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2011-01-07 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
2011 has been quite frustrating so far.  Tweaked my back which is now better, but better is accompanied by a nice solid cold.  Maybe I'm getting it all over with at once??  Hope to be back out there in the next day or so...just as soon as I can breathe out of my nose.  So the question is...How do you personally decide when you're too sick to train??   

2011-01-07 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3284457

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
DaveBIM2010 - 2011-01-07 4:26 PM

Training has been put on hold for a few days,
 nasty dislocation that broke through the skin on my finger yesterday playing basketball. No pool for a while but should be able to run and ride in a few days. it was ugly ! sucks!

Ouuuch !!! it definately sounds ugly ! Hope it heals up soon, dont let it stop you running or biking for too long
2011-01-07 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3284528

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
HannahD - 2011-01-07 4:52 PM 2011 has been quite frustrating so far.  Tweaked my back which is now better, but better is accompanied by a nice solid cold.  Maybe I'm getting it all over with at once??  Hope to be back out there in the next day or so...just as soon as I can breathe out of my nose.  So the question is...How do you personally decide when you're too sick to train??   

The cold is just one of those things but a sore back, thats not fun at all, hope it gets better soon.

I just see how i feel when poorly, if i am motivated and want to train, i will, if i feel low and sorry for myself i dont. if I do train and it has an adverse effect on the sickness, then i stop and take a break until better. If i have a cold I like to go for a run when i feel it turns a corner and that seems to work for me as i blow it all out the system on the run (sorry to be graphic!)

Fly is a major issue here in the uk this winter, its on the news every night about another flyu death, and this time its not people who are classed as high risk such as those with other health issues, it seems to be the fit and healthy ones. Bit scarey, but i amd working on the basis all the running fresh air is keeping the germs away for me ! 
2011-01-07 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3284579

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Folks, thank you for all your kind wishes, very humbling and much appreciated. My mother in law (Doreen) is now feeding through a tube into her stomach. This has brightened her a good deal, she hadn't been able to eat and drink for a couple of weeks and we know with being triathletes how important nutrition is! I'll keep you updated with progress.
I've managed a couple of sessions, did a spin class which was a blast, one of the guys I went with is building up to Ironman Lanzarote in May. I holiday there each year and take my hat off to anybody he does that race...hmm maybe one day! Good short run tonight in the wind and rain, 3 miles at 7 minute mile pace which sharpened me up. Fingers crossed should get to the pool tomorrow and then my beloved Hull City in the afternoon (football or should I say soccer)!! The stadium is next door to the hospital so I can visit Doreen before the game, works well!

Have a crazy day folks x

Edited by njc65 2011-01-07 11:55 AM
2011-01-07 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3284457

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
DaveBIM2010 - 2011-01-07 11:26 AM

Training has been put on hold for a few days,
 nasty dislocation that broke through the skin on my finger yesterday playing basketball. No pool for a while but should be able to run and ride in a few days. it was ugly ! sucks!

That's a serious dislocation!  I hope it heals up for you soon.  That'll teach you to play contact sports!

(Since some of you are pretty new to this site:  red or red italics is the indicator of sarcasm on BT.)
2011-01-07 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3284528

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
HannahD - 2011-01-07 11:52 AM 2011 has been quite frustrating so far.  Tweaked my back which is now better, but better is accompanied by a nice solid cold.  Maybe I'm getting it all over with at once??  Hope to be back out there in the next day or so...just as soon as I can breathe out of my nose.  So the question is...How do you personally decide when you're too sick to train??   

A couple of ways.  First, if I have a fever, then no training.  Second, if the illness is below the chest, again no training.  If it is a head cold, then it is a judgment call.  If I'm feeling miserable, I probably don't go, but on the other hand, sometimes going for a short run or bike actually makes me feel a little better.  I don't swim when I'm sick -- I find that it exacerbates the head congestion.

Get well soon!  There's plenty of 2011 left to train.

