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2011-01-17 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3301120

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
quincyf - 2011-01-15 8:06 AM We're already into the weekend, but I'll post anyway.  Finishing up P90X (on week 11 out of 12 or 13 I guess).  Plyometrics today plus a trainer ride. Tomorrow will be Shoulders and Arms + Abs and a run.  Chest and Back + Abs and a run yesterday, 30 mins around the neighborhood, nice and slow.  

For swimming I am thinking of getting a few lessons before I start ramping back up.  My husband could barely swim and after a few lessons with a tri coach I am scared he might catch me on the swim (he'll catch me on the bike or run anyway but I need to have something I can beat him at).

Or should I do a master's swim program for the spring?  

Thoughts from the peanut gallery? 

Oh well, before I do any of that, gotta take the kids to some classes...bye for now.

A masters group is good for swimming, helps you push harder than you would other wise go.

2011-01-17 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3256799

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Starting my masters swim group tomorrow morning...really looking forward to it. My swimming is  not as strong as it could be and I thought it made more sense to have someone helping me become a more efficient swimmer.
2011-01-17 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3305084

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-01-17 6:26 PM
TriPatrick - 2011-01-14 2:44 PM Ritter-
How often are you taking an Ice bath?  The pools in our neighborhood are open year around and I can take advantage of stepping in them for a quick soak.  Are they best right after a long workout, intervals, day before a rest day, etc?

I generally try to take an ice bath after all hard/long runs. No ice baths day before a race though. The pool I use was 45 degrees this afternoon and I didn't even let it finish recording the temp. The good thing about really cold ice baths is everything goes numb quicker.

I love the way you think, the colder the bath the quicker you go numb. If you survive the first 2 minutes you've made it! haha I haven't had a good ice bath in a while
2011-01-17 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Since the kids were off school and it was snowing today we went to a nearby tubing hill.  This hill is a renovated landfill and where all the runners in the area head out to for their hill repeats.  I made it up twice carrying the little dude and a tube before he pooped out, which I was thrilled about.  My stupid toe is swollen again, showing some new bruising, and hurts.  Grrrrrrrr!  I feel like I may never be able to run again and am starting to wonder if I should go see a doctor.

I still made it to the pool this afternoon though.  After a month out of the water I wasn't doing so great but I ignored my time and worked on some drills with my new kick board.  After doing a pull drill with the board between my knees I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Also, am I the only one that keeps thinking I'm seeing a large breast out of the corner of my eye in the "Off Season Plans" ad on the right side of the screen?
2011-01-17 10:56 PM
in reply to: #3298878

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
triritter - 2011-01-14 6:18 AM
macm - 2011-01-14 12:38 AM
triritter - 2011-01-13 6:38 AM
macm - 2011-01-12 10:49 PM
triritter - 2011-01-12 6:16 AM
macm - 2011-01-12 12:34 AM I came across this group and noticed a couple of people here are racing in Kemah in April.  If it is not too late, I would like to join...
Name: macm
Story: used to live near the coast, moved to Austin for work and needed something to do that was not fishing or sailing.... So I bought a road bike and entered the Austin triathlon last September.  I did better than planned, but an old college friend beat me by over an hour.  My goal is to improve my olympic time by an hour for the next Austin race and need help sticking to a productive plan for my second race in Kemah.
2011 schedule: April 3 - Kemah Triathlon
September - Austin Triathlon 
why I need a mentor - I tend to become injured quickly and need some help with a dynamic training regimen that can help prevent injury.

Hello MACM, first of all how do you pronounce your name? Gateway to the Bay in Kemah, is an awesome triathlon. I did it last year, didn't fair so great but still had fun out there. Why do you become injured so quickly? I would like more back ground on you. How old you are? What you do for work? What is your "average" training week like. Let me know if you have any questions!!!

