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2010-04-12 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

Sorry I haven't had much to say in past two days been busy and I don't know $h!t about swiming so I didn't have any thing to add any way LOL!! 

My legs are feeling really good today. Yesterday they were sore but we did alot of walking which helped. Tonight I did 20 minutes of easy spinning on a Gym bike before I did Upper body strength training.  I think My legs will be good to go for a easy 3 to 5 mile run tomorrow. 

As far as the Question of My favorite of the 3 I'm probably backwards from most.  I love to run cause all it takes is motivation and Shoes and now days even shoes is debatable.. Well Not for me We got Stickers in Texas I wont be running Barefoot any time soon LOL!!  I'm much slower than I use to be but I have come to terms with the fun of just covering the distance and feeling good after a nice run.

2nd Place is the Bike but I much prefer the MTB to the Road bike because of the Fun factor. I love being on the MTB and you need to hit the side walk you just Bunny hop the curb  and finding a nice jump is always fun as long and I dont eat $hit.. the road bike is just Hammer down and I'm always parinoid some idiot is gonna run my @$$ over on the road.  Worst I have had happen on the MTB is I had to wait for a Skunk to move and another time I saw a Trantula on a trail and stoped to look at it and it Rared up at me so I decided that was enough looking LOL!! 

3rd is swimming I just want to get good enough to cover the distance.  I dont see me spending endless Hours in the Pool trying to perfect My stroke. But I'll give it this It is a hell of a lot cooler in the summer than running or Biking. 

I'll catch you guys tomorrow.  I still need to do my Race report but need to find time to sit down and get it all wrote up.

Have a good evening. 

2010-04-12 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2786842

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
BigH2OChief - 2010-04-12 6:27 PM

Swim program today was:
   ~ Warm-up = Deck stretch / 6 X 100s 2 swim / 2 kick / 2 pull (3 sets of crunches between)
   ~ Sprint Set I = 2 X 25 / 50 easy / 3 X 25 / 50 easy / 4 X 25 / 50 easy / 3 X 25 / 50 easy / 2 X 25 / 50 easy
   ~ Sprint Set II = 2 X 50 / 50 easy / 3 X 50 / 50 easy / 2 X 50 / 50 easy 
   ~ Cool-down 6 X 50 easy (w/ 3 sets of crunches between)

Nice workout Mark!  Do you like your instuctor?  I wish I had a Masters program closer to me.  The closest one is in Walnut Creek, which is about 40 minutes from me.  I'm thinking about joining anyways and dropping in on my way home from work once a week.
2010-04-12 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2786932

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-12 7:02 PM  

... the road bike is just Hammer down...

I swear TT means torture trainer, not time trial.  When I'm on my TT bike, it is usually a 85 percent plus effort to maintain a certain MPH, HR zone, or intervals.  I know I'm in for punishment when I take off on this bike.  However, on a positive note, it translates well to MTB riding.
2010-04-12 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Well, all I managed today was a swim workout.  I too worked on the drills from the exhalation article.  I didn't realize it until I read the article that I tend to hold my breath for the first stroke then start to exhale.  So, today, I started my workout with some real slow 50s and focused on starting to exhale immediately after taking my breathe.  I think it went fairly well, but it definately took conscious effort.  Hopefully, this will become more natural after a few more swims.
2010-04-12 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
OK all... I've been playing with the Logs and am trying to get them up to date from when I joined the Group.  Not quite finished as I'm still learning and also need to help with kid's homework.

Yeah.. the workouts at our Masters program have been particularly intense latley.  Our program is pretty famous out here and draws Triatletes from all over San Diego County.  I was pretty intimidated at first but everyone that attends is awesome. 

