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2011-04-23 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Cold and raining here.  5:30 on the trainer (I think I should be able to do the entire IMKY bike course) a 45 minutes T run and then a 30 minute recovery swim. 

Hope everyone else has better weather (and good races) this weekend.

2011-04-23 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3461769

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Those sound like good results considering what it could have been. Glad to hear it.
2011-04-23 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3462000

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
You amaze me that pong on a trainer. Wish I could painlessly, I would have more miles under my belt. No rain today, but the aftermath of last 3-4 days worth! Thanks for Advice on run.
2011-04-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3462000

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-23 8:02 AM

Cold and raining here.  5:30 on the trainer (I think I should be able to do the entire IMKY bike course) a 45 minutes T run and then a 30 minute recovery swim. 

Hope everyone else has better weather (and good races) this weekend.

Insane!!!  Kelly, are you doing a full Ironman next weekend, or HIM?  I don't know how you do it!!!  Impressed though!

Edited by rizer22 2011-04-23 7:55 AM
2011-04-23 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Gonna get up to the high 80s today here.  Trying to decide on a race for June.  One is a really short/fast sprint, the other has almost an oly length swim and the rest sprint distances.  I'd go longer but it's clear on the other side of town and in Houston that's a 2 hour drive.

Family stuff, errands, and a 3 year old's bday party today, oh and egg coloring.  Tomorrow I'm gonna try and sneak a couple hour ride in before Easter festivities. 

Good luck to the racers this weekend.  Wish I was one of y'all.

2011-04-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

good luck to the racers!!!


This CT weather sucks, i am cleaning and vacuuming and gettting ready for the steady stream of family that will be coming through my house for the next two days.


shopping later, and at some point i really need to ride my bike.  Maybe i will do my long run today and ride tomorrow....hmmmmm

2011-04-23 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I'm was drizzling this morning so we decided to swap and do our run today and bike tomorrow instead.  I think it was a good call.  I do not like to ride in the rain unless I have to (bad crash a couple years ago in rain).  This early in the season I don't feel like I need to though.

Really good run.  Kelly had "suggested" running in lower HR zones because I tend to always be in higher zones.  So that was my goal today.  Plan called for Z1/Z2 run.  We did a fairly hilly run, but I just slowed my pace to keep my HR lower, and I have to say, when we finished I felt great.  Not the normal feeling of death, legs stiff and can hardly get in and out of the car.  I feel pretty darn good!

ETA - just uploaded Garmin, and I guess I felt so good because I was mostly in Z1.  Which is ok for this long run, but for the runs during the week I need to learn what Z2 feels like, I don't want to constantly look at my watch, and I don't like setting it to beep at me.

Edited by karen26.2 2011-04-23 10:20 AM
2011-04-23 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I'll type out my "official" race report in a bit, but here's my stats:


They don't have the times posted just yet, but should today. Here's my Garmin data:

VERY VERY VERY Proud of my swim time!!

I apparently took a nap in T1

Oh hi hills!

T2 not terrible

whoever thought it would be "fun" to run straight uphill in the sand should be drawn and quartered

Total time looks like 1:58:00

But I'm far from last...there were people coming IN on the bike leg when I was walking to the car. Now it's McD's time and Hockey on TV, followed by naps...ah yes, naps!


2011-04-23 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I ran the Cleveland 10-miler in 1:36.  I paced myself well and had energy in the last few miles.  The course rocked.  It's a beautiful day, too.  I am sore but happy

Looking like I might be closer to 2:06 for the half marathon.  Yippee!!!

2011-04-23 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3462286

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-23 1:35 PM

I'll type out my "official" race report in a bit, but here's my stats:


They don't have the times posted just yet, but should today. Here's my Garmin data:

VERY VERY VERY Proud of my swim time!!

I apparently took a nap in T1

Oh hi hills!

