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2011-05-13 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3496758

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Reykjavik, Iceland
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
DuncanQH - 2011-05-13 7:05 AM

Not much experience with OWSwimming... I used to surf / windsurf / kayak but never really spent anytime just swimming.   Except in a swimming pool as a kid, but that was just for lessons.


Lizzie is finally outta the hospital.  Cost me my lunch time run to go get her and my wife and take them home, but well worth it.  Erinn (my 6 year old daughter) is trying out a swimming class tonight... never been to this pool before (it's in a hotel) but am hopeful that I can get some laps in.  Class is 2 hours, so could potentially be a good long swim workout.

Great news
It must be good to have her home again

Sighting when OWS is just a question of trying what works best for you. Lift head and look then turn to breath, or the other way around, or take the head so far out that you breath while looking forward. A trick is to find something on land to aim at, a big house, mast, tree just something that stands out, that way you are only sighting for a very short time and hardly lose any speed

I am still recovery from last weekends Tri, I have been so tired all week, and having 2x swim training during the week at 5:50Am do not really help either.
Then I have another Tri on Sunday a very short sprint but also very hard. And the weather forecast say 2-4C which is actually very cold ! And just to make it really fun it is suppose to rain too
Oh well it is the same conditions for everybody

I hope you will all have a great weekend

2011-05-13 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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Taoyuan, Taiwan
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

I hear you on the rain Mesteren... Taiwan has been rainy for about 3 days, with at least another 5 in a row forecast... 2 ~ 4 C though... haha... we've got 30+. :P  Rain is good though, since we're having a slight drought here at the moment... water rationing was supposed to begin next week, but with a weeks worth of rain we should be good for the year!

Been toying with the idea of getting a trainer for my bike.  Any suggestions, either in trainer brand or in fitting a trainer into an already tight apartment without having my wife kill me????

2011-05-14 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3498364

Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
I can only give you an opinion on mine its a minoura V100 one of the more affordable brands i hear. Anyways it does the job for me. Its easy to get your bike in and out.  Since I ride a cyclocross bike becuase of all the gravel roads around here I do have to change the rear tire to a smooth tire when on the trainer, but that shouldnt be an issue with a road road bike. You can adjust the intensity on the trainer while riding with the control they give you which works good. I just still have find a spot for it where it sit properly on my bike for a longer period of time. So I ussually just set it before my ride and change intensity with the gears on my bike. either way the trainer gives me a great work out and will defintly get you in a sweat. Good luck on your search.
2011-05-16 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3498364

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Reykjavik, Iceland
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
DuncanQH - 2011-05-14 2:00 AM

Been toying with the idea of getting a trainer for my bike.  Any suggestions, either in trainer brand or in fitting a trainer into an already tight apartment without having my wife kill me????

I dont think the different types are very different, so just look for a deal. I would however recommend, that you get one where it is possible to adjust the intensity. Also get a special trainer tire as normal tires will wear out very quickly.

I hope you all had a great weekend.
I did my second tri of the year, a local super sprint and I won it ........for the 4th year running
This time I pretty much won it transition where I combined was over 30s faster then the guy who finished 2nd, (50s behind me.)
It did not rain but it was only 6C so racing in a Tri suit was a bit cold, but since it was so short, 35min, and I was pushing hard the entire time it was ok


2011-05-16 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3501107

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Dayton OH
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

I dont think the different types are very different, so just look for a deal. I would however recommend, that you get one where it is possible to adjust the intensity. Also get a special trainer tire as normal tires will wear out very quickly.

I hope you all had a great weekend.
I did my second tri of the year, a local super sprint and I won it ........for the 4th year running
This time I pretty much won it transition where I combined was over 30s faster then the guy who finished 2nd, (50s behind me.)
It did not rain but it was only 6C so racing in a Tri suit was a bit cold, but since it was so short, 35min, and I was pushing hard the entire time it was ok


It is awesome to have such an awesome athlete to ask any kind of noob question whenever I want.

thanks for all your inspiring comments and helpSmile


2011-05-16 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3278649

Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

Congrats on the win!!

