BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go! Rss Feed  
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2011-02-03 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
OK, so my "get 'er done" needs a kick in the butt.  I am supposed to be in the peak of my 1/2 marathon training and have run a total of 3 miles on the treadmill this week.  We can't seem to get rid of the ice here in N. Texas...schools closed for the 3rd day in a row, wind chills around zero, etc.  So outside running is dangerous due to the ice, and well...I had a bad encounter with the tredmill on Tuesday.  But pouting about that is not getting it done, and my gym is open and only 2 miles away.  Vowing to do SOMETHING today! 

2011-02-03 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3336916

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
squirt - 2011-02-03 9:38 AM OK, so my "get 'er done" needs a kick in the butt.  I am supposed to be in the peak of my 1/2 marathon training and have run a total of 3 miles on the treadmill this week.  We can't seem to get rid of the ice here in N. Texas...schools closed for the 3rd day in a row, wind chills around zero, etc.  So outside running is dangerous due to the ice, and well...I had a bad encounter with the treadmill on Tuesday.  But pouting about that is not getting it done, and my gym is open and only 2 miles away.  Vowing to do SOMETHING today! 

Don't feel bad - you are not alone!  Here in Indiana it is the same thing.  School closed for the 3rd day, roads still snow and ice covered and to top it off, all 3 of my boys (ages 3, 5 & 7) are sick.  All I wanted to do today was get to the pool to swim but it is at a high school and they closed too so no pool for me!  I have my first 5k race of the year next weekend and I am not able to do the speed work that I should be because of the horrid roads and my loathing for the treadmill.  What did the treadmill do to you?  Hopefully once you get to the gym, you will be in the mindset to get something done!!  My half marathon training does not start for another week so I am just doing a 5k training that only has long runs at 5 miles.  It is tough when you are in the spot you are with your training and have to resort to the treadmill!!  I admire those who can pound out 9 or 10 miles on the treadmill.  Anyway, good luck to you today; whatever it is you end up doing!
2011-02-03 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3336916

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
squirt - 2011-02-03 9:38 AM

OK, so my "get 'er done" needs a kick in the butt.  I am supposed to be in the peak of my 1/2 marathon training and have run a total of 3 miles on the treadmill this week.  We can't seem to get rid of the ice here in N. Texas...schools closed for the 3rd day in a row, wind chills around zero, etc.  So outside running is dangerous due to the ice, and well...I had a bad encounter with the tredmill on Tuesday.  But pouting about that is not getting it done, and my gym is open and only 2 miles away.  Vowing to do SOMETHING today! 

I hear ya! This winter has been tough! I've definitely found my motivation failing at times.... I don't think my kids have had a full week of regular school days since Christmas... (at least one delayed opening or snow day every week - it's getting old!)
2011-02-03 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Didn't that darn rodent promise us spring!!!  I got called a "house cat" the other day for running on the treadmill.

Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like it's getting any better.  This link is to the blog of a guy I met on a bike tour - he makes it sound like Phil was wrong!

I guess I missed that it's supposed to snow again here this weekend.  I'm supposed to go 20 on Saturday.  Maybe I'll get up early and try to beat the worst of it or I could push it off until Sunday.  We'll see...
2011-02-03 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Thanks for your opinion Jenny. I am going to order it.  I too like the idea of DVD's in addition to a book.  If I don't modify and improve my swim, I'm sure I'll use way too much energy in that portion of the tri.    Tim
2011-02-03 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3336916

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
squirt - 2011-02-03 8:38 AM OK, so my "get 'er done" needs a kick in the butt.  I am supposed to be in the peak of my 1/2 marathon training and have run a total of 3 miles on the treadmill this week.  We can't seem to get rid of the ice here in N. Texas...schools closed for the 3rd day in a row, wind chills around zero, etc.  So outside running is dangerous due to the ice, and well...I had a bad encounter with the tredmill on Tuesday.  But pouting about that is not getting it done, and my gym is open and only 2 miles away.  Vowing to do SOMETHING today! 

Hey Carol, I checked out your log and you got it done today! Congratulations!! Beth

Edited by ewengler 2011-02-03 8:26 PM

2011-02-04 4:40 AM
in reply to: #3330164

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Subject: RE:My training week
Mixed success and failure.

Failure - no swims, due to an overlong meeting on Tuesday and play lazy on Thursday. 

