BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers) Rss Feed  
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2011-01-17 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Stu- The chart looks fantastic! Thanks for putting so much work into it.

Cynthia-It sounds like your life is about to get even busier. Good luck with the classes. Is the gym membership expensive at the school?

Does everyone have today off? I'm the only one in my family that has to work. Oh well, the office should be pretty quiet, so I'll get a lot of work done. Bike trainer is scheduled for later.

2011-01-17 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3303743

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
slow turtle - 2011-01-17 7:11 AM

Does everyone have today off? I'm the only one in my family that has to work. Oh well, the office should be pretty quiet, so I'll get a lot of work done. Bike trainer is scheduled for later.

Today is one of those days when my flexible schedule does not work in my favor.  Eventually got in around 1am last night and headed to work as soon as this extra large pot of coffee does its magic :-)  I am also somewhat fearful about getting on the scales as the mini-chocolate bars and Hershey Kisses that were strategically placed every 6 feet or so at the seminar eventually roped me in as the weekend progressed and my energy levels faded.  Back on the bikes at lunch today.  Hope to see you all there!

Have a great day everyone!  Get the week off to a good start :-)

2011-01-17 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3260273


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Got up this a.m. and I miraculously had a sore throat and felt like I had been hit by an 18 wheeler. So I went to work and figured out quickly that I would not be working 12 hours today.....and now I sit herr torturing myself and reading about everyone's awesime workouts and longing to go myself but knowing I wouldn't make it ten foot without tiring out....i wish everyone good luck on their workouts and reaching your goals today...I would also like to know what type of core work everyone does and on what days....look fotward to hearing from everyone.
2011-01-17 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3303908

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
jcoble1209 - 2011-01-17 8:25 AMGot up this a.m. and I miraculously had a sore throat and felt like I had been hit by an 18 wheeler. So I went to work and figured out quickly that I would not be working 12 hours today.....and now I sit herr torturing myself and reading about everyone's awesime workouts and longing to go myself but knowing I wouldn't make it ten foot without tiring out....i wish everyone good luck on their workouts and reaching your goals today...I would also like to know what type of core work everyone does and on what days....look fotward to hearing from everyone.

Hi Jennifer,
I'm sorry you are not feeling well. Gypsy Cold Tea is a miracle worker!
Today I'm off to the gym for a TRX workout. You can check it out on youtube. Lots of planks, climbing abs, pushups, lunges, etc and intervals of jump rope.  Totally fun workout without that misery, and boredom, of crunches.

Edited by beachprof 2011-01-17 8:52 AM
2011-01-17 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3303743

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Its not too expensive, $200 for the year, but we have some financial goals we are trying to accomplish.  Right now we are making double mortgage payments on the house and farm to pay it off in 12 years.  So the gym memebership is doable I just liked being able to go to the base and use the gyms there. 

Unfortunately there is another solution...???one of the ?s?m?a?l?l?e?r? gyms on base opens at 5 am and technically I could get a good hour in? ?b?e?f?o?r?e? ?????????????????????? ???m?y? ?l?o?n?g? ?d?r?i?v?e? ?t?o? ?w?o?r?k?,? ?but I haven't been that ambitious yet.  My alarm goes off at 0430 but I always turn it off and get back under?the?  covers!? ? ??M?a?y?b?e? ???I? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?c?h?a??ng?e? ?m?y? ?g?o?a?l???????!
2011-01-17 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3303908

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Good idea to rest and heal!  You will be better for it! Feel better soon.

2011-01-17 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Another beautiful day here in No. NV!  And boy did it feel good to sleep in today!  I have no training or workout today but the beautiful weather is calling me, so I may take a nice ride and take the dogs for a hike.  Or I could  do the responsible thing and stay in and do a much needed cleaning in the house,yuck! 

Changing/adding a goal...get up and to the gym by 0500 to get in a workout 2x a week, that means leave the house by 0445.  Oh this is a hard one for me. In order to this I will have EVERYTHING ready the night before, may even sleep in my gym clothes so I just wake up and drive..ha ha!  No, but seriously this will need to be a necessity if I want to keep up with my other goals. So maybe it is not a goal but a step to take to meet my other goals.

