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2013-01-02 4:24 AM
in reply to: #4557244

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
RunningJoke - 2013-01-02 3:52 AM

STORY:  I did my first sprint tri at the end of 2011 and fell in love with the sport.  Previously I had been a slow but steady runner.  My kids were getting a little bit older and I had time for a hobby...and here I am!  As I remind my husband, it's cheaper than a cocaine habit!

I live in New Mexico and I work in an Emergency Department, so my schedule is pretty random, and I struggle with staying consistent with my training.  The learning curve was steep in 2012 and I did 6 sprints and 3 olys, and ended up winning 2nd in my (small) age group in our local point series.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to a wonderful supportive and non-running husband and have 2 boys age 3 and 5. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm in base training, using Joe Friel's book.  Also taking a few swim lessons to try and improve my technique.  I will figure out how to start posting my workouts here this week.

2013 RACES/GOALS: My major goal is to improve my performance in the Oly distance.  Last year I was racing the sprints well, but felt like I was surviving the Olys instead of racing them.  I think lack of volume in my training was the problem.  I want to compete in our local point series again with improvements in the Oly races.

I'd also like to do my first HIM in the fall, just to finish it, but haven't yet chosen the race.

Feb 23 Disneyworld Princess Half Marathon

March  Moab Skinny Tire Festival

April  Rio Grande Sprint Tri

June Billy the Kid Oly and Storrie Lake Oly (my A race)

July City of Lakes Sprint

Aug 505 (between and Oly and a HIM distance)

Fall HIM ?????????  Open to suggestions...

I'm really excited to be part of such an active group!  Thanks.

Welcome to the group!  Looks like a great schedule.  Not sure about NM, but there are a lot of HIM's in the fall depending on haw far you want to travel.

2013-01-02 4:29 AM
in reply to: #4557171

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-01 11:42 PM

Question for all that might have an answer for me:

Who uses power/watts on the bike? If you do, do you have a coach to help you translate the numbers and use it effectively or is it pretty easy to figure out and incorporate into your training?

I'm considering looking into it a little more because I think the bike is my weakest sport.

Thanks for any input!

I know that at least a couple of us train with power.  I personally find it much more effective for me then HR due to the lag, but many people have a lot of success with HR.

I currently am using a coach, but Monday was the beginning of this so prior to that I trained on my own using plans from here and a couple of other sites.  Here is a good program to get started, it is talked about a lot in the forums and referred to as "Jorge's" plan.  I have used it a couple times in the off season.  If you click on programs above, and go to the bottom of the available list you will find this plan and the HR alternative.  Great off season bike work.

2013-01-02 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4557171

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-01 11:42 PM

Question for all that might have an answer for me:

Who uses power/watts on the bike? If you do, do you have a coach to help you translate the numbers and use it effectively or is it pretty easy to figure out and incorporate into your training?

I'm considering looking into it a little more because I think the bike is my weakest sport.

Thanks for any input!

I personally don't, but I know a lot of people do. I can't afford a power meter, which is why I haven't even considered it or read into it much. Now that I have a Garmin 910xt on the way, I believe I will be able to use trainer road, to get power numbers fairly accurately. From what I've heard trainer road is a pretty good tool to use. 

I'm going to do some research into it and talk to my coach. 

2013-01-02 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4557168

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-01 11:36 PM

I found your IMAZ race report too. Great job! It was such a fun day overall. I used Be Iron Fit too. It worked for me and I would use it again. Are you doing an IM this year? I'm holding off until 2014.

I too am holding off before going back for more. Right now I'm thinking IM Lake Placid in 2014, or maybe one of the newer nonbranded races in the Northeast.

2013-01-02 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4557261

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
kenj - 2013-01-02 5:22 AM
DeVinci13 - 2013-01-01 4:35 PM

Good afternoon all, and Happy New Year.

I managed to make it to 9:35pm last night before I went to bed. I was up at 5:15am for my morning swim then I had another swim with my coach at 9:30am. This one was a video session. When you see yourself on the iPad you really notice what you could be doing better. I definitely have a lot to work on as far as my technique. I have never had formal lessons, so I am impressed that I don't just sink.

I went for an easy 7.0 mile run today. I used my new Garmin 610 (for the first time) that I gave my self for Christmas. I was a good boy this year, I deserved it.

My resolutions for the year are: Enjoy the training and journey towards better health and the Ironman. I really would like to find a signficant other to share the journey with as well. As far as January goes, I want to make it entire month and not miss a workout. I also want the NHL to resolve their differences so that I can go back to enjoying my Winnipeg Jets.