T2 not terrible

whoever thought it would be "fun" to run straight uphill in the sand should be drawn and quartered

Total time looks like 1:58:00

But I'm far from last...there were people coming IN on the bike leg when I was walking to the car. Now it's McD's time and Hockey on TV, followed by naps...ah yes, naps!



Great job today!  Congratulations!! 

2011-04-23 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
So my better half got some video of me swimming...yes, I actually stopped and waved at her

2011-04-23 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Times are in, so here's my Race Report
2011-04-23 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Great job Steve & Jennifer!!!
2011-04-23 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3462292

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-23 11:39 AM

I ran the Cleveland 10-miler in 1:36.  I paced myself well and had energy in the last few miles.  The course rocked.  It's a beautiful day, too.  I am sore but happy

Looking like I might be closer to 2:06 for the half marathon.  Yippee!!!


That's a fantastic time! Nice going!

2011-04-23 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3462449

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

abqtj - 2011-04-23 4:57 PM Times are in, so here's my Race Report

Thank you for sharing the race report!  I have yet to do a triathlon, so I am very curious.  What did you find most difficult about the transitions?  What was the most challenging aspect of the race?  What was your strength during this particular race?

I love reading the reports.  Again, great job!  When is your next race?

2011-04-23 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

When I got home from my race, I threw up 6 times.  Then I couldn't pick myself up off the floor, as every time I did I saw stars and thought I was going to pass out.  Anyone know what I did wrong? 


2011-04-23 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3462488

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-23 3:34 PM

abqtj - 2011-04-23 4:57 PM Times are in, so here's my Race Report

Thank you for sharing the race report!  I have yet to do a triathlon, so I am very curious.  What did you find most difficult about the transitions?  What was the most challenging aspect of the race?  What was your strength during this particular race?

I love reading the reports.  Again, great job!  When is your next race?



I think for me this time, I just wasn't organized with the T1 transition, either mentally or physically. I just kind of didn't have a plan. I mean, I had a general idea (dry off a little, clean feet, get socks/bike shoes on, etc.) but no real urgency. I nearly forgot my HR strap and had to fumble with my race number belt, too.

Amazingly, my strength this time I would have to say was the swim. I don't think a lot of people would call a 2min/100yd pace a strength, but it was faster by 15-20 seconds than I had planned on.

Following that would be the bike. It's a really hilly course (gain of over 750ft) and even some of the flats are at a slight incline, as it's going away from the river valley here). So I'm not upset with the performance there. I think I tried to be conservative the last 2 miles to "rest" my legs for the run.

That said, it occurred to me as I began the run...I have never done a proper Bike to Run Brick before! SURPRISE LEGS!! My previous tri was a reverse order one, so I had done Run to Bike a few times. And even a Swim to Run at the gym. THAT is something I need to remedy. My legs were not happy when I started the run leg today.

Next race is in two weeks, btw MUCH flatter course, though. It's a reverse with the swim last, though.

2011-04-23 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3462286

Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-23 1:35 PM

I'll type out my "official" race report in a bit, but here's my stats:


They don't have the times posted just yet, but should today. Here's my Garmin data:

VERY VERY VERY Proud of my swim time!!

I apparently took a nap in T1

Oh hi hills!

T2 not terrible

whoever thought it would be "fun" to run straight uphill in the sand should be drawn and quartered

Total time looks like 1:58:00

But I'm far from last...there were people coming IN on the bike leg when I was walking to the car. Now it's McD's time and Hockey on TV, followed by naps...ah yes, naps!


Great Job! first ones in the books.

2011-04-23 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3462449

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

abqtj - 2011-04-23 4:57 PM Times are in, so here's my Race Report

Nice work. I've yet to do a Tri.  kudos to you for signing up and committing.  That's a huge part of any event.  I think I should look for a pool event as well, since I have only attempted to swim laps in a pool twice, nevermind an OWS.