Edited by SportzVision 2011-01-17 12:49 PM
2011-01-17 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Cynthia - getting up at 0430hrs is seriously hardcore!  I don't think I could do that.  I have to get up at 5am when I'm on early days and that absolutely kills me.  I don't think I could do it through choice!

Jennifer - sorry you're not feeling well.  I was like that at the beginning of last week.  It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed to work, let alone try to exercise.  But remember, being ill is like an injury, you have to give your body time to heal.  If you try to do too much too soon it just takes longer to get back to normal.  Hang in there, and I hope you feel better soon. x

Today is my rest day.  I'm finding it really hard to take a rest day, especially as the tri club guys are swimming this evening and I'd really like to be there with them.  But I've got a busy plan for the rest of the week, and I really needed to give my body a break, so I'm forcing myself to have a chilled out evening.

And Heidi - I was at work today.  I'm doing monday to friday for 2 weeks, which feels really weird...

Plans for tomorrow: I have circuit training at lunchtime at work, and then I'm going to have some time on the turbo trainer in the evening and work on my single leg drills with my cleats. :-)
2011-01-17 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Jennifer- I hope you're feeling better soon.

I have a trainer ride planned for this evening. But, we're having a birthday dinner for my FIL, so I'm not sure when I'll get home. This is an important dinner, because my MIL is extremely ill with cancer, and we're not sure how the next year will go.
So, I might skip the ride to cherish some extra time with them.

On a positive note: some one that I work with is over 300 lbs, but she has lost 11 lbs recently! She publicly thanked me today for the support and encouragement I've offered her! I'm so happy for her!
2011-01-17 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3304825

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Jennifer - get well soon.  And I say this as an old guy who has lots of perspective, getting sick (or injured) is a pain, but it doesn't make a hill of beans difference in the long-term of tri-training.  Usually when it happens, your body can use the rest... so grab a big bowl of brothy soup and drink plenty of fluids and rest up.  Hope you're feeling better soon.

Cherish your evening Heidi.  We just lost a dear friend to cancer last night.  The ride can wait.  And congrats to your friend... I know she'll keep it up with your amazing encouragement!

I'm still not unpacked from my trip to the northern flatlands of Michigan, but Anne, I have to say that I saw at least 10 people out running when I was leaving town... y'all are made of tough stuff up there.  I was once too (a New England boy), but now I am officially a suthun' pup.

Got in a good bike class today and stayed an extra 15 min.  Long swim tomorrow.  Someone had asked about core exercises... I'm very boring about them, I work them into my warm-up before running (along with two weight sets for swimming).  The only redeeming quality about the boring core work is that you can do it anywhere anytime.  Sounds like what Joanne does is much more interesting.  I know many of our cycle classes end with a core workout with the killer ball.  Core work is definitely good to add into the week's workouts if you have the time.

2011-01-17 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
My gosh I feel like everyone has blown by me this! I have not figured out how to juggle very well yet. Sounds like some of you are getting so good at it your are ready to join the circus!

End of last week was trashed. I had to work most of the weedend. Hit the trainer last night and ran tonight. I'm really going to have to focus on using the trainer to ramp up my cardio. It's alway here and I don't have a treadmill.

Shedules for training have been a . I just have to find the cracks and squeeze them in. : (


2011-01-17 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Stu- Sorry to hear about your loss.
  We're really hoping my MIL pulls through, but she has several health issues that make treatment and recovery difficult. My kids really end up needing some attention when we come home from their Grandma's house. They don't fully understand what's going on, but they certainly feel the tension in the air.

Phil-Welcome back! Keep filling in those cracks with training!

As for me, I think I'll still get on the trainer, just maybe cut it shorter than originally planned.
2011-01-17 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
tomorrow is rest day. OH MANY I can not wait. A full week of training and my body is toast.

The husband was home today so I got on the computrainer - I could do this anytime but I am afraid of touching his bike (the Cervelo). Anyway, I used the computrainer to train most of last summer and it is awesome! Dropped all my bike times. AMAZING. And I did a ten mile time trial today and my butt is toast.