It's Mike, I'm 29 and work in business management for a power company.  I haven't developed an average training week yet - it varies from one day of running to a mix of run/bike/swim all week.  My first problems were shin splints, but now it's the outside of my left knee.  Every bike ride seems to expose the pain during each pedal stroke; it seems to be ITBS, but shows up after a long layoff and little exercise.  This also happened last year and really slowed me down.  I'm wondering if lots of weight training would help prevent these issues?

Hey Mike, first of all I would say increase your endurance slow and gradual first and stay consistent. 20 minutes a day is better than 60 min one day a week.  Second, you should get a proper bike fit.

I will try to be more consistent.  My knee problem shows up on both mountain and road.  I spoke to a co-worker today, who said that her physical therapist is rolling her IT band out forcefully over a few sessions.  It sounds painfull, but whatever works. 

Is speed or endurance more easily achievable?  I would like to have endurance, but it is really boring running slow.  Can I focus on speed and gain endurance at the same time?

Tell me more about your running back ground?

I ran cross country throughout my teen years and less frequently in college.  Since, I have been sporadic.   Most recently, I began running again in July of last year.  I have always had shin splints in the first couple months after a layoff.  Last year, I began running without landing on my heels and was able to stave off the shin splints.   This past Saturday, I cut my running short after 10 minutes, due to tenderness near the outside of the knee and stretched out for about 30min.  I am taking a couple days off, with ibuprofen.  It has been over 10 years since I was able to break a 7min/mi.  More recently, 9-10 min is status quo for generally 3 mile runs.  

My hopes are to break 7 in the 10k by September.  So far, I have been unable to maintain a fast pace, as my HR goes up quickly and I become exhausted.  So I have two main questions.. Is it practical to assume a 7min/mi is achievable in this time frame and what is the best way to work on endurance while injured?

Here is my first and only triathlon race time so far.  I was having a hard time keeping my HR under 180 for about half of the run - hence my time.  Avg HR for the run ended up at 168.  

























2011-01-17 10:57 PM
in reply to: #3305073

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-01-17 5:23 PM
kussmaul - 2011-01-14 7:02 AM I am on my way to San Diego tomorrow (for work, but still San Diego does not suckLaughing).  Lots of work stuff and big dinners, so working out may be challenging.  I'll be able to run, but not sure besides that.  I'm bringing my swimming stuff, just in case though.

how was SD? You missed the awesome weather in Frisco
San Diego is great!! I'd stay here if I could!! I kinda did my first open water swim today. My one co-worker has done tris of all lengths forever, my other is doing her first with me in march. Our plan was to rent wetsuits and get some help from our experienced co-worker. Well a very oversized wetsuit does not hold out the water very well and 58 degree water is kind of chilly!! I lasted about 15 min but it was a good experience. We found a pool to finish, so I got to practice swimming in a wetsuit for awhile (hopefully it will be easier without lots of extra fabric ballooning all over.

2011-01-18 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3302011

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
TriPatrick - 2011-01-15 7:10 PM

63 mile ride today - FAIL
The last ride I took outdoors was Nov 7th where I did the bike leg of my HIM in 2:45.

I left for a 2:30 ride on roads I am familure with.  I took 5 bootles of water and 3 gels.  I usualy have a concentrate of infinit, cliff bar and water for my long rides.  I am out of infinit so I decided to just take 3 gels and leave my cliff at home.  Well I took 2 new roads that IMTX will use and I was loving the route.  I got into it a bit and thought all was well.  When I got to a town named Richards I thought I would take another road on the IMTX route because it was not that far out of the way.  dumb.  I was out in the middle of nowhere and although I was not winded my legs were shot.  I could not keep a pace and I was starving.  I went to the first store I came across and ate 2 snickers and a bottle of gatoraide.  The rest of the rest of the ride was ok, but man my legs would not move.  I noticed a few things that have me puzzled.  I was not tired, legs did not hurt, but I just could not stay a speed.  I would try to keep moving, but I had to coast several times and I was very lonely..  When I got home the baby was crying, oldest would not nap and mommy was going crazy.  I could not leave for my run, but I know I could have done it. 

