BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-19 5:42 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lisa-that is so scary!!! I am glad you recovered so well.
My plan today was to have a easy bike ride on a trail with hubby! But I am not going tonget a real run in this week so switching it over to a run. I work tomorrow and I usually dont train on those days but may sneak in a swim at 5 am! Saturday is.a ride with the team with a optional 1 mile run right after. Sunday will be. My swim with the team with a possible swim test....20 consecutive laps=} I find it so challenging to fit In All my training x 2 a week and no time for any strength training. Anyway 63 days left and counting=}}}}

2012-04-19 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4128264


Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hello, I'm EJ and I think I'd do well in this group under you.  I was not athletic in high school (too prissy) and now i'm doing a 360.  Finished my first half (Shamrock - Va Beach) and want to try my first Tri in August (Pink Power Tri) or Sept.  I started swim lessons again to get better and more comfortable but my stroke and breathing are out of sync.  I keep trying but my kick is weak and holding my breath gets tiresome, literally.  Any tips I can pick up/take away I'm all for.  I try to practice 2xs a week.   Not sure if I'll be ready for August but I'm going to give it my best shot.  I was thinking of getting a road bike, or hybrid bike but an inexpensive one from Walmart or Target (until I know I'm going to stick with it) but I've never ridden on the road, that frightens me.  I know I just need to get out there and do it and I will.




2012-04-19 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4161687

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

  I keep trying but my kick is weak and holding my breath gets tiresome, literally. 

Hi EJ,

I'm not sure if you are working with a swim coach, but instead of holding your breath, try blowing out a few bubbles.  I find if I'm counting my strokes between breaths (I'm a 3 stroke breather) and I blow bubbles while counting, it makes my breathing much easier - I am already empty when I take a breath, and I can just grab a quick breath and then keep swimming without it interrupting my flow...  Anyway, see if that helps a little??


2012-04-19 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Wow Lisa - such an inspirational story!  I know it may not seem that way, and I'm really sorry to hear about your accident.  But to get back out there and keep road riding after such a fall, that's inspirational.  I too, am not keen on road riding (and living in a country where traffic is atrocious, it's not that easy to get out on the road anyway) but I know I will need to get out there eventually.

Anyway, it's so good to hear you are still hammering away at your goals!!! 


2012-04-20 11:36 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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South East England
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Learning to breathe out in the water definitely helped improve my swimming.  I started practicing by putting my arms straight out in front of me, face down in the water and just swam gently blowing bubbles until I needed to breathe.  Then, I stopped, stood up took a breathe and did some more.  I suspect the locals in the pool thought I was nuts but it worked.

I still have weak legs though and I don't rotate enough in the hips, I only breathe on one side, I think my arms cross my mid point when I stroke and I think my elbow enters the water before my hand!  SO MUCH to remember.  Still I've a few months to go until August and my first sea swim tri.

2012-04-20 3:52 PM
in reply to: #4159302

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-04-18 8:11 PM

Hey Everybody,

Looks like I am going to be down and out for a bit.  I am not sure what happened but the one side of my middle back is one giant knot.  I think it is related to bad posture, usually is in my case.  I've been trying to stretch it out, but so far nothing is helping much.  I may be visiting the chiro soon if it doesn't get any better.

Happy Training everyone


JEEEEZ! Hurry up and get better. And do what the doctor says. 

Think I had a break through in the pool today. Worked on tucking my face and shoulders down, and also body rotation. Now I just have to get comfortable with it. 1000yds in the pool then a quick trail run with some good climbing just under 3mi. Then I went canoeing for 2.5hrs. Another pool day Saturday. 

What's everybody using for post workout nutrition? I use a GNC brand endurance recovery drink mix currently, but have tried a few other whey protein mixes. Like the GNC stuff the best so far.

2012-04-20 10:43 PM
in reply to: #4163517

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

otisbrown - 2012-04-18 8:11 PM

What's everybody using for post workout nutrition? I use a GNC brand endurance recovery drink mix currently, but have tried a few other whey protein mixes. Like the GNC stuff the best so far.

I'm using the Jillian Michael's pure protein whey powder (chocolate) mixed in with 8oz of Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk.'s pretty tasty. I've only been using it on days that I lift and do another workout.