2011-05-17 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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Taoyuan, Taiwan
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Wow... Great job Mesteren!  Congrats on the 4th win in a row!
2011-05-17 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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New user
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Worked on total immersion technique today, felt good, was getting the hang of it by the end, definatley felt like I could handle a bike ride straight after it. Will be back for more on Thursday if I can get some decent sleep (nightshift makes it hard for me to train)
2011-05-17 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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Taoyuan, Taiwan
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

I agree with Chris, finding training time is tough!

However, my private lesson canceled last night, so I jumped on my bike and got in 42kms...pretty happy about the ride.  Finished 40km at 1:25 which, while not really fast, is doing alright for a novice biker like me.

2011-05-18 2:47 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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New user
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
I'd be over the moon with 40k in 1:25
2011-05-18 10:00 PM
in reply to: #3505324

Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Hows everybody doing. anybody got any races coming up soon. My first race is next month starting to get nervous now lol but very excited.

2011-05-19 12:40 AM
in reply to: #3507270

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Taoyuan, Taiwan
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

nickih - 2011-05-19 11:00 AM Hows everybody doing. anybody got any races coming up soon. My first race is next month starting to get nervous now lol but very excited.


hehe... same boat here.  My frist Tri is June 19th. 

In the last 40 hours I have completed race distance in all three events, and that's making me feel pretty good.

Tues Night - 40km on the bike in 1:25

Wed Night - 10km run in 1:02

Thurs Lunch - 1500 meters in the pool (100, 400, 400, 400, 200 - total rest time 2:15) in 34:06

So I'm feeling really good about finishing within the allowed 4 hour time limit.  Breaking 3 hours, which is my secondary goal, will be pretty tough once you throw transition times into the mix...we'll see what happens.

2011-05-19 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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San Juan
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone!! I apologize for not blogging lately. It's so great to hear that so many of us are trying triathlons for the first time this year!! Even more so to know that our times are also impressive for first timers. You will notice when te results come that you've jumped ahead of others in the first try (others with better equipment and more experience). As for me, I hate to admit it but I took a week of training after my first Tri in May 1st. The week after that I totally slacked and only went to my tennis practices and did one swim training of 1600 averaging at about 1:02 per 50m. This week I began officially training for my next triathlon on June 12!! Bought a new bike, a Cannondale road bike and I'm using it with a trainer today for the first time after I had it amped and fitted. This week I also did a PB of 5 miles ( the longest I had done was 4) and in a PB time of 52mins! Will keep posting soon! Hope everyone keeps doing great!!! Monica
2011-05-19 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

Hey, there, all.

My next (NEXT? Really?! unbelievable) tri is June 12. Last couple of weeks here have been terribly hectic - tri May 7; mother's day May 8; delivering a weeklong workshop that I've been planning for six months, and for which I was the primary presenter the week after school ending activities and some family in town.

Last week my training log was a little scattered but this week is going better as I'm rearranging workout schedules and just trying to hunker down amidst all the chaos. Need to run a bit more. It's my weakest area and I haven't spent a lot of time on it in the past couple of weeks.

Swam this morning and will run tonight.

2011-05-19 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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New user
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Anybody ever get bad neck pain after swimming? Was quite bad a few hours after I'd finished no problems when actually doing it.I've struggled with motivation this week, I'm sure it's just down to lack of sleep due to working nights, first time I've done them for a long time.
2011-05-20 5:14 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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Reykjavik, Iceland
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Hi Monica

Good to hear from you I was starting to think you had left us all.

Hi everybody, sorry for not being around the last days, I have been trying to recover from all the races I have had lately. Which was to many ! If someone would ask me if it would be ok to do so many races so close together I would advise against it. Now I just need to listen to myself and do the sensible thing Well my next tri is not until the 5th (1/2 Olympic) so I finally have some time to really train again. The wife is going away this weekend so I will be spending a lot of time on the bike this weekend, which should turn this into a huge weekend for me. I am actually already looking forward to my restday on monday !