Did I bonk, not ready for this long of a ride, or a combination.  I am going to do the ride again next week, with plenty of nutrition, and see what happens.  I mean it cant be any worse.

Hey what did you eat before? I usually try to take in 100-200 calories every hour on long rides that don't come from my sports drink. My legs have been fried a lot too lately on group rides, but that is because I have been riding on the weekends with guys who are super fit.
2011-01-18 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3305362

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-01-17 8:22 PM Since the kids were off school and it was snowing today we went to a nearby tubing hill.  This hill is a renovated landfill and where all the runners in the area head out to for their hill repeats.  I made it up twice carrying the little dude and a tube before he pooped out, which I was thrilled about.  My stupid toe is swollen again, showing some new bruising, and hurts.  Grrrrrrrr!  I feel like I may never be able to run again and am starting to wonder if I should go see a doctor.

I still made it to the pool this afternoon though.  After a month out of the water I wasn't doing so great but I ignored my time and worked on some drills with my new kick board.  After doing a pull drill with the board between my knees I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Also, am I the only one that keeps thinking I'm seeing a large breast out of the corner of my eye in the "Off Season Plans" ad on the right side of the screen?

What is up with your toe? and what is a tubing hill?

You may not be kicking quite enough, when you swim. I am working on this as well. Also, you need to try to lean more on chest and keep your core "engaged". Your butt should be pretty much out of the water. You may want to try to the 6 kick switch drill. Where you kick 6 times for every stroke.
2011-01-18 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3305576

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
macm - 2011-01-17 10:56 PM
triritter - 2011-01-14 6:18 AM
macm - 2011-01-14 12:38 AM
triritter - 2011-01-13 6:38 AM
macm - 2011-01-12 10:49 PM
triritter - 2011-01-12 6:16 AM
macm - 2011-01-12 12:34 AM I came across this group and noticed a couple of people here are racing in Kemah in April.  If it is not too late, I would like to join...
Name: macm
Story: used to live near the coast, moved to Austin for work and needed something to do that was not fishing or sailing.... So I bought a road bike and entered the Austin triathlon last September.  I did better than planned, but an old college friend beat me by over an hour.  My goal is to improve my olympic time by an hour for the next Austin race and need help sticking to a productive plan for my second race in Kemah.
2011 schedule: April 3 - Kemah Triathlon
September - Austin Triathlon 
why I need a mentor - I tend to become injured quickly and need some help with a dynamic training regimen that can help prevent injury.

Hello MACM, first of all how do you pronounce your name? Gateway to the Bay in Kemah, is an awesome triathlon. I did it last year, didn't fair so great but still had fun out there. Why do you become injured so quickly? I would like more back ground on you. How old you are? What you do for work? What is your "average" training week like. Let me know if you have any questions!!!

It's Mike, I'm 29 and work in business management for a power company.  I haven't developed an average training week yet - it varies from one day of running to a mix of run/bike/swim all week.  My first problems were shin splints, but now it's the outside of my left knee.  Every bike ride seems to expose the pain during each pedal stroke; it seems to be ITBS, but shows up after a long layoff and little exercise.  This also happened last year and really slowed me down.  I'm wondering if lots of weight training would help prevent these issues?

Hey Mike, first of all I would say increase your endurance slow and gradual first and stay consistent. 20 minutes a day is better than 60 min one day a week.  Second, you should get a proper bike fit.

I will try to be more consistent.  My knee problem shows up on both mountain and road.  I spoke to a co-worker today, who said that her physical therapist is rolling her IT band out forcefully over a few sessions.  It sounds painfull, but whatever works. 

Is speed or endurance more easily achievable?  I would like to have endurance, but it is really boring running slow.  Can I focus on speed and gain endurance at the same time?

Tell me more about your running back ground?