2012-04-21 5:27 AM
in reply to: #4164030

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
I have tried the RTD 51. It has 51 grams of protein and is very tasty.
2012-04-21 5:31 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
The weather in Miami is going to make it a Gym day. I so wanted to get on the bike and go, but will hit the treadmill and weights instead. Have a great weekend everybody.
2012-04-21 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4128264


Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Got a great brick in this morning! Cool and sunny perfect day for it. Hope you all have a good weekend!

2012-04-21 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4159673

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
making_tracks - 2012-04-19 2:23 AM

I had quite a bad cycling accident last year.  I was cycling with friends on a quiet country road, we were cycling at a good pace - 20 mph when I hit a pot hole in the road.  It was deep and stopped my bike suddenly so I flew over the handle bars. My head injuries were bad even though I had a helmet on, I fractured my neck and some bones in my face.  I was lucky to be with friends, one who was medically trained and I got the treatment I needed immediately and this has helped me have an excellent recovery.

This hasn't stopped me riding on roads, I rode again 4 months after my accident with my girlfriends, back to my pot hole because I needed to "say thank you" for still being here.

I do dress brightly - bright pink makes drivers think and research shows drivers give women cyclists more space on the road when passing.  

I wear an expensive helmet - my brain is doubly precious to me now!

I ride in a group - we're more visible and we're there to support each other.

If you're going to ride on roads, start on the quiet ones and progress to the busier ones.



Wow Lisa! Incredible story.  X2 on your advice.  I was hit by a car when I was in my early twenties. T-boned at a stop sign so the car was not going very fast at the time. Fortunately no major injuries. Just a sprained wrist, some impressive bruises and road rash.  I was very lucky not to have landed on my head as back in day no one wore helmets.  It did take me some time to feel comfortable riding on the roads again.  I still get a bit nervous when there is a lot of traffic.  


2012-04-21 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

My club has been closed for renovations this week so I have been swimming at a local park district pool. I really like swimming there as the water temperature is perfect (as opposed to very cold at the club) and they have a therapy pool!  One end of the therapy pool is 6 feet deep. Perfect for deep water running.  Water running is supposed to be great for keeping your running fitness when injured and I know that after my hour the other day I was feeling it.  Since I anticipate being off running for an extended period of time, I will be spending much time in the therapy pool.  The PT I will be seeing is also located in this rec center and uses the therapy pool.  Hmmmm?  I'm wondering if I can get a pool membership covered by insurance? 

Nice swim this morning followed by a "run". 

First day without the boot.  Will see how the ankle feels at the end of the day.

Have a great weekend everyone!


2012-04-21 5:25 PM
in reply to: #4164437

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-04-21 2:06 PM

My club has been closed for renovations this week so I have been swimming at a local park district pool. I really like swimming there as the water temperature is perfect (as opposed to very cold at the club) and they have a therapy pool!  One end of the therapy pool is 6 feet deep. Perfect for deep water running.  Water running is supposed to be great for keeping your running fitness when injured and I know that after my hour the other day I was feeling it.  Since I anticipate being off running for an extended period of time, I will be spending much time in the therapy pool.  The PT I will be seeing is also located in this rec center and uses the therapy pool.  Hmmmm?  I'm wondering if I can get a pool membership covered by insurance? 

Nice swim this morning followed by a "run". 

First day without the boot.  Will see how the ankle feels at the end of the day.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Excellent... I can't remember which movie it is... Spirit of the Marathon maybe? where Deena Kastor is injured and uses pool running to rehab. Great movie. good for you!! Hope the ankle is behaving for you.
2012-04-21 5:31 PM
in reply to: #4164431

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-04-21 1:55 PM

making_tracks - 2012-04-19 2:23 AM

I had quite a bad cycling accident last year.  I was cycling with friends on a quiet country road, we were cycling at a good pace - 20 mph when I hit a pot hole in the road.  It was deep and stopped my bike suddenly so I flew over the handle bars. My head injuries were bad even though I had a helmet on, I fractured my neck and some bones in my face.  I was lucky to be with friends, one who was medically trained and I got the treatment I needed immediately and this has helped me have an excellent recovery.

This hasn't stopped me riding on roads, I rode again 4 months after my accident with my girlfriends, back to my pot hole because I needed to "say thank you" for still being here.

I do dress brightly - bright pink makes drivers think and research shows drivers give women cyclists more space on the road when passing.  

I wear an expensive helmet - my brain is doubly precious to me now!

I ride in a group - we're more visible and we're there to support each other.

If you're going to ride on roads, start on the quiet ones and progress to the busier ones.