2011-01-07 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3284702

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
njc65 - 2011-01-07 12:53 PM Hi Folks, thank you for all your kind wishes, very humbling and much appreciated. My mother in law (Doreen) is now feeding through a tube into her stomach. This has brightened her a good deal, she hadn't been able to eat and drink for a couple of weeks and we know with being triathletes how important nutrition is! I'll keep you updated with progress.
I've managed a couple of sessions, did a spin class which was a blast, one of the guys I went with is building up to Ironman Lanzarote in May. I holiday there each year and take my hat off to anybody he does that race...hmm maybe one day! Good short run tonight in the wind and rain, 3 miles at 7 minute mile pace which sharpened me up. Fingers crossed should get to the pool tomorrow and then my beloved Hull City in the afternoon (football or should I say soccer)!! The stadium is next door to the hospital so I can visit Doreen before the game, works well!

Have a crazy day folks x

Glad she is feeling a bit better, Neil.  And best of luck to Hull City.

We vacationed on Lanzarote one year while we were living in England -- we did one of those last minute deals and got a very good deal indeed.  Great time.  I loved it.  IM Lanzarote is something I've had my eye on, but it must really be an epic race with the hills, heat, etc..  And getting there from the US is pretty pricey.  So it's really more of a wish than a serious possibility.

Glad to see you could get some training in.  Sometimes getting a little training in even during tough busy times actually makes those tough busy times a little easier.
2011-01-07 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Michael, 

Hope you and your group don't mind if I share this post (post#3284073 on page 53 of MG swbkrun).  Someone had brought the question up about mental and physical toughness and tri-chic gave her version.  I won't make it a habit of doing this, but felt that her thoughts would be beneficial to all. 

Sylvain (was on Michael MG previous two sessions)

Here goes:

Training when you don't want to...Talking yourself out of quitting a long run when your not feeling it...getting up early when you want to sleep...having a miserable workout that you just suck at but survive.  This is your mental training!  These are the successes you think about in the middle of a race when the wheels are coming off.  You might walk for a minute or 20 and every step is agony and then you take a deep breath and try and pull it back together again and go again even it you have to do it 10 times during a race that is mental toughness.

It's an attitude...failure is not an option.  I didn't get up at 5am for the last 6 months to quit.  You didn't sacrifice all your social time to workout just to quit.  You haven't put up with all your spouses "moods" about your workouts to quit.  It's believing in yourself.  It's getting mad at yourself.  It's pushing yourself.  It's holding yourself accountable.

My IM swim sucked.  The water was 57 degrees and after 20 min the cold had jacked with my HR and I was getting testy with everyone around me and panicky and started having doubts 3/4 of the way through my first loop.  I started thinking that if I couldn't pull myself together I wasn't going to be able to finish.  You have to be able to shut your mind down when it starts talking crap and say "NO", I'm better than that. Or my actual conversation with myself was ", I'm not going back to work to tell everyone I quit".  Then I had to evaluate what was wrong and make a plan and adjust.

1.)  Stick to your workouts and finish them.  If you give yourself excuses in your workouts you will give yourself excuses while your racing.    My personal favorite when I'm having a bad swim or run is to promise myself I'll stop after 200 then just to be evil it's another 500 or whatever.  My brain hates my ego we talk to each other all through the workout. 

2.)  Find your happy/motivated place.  Know what will calm you down.  Is it a memory of a vacation, your kids, spouse, Happy and calm is different than Motivated and Fired up...a visual of the way you are or use to be or who you want to be?

3.)  Tell EVERYBODY you know what you are doing and post it on your office door.  I am not kidding here.  I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to change my goal and forget the IM but didn't because it was on my door and the GM would come by periodically and ask me about how things were going.  Pride is a great motivator.

4.)  Have a motto or two...pick a motto and know it by heart.  Use it in training and it will come to you in racing.  Tape it to your bike if you have to.

ie...Suck it up buttercup or HTFU..just don't tell Suzy. ,  Nothing to it but to do it!  Good, Better, Best, never rest until your good is better than the rest.  Not sure where I got this one from but it works when your running on each foot strike.

