Other Resources Challenge Me! » Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013 Rss Feed  
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2013-01-31 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4603581

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Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
BbMoozer - 2013-01-31 8:01 PM

All this talk of ice and falling - stay safe people. 

Speaking of falling, I fell but not outside running. I was carrying a large box out to the garage to the recycling and fell down 2 stairs. Long story short, I fractured my 5th metatarsal in my right foot and am now in a boot with no running for 4-6 weeks. WAAAAAAH! so looked forward to running in the snow some more! So I likely won't get any more points this season and will go absolutely stir crazy not being able to run/cycle/kettlebell and swim at least for a while (shorter on the low impact stuff I guess). Bring on the bon bons! LOL

Have fun but be safe my amigos!


ahhhh, so sorry to hear that.  TRY to enjoy a guiltfree break.  Don't come back too fast.  Go for 6 weeks as opposed to 4 before pounding it running.

2013-02-01 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4603581

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2013-02-01 7:13 AM
in reply to: #4446164

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2013-02-02 12:49 PM
in reply to: #4446164

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
Lovely weather for us for the next week or so. Won't be missing the snow and wind that is for sure.
2013-02-03 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4603581

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
BbMoozer - 2013-01-31 9:01 PM

All this talk of ice and falling - stay safe people. 

Speaking of falling, I fell but not outside running. I was carrying a large box out to the garage to the recycling and fell down 2 stairs. Long story short, I fractured my 5th metatarsal in my right foot and am now in a boot with no running for 4-6 weeks. WAAAAAAH! so looked forward to running in the snow some more! So I likely won't get any more points this season and will go absolutely stir crazy not being able to run/cycle/kettlebell and swim at least for a while (shorter on the low impact stuff I guess). Bring on the bon bons! LOL

Have fun but be safe my amigos!

Rats, that is a bummer.I feel your pain!  Last year broke my 2nd toe on my right foot. It was not fun...but you will get through it.  Six weeks feels like forever right now, I know.  But, you will be back out there in no time

2013-02-06 7:02 AM
in reply to: #4446164

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2013-02-06 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4610649

Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013

Nice work guys! Looks like some snow is rolling in to the upper midwest too! Oh the horror of missing out on these near zero temps! LOL

I think when it hits 30 again, I'll think its a heat wave. 

I'm with you all in spirit...God knows I'd rather be out there running (if you had told me I'd want to do that 15 years ago, I'd have laughed!) than inside all warm and cozy with a busted foot. 

2013-02-06 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4610880

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2013-02-06 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4610649

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013

wgraves7582 - 2013-02-06 6:02 AM Well I don't know if it was because of this challenge and trying to get 2nd place or Iowa in April but I rode today when I felt like turning around and just driving - northwest winds on my commute are of the devil as the waterboy's mother would say!

Yeah and you might be a little touched in the Medula Oblongata too

There will be no hitching of rides via Iowa farm animals. Moooooooo.

You know, there is a pretty cool state park near Grinnel with a nice campground (Rock Creek)  we stayed there on our way back from Chicago last year.

2013-02-06 6:02 PM
in reply to: #4611048

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2013-02-18 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4446164

Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013

Wow! Been getting a lot of cold weather. Did my long run yesterday @ -14F, just glad we didn't have any wind.

Looks like we could have a couple more below zero mornings this week.

2013-02-24 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4446164

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2013-03-05 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4446164

Extreme Veteran
Sault Ste (Siberia) Marie
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
After a week of upper 30's thaw weather we are back into the teens. Now all I need to do is get out there and start adding some time to the equation and all will be good. Have to push to get my 3rd place spot back from Bill but I should be able to do it.
2013-03-18 8:50 AM
in reply to: #4446164

Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
Will be in New Orleans next week so looks like the last week for me. Looks like the weather is going to be cold so should add a few more points.
2013-03-23 7:55 PM
in reply to: #4446164

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013

More days like today would have kept me out of the cellar

20 degrees 20 mile winds and snowing.  They shortened our 10k to a 5k.

2013-05-09 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4446164

New user

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
I've only just seen this challenge thread .... fantastic ! Hope someone starts it up again next winter - bit of fun and motivation.  I managed to get out all winter running 2-3 times a week, on rain, soft snow, ice (with picks on my running shoes ;-), a couple of blizzards and a fair number of days of -20 to -30'c where I probably looked more like a ninja with just a strip showing around my eyes !  Got some fun photos of being fairly iced up at the end of the run !  Obviously being safe is the most important part, but I actually really enjoyed getting out on the trails in the snow - so pretty and such a different scenery to take your mind off the discomfort !

2013-10-14 10:17 AM
in reply to: ee5stj

Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2012-2013
Looks like we are only a few weeks away from the start of another season.
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