Wow Lisa! Incredible story.  X2 on your advice.  I was hit by a car when I was in my early twenties. T-boned at a stop sign so the car was not going very fast at the time. Fortunately no major injuries. Just a sprained wrist, some impressive bruises and road rash.  I was very lucky not to have landed on my head as back in day no one wore helmets.  It did take me some time to feel comfortable riding on the roads again.  I still get a bit nervous when there is a lot of traffic.  


Amazing! I'm still terrified of the roads here in Miami. I haven't been out in months. Gotta get out there.
2012-04-21 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4153513

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Erschmaltz - 2012-04-16 12:20 PM

 As far as clips go, get to know your new bike a bit before adding in clips. That way you'll know how your bike handles, and can work the clips froom there. I did a century ride without clips last summer and it was fine, in my opinion (total newbie until last summer), it just depends on where you're riding. If you are riding in a high traffic area and you know you're going to be starting and stopping a lot, then you may want to skip the clips for right now. If you're heading out on a long ride and you know you'll be on your bike a while before you have to stop, might as well get some practice in! When I bought my bike, Mr. HandsomeBikeDude let me clip in and out a lot in the store. I may take my bike back in just to get some more practice.

Good advice!
2012-04-21 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4153733

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
awk1987 - 2012-04-16 1:45 PM

Lisa - I wouldn’t say that I have outright pain in my knees.  More of a mild ache, which with my limited experience (none) may just be the result of the new body movements, like Steph said.  Susie et al, since I did not get my bike outfitted with the clipless pedals, I have not been fitted in that fashion.  Yet.  But I have been reading about the importance of accurate adjustments with the shoes & pedals, so that process will be my next step maybe in the next few weeks.  I’m going to heed Elizabeth’s advice and just get some more riding time in before going all in. 

Got a great goody bag at the tri expo last night: bag, tech shirt, water bottle, gu, chews, sport beans, keychains and more.  Better than most races I’ve done. Not bad for a free event! 

Did anyone get to see any coverage of Boston?

That's quite a goody bag! nice!

Yes I watched Boston, most of it anyway. Gotta love that fast internet at the office. Amazing... that Hartmann guy who came in 4th inspires me. Everyone else else is 5'6 to 10 and 130-40 lbs. He's 6'3" 160... WOW WOW. No relation, but hey... he's my cousin until I'm done with my first marathon.. nudge nudge, wink wink

2012-04-21 5:45 PM
in reply to: #4154507

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
garylandry - 2012-04-16 7:49 PM

Did the Miami Man Bike Course this Sunday 53 miles. I was able to Cut my time from 4 hours and 18 Minutes the first time I did to 3 hours 38 minutes. It felt like i had head winds the whole way and was tired when done. That is a great course and i look for to that race.

I would LOVE to ride that with you! Did you do it alone or with others?
2012-04-21 5:51 PM
in reply to: #4154912

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
NICE WORK! Deborah your half miles could also be referred to as Yasso 800s after the man who created the term. You can google Bart Yasso. Track workouts will definitely make you faster. I start mine this coming wednesday.

You are amazing and your husband is my hero for helping you.
2012-04-21 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4155330

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
awk1987 - 2012-04-17 10:09 AM

Marcus - That's actually exactly how i keep track, but my mind wanders constantly!  Even this morning, I lost track in the first 200 of my 400 warmup.  I had to look at the pace clock to figure out how far I had gone. I know it was early, but sheesh! Undecided


Sometimes I add 50 with the kick board after a 100 or 200 free, just so I have a measuring lap. If I am doing 100s and I do 8 kicking laps, then I've done 800 meters. Course my ankles are sore for two days after the kicking...
2012-04-21 6:02 PM
in reply to: #4157434

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
erin1621 - 2012-04-18 7:09 AM

Any advice on how to get over the fear of riding on the open road? I hear so many stories of people getting hurt or killed! I may venture on sidewalks with my bike but I feel like it won't be to productive as a lot of stop and go. I have a trail not to far but it's mostly flat and my tri is notoriously hilly! Any ideas or adv?

Well, I guess to be reasonable and rational... for every person that gets killed down here... 1 a year (gulp), I would say that 99.9% + have a really great ride and there are literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people riding every day here where I live in Miami. We had 2 deaths in the last 3 months though... oh crap, I'm supposed to be HELPING!

