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2011-04-17 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3450123

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

Race Results:

Finished in 1:04:29  49th overall  9th in my AG.

Swim 7:34 

Bike 40:44  Windy and tough

Run: 13:42. 

Transitions were smooth and good but there was a lot of run distance on them so all times look slow.  if you were under 1:30 you did good.

2011-04-18 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3451282

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
handyhammer - 2011-04-17 5:14 PM

Race Results:

Finished in 1:04:29  49th overall  9th in my AG.

Swim 7:34 

Bike 40:44  Windy and tough

Run: 13:42. 


Well done, Dave. Have you written up a race report? How do you feel about your performance in each leg? Anything in particular you're going to work on for the next race?

2011-04-18 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3453057

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full


I finished a race report if you guys want to look at it. 

I lost focus on the bike and did not start my intervals until about mile 3.5 to 4. 

the swim was frustrating with a really slow guy in front of me and it threw me off for a bit.  I was happy with my overall performance.  have my international distance in 5 weeks. 

2011-04-18 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3453447

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

Nice. Pool swims can suck like that. Bummer. Sounds like you got past it fairly quickly though. You have not a lot of time to mess around before that next race.... how are you going to train for the next four weeks?


I had a race this weekend too. Had a tough swim too, but of my own doing... just didn't swim fast enough. Smile  Pushed maybe a bit too hard on the bike and felt a little weak in the beginning of the run, but overall pretty happy with my performance. Except for T1. Really need to work on getting my wetsuit off my ankles. With frozen hands.

2011-04-18 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3453709

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

I am ramping up my swimming distance but have been swimming up to 1200 meters now so I dont have to add to much.  My running is where I want it.  going to ramp up the bike the hardest for a few weeks.  after that race i am resetting and starting my 20 week HIM training so I can recover. 

I will let you know how it all goes. 

2011-04-18 11:28 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

Awesome race performance Dave! Sounds like your times are all in line, you just let yourself loose focus after T1. I bet you don't forget that during your HIM. Better that it happened now. When you say it was a long run to the bike course, about how far do you think it was? Do I need to plan that some races will have a .5 mile transition jog between events? Do people sprint in short transitions, and then recover the first mile of the run?

Mike, glad to hear your race went well. How was the new bike? Starting to feel aggressive on it yet? I am going to have to work on my hill skills. I drove my race bike course this weekend, and it is very rolling and hilly. It is an out and back with 8 hills that average 200-300' elevation between them. I am going to start spending one day a week at Red Rocks working on my climbing. I plan on trying to ride from 470 to the amphitheater. If that doesn't prepare me for the hills, nothing will. I put in another 3+ mile run today, felt good, and was at the same pace as last week. I was surprised as I felt more fatigued and sluggish during this run.  Guess it was just the remnants of the weight lifting yesterday. I am looking forward to my T1 and T2 practice this weekend. I expect to encounter lots of problems, and will probably have lots of questions for you guys. I hope everyone is having a great week of training. Work hard and stay safe.

2011-04-19 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3453988

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
DragonBear - 2011-04-19 12:28 AM

Awesome race performance Dave! Sounds like your times are all in line, you just let yourself loose focus after T1. I bet you don't forget that during your HIM. Better that it happened now. When you say it was a long run to the bike course, about how far do you think it was? Do I need to plan that some races will have a .5 mile transition jog between events? Do people sprint in short transitions, and then recover the first mile of the run?

Mike, glad to hear your race went well. How was the new bike? Starting to feel aggressive on it yet? I am going to have to work on my hill skills. I drove my race bike course this weekend, and it is very rolling and hilly. It is an out and back with 8 hills that average 200-300' elevation between them. I am going to start spending one day a week at Red Rocks working on my climbing. I plan on trying to ride from 470 to the amphitheater. If that doesn't prepare me for the hills, nothing will. I put in another 3+ mile run today, felt good, and was at the same pace as last week. I was surprised as I felt more fatigued and sluggish during this run.  Guess it was just the remnants of the weight lifting yesterday. I am looking forward to my T1 and T2 practice this weekend. I expect to encounter lots of problems, and will probably have lots of questions for you guys. I hope everyone is having a great week of training. Work hard and stay safe.

I didn't realize you had built your running up so much.... that's awesome.

Running off the bike is a spot where we're especially prone to injury, so I definitely wouldn't put the hills ride into that work out. Keep the b/r bricks on the lower-intensity side of your workouts. I would think you could probably separate the swim and bike workouts on the day you do both without any adverse effect.... you already know you can bike coming off the swim, right? Red rocks will be great for training.... I'm very jealous. You could do hill repeats from the first turn off the state highway up to the picnic area off to the right and above the parking lots... that'd be some serious climbing! Enjoy the scenery!