5.)  Evaluate and change plans on the fly. (SOOOOO, important)  You should always have a race plan A, B and C and even then you might have to be creative.  Very rarely will you ever have a race that goes exactly as planned.

6.)  Learn the difference between workout pain and injury pain.  There is no shame in pulling out of a race because you feel something that is just wrong.  I've been out for two years because of working through pain.  I am in the process of discovering how I need to prepare my body to race and what I need to do when things feel off but I won't ever hesitate to stop if I can't get things undercontrol because one race isn't worth two years.  We aren't talking blisters here.

7)  Know why you are doing this.  This isn't the simple answer, "because somebody asked me to do it."  There's a reason you decided to torture yourself.  You may not even know why right now but you will discover it in your training.  Race day is a catered training day.  It's just another day in the end.  Triathlon is a journey of self discovery.  The work, blood, sweat, tears and money come from a place within.  Know what your motivation is and use it when the going gets tough.

7)  Last but not realistic with your goals and be prepared.

Sorry this got so long.  You hit a sore spot that I've been struggling with to get back on track.  You might have to feed this back to me as I go.

2011-01-08 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hi everyone

ˆ hope you are all well.  I appreciate the comments on my training log and the support.  Please forgive me for not being  active in responding the the group a much as I would like and to you all personally.  I'm struggling to get all the moving parts of my life in order so i can accomplish all I need a want to in a week.  it leaves less time for the computer, but it will get better.

I wanted to let you all know I had my first swim lesson and then master swim program this week.  I LOVED it!  I have a long way to go, but during the first masters class I swam a total of .8 miles over and hour and half, in 50's or 100s with 1 minute breaks in between sets.  I also had some drills to do from my coach.  he is a fantastic coach and really watched me swim  and offered lots of great suggestions and modifications to the daily program that meet me where I am at.  I'm sore today, but in a good way. Feeling your muscles strain in a weightless environment was a strange feeling.  i'm going to the pool tomorrow to practice some drills my coach gave me to help learn the proper form. 

Now if i could only find time for the bike :-)
2011-01-08 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3285820

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sstucker - 2011-01-07 9:16 PM Hi Michael, 

Hope you and your group don't mind if I share this post (post#3284073 on page 53 of MG swbkrun).  Someone had brought the question up about mental and physical toughness and tri-chic gave her version.  I won't make it a habit of doing this, but felt that her thoughts would be beneficial to all. 

Sylvain (was on Michael MG previous two sessions)

Hi Sylvain.  Thanks for the cross-post.  Very similar to a discussion we were having here a while back.  Good to get some additional input on that.  Hope you are well.
2011-01-08 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3286863

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sumayahrose - 2011-01-08 3:55 PM hi everyone

ˆ hope you are all well.  I appreciate the comments on my training log and the support.  Please forgive me for not being  active in responding the the group a much as I would like and to you all personally.  I'm struggling to get all the moving parts of my life in order so i can accomplish all I need a want to in a week.  it leaves less time for the computer, but it will get better.

I wanted to let you all know I had my first swim lesson and then master swim program this week.  I LOVED it!  I have a long way to go, but during the first masters class I swam a total of .8 miles over and hour and half, in 50's or 100s with 1 minute breaks in between sets.  I also had some drills to do from my coach.  he is a fantastic coach and really watched me swim  and offered lots of great suggestions and modifications to the daily program that meet me where I am at.  I'm sore today, but in a good way. Feeling your muscles strain in a weightless environment was a strange feeling.  i'm going to the pool tomorrow to practice some drills my coach gave me to help learn the proper form. 

Now if i could only find time for the bike :-)

Great to hear about the swimming, Laura!  A good swim coach is a great find.  I think that t is possibly the one best thing we adult-onset swimmers can do to learn to swim, or to swim better.