Nice goals! 

I miss the hockey too, but I am afraid that this year may be a bust.

Sabres fan? 

I've been a Penguins fan my whole life, but due them being terrible and hockey being my least favorite of the big 4 sports, I stopped following for a while. I went to the University at Buffalo, and the Sabres 2005-2006 run got me back into hockey. It was awesome having just turned 21 in '06 and being able to go to any jam packed bar on whatever weeknight they were playing, and get drunk and cheer with literally everyone in there. Luckily my Penguins have been good since I left Buffalo, but all this BS is making me not care anymore. 

2013-01-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: #4557386

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
bdenehy - 2013-01-02 8:32 AM
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-01 11:36 PM

I found your IMAZ race report too. Great job! It was such a fun day overall. I used Be Iron Fit too. It worked for me and I would use it again. Are you doing an IM this year? I'm holding off until 2014.

I too am holding off before going back for more. Right now I'm thinking IM Lake Placid in 2014, or maybe one of the newer nonbranded races in the Northeast.

Be Iron Fit seems pretty common. I used that for my first. Barely trained for my second. Coach says the Be Iron Fit plan won't be enough hours for me to hit my goal, so we'll see what he has in store Undecided

I've looked at others' race reports and everyone is awesome!!

If you're looking at IMLP in '14 I'd suggest volunteering this year and registering on-site the day after. I managed to get in online, but I think it would take away from the I could always use more supporters!!!

2013-01-02 7:52 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
I started biking with a power meter last year and love it. I've never been coached but use the indoor plans from BT and use it to moderate efforts on long solo training rides outside. I think its hard to argue that you NEED to know power numbers, but its handy and subjective.

For anyone mostly using power measurements inside, i would start with synthetic power measurements like trainerroad (never used that either). Trainerroad and programs like it convert speed on a trainer to power using a curve that the manufacturers put out. Speed inside is objective (no hills, wind, etc) so there is a strong correlation to power. Even if it would give you a slightly different answer from a PM, it doesn't really matter, since your goal is to increase that number, whatever it is.

if you dont use trainer road and want to try power with the BT/Jorge plan i can send you a great spreadsheet that another BTer put together. It converts speed from tests you take to power equivalents, then back to speed to target for training rides. I think the curve was put out for a Kinetic trainer, but I'm sure that its is essentially the same a CycleOps.

2013-01-02 7:59 AM
in reply to: #4557390

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
zee744 - 2013-01-02 8:35 AM
kenj - 2013-01-02 5:22 AM
DeVinci13 - 2013-01-01 4:35 PM

Good afternoon all, and Happy New Year.

I managed to make it to 9:35pm last night before I went to bed. I was up at 5:15am for my morning swim then I had another swim with my coach at 9:30am. This one was a video session. When you see yourself on the iPad you really notice what you could be doing better. I definitely have a lot to work on as far as my technique. I have never had formal lessons, so I am impressed that I don't just sink.

I went for an easy 7.0 mile run today. I used my new Garmin 610 (for the first time) that I gave my self for Christmas. I was a good boy this year, I deserved it.

My resolutions for the year are: Enjoy the training and journey towards better health and the Ironman. I really would like to find a signficant other to share the journey with as well. As far as January goes, I want to make it entire month and not miss a workout. I also want the NHL to resolve their differences so that I can go back to enjoying my Winnipeg Jets.

Nice goals! 

I miss the hockey too, but I am afraid that this year may be a bust.

Sabres fan? 

I've been a Penguins fan my whole life, but due them being terrible and hockey being my least favorite of the big 4 sports, I stopped following for a while. I went to the University at Buffalo, and the Sabres 2005-2006 run got me back into hockey. It was awesome having just turned 21 in '06 and being able to go to any jam packed bar on whatever weeknight they were playing, and get drunk and cheer with literally everyone in there. Luckily my Penguins have been good since I left Buffalo, but all this BS is making me not care anymore. 

Yes, the Sabres are my  team.  I will come back when they do, but I doubt that a lot of casual fans will.  Both the players and the owners are being short sighted in this.  I honestly think that all but the highly paid first stringers would cross the line as very few players are making the type of dollars that the player unions is chasing. 

Oh well, at least the Rochester minor league team has a lot of the prospects for the Sabres and the games are cheap.