In our Masters Program we have three Coaches:

Pete = Club Lifeguard and an Asst HS Swim Coach. Young guy who is a true swimmer and dosent quite get the Triathlon thing.  Pete is known for his brutal workouts and my son works for him as a Lifeguard at the Gym so I can never show weakness Foot in mouth

Alex = Is hot and also a HS Head Swim Coach.  Alex used to run the Gym's Pool and is an Aussie but we dont hold that against her because she's a brilliant technical instructor.  Alex loves to mix in lots of strength and core training with pool work and believes a swimmer shouldnt be 'bobbing about' when there's work to be done! Wink

Claudia = She's a swimmer and a Triathlete and totally gets it.  While her workouts are more of the 'canned variety' she has a way of making you want to perform.  This is because she has the power to make you feel like a total dork if you dont give a 100%... with just a look! Embarassed
2010-04-12 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2787079

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
BigH2OChief - 2010-04-12 8:02 PM

Pete = Club Lifeguard and an Asst HS Swim Coach. Young guy who is a true swimmer and dosent quite get the Triathlon thing.  Pete is known for his brutal workouts and my son works for him as a Lifeguard at the Gym so I can never show weakness

True swimmers are interesting peopleUndecided.  Take a look at these sets.  They have been deemed the hardest sets of all-time.  Sit back and read in amazement:

5.) 24 x 400's, long course - by Tom Dolan. 6 of each stroke, descending each series 1 - 6. Devised by Rick Curl, it was sets like this that helped make Dolan the greatest IM'er of his generation. 6 x 400's Fly is a back-breaking set any day. When it's just 1/4 of the main set, you know you're going around the bend and asking for rare and memorable pain.

4.) 80 x 200's Free on 2:30, long course. Wearing gym shorts and tights. Ok, I'm biased, I did this one myself when I was at the Bolles School in 1993. But I'll take the challenge with anyone who'd like to say it doesn't belong. 16K wearing shorts (with pockets) and tights, while holding 1:10+ for over three hours. 1996 Olympic champ Trina Jackson was among the last standing; others had to be dragged from the pool barely conscious. Literally.

3.) 20 x 1500's on 20:00, long course - by Larsen Jensen. Had he made it, this one would be number one. However, word has it that Jensen made it to #17 before missing the interval and having to stop. No shame there. It's sets like this that made Jensen step up every time under pressure and always perform at his best when it mattered most. With this in the bank, it must have seemed easy.

2.) 4 x 5000's on 50:00, short course - by Jeff Kostoff. The distance king of the 80's reportedly did this one while he was at Stanford. Makes you delirious just thinking about it. 20K averaging under 1:00 each 100... Flipping at every wall for 200 consecutive laps before a few gasps of rest, then doing it again, four times. Kostoff did this 25 years ago. You can take the fast suits and the tech-assisted records, sets like this are more impressive any day.

1.) 30 x 1000's on 10:00, short course - by Erik Vendt. The gold standard by, quite possibly, the greatest training animal in American swimming history. Vendt performed this masochist masterpiece in high school when he was with the Ocean State Squids in New England. It happened one Saturday morning when Vendt and his coach, Josh Stern, decided to show up at the pool an hour and a half before workout started for the rest of the team. When his teammates arrived, Vendt had already plowed through half of this monster. They dove in and pushed him through the back-half - another 10 miles at minute pace! Anyone who's swum with or even crossed swimming paths with Vendt has a story to tell about his training toughness, but this set may set the standard for every age grouper who wants to know where those outer limits lay...

Casey Barrett,

2010-04-13 2:59 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
My kids' spring break is this week, so not much free time to work out.  Plus my wife is in NY for work all week, so today my only chance was after tuck in, but I did our taxes instead.  Good news is we get a refund.  Bad news is we need it...

Both girls are going to a sports camp tomorrow, I'm hoping I can swim on a day use pass or something while they are there, since my pool is closed for spring break this week (I swim at a Junior College).  If not, at least I'll get an outdoor run/bike in.  Rain looks like it's gone for a few days now.
2010-04-13 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
How do you guys feel about weight training during the season?

I didn't last year.  Stopped as soon as the weather got good.  I like the way I look when I lift and definitely feel stronger in hill climbs on the MTB and am able to power over things better.  Time was the limiting factor last year, but this year I belong to a gym in the city as well as one by my house.  So I can lift before I leave work and still get in my swim/bike/run training.  If you do lift during the season, how do you deal with it around races and weeks you need to take it easy?
2010-04-13 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2787651

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Meulen - 2010-04-13 6:28 AM How do you guys feel about weight training during the season?