2011-01-08 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone.  I'm gearing up to write something about nutrition (during a race) that I hope some will find helpful.  In preparation for that, it might be useful to hear from you what you currently do during a race, and what questions you have, especially related to races that you have coming up, but also (as T already did) about things that went particularly well or badly in previous races.  That way maybe I can focus what I write more specifically on your concerns.  This isn't a 'trick question'!  There are really no steadfast, right-and-wrong, rules about nutrition.  It is highly individual.  But there are some general guidelines that could be useful, and some myths that could stand to be busted.

Of course, as always, any questions and discussion is more than encouraged.
2011-01-08 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3287261

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ok, you know I always have questions and concerns!
The only tri I have done, I ate small breakfast early, gel half hour before swim, got one gel down on the bike( I had planned 2 more) and 3 bottles of water, sips of water on the run. This was what I did training that worked the best-but not well. I had big time problems with nausea. I always do. When I drink water on the bike I feel like it goes no where, just sloshes in my stomach and then I either throw up when running or just feel like throwing up. Everybody said oh good you are working hard.
I will probably only ever do Olympic distance and I would think water would be enough for that distance. Do I need something different than water or am I doing something wrong?
2011-01-09 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I a glad you are going to address nutrition.  I have a question about what to eat post/pre work out.  in the last two weeks as i've intensified my workouts and workout schedule I'm finding the whole way I eat is having to change.  any suggestions on eating while training would also be appreciated.
2011-01-09 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
another question, how early on in the very beginning training program do you start to do multiple workouts in a day.  i'm going to have to double on something, (probably swimming and biking) to get all the work outs in.  and what about strength training in addition to the bike/swim/run workouts.
2011-01-09 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone.  I managed to get sick last night.  I caught whatever my kids (well, 2 of 3 of them) had.  They seem to be better today, so I'm hoping that it'll be just 24 hours for me too.  Actually, I'm already feeling a bit better.

I'm off to bed to try to knock this thing.  I'll reply to questions tomorrow. 

Keep up the great training!

Edited by Experior 2011-01-09 6:50 PM

2011-01-10 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3256073

Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Upstate South Carolina is snowed in today, just about everything is shut down and I think we are supposed to get 6-7" of the white stuff.  Probably really funny for you folks further north.  I may try to go for a run in it a little later, just to say I did.  I just need to figure out how to keep my feet dry first.

Hope everyone has a productive day!


Edited by Jeff1975 2011-01-10 8:20 AM
2011-01-10 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3287261

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Experior - 2011-01-09 1:20 AMHey everyone.  I'm gearing up to write something about nutrition (during a race) that I hope some will find helpful.  In preparation for that, it might be useful to hear from you what you currently do during a race, and what questions you have, especially related to races that you have coming up, but also (as T already did) about things that went particularly well or badly in previous races.  That way maybe I can focus what I write more specifically on your concerns.  This isn't a 'trick question'!  There are really no steadfast, right-and-wrong, rules about nutrition.  It is highly individual.  But there are some general guidelines that could be useful, and some myths that could stand to be busted.

Of course, as always, any questions and discussion is more than encouraged.
Hi Michael – This is definitely an area for focus for me, particularly stepping up to the 70.3 distance this year. I struggle with nutrition and don’t really have a strategy. I get away with an energy bar and drink on the bike during an Olympic, but know I can do better, feel fatigued on the run and find I cannot stomach much more PSP. I think I need to get a second bottle on the bike with some water in there. I have run out of energy in the 2 long distance events I have done so far, ie marathon and a mountain run in Scotland, so all help will be greatly received. On another note, check out the venue for an Olympic I will do in July, how fab does that look?!

Edited by njc65 2011-01-10 8:59 AM
2011-01-10 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3289447


Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

We are expecting 3-6 tonight and tomorrow (hopefully we get 6).  I love taking my dogs for a walk while it is snowing.  It is so beautiful and peaceful so I imagine your run will be just as awesome.  We are hopefully going to the gym tonight but that is weather pending. 