2013-01-02 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Lacrosse ball has been my savior for my feet!! Also a great website for stretching and mobility is mobilitywod . com. Type you area of concern and/or ailments in the search bar and I'm sure K star has a video on how to help things out or what to do to gain mobility. We got in the gym today for some stair interval training and my legs felt like logs. Guess dancing for three four hours is a workout too! And I did it. Signed up for my first tri, Iron girl in May. After goofy its on the bike for me!
2013-01-02 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4557134

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-01 11:00 PM


Are you using your hand to work the lacrosse ball or leaning against a wall or using it on the floor? That kind of sounds inappropriate and I didn't mean it too. Haha! I've talked to people who have used a tennis ball between the sore spot and a wall so I was curious how you were using it. I have a roller and a stick but I really have to get better about using them consistently.

Yes--I should have specified--using the wall for hips/back/shoulders, and the floor of course for my feet. The lacrosse ball works so much better than a tennis ball because it doesn't give, so it applies much more pressure to break up the knots. Definitely worth the investment!
2013-01-02 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4556440

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
I did the same thing. I think I stared at the screen for 30 minutes wondering if I should do it. Then I finally just pressed the button and off it went.

I am really looking forward to it.


ME TOO!!  Had to get in before the rates went up.  Let me tell you, I sat here for a while gorging in self-doubt before I actually hit that pay button.  Please tell me that we are not crazy?

My goals for January are pretty simple.  Slowly ease back into running and eat right!

Hope everyone is enjoying the new year!  Now to go back and learn who everybody is.


2013-01-02 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Holy Cow!  I was on vacation.  Looks like I've got 10 pages to catch up with! LOL  I'm returning from the last group.


NAME: Meulen/Brian

STORY: I'm 37years old. I had an athletic background in HS/College. I played baseball, basketball and golf in HS and played golf in College. I weightlifted through College and ended up pretty bulky. That bulk turned to fluff pretty quick after that. I was basically your typical party animal kid through my twenties. I got married at 24 and continue to pack on lbs. till I was in my 30's. I ended up being north of 215 (I quit weighing after that in denial! ). At 6' 1" with a small frame I was pretty pudgy. It was about 4-5 years ago I finally said enough. I got back into the gym and started trying to lose weight. I then bought a hybrid bike to ride around the block because I was too heavy for my knees to run much. It was about 5 years ago I did my first indoor tri. I could barely swim across the pool! I met some poeple mountain biking after that and they sucked me into mtb racing for a year. The following year I came back to tri's and have been here ever since. My first outdoor (real tri) was Xterra Ft. Custer 4 years ago. I've done several since then, including Racine 70.3 2x now.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to my AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL wife Anne Marie. She's in my cornor at every event and she even does some training and racing with me. Couldn't ask for anything more!

2013 Races: I'm looking to start the year with a the Palos HM, then going back to Fr Custer to do the Xterra again.  From there it's off to Kansas for the HIM and then Muncie for another HIM.  I'll finish off with the Naperville Sprint tri again and the USAT Nationals in Milwaukee (already qualified).  I may add a couple in there here and there.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm definitely one that struggles with weight. I just lost 10lbs to get back to 170. I'd like to be more close to 160 and possibly under this year. I've been working with a coach and he has me on a diet for the next 3months.


2013-01-02 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4556527

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2013-01-01 2:18 PM

Omahabritt - 2013-01-01 8:49 AM Happy New Year everyone!! Ken, good luck with your race!! Trying to start off the year right & posting my goals for Jan... 1.) Get back in the pool! (2-3x per week) 2.) Settle on a training plan for IM Wisconsin & pre Ironman (I really do best with a structured plan) 3.) Get a bike trainer (not a person) 4.) Detox food wise from the holidays 5.) Start logging my training in my BT training log (last year I only did it for half the year, I didn't stop working out, it just looks like I did. I really would have liked to see what my numbers were for the entire year) 6.) Adjust to Eastern Time Zone for the group. Headed out for a run later when it warms up a bit (it's only 3 right now!) First question...have any of you done the BT Ironman training plans? I did one for my HIM last year & was well prepared with a few modifications (suggested by BTers). Was hoping to do the same this year.

Can't help with the Ironman training plan - but am curious what modifications you added to the HIM training plan?-Did you add extra bikes or runs?  I am using it along with a Fitzgerald HIM training plan from training peaks.

A lot of people said the plan was a little light on the bike. I followed the plan pretty closely, but would add time to the longer bike rides & made sure I had several rides close to or over 56 miles. I added some to the run too, but just because I like to run. It also seemed like there were very few "hard effort" bike or run workouts. This got boring after awhile, so I would add in some intense hill repeats or some other all out effort work.
2013-01-02 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4557258

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
kenj - 2013-01-02 4:20 AM

Jambago - 2013-01-01 5:40 PM BTW, does anyone know how to post a message from your phone - or can it only be from the computer?