I didn't last year.  Stopped as soon as the weather got good.  I like the way I look when I lift and definitely feel stronger in hill climbs on the MTB and am able to power over things better.  Time was the limiting factor last year, but this year I belong to a gym in the city as well as one by my house.  So I can lift before I leave work and still get in my swim/bike/run training.  If you do lift during the season, how do you deal with it around races and weeks you need to take it easy?

I do lift weights while at work, so 2-3 times a week.  While this runs contrary to information disseminated by professional coaches, I've made the realization that I will never being competing on a professional level.  The main reason for not lifiting weights is to avoid carry aroung the extra body mass during the cycle and run.

As long as you don't go crazy with the workouts, you shouldn't have to taper before a race.  That doesn't mean I'm going to do a leg workout the day before the race through.  As you try to balance three + training regimes, it becomes important to limit soreness (DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness).  This requires gradual increases in volume and intensity.  We can't afford to go out 110 percent, then have to wait three days for the soreness to go away.
2010-04-13 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2787863

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
brick94513 - 2010-04-13 9:18 AM
Meulen - 2010-04-13 6:28 AM How do you guys feel about weight training during the season?

I didn't last year.  Stopped as soon as the weather got good.  I like the way I look when I lift and definitely feel stronger in hill climbs on the MTB and am able to power over things better.  Time was the limiting factor last year, but this year I belong to a gym in the city as well as one by my house.  So I can lift before I leave work and still get in my swim/bike/run training.  If you do lift during the season, how do you deal with it around races and weeks you need to take it easy?

I do lift weights while at work, so 2-3 times a week.  While this runs contrary to information disseminated by professional coaches, I've made the realization that I will never being competing on a professional level.  The main reason for not lifiting weights is to avoid carry aroung the extra body mass during the cycle and run.

As long as you don't go crazy with the workouts, you shouldn't have to taper before a race.  That doesn't mean I'm going to do a leg workout the day before the race through.  As you try to balance three + training regimes, it becomes important to limit soreness (DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness).  This requires gradual increases in volume and intensity.  We can't afford to go out 110 percent, then have to wait three days for the soreness to go away.

typically I don't go crazy with weights.  I do short workouts and don't focus on building.  I don't even move up when I should in weight a lot of times.  I don't seem to be gaining a lot of muscle mass with my current workout.  I do seem to be getting stronger and more defined.  Before a race I usually either decrease volume and do short intensity work or rest all together for 2-3 days where I only stretch.

Edited by Meulen 2010-04-13 9:50 AM
2010-04-13 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2787266

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
norcal_SAHD - 2010-04-13 12:59 AM My kids' spring break is this week, so not much free time to work out.  Plus my wife is in NY for work all week, so today my only chance was after tuck in, but I did our taxes instead.  Good news is we get a refund.  Bad news is we need it...

Both girls are going to a sports camp tomorrow, I'm hoping I can swim on a day use pass or something while they are there, since my pool is closed for spring break this week (I swim at a Junior College).  If not, at least I'll get an outdoor run/bike in.  Rain looks like it's gone for a few days now.

Its about time we get some sunny skies!

2010-04-13 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Alright, I got my tempo run done for the morning.  Plan is to work on some two-beat kick drills in the pool this afternoon.  The flutter kick is just not doing it for me.  I just can't get it in synch with my catch.  So, hopefuly the two-beat will be the answer.  Not looking for propulsion, just to get my legs higher in the water for less resistance.
2010-04-13 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

Brick workout done - CHECK!

Core workout done - CHECK!

So much for enjoying the sunshine today.  Grabbing a quick shower then heading downtown for meetings.  Sucks to be for the rest of the day. 


2010-04-13 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
going downstairs to do my weight training in a minute.  Plan is to go home after that and get in 30 ish miles of hill drills and run 4 miles.  Sunny skies here!!!
2010-04-13 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Here a brief article about transitions from the USAT newsletter.  Thought you guys and gals might find it interesting.  It reinforces some of the topics discussed in the video from the other day.

By Gale Bernhardt

International Triathlon Union elite racers--racing at the Olympic distance of a 1.5k swim, 40k bike and 10k run--post some of the fastest transition times on the planet.

Besides trying to get into the first transition (T1) before the big pack, good swimmers in World Cup races also want to be first across a designated prime line, which pays out additional prize money as an added incentive to go fast.