Stu, welcome back home. We are made of tougher stuff only because we have to be. I can not wait to move someplace warmer!!!

Also, Stu, I'm sorry for your loss.

To everyone who is sick, busy, frantic, worn out, struggling to fit in a gets in the way. That's part of training. So long as you are consistent you will be fine. Get back to it tomorrow, or when you feel better, or fit in a quick run inbetween the crazy. Every little bit counts.

The tiniest one had her first playdate today, and then waterbabies class tonight and my arms and legs are so sore from this week- but I still lifted her the highest and bounced up and down with her- but man do I need my rest day tomorrow. I'm going to go grocery shopping and fingerpaint. Sounds like a great time right? And tuesday night is always chicken and rice night- it's our only weeknight home, so I make a ton of chicken breasts and brown rice so we have it for lunch the rest of the week (me and the husband).
2011-01-17 11:57 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Here's to the beginning of another week!  Last week is done and in the books, we all accopmplished a lot even when it doesn't feel like it.  I am a little worried about my week but I have packed my breakfast and lunch, work clothes and gear.  I am headed to the gym early tomorrow to reach my goal of keeping up with my training plan and add in strength training.  Then I have class on Wednesday and have to remember how to be a student...again!

Looks like some of our group is going through some tough times.  Hope the training, exercise and the time for thoughts all your own will help with healing.  You are all in my prayers and thoughts.  Thank you all for being here and participating.  It surely has made a difference!  

Nite nite! 

2011-01-18 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Today is a "rest" day meaning I have to work all day and then give a lecture until 9pm. It's all good though, I need a day to give my body a break. Tomorrow is a short run (3 mi) followed by TRX class. I know I've mentioned it a few times, and it looks easy when you see it, but I like how it's a tough workout without injury, lots of full stretching. Also, at least one person has mentioned yoga and I agree it's hard to find the time for a class, so I do the show on fit-tv, usually Saturday mornings. It's only 30mins and I feel great afterwards.
Have a terrific day everyone!
2011-01-18 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi Gang!

Ice storm here last night, so I'm going to enjoy my coffee a bit longer before venturing out.  For those of you who have a rest day, ENJOY!  For those of you who are sick, please get well soon.  For the rest of us, what's on tap?  What are we going to squeeze in the cracks / juggle today?


2011-01-18 7:09 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
It's another snow day here in Upstate NY! I'm actually going to stay home from work for this one. From a training perspective, that's a good thing. I desperately need a long ride on my bike today. I indulged in birthday cake and Ice cream yesterday!

Enjoy  your rest day, if you have one!

Edited by slow turtle 2011-01-18 7:11 AM
2011-01-18 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I'm feeling a bit guilty that I did not do a run yesterday.  I had exercise class scheduled for the evening and didn't get a chance to run in the afternoon.  Today will be a run day(treadmill).  No swim, since I'm trapped at home due to the weather (snow, sleet, freezing rain).

I also wanted to report that I lost 2 lbs last week.  I weighed in before my tri on Sat. 
2011-01-18 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Andrea-Congrats on the weightloss! That's fantastic!

Jennifer- Hope you're feeling better today!

Cynthia- Did you get to the gym this morning? A 5AM workout is hardcore!

I was lucky and got 50 minutes on the trainer today. My husband wants to do the 30 day shred later, so that's still a possibility.

For core workouts- I have a 20 minute ab focused Pilates video that I do a few times a week.  It's not a hardcore workout, but it works for me.
2011-01-18 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Mill Creek, Washington
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I had an "off" weekend as well as a lot of you.
Friday was early release for my 5 year old, so I couldn't get out to run.
Saturday, the kids & I went to cheer for my wife at the Nookachamps 1/2 marathon, her first.  she came in 280th out of 446 at 2:08, and we're really proud of her.  She's already looking for her next one.
Sunday was spent with my dad.  He had a stroke in April and is in a adult group home.
Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. day, so no school & 3 kids at home.  I didn't workout.