1. don't ride alone.
2. don't ride within 90mins of the bars closing (here that's 4am)
3. wear reflective clothing or have cute reflective things put on your favorite gear
4. Find a bridge or hill and go up and down it. (bridge repeats...also great for running strength)
5. Spin, seriously... a spin class is good. You can stand and work your climbing... seated climbs and standing jogs.

I will now take my own advice.
2012-04-21 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4159302

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-04-18 8:11 PM

Hey Everybody,

Looks like I am going to be down and out for a bit.  I am not sure what happened but the one side of my middle back is one giant knot.  I think it is related to bad posture, usually is in my case.  I've been trying to stretch it out, but so far nothing is helping much.  I may be visiting the chiro soon if it doesn't get any better.

Happy Training everyone

see the Chiro.

do you have a heating pad? that's helpful to me. maybe we need to hire posture police, both of us!

2012-04-21 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4161687

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
ejpowell - 2012-04-19 7:45 PM

Hello, I'm EJ and I think I'd do well in this group under you.  I was not athletic in high school (too prissy) and now i'm doing a 360.  Finished my first half (Shamrock - Va Beach) and want to try my first Tri in August (Pink Power Tri) or Sept.  I started swim lessons again to get better and more comfortable but my stroke and breathing are out of sync.  I keep trying but my kick is weak and holding my breath gets tiresome, literally.  Any tips I can pick up/take away I'm all for.  I try to practice 2xs a week.   Not sure if I'll be ready for August but I'm going to give it my best shot.  I was thinking of getting a road bike, or hybrid bike but an inexpensive one from Walmart or Target (until I know I'm going to stick with it) but I've never ridden on the road, that frightens me.  I know I just need to get out there and do it and I will.




WELCOME! get some fins. They will help you keep your lower half up while you work on your stroke/breathing technique and because you'll be going faster, you'll really FEEL the swim. has good prices.
2012-04-21 6:10 PM
in reply to: #4161811

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: BREATHE!!!!!!!1
cislfamily - 2012-04-19 9:23 PM

  I keep trying but my kick is weak and holding my breath gets tiresome, literally. 

Hi EJ,

I'm not sure if you are working with a swim coach, but instead of holding your breath, try blowing out a few bubbles.  I find if I'm counting my strokes between breaths (I'm a 3 stroke breather) and I blow bubbles while counting, it makes my breathing much easier - I am already empty when I take a breath, and I can just grab a quick breath and then keep swimming without it interrupting my flow...  Anyway, see if that helps a little??


yeah, duh I completely missed that.

you never hold your breath when you swim. you breathe in when you turn your head... and you breath out when your face is turned down and you are swimming.

so sorry.
2012-04-21 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4162874

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
making_tracks - 2012-04-20 12:36 PM

Learning to breathe out in the water definitely helped improve my swimming.  I started practicing by putting my arms straight out in front of me, face down in the water and just swam gently blowing bubbles until I needed to breathe.  Then, I stopped, stood up took a breathe and did some more.  I suspect the locals in the pool thought I was nuts but it worked.

I still have weak legs though and I don't rotate enough in the hips, I only breathe on one side, I think my arms cross my mid point when I stroke and I think my elbow enters the water before my hand!  SO MUCH to remember.  Still I've a few months to go until August and my first sea swim tri.

The fact that you KNOW all of this, makes it imminently fixable.

I still only breathe to one side. I don't plan on changing that. I mean, really.... enough is enough
2012-04-21 6:53 PM
in reply to: #4163517

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-04-20 4:52 PM

otisbrown - 2012-04-18 8:11 PM

Hey Everybody,

Looks like I am going to be down and out for a bit.  I am not sure what happened but the one side of my middle back is one giant knot.  I think it is related to bad posture, usually is in my case.  I've been trying to stretch it out, but so far nothing is helping much.  I may be visiting the chiro soon if it doesn't get any better.

Happy Training everyone


JEEEEZ! Hurry up and get better. And do what the doctor says. 

Think I had a break through in the pool today. Worked on tucking my face and shoulders down, and also body rotation. Now I just have to get comfortable with it. 1000yds in the pool then a quick trail run with some good climbing just under 3mi. Then I went canoeing for 2.5hrs. Another pool day Saturday. 

What's everybody using for post workout nutrition? I use a GNC brand endurance recovery drink mix currently, but have tried a few other whey protein mixes. Like the GNC stuff the best so far.

As long as you have a carb/protein mix that you like, keep it up. Fueling the workouts and then REFILLING your tank, is key.
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