Once in T1, World Cup racers need screaming fast transitions to get on the bike--preferably in a small group--so they can work together to put time between their breakaway and the main pack.

After a multiple lap bike course, a fast second transition (T2) is critical not only to the racers in any breakaway, but to the racers in the main group as well. Seconds count, as the 10k running leg at World Cup triathlons has begun to look like an open 10k road race. Once on the run, any alliances formed on the bicycle are typically set aside for individual success.

How fast are these elite athletes going? In 2006, the fastest overall Olympic distance results were produced in Hamburg, Germany, with the men's winner going just over 1:43 and the women's winner at 1:53. In this particular race, first and second place were separated by only 11 seconds for the women and 14 seconds for the men. At a race in Ishigaki, Japan, the second place male finished only a second behind the winner.

Fast transitions are critical in all World Cup triathlons. Just a few seconds lost in transition might cost an athlete a podium position.

Like a World Cup racer, age group athletes need quick transitions to be competitive at sprint and Olympic distance racing. Here are some pro techniques you can use to make your transitions faster.

Begin practicing fast transitions now

Too often, athletes wait until the week before the race to practice transitions. That is too late. You need to practice now to execute the fastest transitions possible and have them be second nature.

One way to do this is to include transitions in your brick workouts. Also, set aside some practice time to work exclusively on faster transitions--don't worry about an aerobic workout that day.

Leave your shoes in the pedals and use rubber bands

Elite athletes leave their shoes in the pedals for the first transition (T1). After exiting the swim, they put on their helmets, grab the bike and run out of the transition area.

In order to keep the crank arms and shoes from rotating and jamming into the ground, they use thin rubber bands to hold the shoes and the crank arms parallel to the ground. They attach one end of the rubber band around the shoe or through the heel loop of the shoe, and the other end to a rear stay on the side of the bike.

Do the same with the other shoe. You will have to experiment to see which locations are best for your rubber bands depending on your shoe size and frame size.

The thin rubber bands easily break away when you mount the bike and begin pedaling with your feet on top of your shoes. Slide your feet in your shoes once you are rolling at a good pace.

Put your sunglasses on while pedaling (if wearing them at all)

Instead of putting your sunglasses on in the transition area, put them on once you are rolling on the bike. If your helmet has front air vents, see if you can secure the sunglasses there.

From the front, it will look like your helmet is wearing sunglasses. If your sunglasses are not secure on your helmet, fasten them to the top of your frame with a small piece of tape.

Use a flying mount and dismount

World Cup racers are going as fast as possible at every moment during a race. They are running relatively hard when they exit T1. They mount their moving bicycle with a flying mount, which looks something like a cowboy jumping onto a galloping horse.

Before they approach the dismount line at T2, they remove both feet from their shoes and continue pedaling in a manner similar to when they began the bike leg. Near the dismount line, they swing one leg back and over the bicycle so it's behind the other leg on one side of the bicycle. At the dismount line they are off the bike and running to the transition area. This particular move is advanced and takes plenty of practice.

Use elastic laces and no socks

There are elastic laces available at most stores that stock triathlon supplies. Elastic laces allow you to easily slip your feet into your shoes, wasting no time to secure Velcro or old-style lace locks on regular laces.

Before you decide to race with no socks, do a few practice runs at home. Some athletes can run with no socks and not have a single blister. Other athletes will develop hot spots on their feet that eventually bloom into blisters.

On your test run, carry a lubricant such as Body Glide. When you feel a hot spot beginning to develop, stop and apply the lubricant to the shoe surface causing the hot spot. This is the same location you will apply the lubricant on race morning when you set up your transition area.

Use a movie camera

When you are trying to improve your transition speed, have someone record your T1 and T2 in a practice session or during a race. Use a watch and time both transitions. After reviewing for ways to improve, do the transitions repeatedly until you think you have the fastest transition time possible.

If you're a spectator at an event, tape some of the top age-group and elite racers to see how they're doing transitions. You may pick up some additional tips.

If you're looking to get the edge on your competition without additional training, take a look at your transitions. Strategizing where you can save time during transitions is fun and it may even put you on the podium.