So today, I finally got my daughter in the stroller & ran my 2 mile route before the boys came home from school, and I'm ready to put in my (late) January goals:

1.  Run 5 times a week.  If the weather's nice, I may replace one or two runs with a long bike    ride.
I'm going to break the 10% rule from assignment #1 and double my run distance, broken into two 2 mile segments.  There's a Starbucks 2 miles from my house.  I'll run there, get my daughter a "steamer", then run home.
2.  Don't let anything get in the way of going to the Sunday Triathlon training club, and stay for     the whole session, not just the swimming portion.
3.  Stick to my healthy eating plan.  No more Sun Chips in bed while watching South Park.

Sorry I'm posting this so late.  Stu, I'm sorry for your loss.  Heidi, I hope things work out with your MIL.  To the rest of the group, I hope you all are feeling good today and meeting your goals.
And a congratulations to Andrea.  Thanks for the detailed account.  I really enjoyed reading it.

2011-01-18 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Well, it looks like I'm going to fail on one of my goals already.  I've got all my stuff at work ready so that I can cycle in tomorrow, but this morning there was thick frost on the ground, and the temperature is already dropping :-(  If it's the same tomorrow as today it just won't be safe to cycle.  I'm gutted as I'd really got myself psyched up to do it.  I can't cycle on thursday because I have a fitness test in the morning and I really don't want to kill myself before I get there (there's a big steep hill to climb on the way), so that's only going to leave friday to cycle in, if the frost clears.  Oh well, at least I tried...  Will hopefully get friday, and can still aim for two (possibly three) next week.

Today I did circuit training at work for the first time in 3 months.  I'm back at training school and one of the instructors runs the session twice a week at lunch times.  It was a really good session, but made me feel very unfit.  By the end of 17 weeks at training school I'd got pretty good at those sessions, but it's amazing how fast you lose it when you're doing different kinds of exercise.  I'm definitely not unfit, but I'm also definitely not conditioned for lots of sprints!

I also went on the turbo trainer this evening and did my long bike for the week.  I was really pleased with how it felt, as my legs seem to be coping really well (my bum is less happy, but never mind).  I did a bunch of single leg exercises (thanks for the tip Heidi), and I feel like I've got a nice smooth motion now.  Just have to try it outside and see if it stays that way.  I also did a 5min "hill climb" at the end on the toughest gear, although that was mostly just an excuse to stand up for a bit and give the sore bits a rest!  Does anyone have any tips for toughening up on the bike, other than just building up and getting used to it?

Tomorrow I am going to look outside in the morning and decide if I can cycle to work.  Either way I'll be going to the tri club track session in the evening :-)

2011-01-18 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Mill Creek, Washington
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

My wife was asking the same question about bike seats.  She said, "so a 1/2 triathlon is like, 56 miles on a bike?  How can anyone stand sitting on a bike for that long?"

I used to ride a lot as a kid and didn't have any problems, but I'll admit that the seat gets uncomfortable after a while.

Anyone have any insight, or better seat options?  I told my wife that maybe she needs to go in for a "fitting".  We had a good laugh at that, but what's the alternative?  Keep buying seats until you find one you like?  Doesn't sound great.

2011-01-18 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3307097

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I did make it to the gym!  Woot a three mile run in and now headed home from work and back to the gym to lift some weights!
2011-01-18 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hello Stu and Heidi's group.  I just wanted to drop in and tell you what you've already figured out -- you've got a couple of great people leading your group!  I was in a group with them last year, and they were fantastic to have in the group.  You scored a couple of winners here.

Best of luck to you all!
2011-01-18 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Rachel- About the bike seat: What type of shorts are you wearing? I'm much more comfortable in my tri shorts than I am in bulky bike shorts.
 Are you sure you're sitting in the right position? There are some good youtube videos about positioning, let me know if you want me to try to find some. You might need a week or two to adjust to riding. But, don't hesitate to go for a fitting if you need to.
Some bike shops will let you try a seat for a week, and return it if it doesn't work.

Ron- Welcome back, and congrats to your wife on the race.

Cynthia- nice job getting to the gym!

On a positive note- I stayed away from the vending machine today! Oh wait-I never actually went into work
Michael- Thanks for stopping by, and for the kind words! I'll never have the technical knowledge that you have. You are the walking Tri Encyclopedia!
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