Success - Three runs, and the first running I have done in over three years.  Very little soreness, but I did take the first two days very easy, jogging no more than five minutes then walking.  Today, I did my whole little 2km loop without stopping and felt very good.

My little dog needs coaxing to go into the forest.  He is terrified of the larger dogs.  He is also going on eight years old, and I think that as I increase distance he may not be able to keep up.  He came with me on Monday and Wednesday, but I let him sleep at home today.  I will have to think about what to do with him. 

Two goals for next week  -
2 swims + three runs
Mornings, elimiate the dithering - after breakfast, walk doggie, then do the running.

Have a good weekend all - we are going on a little driving trip, so no weekend biking for me.  I believe that there are many stairsteps in my future though as we are to visit Mont Saint-Michel.

- red
2011-02-04 4:58 AM
in reply to: #3336053

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Subject: RE:Swimming
A few odd comments on swimming -

When I was in high school I worked as a lifegaurd, and one of my shifts was during an adult learn to swim class.  I was astonished by the patience of the instructor, and the courage required from the adults who continued to come every week.  For some of them, standing in waist deep water and putting their face into the water was a huge effort.  I came to apprieciate how intimidating swimming is for adults who did not grow up by the beach, or in the pool.

A key to distance swimming is breath control.  Because, when your head is in the water, you cannot take a breath when you wish, and this becomes a huge head trip.  Like so many other skills, overcomming it is practice, practice, practice. 

Some good instruction/coaching can help, but I think people with the skills to help adults are scarce.  You may investigate the local Red Cross, as some chapters offer swimming skills classes for adults.  There are some distance strokes called trudgeon, and double trudgeon that are useful, as they rely on a sissor kick instead of a six beat flutter.  This makes the leg action more efficent and allows the legs to relax some.  A long time ago they were part of the Red Cross Advanced Swimmer program, but I don't know if these strokes are taught anymore.

You may also consider taking the Water Safety Instructiors class.  This may sound odd, but in learning how to break down swimming strokes in order to TEACH swimming, you may learn a trick or two that will help your own skills.  The WSI class is a quite commitment outside of training for an event, and clearly is not something that will work for every weak swimmer.

The other practice that I find extremely helpful is yoga - the kind that ends with systematic breathing. 

I learned in the ocean, and love to swim open water.  

- red
2011-02-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Thanks ewengler!  I had to lie to myself to go to the gym.  Said I would do 10 minute intervals switching between treadmill & elliptical.  But the treadmill didn't fight me like it did earlier in  the week, so I stayed on it the whole hour.   Thanks all for the sympathy/encouragement re: the cold weather.  We got another round of snow and won't get out of the low 20's today.  Long run may wait until Sunday.  Hope things will be thawing out soon in your neck-o-the-woods before we all go stir crazy! 

Red, it sure is hard to leave the pup at home.  I have one that is good for 4-5 miles (if it's not too hot).  She knows the signs of me getting ready to go and wants to join me every time.  Good job on the runs, and sounds like a good plan on the swimming. 

2011-02-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3338569

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE:My training week
red_sailor - 2011-02-04 5:40 AM

Mixed success and failure.

Failure - no swims, due to an overlong meeting on Tuesday and play lazy on Thursday. 

Success - Three runs, and the first running I have done in over three years.  Very little soreness, but I did take the first two days very easy, jogging no more than five minutes then walking.  Today, I did my whole little 2km loop without stopping and felt very good.

My little dog needs coaxing to go into the forest.  He is terrified of the larger dogs.  He is also going on eight years old, and I think that as I increase distance he may not be able to keep up.  He came with me on Monday and Wednesday, but I let him sleep at home today.  I will have to think about what to do with him. 

Two goals for next week  -
2 swims + three runs
Mornings, elimiate the dithering - after breakfast, walk doggie, then do the running.

Have a good weekend all - we are going on a little driving trip, so no weekend biking for me.  I believe that there are many stairsteps in my future though as we are to visit Mont Saint-Michel.

- red

Nice job, Red! Setting those weekly goals is a great idea for helping keep yourself on track!
2011-02-04 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3338569

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Subject: RE:My training week
red_sailor - 2011-02-04 4:40 AM Mixed success and failure.

Failure - no swims, due to an overlong meeting on Tuesday and play lazy on Thursday. 