Gale Bernhardt was the 2003 USA Triathlon Pan American Games and 2004 USA Triathlon Olympic coach for both the men's and women's teams. Her first Olympic experience was as a personal cycling coach at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Thousands of athletes have had successful training and racing experiences using Gale's pre-built, easy-to-follow training plans. For more information, click here. Let Gale and Active Trainer help you succeed.
2010-04-13 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2787651

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Meulen - 2010-04-13 8:28 AM How do you guys feel about weight training during the season?

I didn't last year.  Stopped as soon as the weather got good.  I like the way I look when I lift and definitely feel stronger in hill climbs on the MTB and am able to power over things better.  Time was the limiting factor last year, but this year I belong to a gym in the city as well as one by my house.  So I can lift before I leave work and still get in my swim/bike/run training.  If you do lift during the season, how do you deal with it around races and weeks you need to take it easy?

I am with you guys on this one.  I see alot of guys post that they don't aprove of Weight training, But I think it helps. The argument I always see is youll bulk up and the weigh will slow you down.  I call BS on that and here is why.  In most peoples cases (Not all but most) they can afford to be leaner and loose more BF% By tweaking your diet and adding Weights to your endurance & cardio training you'll maintain muscle mass and mabe build a LITTLE and should burn alot more fat and Lower your BF%, so even if you gain a couple of pounds of muscle and loose a couple of fat you come out ahead.  Muscle is usable fat is just dead weight.  

A solid weight training program will improve overall  musscle balance and (in my opinion) help with over all endurance in that your upper body wont tire as easy when you run for long periods of time.  As you stated your Power for things like hills on the run and the bike should improve.  If you do squats and deadlifts in your program   Etc..Etc...

As far as taper week before a race I would not lift the week of the race just do your easy S/B/R as you training plan calls for and resume weight training the week after your race. 

Disclamer:  I'm not an expert but I have stayed at a Holliday Inn before Cool

2010-04-13 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
man, lots of workouts goin on around here, makes me feel like a slacker!  more good info on transitions, thanks! 

my bike will be here thursday and im going to get fit at nytro in SD this weekend, any tips on equipment i should maybe pick up while im there or anything?  i am going to piece together some sort of flat kit to carry, but i don't exactly know what i should get.  im a little hesitant to just take the staff's advice as theyre not the cheapest shop around and i dont want to get crap i dont need.

also, when i start cycling and swimming next week, what are some good 'efforts' to use?  i know i will suck at the swim and most workouts will be crapola so im just going to work on a very basic base building distance workout, but on the bike, what should i do?  if my training plan says "bike: 24 mins" should i be hauling for that time or just get out and ride, not being concerned w/ speed/distance/heartrate, etc?  my goal isn't just to finish a sprint distance, but have a respectable time as well.

im using the BT 16 week sprint swim focused plan, so swim 3x, bike/run 2x week.  im guessing do 1 hard, 1 easy ride and run each week probably?

2010-04-13 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2785131

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
brick94513 - 2010-04-11 11:33 AM QOTD:  When swimming, do you currently breathe bilaterally?

Yes.  It took some effort, but it feels natural now.  However, I only site breathe off of my stronger side.

Yes, but only every third breath. When I take a breath on the left I seem to sink a little. Don't know what the problem is with that.

I'm very careful to keep a steady stream of air blowing out of my nose when my face is in the water. I've made a conscious effort to make sure my lungs are empty RIGHT BEFORE my next breath. Seems to be working fine for me. 
2010-04-13 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2787651

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Meulen - 2010-04-12 9:28 AM How do you guys feel about weight training during the season?

I didn't last year.  Stopped as soon as the weather got good.  I like the way I look when I lift and definitely feel stronger in hill climbs on the MTB and am able to power over things better.  Time was the limiting factor last year, but this year I belong to a gym in the city as well as one by my house.  So I can lift before I leave work and still get in my swim/bike/run training.  If you do lift during the season, how do you deal with it around races and weeks you need to take it easy?

I feel that weight training is something I need to get pretty serious about in terms of strength for swimming. Being a woman, I naturally do not have the upper body strength that you guys are blessed in order to put more torque in my pull, I need to do some upper body work. Assisted pull-ups are my favorite, with seated row next. Really,...anything that works the shoulders is good for me. I have been talking to a few people who recommend core strength training for all around power during tris. Legs and gluts - no way. I already have large quads and gluts so no work needed there.

