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2010-04-14 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2790723

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
bassandbike - 2010-04-14 8:13 AM Ok.  Who's gonna get it done today?  I gotta bring it today and build on yesterday's strength workout momentum. 

I've got 20 miles scheduled on my Salsa Casseroll today.  I'm doing it.  End of discussion.  For me, saying it out loud just about guarantees it'll get done. There are people in this group that WILL check you if you say something and don't follow through.   At 1130 I'm strapping it up and hitting the road. 

What is everyone doing?  Put it out there. Public forum. 

Talk to me!!!!

double post

Edited by Tri.me2010 2010-04-14 9:47 AM

2010-04-14 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2790730

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-04-14 8:14 AM What does everyone have planned for today?  I might be able to get outside for a quick run this evening.  It all depends on what time I get away from this crazy place I call work!  My husband has to leave at 7 for a wiffle ball game.  If I can't get outside for a run, I am on the treadmill or the trainer after I put my youngest to bed.  I don't feel like doing either though.

I have strength training today, But I want to get outside and go for a 3 mile run if "life" allows me to. 

Lets you and me plan on a run then??? I know we can do it!!!
2010-04-14 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2790867

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-14 9:46 AM
bassandbike - 2010-04-14 8:13 AM Ok.  Who's gonna get it done today?  I gotta bring it today and build on yesterday's strength workout momentum. 

I've got 20 miles scheduled on my Salsa Casseroll today.  I'm doing it.  End of discussion.  For me, saying it out loud just about guarantees it'll get done. There are people in this group that WILL check you if you say something and don't follow through.   At 1130 I'm strapping it up and hitting the road. 

What is everyone doing?  Put it out there. Public forum. 

Talk to me!!!!

You are doing 20miles today?? WOW. I'll come along for the run... but You'll have to give me a piggy back half of the way :D

Hahaha! I think he is biking 20 miles!
2010-04-14 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2790875

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-14 9:49 AM
Mrschach - 2010-04-14 8:14 AM What does everyone have planned for today?  I might be able to get outside for a quick run this evening.  It all depends on what time I get away from this crazy place I call work!  My husband has to leave at 7 for a wiffle ball game.  If I can't get outside for a run, I am on the treadmill or the trainer after I put my youngest to bed.  I don't feel like doing either though.

I have strength training today, But I want to get outside and go for a 3 mile run if "life" allows me to. 

Lets you and me plan on a run then??? I know we can do it!!!

I wish I could find a good running buddy around here!!  I really want to get outside because I won't have a chance until Monday now.  My husband is going away for the weekend so I am stuck on the treadmill or trainer through the weekend.
2010-04-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan - We are praying for your family and sending all our best!

I already went on my run today, just 2 miles, but a painful 2 miles.  No Civ Pro lecture today, so Constitutional Law and Legal Writing the rest of the day!  How's THAT for a workout? Frown

Best of luck on workouts today!
2010-04-14 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2790723

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
bassandbike - 2010-04-14 7:13 AM Ok.  Who's gonna get it done today?  I gotta bring it today and build on yesterday's strength workout momentum. 

I've got 20 miles scheduled on my Salsa Casseroll today.  I'm doing it.  End of discussion.  For me, saying it out loud just about guarantees it'll get done. There are people in this group that WILL check you if you say something and don't follow through.   At 1130 I'm strapping it up and hitting the road. 

What is everyone doing?  Put it out there. Public forum. 

Talk to me!!!!

Way to jump in there again Patrick!  I have interval training on the schedule for tonight, 5x1km with core/strength training in between the intervals, but still not 100%, this cold just won't let go....grrrr!  We'll see how I feel at the end of the day and if I don't do the interval training, I will hop on the drainer for an hour and do some ab work.  My preference would be to do the interval training though.

2010-04-14 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2790995

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-04-14 10:19 AM
bassandbike - 2010-04-14 7:13 AM Ok.  Who's gonna get it done today?  I gotta bring it today and build on yesterday's strength workout momentum. 

I've got 20 miles scheduled on my Salsa Casseroll today.  I'm doing it.  End of discussion.  For me, saying it out loud just about guarantees it'll get done. There are people in this group that WILL check you if you say something and don't follow through.   At 1130 I'm strapping it up and hitting the road. 

What is everyone doing?  Put it out there. Public forum. 

Talk to me!!!!

Way to jump in there again Patrick!  I have interval training on the schedule for tonight, 5x1km with core/strength training in between the intervals, but still not 100%, this cold just won't let go....grrrr!  We'll see how I feel at the end of the day and if I don't do the interval training, I will hop on the drainer for an hour and do some ab work.  My preference would be to do the interval training though.