Success - Three runs, and the first running I have done in over three years.  Very little soreness, but I did take the first two days very easy, jogging no more than five minutes then walking.  Today, I did my whole little 2km loop without stopping and felt very good.

My little dog needs coaxing to go into the forest.  He is terrified of the larger dogs.  He is also going on eight years old, and I think that as I increase distance he may not be able to keep up.  He came with me on Monday and Wednesday, but I let him sleep at home today.  I will have to think about what to do with him. 

Two goals for next week  -
2 swims + three runs
Mornings, elimiate the dithering - after breakfast, walk doggie, then do the running.

Have a good weekend all - we are going on a little driving trip, so no weekend biking for me.  I believe that there are many stairsteps in my future though as we are to visit Mont Saint-Michel.

- red

Congrats on getting those runs in!

Mont St. Michel is beautiful!! Maybe we should all take a group field trip to visit Red in France!! I spent 2 months in Nantes as part of my graduate work and am itching to get back.  That was almost 15 years ago.  I'd really like my husband to go - plus I think he'd really like the food!

What kind of dog do you have?  Sometimes I wish mine would run with me, but they are beagles and attempting to run with them turns into hurdles as they stop eight million times to sniff something.

Have a good weekend!

2011-02-04 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Thank you everyone for your advice on my swimming I have to remind myself on how I started and where I am today and think that I have two more months to improve
My Crossfit trainer came with me she was a swimmer for several years and she said that she thought my swimming was going to be really bad but it wasn't, she showed me a couple of things that I was doing wrong and it helped a lot, I feel better 
2011-02-04 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
I did my first run today.  It was planned for yesterday, but I woke up feeling terrible, cough, headache and all that.  So I had to make sure it didn't just slip by.  I really like to swim and bike, but the run....I really just have to force myself to do it at this point.  It's because I'm trying to recover from knee problems, so that's a struggle and I also need to stay on the treadmill for the time being to reduce impact and that can get a little boring.  Right now I'm following a plan from my physical therapist for getting back into running.  I started doing this plan several times over the last 4 years, but I can never stay consistent with it so I keep having to start back at the beginning.  I do extra long walking warm ups and cool downs, 10min and 8 min respectively.  Then today I did 2min run, 3 min walk x 3.  I feel pretty good now.  No pain, just a little stiff.  Depending on how my knee feels in the next couple of days I might keep my next workout the same or I will change it to 2 min run, 2 min walk x 4.  I'll just keep decreasing the walk interval and increasing the run until I can cut out the walk intervals altogether.  I will be happy if I can go 1.5 miles straight through without pain by the end of the month.  It seems like a small goal but I know that my knee is what can derail my triathlon plans the quickest, so I need to be careful.  Any advice about recovering from knee problems?

I also went to a couple local bike shops to try some bikes out and find out what size I need.  I am absolutely convinced now that I need a road bike!  I felt so nice and speedy just on my little test rides.  So now I know my size, 56, and I just need to decide on a bike.  Each shop seems to have a brand that they push.  The two I went to had Jamis and Trek.  I think I will check out the other bike shops in town so I can compare other brands and models.  I tried looking for used bikes but I realized that shipping is around $100 if I got something off of ebay.  That makes those bikes look like less of a great deal, but I'll keep checking on it.  I found a couple of used bikes locally on craigslist, but I am a bit confused what to think about bikes that have a lot of components switched out.  I still don't know anything about the components.  So any further advice on bike buying is appreciated.

2011-02-04 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3339953

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
akutracy - 2011-02-04 7:38 PM

I did my first run today.  It was planned for yesterday, but I woke up feeling terrible, cough, headache and all that.  So I had to make sure it didn't just slip by.  I really like to swim and bike, but the run....I really just have to force myself to do it at this point.  It's because I'm trying to recover from knee problems, so that's a struggle and I also need to stay on the treadmill for the time being to reduce impact and that can get a little boring.  Right now I'm following a plan from my physical therapist for getting back into running.  I started doing this plan several times over the last 4 years, but I can never stay consistent with it so I keep having to start back at the beginning.  I do extra long walking warm ups and cool downs, 10min and 8 min respectively.  Then today I did 2min run, 3 min walk x 3.  I feel pretty good now.  No pain, just a little stiff.  Depending on how my knee feels in the next couple of days I might keep my next workout the same or I will change it to 2 min run, 2 min walk x 4.  I'll just keep decreasing the walk interval and increasing the run until I can cut out the walk intervals altogether.  I will be happy if I can go 1.5 miles straight through without pain by the end of the month.  It seems like a small goal but I know that my knee is what can derail my triathlon plans the quickest, so I need to be careful.  Any advice about recovering from knee problems?