RE: transitions... I've never seen anything like 1/2 a mile, but some have what can feel like a lot, especially in bike shoes. Mine last weekend was probably 100 yards through the mud, and then another 100 up a moderately steep road. I started tracking HR when I got on the bike, and it was highest for the race as I started riding.

2011-04-19 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3453862

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
handyhammer - 2011-04-18 10:25 PM

I am ramping up my swimming distance but have been swimming up to 1200 meters now so I dont have to add to much.  My running is where I want it.  going to ramp up the bike the hardest for a few weeks.  after that race i am resetting and starting my 20 week HIM training so I can recover. 

I will let you know how it all goes. 


Awesome. Is the oly an OWS? Have you open water swum before? If yes and no, it might be helpful to get a continuous 1640 OWS in before race day.... in my first oly last year, I struggled with not knowing how long the swim was going to last, how hard I should be going, how much it was going to take out of me, etc.. Then again, this year, I had a better idea of what to expect and I underpaced it, so take it all with a grain of salt. Wink

2011-04-19 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3453988

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

I was happy with all my times.  I can see some improvement room.  On the transition we had to run about 20 yrds from the pool to the tennis courts. (where bikes were racked.) you had to run to the far side and circle the nets to get your bike.  then run back past the pool building with your bike to the street.  I would guess between 75 and 90 yrds to the mount dismount line.  in total 95 to 115 yards each transition. 

Michael I looked over your race too it looked pretty good.  I just keep telling myself it is early in the season. 

2011-04-19 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3454200

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full


I have done some OWS ing  In two weeks we start a group that goes to the lake on Mondays and we rotate one Kayaker and three swimmers.  and it is a great workout.  Wish you guys could join in those. 

2011-04-19 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3454213

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
handyhammer - 2011-04-19 8:46 AM


I have done some OWS ing  In two weeks we start a group that goes to the lake on Mondays and we rotate one Kayaker and three swimmers.  and it is a great workout.  Wish you guys could join in those. 

Yeah, me too! I need to create a group like that around here. I'm scared to death of the motorboats out there.

2011-04-25 11:52 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

I am dreaming of the day when I can start ows training. Still around 40degrees here. Pool is working out well though. That workout with a kayak and team sounds really cool. I may have to try something like that here.

How is everyone's training going? I reached a new personal goal and best today. I ran my first 12 min mile. It was mile 2 of a 3.7 long run. I just need to work hard the next couple of weeks. I have my first 5k race on 5/10. I am so excited. I just hope I can put up a time that is respectable compared to my training. Its like having a dream about being naked. I am just dreaming that all those 38-40 min 5ks will turn into 1:10:00's. Either way, I guess finishing is the big thing.

Elaine, I hope the ITB is progressing. Can you still bike and swim? You seem to have a good cardio base, so you should bounce back strong. I understand this can be a long healing injury though. I wish you the best.

So, any of you guys swim with the total immersion technique? What are your thoughts and opinions on this style vs. normal crawl? How much time do you find yourself in the "sweet-spot" or skate position during a race?

Well wish everyone the best. Train hard and live life to the fullest. Talk to yall soon.

2011-05-01 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3465908

New user

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

The plan was to do my first tri on May 15th, but some of my classmates talked me into signing up for a local sprint two days before the race. The race was a 400 meter pool swim (seeded, each swimmer in about 5 seconds apart), 6 mile bike, and 3 mile run.

- Pre Race

There was no information in the race bag about the race itself -- only the number and advertising. A friend emailed a page with some of the race details, but it was still lacking for some one doing their first triathlon. In particular, I did not understand how they were doing the timing.

- Swim

I was projecting I could do about 7:00 for the 400 meters. When the frontrunners started, everyone in line was commenting on how slow they looked. I think this caused me to start way too fast. I quickly felt very out of breath and out of sync. The timing chip loosened and felt like it was going to fall off. Finished 7:50.

- T1

Could not get my watch on. Did not get my feet dry enough to get my socks on. Bad choice of socks anyway -- fitted running socks.

Temperature was probably mid to upper 40's (pool swim was indoors). Put on long sleeve thermal shirt and gloves. Not so easy to get on when wet and shivering.

I thought the chip was only used on the swim and took it off since I was afraid it was going to fall off.

- Bike

The course seemed empty. Only one person passed me. I passed maybe 3 riders. No watch and no computer (I ordered one this week), so I had no idea about my pace.

- T2

Slipped shoes on without tying. Started to leave for the exit, but had to go back for my hat (only a few steps). Got to the exit and realized I needed the timing chip. Had to go back to the other side of the transition area and get it. 25:43 for bike + T1 + T2. I wish they had mats so I could know the transition times.

- Run

Felt slow with some minor stomach cramps. Finished 21:39 which is a little better than I thought. 55:11 total, third in my age group (70 out of 284 overall).

- Impressions

It was fun! Going in I thought 51:00 would be a good goal, but mid 50's might be more realistic for my first time. 

Looking forward to my first olympic tri in two weeks...

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