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2011-04-24 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3463235

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-24 1:38 PM
goofee girl - 2011-04-24 4:56 AM

Yay, Katie! Get those laps down!

Yesterday I went to a group OWS and completed 800 meters. I felt like I could have done more, but we didn't have much time and had to leave. I'm a lot slower in the open water than in the pool. Getting better at not freaking out over the OWS, btw. This group meets twice a month, so I'll be joining them as much as possible as I train for my Tri coming up in August.

Afterwards, I went to bike 31 miles, but I felt really fatigued by the time I got to the crossroads of the 15 miler and the 31 miler, so I did the 15 miles. Wrong choice. Because by the time I was done with 15 miles I was ready for more. I could have rerun the 15 miler, but it was after 12 and I hadn't had lunch, so I packed things up and went home.

Today I'm going back to ride and will do the 31 mile course no matter how I feel at the crossroads. I know I can do it! I just have to warm up. So more biking today.

Not going to focus so much on running until I join the gym and can start the C25K program. I'm too big to run easily or consistently. Time to wait and start the C25K and be prepared for the next Tri. Then I'll move onto the C210K.

Enough out of me.

Wish I could do some open water swims now.  Way too cold for that right now, especially since I don't have a wetsuit.

Keep up the work.  What does C25K and C210K stand for?  I assume 5 and 10 k.....

"Couch to 5k" and "Couch to 10k".  They are good programs for starting running and getting up to the distance taking you from walking to running the whole time.  You can jump in part-way through the program if you can already run some.

2011-04-25 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I'm doing the C25K on my 'run' days and just do it for the time allotted.  I usually make the distance needed, granted I'm only doing less 2 miles at a time.  I'm up to being able to run for 3 minutes at a time! 

So I couldn't bike on saturday so I went to the gym and did a spin class.  I dropped my daughter off at the child care (first time, my husband was mad I took her).  It was a big FAIL all around.  My bottom hurt so bad by the end of the class, I swear I'll never do it again.  I decided my butt is just too big to do spinning because I think all the 'bouncing' around is what caused the awful pain.  Not to be too TMI, but it wasn't like muscle soreness pain, but rather like my bottom was bruised pain. I know when you bike for the first couple times you're always sore, but this was. awful.

 Then I picked up my daughter and the workers said she cried the whole time and just wanted to be held.  (sigh) I just want to get out and bike!  Damn the weather!

I couldnt run yesterday because everything still hurt too much   I swam 2000 yards this morning and that made me feel better.  I got my 2 spinnervals DVDs in the mail, so I"ll be doing them when I can't get outside instead of attempting a spin class anytime soon. 

2011-04-25 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3463888


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL


I feel your pain! And have felt your pain before, I promise. I  am sure there are others here that will confirm this is true, it happens to all of us the first spin class. I remember that I WAS bruised, my whole 'area' was a big bruise. It is NOT the size of your bottom, it is just normal. My friend and I both did a spin class together for the first time and we were both in pain. We have two different size bottoms.

If your daughter has never been away from you, then it is totally normal that she would cry. Has she been away from you like this before?

Don't give up!

2011-04-26 7:09 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Finally back at it, had a bit of a crash last week - car problems, work problems and no energy to work out at all.

This week 10 miles on the bike then run 3.  Monday and tuesday off to a much better start.

I have been reading our forum everyday, it is the 1st thing i do in the morning when i get to work. Keep up the posting your stories are really helping.


2011-04-26 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Yay! I did a 5K yesterday during the marathon in my hometown:

At the start my goal and numbers: Beat my PB of 27m38s by going sub 27m. However at a temperature of 25C (77F) and sunny I wasn't all that confident of achieving sub 27m. It at least got me nerveus. I had ran too much lately due to some pain in my knee that needed nursing.

But the adrenaline of running with 1000 other runners through the heart of Utrecht with a lot of spectators cheering you on does a lot with ones spirit.

Result: New PB with 26m22s, Official registered Netto time. And for the record even my bruto time was better than my old PB at 27m30s

Biggets win on my time was by keeping a flat pace. During my old record my best K was 5m05 and my worst 5m55. Yesterday I was able to close that gap to 5m04s and 5m27s.

Not sure when I will be beating this record again. As I have decided to go for 10K races now. Cause the downside of a 5K is that it only lasts 27 minutes. And I want more of it!!! ;o).

Next race: My first tri in less than 4 weeks!!