Nice job again, you now have one in the books, and a "time to beat"

2011-04-23 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3462496

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-23 5:41 PM

When I got home from my race, I threw up 6 times.  Then I couldn't pick myself up off the floor, as every time I did I saw stars and thought I was going to pass out.  Anyone know what I did wrong? 


How much did you drink (strangely enough vomiting can be a sign of dehydration)?

2011-04-23 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3462520

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-23 6:06 PM
jarvy01 - 2011-04-23 3:34 PM

abqtj - 2011-04-23 4:57 PM Times are in, so here's my Race Report

Thank you for sharing the race report!  I have yet to do a triathlon, so I am very curious.  What did you find most difficult about the transitions?  What was the most challenging aspect of the race?  What was your strength during this particular race?

I love reading the reports.  Again, great job!  When is your next race?



I think for me this time, I just wasn't organized with the T1 transition, either mentally or physically. I just kind of didn't have a plan. I mean, I had a general idea (dry off a little, clean feet, get socks/bike shoes on, etc.) but no real urgency. I nearly forgot my HR strap and had to fumble with my race number belt, too.

Amazingly, my strength this time I would have to say was the swim. I don't think a lot of people would call a 2min/100yd pace a strength, but it was faster by 15-20 seconds than I had planned on.

Following that would be the bike. It's a really hilly course (gain of over 750ft) and even some of the flats are at a slight incline, as it's going away from the river valley here). So I'm not upset with the performance there. I think I tried to be conservative the last 2 miles to "rest" my legs for the run.

That said, it occurred to me as I began the run...I have never done a proper Bike to Run Brick before! SURPRISE LEGS!! My previous tri was a reverse order one, so I had done Run to Bike a few times. And even a Swim to Run at the gym. THAT is something I need to remedy. My legs were not happy when I started the run leg today.

Next race is in two weeks, btw MUCH flatter course, though. It's a reverse with the swim last, though.

Congrats!  Running on spent legs take practice -- lots of bricks!

2011-04-23 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3462165

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
karen26.2 - 2011-04-23 11:09 AM

I'm was drizzling this morning so we decided to swap and do our run today and bike tomorrow instead.  I think it was a good call.  I do not like to ride in the rain unless I have to (bad crash a couple years ago in rain).  This early in the season I don't feel like I need to though.

Really good run.  Kelly had "suggested" running in lower HR zones because I tend to always be in higher zones.  So that was my goal today.  Plan called for Z1/Z2 run.  We did a fairly hilly run, but I just slowed my pace to keep my HR lower, and I have to say, when we finished I felt great.  Not the normal feeling of death, legs stiff and can hardly get in and out of the car.  I feel pretty darn good!

ETA - just uploaded Garmin, and I guess I felt so good because I was mostly in Z1.  Which is ok for this long run, but for the runs during the week I need to learn what Z2 feels like, I don't want to constantly look at my watch, and I don't like setting it to beep at me.

I've been running and biking by HR for a while and I'm still always checking my Garmin.  The beautiful thing about training by HR is that while the paces keep getting faster, the HR stays the same.

2011-04-23 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I was up by 4am and drove 2 1/2 hrs and survived the Du. 36.4 on the first run 1:22 on the bike and then a slow 43.37 on the second 5K. COLD snow hanging close,, but stayed away until we finished.  My friend quit after bike because she could even toe her shoes because her hands were frozen. My feet were frozen on the bike and it made for an interesting first ile on the run. Also had a hammie so tight I was thinking of quitting, but stopped and stretched and finished. Took first in my AG so it pays to be old once in a while. Actually I was the ony one who finished in my AG because of the cold. Snow and rain all the way hone after doing several laps around IKEA on the way home.

Congrats to Steve and Jenifer on your races today

2011-04-23 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
RaceLink here is my race  link-I know my times are granny times, but then again I am a granny
2011-04-23 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

I guess I need to set the record straight...somewhere a couple of you have been thinking today was my first triathlon, but it's actually my second. It's the first in the REGULAR order, though, as my one last year was a reverse tri.

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