Edited by kathy79 2011-01-10 9:36 AM
2011-01-10 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3288058

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sumayahrose - 2011-01-09 6:10 PM another question, how early on in the very beginning training program do you start to do multiple workouts in a day.  i'm going to have to double on something, (probably swimming and biking) to get all the work outs in.  and what about strength training in addition to the bike/swim/run workouts.

Hi Laura, i wouldn't get too worried about doubling at this stage as there's plenty of time to go to your sprint in July, just make sure each session is a quality workout. Having said that a swim and then bike or run today is well within your grasp. In May or June time I would definately recommend a few 'brick sessions' these are where you bike, hop off and straight into the run as you will in a race. You will find for the first few minutes of your run you will feel as though your legs don't belong to you, weird feeling!! As for strength training I don't personally do much as I prefer to focus on the swim bike and run elements. I would definately focus on strengthening the core, here is a routine I follow, adapt it as you need to:

Neil x
2011-01-10 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3256073

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Folks how are you all?

Had a real blast tonight, went running with some friends on the Humber Bridge We did a short sprint session, running up to the towers and sprinting between them about a mile each one. I averaged about 6.20 for each mile, strong head wind one way, and a great tail wind on the way back. I hammered it and was close to the edge at the end, nice 2 1/2 mile cool down run at the end. Its going to be a regular event! x

Doreen continues to recover, the feeding tube is helping, and she is now able to talk again a bit, thanks for your concerns. Finally if anybody is on facebook feel free to add me, here's the link!/profile.php?id=553377741

Neil x

2011-01-10 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Laura - Great job with the successful swim lesson, a coach sounds like just the thing!

Michael - very sorry to hear you are sick, darn winter!  Here's to a speedy recovery!

Jan - I'm certainly no expert and generally don't have stomach issues while racing, but instead of just plain water I use Infinit drink mix.  They allow you to either buy a generic formula, or one specially tailored to your needs with regard to sodium, duration of exercise, flavor (strong vs. weak) and much much more.  Since the formula can also contain protein and other nutrients, it can be used alone (no additional gels, etc. needed).

Jeff - enjoy your run in the snow!  I agree with Kathy - being out in the snow whether it be walking, running or some other sort of exercise is very peaceful and comforting, and can be a surreal feeling because of the changed accoustics and lighting.

Neil - super run!  That sounds like a real blast.  It is good news your mother-in-law is improving.   I sent a friend request to you via Facebook.

If anyone else from the group wants to add me as a friend, here is my link:!/profile.php?id=1398415585
2011-01-10 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3290837

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, will look for that. Have tried a few training drinks but so far nothing helpful. Do you buy it online? I live in a kind of small town. Never seen it.
I am sick too! I never get sick! Head, throat, chest, face hurts. Probably sinus infection. Dang, don't like missing workouts.

Neil, glad your mother in law is doing better, so hard time when our parents are sick.

Laura, keep with the swimming. I try to swim at least 3 times a week since that is my weakness. Sometimes I think I suck, other times I think wow I got it I am good!

We are getting snow too. I has been falling all day. Running in nice fluffy snow is good, like running in sand I try to convince myself,

Michael, hope you are better soon. Being sick is awful.

You guys are all great.
2011-01-10 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3290726

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
thanks neil, the link is great resource and I appreciate your insight.  I feel that doing extra strength training is just too much now.  one hour to an hour session or running, biking or swimming is about all i've got in me right now, thought i do plan to ad a spin class onto a swim day because my swim coach (actually a trained try coach too!) teaches it as a prep for spring riding.

that said, i'm feeling good.  painfully slow run (mostly mentally slow and painful).  it was too cold and snowy to run outside today, learned my lesson!  looking forward to that day when i realize i've turned the corner running.
2011-01-10 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
thanks for all the encouragement on the swim!  i love this group :-)
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