2011-04-26 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

OK I need to get *** my kicked badly. Over the last couple of weeks I have been slacking on my workouts. Especially I'm skipping on the swim workout. I seem to understand why I'm slacking. For months I was not sure if I could be ready in time to do my first tri. In my planning I really considered to plan my first tri in August rather than May. Just for this reason. This is what motivated me to train really hard. Maybe even a bit to hard (in regard to mental exhaustion).

And at the moment I am really conifident I am capable of completing my goal in 3 weeks: Finish a 1/8 tri within 1h30m with a smile on my face.

So I don't have the trigger of "If I do not train my off I won't make it". Funny enough the swim is my weakest discipline. This also hurts me on my motivation. 1 hour training does tire me quite a bit. And I just don't seem to get a good grasp on the swim techniques.

So let the *** kicking begin.

2011-04-26 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3466073


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Alright Niezel-

Virtual butt kicking coming at ya!! Just kidding, it seems to be in the air at the moment, I was a bit off for a while, but im back on the saddle again! (literallly)

Any possibility of jumping into a masters swim class somewhere? I did this with the intent of only having some technique taught to me, I did not intend to learn to swim the 4000 yards they were doing in ONE workout, so I took it for a while, took what they taught, and ran with it, (another tri-pun, im killing myself today)Laughing

At the very least, have you taken time to look at videos on you tube of swim techniques? That is another thing I did that helped.

Now go swim!!

From Texas

2011-04-26 5:28 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

A quick note of pride. As runningpractice was not an option today I hit the road on the bike with some clubmembers who also had a match yesterday. It was a group of 5 including current national female champion on the run bike run (May) and 2 males who did a <1h20m 1/2 marathon the day before (inlcuding the argument is was to hot to go fast). And not just was I able to keep up with them. During 10K I even led the pack as the pacer doing 33 to 35 km/hour. I know for them this is a recovery ride and I will be sore tomorrow.

But still I feel very proud of doing this. May even complimented me on my pacework as a sweet tempo.

And tomorrow I will go swimming.

2011-04-26 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I was in an awful funk last night and skipped out on swim practice and just went home with a major pity party in play. It was all hormonal as my cycle started this morning. I did, however, attend the countdown meeting for the Tri, which is in less than 3 weeks. Yikes! The worst part is my Tri top is the biggest size and STILL tiny on me! I have major side boobage going on! At least it's long and covers enough. I'll be wearing a skirt on my Tri to cover the belly. Now to go to a special website and order some Tri shorts. I don't think regular bike shorts will be a good idea in the water. Heh.

Hope you all have a good week. I'm darned tired today coming off of caffeine, so I'm sorry for not posting any personals. I'll try tomorrow morning.

2011-04-26 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3467568

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Niezels - 2011-04-26 6:28 PM

A quick note of pride. As runningpractice was not an option today I hit the road on the bike with some clubmembers who also had a match yesterday. It was a group of 5 including current national female champion on the run bike run (May) and 2 males who did a

But still I feel very proud of doing this. May even complimented me on my pacework as a sweet tempo.

And tomorrow I will go swimming.

Well done!!!

2011-04-26 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Had to take a few days off.

I've been running my self into the ground at work and not getting home until 1-2am. By the time I'm ready for bed it's 3-4am. Then back up for work at 11am. Been no time for training.

I can feel the effects of not getting out and running or any exercising. Mostly mental.

Anyway, hope to be back on training by the 1st of May.


2011-04-26 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3466065

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Niezels - 2011-04-26 7:25 AM

Yay! I did a 5K yesterday during the marathon in my hometown:

At the start my goal and numbers: Beat my PB of 27m38s by going sub 27m. However at a temperature of 25C (77F) and sunny I wasn't all that confident of achieving sub 27m. It at least got me nerveus. I had ran too much lately due to some pain in my knee that needed nursing.

But the adrenaline of running with 1000 other runners through the heart of Utrecht with a lot of spectators cheering you on does a lot with ones spirit.

Result: New PB with 26m22s, Official registered Netto time. And for the record even my bruto time was better than my old PB at 27m30s

Biggets win on my time was by keeping a flat pace. During my old record my best K was 5m05 and my worst 5m55. Yesterday I was able to close that gap to 5m04s and 5m27s.

Not sure when I will be beating this record again. As I have decided to go for 10K races now. Cause the downside of a 5K is that it only lasts 27 minutes. And I want more of it!!! ;o).