I also went to a couple local bike shops to try some bikes out and find out what size I need.  I am absolutely convinced now that I need a road bike!  I felt so nice and speedy just on my little test rides.  So now I know my size, 56, and I just need to decide on a bike.  Each shop seems to have a brand that they push.  The two I went to had Jamis and Trek.  I think I will check out the other bike shops in town so I can compare other brands and models.  I tried looking for used bikes but I realized that shipping is around $100 if I got something off of ebay.  That makes those bikes look like less of a great deal, but I'll keep checking on it.  I found a couple of used bikes locally on craigslist, but I am a bit confused what to think about bikes that have a lot of components switched out.  I still don't know anything about the components.  So any further advice on bike buying is appreciated.


Tracy -

Great job on the run! You're definitely on the right track - build up nice and slow to avoid re-injuring your knee. Keep it up!

Re: used bikes... if you see something on Craigslist that's the right size for you, feel free to post details here. I think there's enough bike knowledge in the group to at least give you some guidance that might be helpful. The best thing would be if you can find someone locally who knows about bikes to come check out any used bikes with you. Is there bike club in your area? Maybe you can hook up with them and see if someone would be willing to help you out.... But if you're uncomfortable buying used because you're not sure what you should be looking for, now is as good a time as any to buy a new bike - you should find some great deals on 2010 stock right now. You're right, each bike shop specializes in a handful of brands, so it's good to check out a few stores so you can check out as many as you can. Most manufacturers sell similarly equipped bikes at different levels at very similar price points.
2011-02-05 1:44 AM
in reply to: #3329697

New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Many thanks for the reply Jenny.  My name is Brad and I live in Portland Oregon.  I'll be doing 5k run in March as well and am finding some of the stretching, core exercises learning from train is helping the back pain. 
2011-02-05 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3339953

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
akutracy - 2011-02-04 6:38 PM I did my first run today.  It was planned for yesterday, but I woke up feeling terrible, cough, headache and all that.  So I had to make sure it didn't just slip by.  I really like to swim and bike, but the run....I really just have to force myself to do it at this point.  It's because I'm trying to recover from knee problems, so that's a struggle and I also need to stay on the treadmill for the time being to reduce impact and that can get a little boring.  Right now I'm following a plan from my physical therapist for getting back into running.  I started doing this plan several times over the last 4 years, but I can never stay consistent with it so I keep having to start back at the beginning.  I do extra long walking warm ups and cool downs, 10min and 8 min respectively.  Then today I did 2min run, 3 min walk x 3.  I feel pretty good now.  No pain, just a little stiff.  Depending on how my knee feels in the next couple of days I might keep my next workout the same or I will change it to 2 min run, 2 min walk x 4.  I'll just keep decreasing the walk interval and increasing the run until I can cut out the walk intervals altogether.  I will be happy if I can go 1.5 miles straight through without pain by the end of the month.  It seems like a small goal but I know that my knee is what can derail my triathlon plans the quickest, so I need to be careful.  Any advice about recovering from knee problems?

I also went to a couple local bike shops to try some bikes out and find out what size I need.  I am absolutely convinced now that I need a road bike!  I felt so nice and speedy just on my little test rides.  So now I know my size, 56, and I just need to decide on a bike.  Each shop seems to have a brand that they push.  The two I went to had Jamis and Trek.  I think I will check out the other bike shops in town so I can compare other brands and models.  I tried looking for used bikes but I realized that shipping is around $100 if I got something off of ebay.  That makes those bikes look like less of a great deal, but I'll keep checking on it.  I found a couple of used bikes locally on craigslist, but I am a bit confused what to think about bikes that have a lot of components switched out.  I still don't know anything about the components.  So any further advice on bike buying is appreciated.


Tracy that's great about the run...  I just wanted to say that I think especially on the treadmill that those long walking warm-ups are important.  Hang in there and the run will get better.  And yes, the treadmill is boring!