2010-04-13 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
QOTD - Bilateral.  HAH!!  I'm happy just to survive 25 yards!!!  Seriously, only breath on the right side / do so ever stroke.  Hopefully with time, it'll get easier.

Did 20 x 25yards in the pool and 40 minutes on the exercise bike this PM.  Taking Tim's advice and going at it a little bit easier.

Tomorrow or the next day, will pick all of your brains on some ideas regarding some good brands / value on equipment.

Enjoy the evening.
2010-04-13 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2789400

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-13 3:03 PM

My bike will be here thursday and im going to get fit at nytro in SD this weekend, any tips on equipment i should maybe pick up while im there or anything?

At a minimum, you need to be able to change a flat tire.  So, you're going to need a couple tire wrenches, pump or CO2 cartridges, and a spare tube.  You might want to consider a small saddle bag to store the gear.  I usually carry a multi-tool and a couple links of chain too.

Before you commit to hydration, look at the different systems.  But, at a minimum, you are probably pretty safe getting a frame cage for now.

My advice, get the bike, ride it, then figure out what accessories will work for you.  I think you'll find that you race set-up will be different than your everyday set-up.

2010-04-13 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
I worked on bilateral breathing a bit today.  oh my...  I'm pretty sure I drank 1/2 the pool!  I could do fairly OK if I had a pull bouy and kept my speed up, but definately had a problem with my lead arm dropping when breathing on my offside.  Which of course submarines my whole body and just all around sucks.

I guess I'll keep trying for a while, but it makes me feel like a total noob again in the water.  Just when I was starting to feel like I knew what I was doing.
2010-04-13 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2789400

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
shmeeg - 2010-04-13 3:03 PM

also, when i start cycling and swimming next week, what are some good 'efforts' to use?

O.K. Here's the way I view this question.  For running and swimming, I usually have very specific workout targets in terms of drills, volume, and intensity.  Whereas, cycling for me is more about volume.  I'm usually able to ride 3-4 times a week.  But, for siplicity lets say 3 times a week.  I would ride my first two rides with small volume, say 25-30 miles at a pace that puts my average HR into Zone 3.  The third ride will be my long ride, say 50 miles, but I'll keep my HR in Zone 2.  Another option is to add sprint work to the rides earlier in the week which will add some anaerobic activity.

So that begs the question, do you know where your lactate threshold is at and your subsequent heart zones?
2010-04-13 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2789815

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
norcal_SAHD - 2010-04-13 6:15 PM I worked on bilateral breathing a bit today.  oh my...  I'm pretty sure I drank 1/2 the pool!  I could do fairly OK if I had a pull bouy and kept my speed up, but definately had a problem with my lead arm dropping when breathing on my offside.  Which of course submarines my whole body and just all around sucks.

I guess I'll keep trying for a while, but it makes me feel like a total noob again in the water.  Just when I was starting to feel like I knew what I was doing.

First, kuddos for working on it! Now, do you think you where lifting your head to breathe on your weaker side?  Try to imagine your body rotating on its long axis.  If trying to breathe on your left, your right arm is extended, head remains midline with torso, and rotation comes from hips and shoulder.  One eye stays in the water.  Its hard for me to articulate the process.

Try to do some sets with the pull buoy for a while to allow you to focus more on just breathing.
2010-04-13 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Tim - I was checking in for the QOTD?

Shmeeg - Bro… You’re coming to SD this weekend and I’m not here!  It would have bee awesome to pop that bikes cherry on some sweet coastal asphalt!  Unfortunately I’m at Disneyland Friday through Sunday making good on a promise to my Princess (youngest) before I pull chalks for a week at the Pentagon.  I use a Bento Box with multi-tool, tube, patch & lever kit with CO2 and adapter and a Profile Designs DBL H2O btl cage.  The Peeps at Nytro will take good care of you and by and large wont burn you on prices.  That said, however; as you know… anything you can by there you can buy for less online.  For example… I just bought a Profile Designs Aero Bottle w/ Mount here on BT for $25.00 delivered.
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