubled the distance I can go to 50 yards.... guess that isn't too bad for a guy who's never had a lesson.  Not really worried about the run and cycling is my things... so no worries there either.
2010-01-30 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2644332

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Been snowing here since midnight. We've got about 8 inches and forecasters say we'll get another 4 before it ends. We haven't had snow like this since.... around 1989. My sons are loving it! Puts a damper on my training.... can't run because the roads are covered.... going to the Y is out of the question. The whole region is shut down. Looks like I'll be spinning at home for the next few days. Don't know how folks up north deal with this mess every winter.... I'd go nuts Tongue out.

Edited by jhogan9600 2010-01-30 10:58 AM
2010-01-31 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2592294

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hey Aubie,  Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I am ready to get a bike and start riding.  The 12 miles doesn't seem like it will be that tough since it is a very flat course.  I want to know I can finish in a decent time, not just finish.   I am sure the master's group will be a big help.  I have spoken to the master's coach at our rec center but have not had time to let him critique my stroke. 

Jhogan,  the swimming will get much better.  If you haven't swam in the past you will see in a few weeks your distance and endurance greatly increase.   The first week I was in the pool I couldn't do 50 yards without gasping for air.  I hope the bike portion will come along as well as others have said after I really get into that part of the training.

Best of luck to all!
2010-01-31 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2646125

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I'll keep plugging along with the swimming. I can already see improvements after only 3 weeks. Good luck picking out a bike! Let us know what you get and dont forget to post some pics. The March edition of Bicycling has some nice bike reviews you may want to check out. When it comes to getting a new bike there are lots of things to be considered.... but in my opinion, fit is the most important. Enjoy!

triton63 - 2010-01-31 6:04 PM Hey Aubie,  Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I am ready to get a bike and start riding.  The 12 miles doesn't seem like it will be that tough since it is a very flat course.  I want to know I can finish in a decent time, not just finish.   I am sure the master's group will be a big help.  I have spoken to the master's coach at our rec center but have not had time to let him critique my stroke. 

Jhogan,  the swimming will get much better.  If you haven't swam in the past you will see in a few weeks your distance and endurance greatly increase.   The first week I was in the pool I couldn't do 50 yards without gasping for air.  I hope the bike portion will come along as well as others have said after I really get into that part of the training.

Best of luck to all!

2010-02-01 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Good afternoon everyone.  I have been away on vacation, but it is good to see that everyone is still getting after things.  As for swimming, it was by far  the most difficult part in getting into triathlons for me. Unfortunately it doesn't matter what kind of shape you are in, it all comes down to technique.  In my first tri I came out of the water and almost fell back in the pool and then had to go sit by my bike to catch my breath, before I could get on the bike.  I immediately signed up for a total immersion class and was able to cut my number of strokes down from around 28 per length of the pool (25 yrds) to 19  in one weekend and was rested and relaxed.   Anyway I know what it is like to kill yourself in the pool and feel completely deflated by the fact that you are putting in all this effort and seem to be getting nothing out of it.  Anyway I would suggest some lessons for anyone looking to improve your swimming and total immersion has made all the difference in the world to me.  I used to hate the swim and felt like I was beating myself up every time I got in the pool.  Now I actually look forward to swim days, as I am swimming relaxed and at ease and am not completely wiped out after a session in the pool.   Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work.
2010-02-01 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2648439

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
bikemt1 - 2010-02-01 5:42 PM
Good afternoon everyone.  I have been away on vacation, but it is good to see that everyone is still getting after things.  As for swimming, it was by far  the most difficult part in getting into triathlons for me. Unfortunately it doesn't matter what kind of shape you are in, it all comes down to technique.  In my first tri I came out of the water and almost fell back in the pool and then had to go sit by my bike to catch my breath, before I could get on the bike.  I immediately signed up for a total immersion class and was able to cut my number of strokes down from around 28 per length of the pool (25 yrds) to 19  in one weekend and was rested and relaxed.   Anyway I know what it is like to kill yourself in the pool and feel completely deflated by the fact that you are putting in all this effort and seem to be getting nothing out of it.  Anyway I would suggest some lessons for anyone looking to improve your swimming and total immersion has made all the difference in the world to me.  I used to hate the swim and felt like I was beating myself up every time I got in the pool.  Now I actually look forward to swim days, as I am swimming relaxed and at ease and am not completely wiped out after a session in the pool.   Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work.

Wow, that is a pretty good review on TI. I just bought Essential Tri swimming dvd from Tri Swim Coach. So far it has been good. Overall the video puts big emphasis on hip rotation and so far I have seen a difference. I don't feel like I am muscling my way through the water. I only got the video last week, so only time will tell.

Happy Training!
2010-02-01 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2648439

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Not to beat the TI drum too much here, but it seems to be working for me. Today was a milestone.... 100m without stopping!!! Never done that before. Hit a bunch of 50m repeats after that. Don't know what clicked.... up until now I've only been able to do 25m without a short break. Missed my swim on Sat. because the roads were too bad after the snow storm. Maybe the extra day off made the difference. Laughing
2010-02-02 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2648495

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
jhogan9600 - 2010-02-01 6:05 PM Not to beat the TI drum too much here, but it seems to be working for me. Today was a milestone.... 100m without stopping!!! Never done that before. Hit a bunch of 50m repeats after that. Don't know what clicked.... up until now I've only been able to do 25m without a short break. Missed my swim on Sat. because the roads were too bad after the snow storm. Maybe the extra day off made the difference. Laughing

Congrats!  It will not be long before you can go 1000 straight! 
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