Niezels  Has his first Tri tomorrow so why dont you head over to his blog and wish him good luck
His has prepare very well, so I am sure he will do great, and I can not wait to hear about it

I could be wrong but I think that is the only one racing this weekend, please let me know if I am mistaken.

lashart Has put up a race report from his race : Wine Capital of Canada Triathlon - Sprint Course
and he did great to finish despite crashing on the bike !

2011-05-20 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

Mesteren: Congrats on your win! And thanks for your support

Yup tomorrow will be D-Day. And I already learned that I hate the final week before the race. Since monday I've trained less then 3 hours while I normally plan for about 10 hours. So currently sitting at work craving for a good run or swim or whatever. As long as I don't have to sit.

I think Mesteren is right on me being ready. In other words. Looking back I currently way ahead of were I expected to be today. Retaining my original goal of finishing with a smile, and smile hard if it is within 1h30m I think I will be capable of doing better even in the right circumstances.

At least I have been calculating my times: 500m swim 12min, 20K bike, 40min, run 28min = 1h20min. That leaves me with 10 minutes for T1 and T2 plus lose some time because I won't be completely fresh during bike and run. On the other hand. I feel that the given times are conservative times I can do quite easily in a training setting. So my new gradesystem

  • > 1h30m: As long as I smiled I'm ok
  • > 1h25m <1h30m: Yay I made my goal!
  • > 1h20m <1h25m: WOW, really! Do the happy dance.
  • <1h20m: nah that is insane the clock must be broken.

But regardless of the result tomorrow. I know I will finish. I know I will push it at some point. But most of all I'm very proud of what I achieved already knowing where I came from. And I'm very pleased to have found this great sport.

All have a great weekend and see you all on the other side of tri-life

2011-05-21 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

Ok a quick reply. Just to brag on my time. A 1/8 (500m, 20K, 5K) in 1h20m05s. Really want to do an amazing happy dance though my legs still hurt.

Will post a race report later
2011-05-21 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3511119

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New user
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Well done niezels!
2011-05-21 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3511156

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Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Congratulations, Niezels!!! Cool
2011-05-21 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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Reykjavik, Iceland
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED

That is an AWESOME time,  congratulations

Enjoy the rest of the weekend knowing you are actually a lot better then you think you are

2011-05-21 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3278649

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Great job Niezels! Life has kept me pretty busy this month and threw my training off a lot. I have a sprint tri coming up on June 5 (800m/19km/3.1km) in Austin. So wish me luck! Gonna put in some more bike and swim time this week, as the bike was in the shop this week and freak thunderstorms hit. I think I will be okay, but any tips to "make up" for lost time would be appreciated. Hope everyone's doing well and r getting ready for their first/next races. 
2011-05-21 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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New user
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
Decent days training for me today2000 metres 55min swim early afternoonThen my first brick12.5m bike 50min3.1m run 25minCalves very tight first quarter mile of the run but ok after that.Feeling good for first sprint in 2 weeks
2011-05-21 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3278649

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Dayton OH
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED


The soreness doesn't seem to matter much after a race. You did great. So much better than you seemed to hope for. I hope you recover quickly and enjoy your sweet VICTORY.

I got so sick this week. Hard to recover. I have tanked for the week. I did some weight training and a little running. I have some residual sinus issues left over. It is making breathing hard.

2011-05-22 4:54 AM
in reply to: #3278649

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Reykjavik, Iceland
Subject: RE: Mesteren's Group - CLOSED
HI gang.

I am just about to head out on what might be the last bike ride in a while !
We just had a large volcano eruption !!!
And once the ash hits the city it will put a stop to all outside activities
And this of course happens when there for the first time in months are no wind ! So the ash can not get away. Not like last time when it all went to europe and closed down the airspace there instead of here.

The wife is in Germany right now and was suppose to fly home tonight but that do not look like it will be possible  

Picture of a sun rise :

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