I love that kind of workout Sandra!  One of my faves.  I have not done it in awhile.  I might just have to do one this weekend. 

Think bringing a water bottle filled with wine on my run tonight would be ok!?!?!  I am losing my mind this morning.  For those that are new, I am an accountant and going NUTS this week!!
2010-04-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am doing my last 11-12 mile run tonight before my first 1/2 mary .  I need this run to go well for mm and mental well-being.  I ve had some unusual mishaps and newbie errors that have been playing with my mind.....but I am ready and so excited because the weather is beautiful and can't wait to work up a good sweat. 
2010-04-14 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2789997

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I know every one is different but it might help to know that my good freind was diagnosed 2 years ago with the same thing.  He started having serious depression than one day he had a really bad seizure.  Went to the ER and they ended up airlift him to some hospital b/c it was that serious.  Some serious treatments and to make long story short he is doing great today and enjoying his wife and two kids.  Definitely changed his life for the better I think.  So keep your spirits up and just pray that everything will turnout ok.

Mrschach - 2010-04-13 9:50 PM I have to ask you guys a favor tonight and tomorrow during the day.  I have struggled with posting this since it is totally non related but I need what we can get right now.  Whatever you believe in, please pray, send good thoughts, good vibes, whatever!  A cousin, by marriage but still family, found out last week he has a brain tumor.  It is 5cm in length and as of Saturday, too large to operate.  They have him on steriods and anti seizure meds to try and shrink it.  He had a cat and pet scan done today.  I don't know the results.  He is having a biopsy done tomorrow at 2:30.  It will be 90 minutes and then another 5 hours of recovery.  Depending on the results, he could have surgery as early as Thursday.  The surgeon said the most he would remove is 2/3 of it.  They will talk about treatment after the biopsy.  As of yesterday, the word cancer had not been mentioned but now they are saying they will talk about possible chemo and radiation after the biopsy is done.  Our cousin, Steve, is in his mid 30s.  He has twins, a girl and boy, that just turned 4.  I can't stop crying tonight.  Please send whatever you have our way!  I apologize that this is so off topic but we need all we can get!
2010-04-14 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2791239

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
NRG42 - 2010-04-14 10:14 AM I am doing my last 11-12 mile run tonight before my first 1/2 mary .  I need this run to go well for mm and mental well-being.  I ve had some unusual mishaps and newbie errors that have been playing with my mind.....but I am ready and so excited because the weather is beautiful and can't wait to work up a good sweat. 

Good luck on the half mary!!! I wanted to do one that is coming up, but my tri coach nixed it. He doesn't want me injured for tri season... so I guess I get where he is coming from :D

I am still a little jealous though...
2010-04-14 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2788915

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-13 2:18 PM Hello everyone!!! Thanks for letting me in your group last minute I GREATLY appreciate it!!! I can't wait to get to know you all and hear your advice and motivation for the tri season!!!

Welcome Courtney! I am a little late but was pretty tied up yesterday so I guess late is better than never right? 

2010-04-14 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Holy cow you guys...I feel like Octo-dad here or something trying to keep track of all my little youts (my cousin vinny reference for those that thought i misspelled!)  

Yesterday was my wife's bday so we were out and about all day, so didn't get on the computer and no workout.

Patrick!!  Glad to see you here. 

And welcome to Courtney too!  Everyone here has lots of good backgrounds and experiences and a lot of good energy  It's fun already to be a part of it. 

Debbie - congrats on the new job!
Meggan - i have always been with ya, and will be
Pete - sorry about no internet during the day...kinda stinks but hope you can use it to your advantage
Ruth - what kind of weather you got over there this time of year?  I've heard the biking scenery is amazing
Cheri - have fun with your long run today...depending on how you feel, I would not try to do the 7mi on Sat.  At most I would do is a 6mi on Sun then get in maybe 2-3 easy miles on Tue/Thur next week. 

Since I didn't get my run in yesterday (and ate a ton of good food), I am going to do a running hill workout and then head to the pool.

And like Patrick said...if you are feeling weak one day and not up to working out, throw it here on the forum and tell us the workout WILL happen and we will be sure to hold you to it.  Once it gets posted up for everyone to see it is much harder to back out!
2010-04-14 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2791486

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-04-14 11:13 AM
Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-13 2:18 PM Hello everyone!!! Thanks for letting me in your group last minute I GREATLY appreciate it!!! I can't wait to get to know you all and hear your advice and motivation for the tri season!!!