I ran cross country throughout my teen years and less frequently in college.  Since, I have been sporadic.   Most recently, I began running again in July of last year.  I have always had shin splints in the first couple months after a layoff.  Last year, I began running without landing on my heels and was able to stave off the shin splints.   This past Saturday, I cut my running short after 10 minutes, due to tenderness near the outside of the knee and stretched out for about 30min.  I am taking a couple days off, with ibuprofen.  It has been over 10 years since I was able to break a 7min/mi.  More recently, 9-10 min is status quo for generally 3 mile runs.  

My hopes are to break 7 in the 10k by September.  So far, I have been unable to maintain a fast pace, as my HR goes up quickly and I become exhausted.  So I have two main questions.. Is it practical to assume a 7min/mi is achievable in this time frame and what is the best way to work on endurance while injured?

Here is my first and only triathlon race time so far.  I was having a hard time keeping my HR under 180 for about half of the run - hence my time.  Avg HR for the run ended up at 168.  


























Pain on the outside of the knee is generally the IT Band symdrome. You could be over pronating and/or doing too much too soon. To be honest you maybe out of your realm to think breaking a 7 min pace for 10k right now. You need to be icing after hard runs, at the very least have a styrofoam cup and roll around the outside your knee but cold ice baths seem to work better and keep injuries away. Umm..the best way to work on endurance while injured, is to do rehab first and wait until your injury free for long term. To fix things in the short term, which I don't reccomend right now is to where something called a cho-pat I think it's called just under your knee which relieved the IT Band some,  you can also use athletic pre-wrap for this too but then again this is just a cover up. Make sure your doing a good warmup before the main set of your hard workouts and ease into base/aerobic runs, followed with an easy cool down at least 5-10 min.
2011-01-18 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3305710

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Are you wearing board shorts or a speedo or jammers? I bought some jammers and once I decided that I just didnt care what others may think and wore them I found that drag was pretty much gone.


Edited by DaveL 2011-01-18 7:23 PM
2011-01-18 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3307541

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
DaveL - 2011-01-18 7:16 PM  
I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Are you wearing board shorts or a speedo or jammers? I bought some jammers and once I decided that I just didnt care what others may think and wore them I found that drag was pretty much gone.


I wear a modest Speedo one-piece since jammers show off a little more than my husband likes strangers to see.  That said, I don't think it's my suit that is the problem Wink  Now I'm off to change my profile picture because you're not the first to assume I'm a guy.

Edited by thndrcloud 2011-01-18 7:46 PM

2011-01-18 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3307576

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-01-18 7:36 PM
DaveL - 2011-01-18 7:16 PM  
I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Are you wearing board shorts or a speedo or jammers? I bought some jammers and once I decided that I just didnt care what others may think and wore them I found that drag was pretty much gone.


I wear a modest Speedo one-piece since jammers show off a little more than my husband likes strangers to see.  That said, I don't think it's my suit that is the problem.  Now I'm off to change my profile picture because you're not the first to assume I'm a guy.
OTOH. If u did go the jammer route u would be assured of having ur own lane. Might come in handy when the pool is crowded.
2011-01-18 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3307598

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
quincyf - 2011-01-18 7:45 PM
thndrcloud - 2011-01-18 7:36 PM
DaveL - 2011-01-18 7:16 PM  
I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Are you wearing board shorts or a speedo or jammers? I bought some jammers and once I decided that I just didnt care what others may think and wore them I found that drag was pretty much gone.


I wear a modest Speedo one-piece since jammers show off a little more than my husband likes strangers to see.  That said, I don't think it's my suit that is the problem.  Now I'm off to change my profile picture because you're not the first to assume I'm a guy.
OTOH. If u did go the jammer route u would be assured of having ur own lane. Might come in handy when the pool is crowded.