That's nice that you have multiple shops you can check for the bike.  I have an entry level Trek road bike and I love it.  I'm sure there are better things out there and maybe I'll upgrade someday, but for now this will do.  My components aren't great, but my fit is!  I think what limits me on the bike now is me!   I second Jenny's idea that if you find a used one and post the details the bike folks on here will be able to tell you if it's a good deal.

Keep up the good work!!

2011-02-05 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Finished my first real training week.  2 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs and 1 strength.  My second swim went considerably better than my first.  I practiced relaxation in the pool and swam 800m in 100m intervals with 1 minute rest in between.  I am waiting now for the mailman to bring me Total Immersion.  Tim C
2011-02-05 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3340747

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tjcin - 2011-02-05 4:12 PM

Finished my first real training week.  2 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs and 1 strength.  My second swim went considerably better than my first.  I practiced relaxation in the pool and swam 800m in 100m intervals with 1 minute rest in between.  I am waiting now for the mailman to bring me Total Immersion.  Tim C

Hey Tim! Sounds to me like your swimming is going great! You're off to a much better start than me when I first started! I could barely manage 50 yards at a time... and it took me a pretty long time to work up to an 800m swim workout! Way to go!
2011-02-05 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Hrm legs are a bit iffy this week, shins a bit sensative.  My dad died so we had a 15 hour drive Thursday and a 15 hour drive tomorrow for the funeral.  I did get in a 4, 5.5, and 8 mile run but tomorrow's 18 is going to be a major sufferfest.  At least it is a lovely 65 today for my run here in Santa Barbara. So tomorrow is an 18 mile run and then a 15 hour drive with the kids.  I may have to take a half day on Monday as we will likey get in around 2-3 am. 
2011-02-05 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3340817

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Baowolf - 2011-02-05 5:35 PM

Hrm legs are a bit iffy this week, shins a bit sensative.  My dad died so we had a 15 hour drive Thursday and a 15 hour drive tomorrow for the funeral.  I did get in a 4, 5.5, and 8 mile run but tomorrow's 18 is going to be a major sufferfest.  At least it is a lovely 65 today for my run here in Santa Barbara. So tomorrow is an 18 mile run and then a 15 hour drive with the kids.  I may have to take a half day on Monday as we will likey get in around 2-3 am. 

So sorry to hear about your Dad, Steve...... Take it easy on those shins. I was definitely headed toward shin splints toward the end of my last marathon build. Shins are still a bit tender from time to time, actually, but I'm going easy on them for now.
2011-02-06 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3340747

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tjcin - 2011-02-05 3:12 PM Finished my first real training week.  2 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs and 1 strength.  My second swim went considerably better than my first.  I practiced relaxation in the pool and swam 800m in 100m intervals with 1 minute rest in between.  I am waiting now for the mailman to bring me Total Immersion.  Tim C

awesome first week of training! keep it up! Beth

2011-02-06 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Question about clothing:
I'm joining a tri club and we get a outfitted with a kit.  What are the pros and cons of a trisuit vs. tri jersey and shorts?  If it makes a difference, I will probably always be wearing a wetsuit because the lakes in MN almost never reach 78 degrees. Thanks!
2011-02-06 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Steve, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.  Praying for you on your long trip home.  I hope the working out is a good respite.
2011-02-06 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Taking the day off to hit the mental reset button.  Been kinda bummed about this past week's poor and missed workouts.  But then it dawned on me that I was a little ahead on my 1/2 training plan until this week anyway.  So I'll call it my cutback week and pick up tomorrow leaving the past where it belongs.
2011-02-06 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3341686

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
ewengler - 2011-02-06 3:14 PM

Question about clothing:
I'm joining a tri club and we get a outfitted with a kit.  What are the pros and cons of a trisuit vs. tri jersey and shorts?  If it makes a difference, I will probably always be wearing a wetsuit because the lakes in MN almost never reach 78 degrees. Thanks!

Beth -

I think it mainly comes down to personal preference... I prefer a 2-piece set-up, mainly because I'm a bit "long waisted", and the one-piece suits I've tried on tend to make me feel like I have a wedgie all the time! Another advantage of two piece suits is they make bath-room breaks a little easier... One possible disadvantage of a 2-piece suit is that I have had times where the shirt has ridden up a bit in the back without me realizing it, and ended up with a nasty little stripe of sun burn across the small of my back above the short line. No I a) look for slightly longer shirts and b) make sure I sunscreen that area before I head out for a ride or before a race!
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