Welcome Courtney! I am a little late but was pretty tied up yesterday so I guess late is better than never right? 

No worries :D  THanks for the warm welcome. :D
2010-04-14 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2791239

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
NRG42 - 2010-04-14 11:14 AM I am doing my last 11-12 mile run tonight before my first 1/2 mary .  I need this run to go well for mm and mental well-being.  I ve had some unusual mishaps and newbie errors that have been playing with my mind.....but I am ready and so excited because the weather is beautiful and can't wait to work up a good sweat. 

I think you had mentioned that you fell at the Shamrock Shuffle this year.  What happened?  It sounded pretty nasty with people falling on top of you?  My wife and I also ran that race this year and it was pretty crowded which I was also concerned about.

As far as having a good run make sure you are drinking enough fluids and are you using any type of gels or shot bloks especially with it being warmer today?  Nothing like bonking out because of a simple thing like hydration. 
2010-04-14 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2787576

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Not sure I understand.  Do you have your training calendar/file somewhere else like on excel or something?

debbiereid06 - 2010-04-13 8:06 AM So here is my question for the day.  How do I upload my training calendar or file to the website?
2010-04-14 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
What is everyone's opinion on strength training during tri season? I have heard both sides of the argument... But I am wondering what everyone thinks.

I am doing 2 hours a week now ( because I have a class in school) but come May I won't have regualr sessions set up.

I have heard NO strength training at all.
I have heard Core only
I have heard Up to 3 hours a week....

I am being pulled towards Core only during tri season... But I am still curious if that sounds right...


2010-04-14 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2789233

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hmmm, 12 seems a little high.  It can fluctuate quite a bit.  I've seen my weight be as much as 8lbs difference in one day, but typically 4lbs or so is avg.  Like someone said, try to weigh everyday at the same time every day (I do it first thing when I get up in the morning).  But I also like to weigh myself at other times to see what effect different things can have on my weight (such as working out, eating big meals, not eating, etc).  Just keep an eye on it and if you continue to see big differences then we may have to take a close look. 

SoccerGK - 2010-04-13 4:02 PM

One quick question, how much is "normal" for weight to fluctuate in a day?  I weighed myself after my workout today, and then after I was showered, dressed, and ate breakfast, and there was a 12 pound weight difference.  I started thinking I need a new scale...
2010-04-14 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

If I wasn't worried out my first OWS in May at Galena Traithlon, I discovered this weekend while in discussions on my bike ride, that the guy I was with has done that race 4 times and 2 of them the weather did not allow the swim and it turned itno a Duathlon.  I will be really upset if they cancel the swim because that is what I have worked the hardest on.

2010-04-14 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2791543

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
You can NEVER go wrong with core workouts.  They help in all 3 events. 

Other strength is up in the air.  I personally used to lift a lot and ended up with a lot of injuries so I don't enjoy doing it at all, so I don't.

Will you benefit from it?  Probably.  Will it help you improve in your triathlon events?  Maybe/maybe not. 

Not much of an answer I know, but if you have the time for it and enjoy doing it, then sure, throw some in.  I would stick with lighter weights and higher reps, or do body weight exercises. 

Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-14 12:29 PM What is everyone's opinion on strength training during tri season? I have heard both sides of the argument... But I am wondering what everyone thinks.

I am doing 2 hours a week now ( because I have a class in school) but come May I won't have regualr sessions set up.

I have heard NO strength training at all.
I have heard Core only
I have heard Up to 3 hours a week....

I am being pulled towards Core only during tri season... But I am still curious if that sounds right...

2010-04-14 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2791597

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-04-14 12:41 PM

If I wasn't worried out my first OWS in May at Galena Traithlon, I discovered this weekend while in discussions on my bike ride, that the guy I was with has done that race 4 times and 2 of them the weather did not allow the swim and it turned itno a Duathlon.  I will be really upset if they cancel the swim because that is what I have worked the hardest on.

That happened with two big women only tris here in Philly last year.  The Philly Womens Tri had to cancel the swim so a lot of women signed up for SheRox two weeks later for it just to turn into a duathlon too!
2010-04-14 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2791597

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-04-14 11:41 AM

If I wasn't worried out my first OWS in May at Galena Traithlon, I discovered this weekend while in discussions on my bike ride, that the guy I was with has done that race 4 times and 2 of them the weather did not allow the swim and it turned itno a Duathlon.  I will be really upset if they cancel the swim because that is what I have worked the hardest on.

OMG!  I have my first OW in May and the past 2 years they have canceled the swim too because it was WAY too windy. I will be SOOO disappointed it they do this year! It's my first OLY too!!! I really want to do all of it.. and do it well!!!