Not to toot my own horn, but I don't think swimming topless would be the best way to keep the guys at the pool out of my lane.  My chest may be more aerodynamic than some, but it's still unmistakably feminine.
2011-01-18 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3305710

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-01-18 6:16 AM
thndrcloud - 2011-01-17 8:22 PM Since the kids were off school and it was snowing today we went to a nearby tubing hill.  This hill is a renovated landfill and where all the runners in the area head out to for their hill repeats.  I made it up twice carrying the little dude and a tube before he pooped out, which I was thrilled about.  My stupid toe is swollen again, showing some new bruising, and hurts.  Grrrrrrrr!  I feel like I may never be able to run again and am starting to wonder if I should go see a doctor.

I still made it to the pool this afternoon though.  After a month out of the water I wasn't doing so great but I ignored my time and worked on some drills with my new kick board.  After doing a pull drill with the board between my knees I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Also, am I the only one that keeps thinking I'm seeing a large breast out of the corner of my eye in the "Off Season Plans" ad on the right side of the screen?

What is up with your toe? and what is a tubing hill?

You may not be kicking quite enough, when you swim. I am working on this as well. Also, you need to try to lean more on chest and keep your core "engaged". Your butt should be pretty much out of the water. You may want to try to the 6 kick switch drill. Where you kick 6 times for every stroke.

I broke my pinky toe on Christmas Day when I stubbed it on a stool.  When I'm not training/racing I have the grace of a beached manatee.  Overall it's better now than right after I did it, but it's not healing as fast as I'd like.  I tried running on New Year's Eve which made it worse and have stayed off it since then.  I'm hoping it will be good enough that I can start running next week otherwise I'll see a doctor and figure out whether the consequences of running through the pain are worthwhile.

A tubing hill is just a hill that is designated for sliding down in large tractor size inner tubes.  It's one of the crazy things us folks up north do when the snow prevents us from biking and running outside in the winter.
2011-01-18 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3307576

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-01-18 7:36 PM
DaveL - 2011-01-18 7:16 PM  
I think I can safely say that it's my dragging legs that are holding me back.  Masters swim clinic starts in February but if anyone has tips for keeping parallel to the surface I'd love to start working on it now.

Are you wearing board shorts or a speedo or jammers? I bought some jammers and once I decided that I just didnt care what others may think and wore them I found that drag was pretty much gone.


I wear a modest Speedo one-piece since jammers show off a little more than my husband likes strangers to see.  That said, I don't think it's my suit that is the problem Wink  Now I'm off to change my profile picture because you're not the first to assume I'm a guy.

LOL oops, sorry!
2011-01-19 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
be patient with your pinky. There is less circulation around that area so injuries take a while. I know because I broke some metarsals a few years go. I would be wearing a "boot" right now if I were you to speed healing to keep weight off it.

2011-01-19 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

Anybody have any questions for me this week?

2011-01-19 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3308056

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-01-19 6:26 AM

Anybody have any questions for me this week?

I noticed that you have cramps in your feet when you swim sometimes. 

Last year, my second year of tris, I started having really bad cramps in my calves and sometimes in my feet during my swims.  I do not have cramping issues during any of the other disciplines...the only time the cramps are an issue for the bike and run are during a tri when they start in the swim.  I make sure to stretch before I swim and I know to keep the feet relaxed while kicking...sometimes easier said then done...but I am still having issues with cramps.  My question for you is do you do anything special to help with the cramps or do you have any suggestions on how to prevent them. 
2011-01-20 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3310153

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
hippotude - 2011-01-19 9:20 PM
triritter - 2011-01-19 6:26 AM

Anybody have any questions for me this week?

I noticed that you have cramps in your feet when you swim sometimes. 

Last year, my second year of tris, I started having really bad cramps in my calves and sometimes in my feet during my swims.  I do not have cramping issues during any of the other disciplines...the only time the cramps are an issue for the bike and run are during a tri when they start in the swim.  I make sure to stretch before I swim and I know to keep the feet relaxed while kicking...sometimes easier said then done...but I am still having issues with cramps.  My question for you is do you do anything special to help with the cramps or do you have any suggestions on how to prevent them. 