Next race: My first tri in less than 4 weeks!!

Double Thumbs Up

2011-04-27 12:22 AM
in reply to: #3271134

New user

Alameda, CA
Subject: Off-ON-off-ON

Ugh. I seem to be going through all the same ups and downs as everyone else lately! 

After taking a pretty nasty fall when out running with my dog,  took some days off running. I still biked to work and back every day (only 3 miles total though), but I was starting to feel in a funk. 

Once my wounds felt better, I started running, and felt excited to get back to it, but could tell that my few days off screwed me over big time! I felt very very defeated.... which did help to motivate me. Almost to the point of tears. 

I enjoy running outside for a lot of reasons, but I HATE running outside for so many other reasons.... like having to stop for doggy issues, or stopping for old people in the way, or stopping b/c I'm feel self conscious running around a teeny pretty girl, or stopping b/c I'm overwhelmed by sinuses..... or just stopping in general.... 

So tonight I was able to go to the climbing gym with my boyfriend, and they have a great fitness area too.... so I decided that I was going to try my first block training. So I hopped on the stationary bike and whipped out 11 miles in 30 min. and then hopped on the tredmill and ran 2 miles in 20 min. right after that! I did the first mile on a steep incline b/c I think my tri's only big hill is at the first of the run, so I wanted to simulate....I had to run/walk that until I brought the incline back down and the 2nd mile was easy and great! I only stopped b/c I got bored on the tredmill and b/c one of my friends showed up to climb... I feel like I could have finished with the 3rd no problem though! And that's most of my tri right there! (I'm doing a sprint)

I STILL have not been able to practice swimming at all b/c I will have to join a gym for that.... no money right now so we'll have to see.

I don't know....I still feel like I'm in a funk, but I am proud of the bike/run I did tonight! 

AND I'm proud of all of you all too! Keep getting out there and keep the stories coming!

2011-04-27 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

5 days till my 1st MTB race of the year!

11 days till my 1st marathon !

I was so ready togo 3 weeks ago, now i just want the waiting to be over.....

Keep up the great work everyone!

2011-04-27 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3468339

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-04-27 7:17 AM

5 days till my 1st MTB race of the year!

11 days till my 1st marathon !

I was so ready togo 3 weeks ago, now i just want the waiting to be over.....

Keep up the great work everyone!

Where is your MTB race?  I start my MTB season this weekend.

2011-04-27 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

OK, I'm going to clear the air.




There, I said it.  Are you happy now???

2011-04-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3469851

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Ft Custard Stampede, in Battle Creek Michigan.

I'll be in the 12:30 sportmens race.  it's about 18 miles through some great woods, mostly single track but plently of room to pass.  I had no clue on what to expect on my 1st race last year.  This year I'm 15 lbs thinner and have been training for 1st marathon for the last 28 weeks.  So I'm in much better shape.  I'll still be taking it alittle easy to avoid injury, this marathon thing has been going on forever it seems.

I raced last year and really had a ball, they gave us a beer after the race, wow that really went to my head fast....  good times.

Where are you headed?   Good luck and have a great weekend

2011-04-28 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3470014

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-04-27 5:53 PM

Ft Custard Stampede, in Battle Creek Michigan.

I'll be in the 12:30 sportmens race.  it's about 18 miles through some great woods, mostly single track but plently of room to pass.  I had no clue on what to expect on my 1st race last year.  This year I'm 15 lbs thinner and have been training for 1st marathon for the last 28 weeks.  So I'm in much better shape.  I'll still be taking it alittle easy to avoid injury, this marathon thing has been going on forever it seems.

I raced last year and really had a ball, they gave us a beer after the race, wow that really went to my head fast....  good times.

Where are you headed?   Good luck and have a great weekend

Mine is outside of Stevens Point WI.  Cat 2 Male (Sports Class).  15-18 miles.  This will be my 11th year racing here. 

Good luck and have fun........

2011-04-28 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3469859

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-27 4:06 PM

OK, I'm going to clear the air.




There, I said it.  Are you happy now???

Fine....I'm swimming again tomorrow....

2011-04-28 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3472639

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-28 11:47 PM
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-27 4:06 PM

OK, I'm going to clear the air.




There, I said it.  Are you happy now???

Fine....I'm swimming again tomorrow....

Good!  You might learn to love it.  That's what happened with me and running. 