I hope yours turns out ok as well. I LOVE the swim portion and I work hard on it, so I know how you feel!!

2010-04-14 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2791610

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-04-14 11:43 AM You can NEVER go wrong with core workouts.  They help in all 3 events. 

Other strength is up in the air.  I personally used to lift a lot and ended up with a lot of injuries so I don't enjoy doing it at all, so I don't.

Will you benefit from it?  Probably.  Will it help you improve in your triathlon events?  Maybe/maybe not. 

Not much of an answer I know, but if you have the time for it and enjoy doing it, then sure, throw some in.  I would stick with lighter weights and higher reps, or do body weight exercises. 

Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-14 12:29 PM What is everyone's opinion on strength training during tri season? I have heard both sides of the argument... But I am wondering what everyone thinks.

I am doing 2 hours a week now ( because I have a class in school) but come May I won't have regualr sessions set up.

I have heard NO strength training at all.
I have heard Core only
I have heard Up to 3 hours a week....

I am being pulled towards Core only during tri season... But I am still curious if that sounds right...


That makes sense to me. I think I might just stick to Core. I was told it will help me drop a few pounds too if I stop lifting so much.... I guess that is an upside :D
2010-04-14 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2791522

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-04-14 12:24 PM
NRG42 - 2010-04-14 11:14 AM I am doing my last 11-12 mile run tonight before my first 1/2 mary .  I need this run to go well for mm and mental well-being.  I ve had some unusual mishaps and newbie errors that have been playing with my mind.....but I am ready and so excited because the weather is beautiful and can't wait to work up a good sweat. 

I think you had mentioned that you fell at the Shamrock Shuffle this year.  What happened?  It sounded pretty nasty with people falling on top of you?  My wife and I also ran that race this year and it was pretty crowded which I was also concerned about.

As far as having a good run make sure you are drinking enough fluids and are you using any type of gels or shot bloks especially with it being warmer today?  Nothing like bonking out because of a simple thing like hydration. 

Thanks guys for the tips.  Just the words are helping this newbie Water in hand.

The Shamrock Shuffle: It was a freak accident.  At about mile 2.5 I had a slight trip on what I thought was nothing, but the girl behind me also triped on a pavement blemish (i will call it) and just when I thought I had recovered.......her knees came down right in the back of mine.  This forced me to fall directly onto both of my knee caps.  No twisting or turning just a direct blow to both patellas.  A lot of sweeling and major bruising all the way down my leg but no serious damage.  So it was a tight squeeze to build in 6 weeks from 5-10 miles a week to 20 anyways, but an unfortunate set back in the training schedule has made me feel really uneasy. 

With a lot of RICE....things seem to be working well again and I think I am back in the game?  Already have travel arrangements and accominadations so I am going!  Plus three full days away from the family is well them .....but will be nice to NOT be a Mom for three days.
2010-04-14 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2791597

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-04-14 12:41 PM

If I wasn't worried out my first OWS in May at Galena Traithlon, I discovered this weekend while in discussions on my bike ride, that the guy I was with has done that race 4 times and 2 of them the weather did not allow the swim and it turned itno a Duathlon.  I will be really upset if they cancel the swim because that is what I have worked the hardest on.

I am also signed up for Galena and did not even realize that canceling the swim is a option.  I would be sad too....I am part fish.....but only in warmer water temps

2010-04-14 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2791655

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-14 12:52 PM
chichitao - 2010-04-14 11:43 AM You can NEVER go wrong with core workouts.  They help in all 3 events. 

Other strength is up in the air.  I personally used to lift a lot and ended up with a lot of injuries so I don't enjoy doing it at all, so I don't.

Will you benefit from it?  Probably.  Will it help you improve in your triathlon events?  Maybe/maybe not. 

Not much of an answer I know, but if you have the time for it and enjoy doing it, then sure, throw some in.  I would stick with lighter weights and higher reps, or do body weight exercises. 

Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-14 12:29 PM What is everyone's opinion on strength training during tri season? I have heard both sides of the argument... But I am wondering what everyone thinks.

I am doing 2 hours a week now ( because I have a class in school) but come May I won't have regualr sessions set up.

I have heard NO strength training at all.
I have heard Core only
I have heard Up to 3 hours a week....

I am being pulled towards Core only during tri season... But I am still curious if that sounds right...


That makes sense to me. I think I might just stick to Core. I was told it will help me drop a few pounds too if I stop lifting so much.... I guess that is an upside :D
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