To be honest know really knows for sure what causes cramps. In my case the other night it was a combination of things I think such as too much coffee and not enough water/electrolytes and also some overexertion. I haven't swam that hard continous in a long time. So, in short it could be lack of fitness, exertion, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance. I find if you run hard earlier before a swim then you are also more suspectible to them as well.

Anybody else have thoughts on this?
2011-01-20 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3283891

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN

Got a swim question for you William.  Particularly a stoke questions during the pulling phase of the stroke.  After the hand enters the water and stretches to its farthest reach, and you bend the wrist to get ready to start your arm supposed to push straight back (kind of similiar to the motion if you were doing dips)? Or act like a windmill and perform a circular motion?  Kind of technical! Smile 

2011-01-20 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I also having a swimming question.  I've been noticing lately then when I am swimming hard sets and going quite hard - my feet start to get tingly.  Does anyone else have this problem?

Do you think it is because I am not breathing enough?

2011-01-20 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3310866

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
I've also experienced that sensation. I would deduct that it is due to oxygen deprivation. When I am swimming hard sets, my breathing pattern is typically every 5 to 7 strokes. I'll notice the tingly sensation in my feet and sometimes even in my lower legs. After a hard set, once I get a few deep breaths, it goes away.

smoore3 - 2011-01-20 9:44 AMI also having a swimming question.  I've been noticing lately then when I am swimming hard sets and going quite hard - my feet start to get tingly.  Does anyone else have this problem?

Do you think it is because I am not breathing enough?

Edited by roadrhino 2011-01-20 10:48 AM
2011-01-20 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3310420

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
triritter - 2011-01-20 7:11 AM
hippotude - 2011-01-19 9:20 PM
triritter - 2011-01-19 6:26 AM

Anybody have any questions for me this week?

I noticed that you have cramps in your feet when you swim sometimes. 

Last year, my second year of tris, I started having really bad cramps in my calves and sometimes in my feet during my swims.  I do not have cramping issues during any of the other disciplines...the only time the cramps are an issue for the bike and run are during a tri when they start in the swim.  I make sure to stretch before I swim and I know to keep the feet relaxed while kicking...sometimes easier said then done...but I am still having issues with cramps.  My question for you is do you do anything special to help with the cramps or do you have any suggestions on how to prevent them. 

To be honest know really knows for sure what causes cramps. In my case the other night it was a combination of things I think such as too much coffee and not enough water/electrolytes and also some overexertion. I haven't swam that hard continous in a long time. So, in short it could be lack of fitness, exertion, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance. I find if you run hard earlier before a swim then you are also more suspectible to them as well.

Anybody else have thoughts on this?

When swimming to keep the toes pointed the foot and calf muscles are contracted for a long time without much break. I think the foot muscles are more susceptible to cramps, not sure why though. Maybe the resistance of the water adds to the issue.
2011-01-20 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3312190

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Just a funny thought after seeing the training log and it has garmin uploading for swimming? Is that even practical? I'm sure that added it for all 3 sports, or maybe some people get splits off there garmin. I just hope there's no one GPSing their swim in a pool LOL!
2011-01-21 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3310508

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
adubtri - 2011-01-20 7:33 AM

Got a swim question for you William.  Particularly a stoke questions during the pulling phase of the stroke.  After the hand enters the water and stretches to its farthest reach, and you bend the wrist to get ready to start your arm supposed to push straight back (kind of similiar to the motion if you were doing dips)? Or act like a windmill and perform a circular motion?  Kind of technical! Smile 

Tough question, I need a visual to see what you are talking about. Your hand should be vertical and your elbow should be high and near the surface pushing your forearm back, if that makes sense.  You use your big back muscles the lats to do this, this will also help in rotation.
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