2011-04-28 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3470014

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-04-27 6:53 PM

Ft Custard Stampede, in Battle Creek Michigan.

I'll be in the 12:30 sportmens race.  it's about 18 miles through some great woods, mostly single track but plently of room to pass.  I had no clue on what to expect on my 1st race last year.  This year I'm 15 lbs thinner and have been training for 1st marathon for the last 28 weeks.  So I'm in much better shape.  I'll still be taking it alittle easy to avoid injury, this marathon thing has been going on forever it seems.

I raced last year and really had a ball, they gave us a beer after the race, wow that really went to my head fast....  good times.

Where are you headed?   Good luck and have a great weekend

Good luck!!!

2011-04-28 11:02 PM
in reply to: #3472103

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-28 4:47 PM
Bishtaw - 2011-04-27 5:53 PM

Ft Custard Stampede, in Battle Creek Michigan.

I'll be in the 12:30 sportmens race.  it's about 18 miles through some great woods, mostly single track but plently of room to pass.  I had no clue on what to expect on my 1st race last year.  This year I'm 15 lbs thinner and have been training for 1st marathon for the last 28 weeks.  So I'm in much better shape.  I'll still be taking it alittle easy to avoid injury, this marathon thing has been going on forever it seems.

I raced last year and really had a ball, they gave us a beer after the race, wow that really went to my head fast....  good times.

Where are you headed?   Good luck and have a great weekend

Mine is outside of Stevens Point WI.  Cat 2 Male (Sports Class).  15-18 miles.  This will be my 11th year racing here. 

Good luck and have fun........

Good luck! 

I'm a Wisconsin native (grew up in Milwaukee and went to UW-Madison).  What race is this?

2011-04-29 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3472646

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis - 2011-04-28 11:02 PM
Monsterman96 - 2011-04-28 4:47 PM
Bishtaw - 2011-04-27 5:53 PM

Ft Custard Stampede, in Battle Creek Michigan.

I'll be in the 12:30 sportmens race.  it's about 18 miles through some great woods, mostly single track but plently of room to pass.  I had no clue on what to expect on my 1st race last year.  This year I'm 15 lbs thinner and have been training for 1st marathon for the last 28 weeks.  So I'm in much better shape.  I'll still be taking it alittle easy to avoid injury, this marathon thing has been going on forever it seems.

I raced last year and really had a ball, they gave us a beer after the race, wow that really went to my head fast....  good times.

Where are you headed?   Good luck and have a great weekend

Mine is outside of Stevens Point WI.  Cat 2 Male (Sports Class).  15-18 miles.  This will be my 11th year racing here. 

Good luck and have fun........

Good luck! 

I'm a Wisconsin native (grew up in Milwaukee and went to UW-Madison).  What race is this?

This weekend is in Iola (Stevens Point).  This is the start of a 15 Race season.  12 series MTB Races, a 12 hr Solo Race, a 40 mile Epic Race........and 1 dreaded Tri.....LOL.

2011-04-29 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3472799

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

That sounds like alot of racing for 1 summer, way togo.  I have a great trail about 5miles in our old city dump, so it is called "the dump"   they have used concrete from roads, hot water tanks for decor, you name it, it is jam packed into the best 5 miles in a 50 mile radius for me to ride.  It does sit next to a river, so when it rains ALOT it takes a few days to dry out, but great local fun.  My 2 jobs keep me at home and it is very hard to make a early morning race that I need to travel for more then 30min.  So maybe one day I'll join Michigans point series, I've been to 3 of the race trails but only do the 1 Ft custard race.  Have a super weekend and keep swimming!!!!

2011-04-30 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I am back from my two week vacation to the beach and feel relatively proud of myself that there were only four days in which I did not intentionally workout.  I jogged on the beach (a first for me), jogged with a marathon-competing friend (first time jogging with another person), biked around an island twice, etc. 

Today was day one of back to my routine of stationary bike, running at the gym, and swimming at the school I work at.  I had said that I wasn't going to weigh myself until two weeks from now, but I just couldn't wait.  I wanted to see what kind of damage I did while on a two week vacation of drinking and eating way too much.  There was about a four pound difference.  Overall, however, I was pretty proud of myself.  These four pounds could be from a number of different reasons; water retention, traveling, etc.  I know that I'll get back to normal and losing soon. 

All in all, I had a wonderful vacation and am looking forward to my first sprint triathlon in 69 days!

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