I use my Iphone and Ipad just like a regular computer.   It does format a bit funny but otherwise it works.  Just open up the web browser and enter the site.  Do you use a smart phone like an iphone or droid?

I use my phone all the time too. I have to select the full site version if I don't click the link from the email notification. Also in settings, if you turn off the rich text option, it formats better. Hope this helps!

2013-01-02 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
I know a few of you have posted about which IM training plans you've used and that you were successful with the BT plan with some modifications. I am just a "free member" on BT, and it looks like the IM plan is a good one--is this the one some of you have used? I am knowledgeable enough to be able to modify it to my schedule and needs, but just wanted some input. I am also reading Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible, which is very informative. But bottom line is I really just want a plan on paper that makes sense to me and that I can follow, with modification if necessary, that will get me through my first IM in Louisville this year. I do not just want to finish, I want to do as well as I can. My pie-in-the-sky goal is 12 hours; but I think I'll be happy with sub-13. Is that too ambitious?
2013-01-02 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4557552

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Meulen - 2013-01-02 9:52 AM

Holy Cow!  I was on vacation.  Looks like I've got 10 pages to catch up with! LOL  I'm returning from the last group.


NAME: Meulen/Brian

STORY: I'm 37years old. I had an athletic background in HS/College. I played baseball, basketball and golf in HS and played golf in College. I weightlifted through College and ended up pretty bulky. That bulk turned to fluff pretty quick after that. I was basically your typical party animal kid through my twenties. I got married at 24 and continue to pack on lbs. till I was in my 30's. I ended up being north of 215 (I quit weighing after that in denial! ). At 6' 1" with a small frame I was pretty pudgy. It was about 4-5 years ago I finally said enough. I got back into the gym and started trying to lose weight. I then bought a hybrid bike to ride around the block because I was too heavy for my knees to run much. It was about 5 years ago I did my first indoor tri. I could barely swim across the pool! I met some poeple mountain biking after that and they sucked me into mtb racing for a year. The following year I came back to tri's and have been here ever since. My first outdoor (real tri) was Xterra Ft. Custer 4 years ago. I've done several since then, including Racine 70.3 2x now.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to my AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL wife Anne Marie. She's in my cornor at every event and she even does some training and racing with me. Couldn't ask for anything more!

2013 Races: I'm looking to start the year with a the Palos HM, then going back to Fr Custer to do the Xterra again.  From there it's off to Kansas for the HIM and then Muncie for another HIM.  I'll finish off with the Naperville Sprint tri again and the USAT Nationals in Milwaukee (already qualified).  I may add a couple in there here and there.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm definitely one that struggles with weight. I just lost 10lbs to get back to 170. I'd like to be more close to 160 and possibly under this year. I've been working with a coach and he has me on a diet for the next 3months.


Great to hear from you Brian and good to have you with us again!

Sounds like a pretty good season ahead of you!

2013-01-02 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4557506

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
ramiedd - 2013-01-02 9:31 AM I did the same thing. I think I stared at the screen for 30 minutes wondering if I should do it. Then I finally just pressed the button and off it went. I am really looking forward to it. [Q/QUOTE]

ME TOO!!  Had to get in before the rates went up.  Let me tell you, I sat here for a while gorging in self-doubt before I actually hit that pay button.  Please tell me that we are not crazy?

My goals for January are pretty simple.  Slowly ease back into running and eat right!

Hope everyone is enjoying the new year!  Now to go back and learn who everybody is.


Congrats you two on pulling the trigger!  Always adds a bit of anxiety, but also the excitement of what lies ahead!

2013-01-02 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4557697

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

rquinn23 - 2013-01-02 10:57 AM I know a few of you have posted about which IM training plans you've used and that you were successful with the BT plan with some modifications. I am just a "free member" on BT, and it looks like the IM plan is a good one--is this the one some of you have used? I am knowledgeable enough to be able to modify it to my schedule and needs, but just wanted some input. I am also reading Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible, which is very informative. But bottom line is I really just want a plan on paper that makes sense to me and that I can follow, with modification if necessary, that will get me through my first IM in Louisville this year. I do not just want to finish, I want to do as well as I can. My pie-in-the-sky goal is 12 hours; but I think I'll be happy with sub-13. Is that too ambitious?

I think that the basic plan is good, the plan available to the paid members is a little better IMHO only because it has more detail and structure tot he workouts.  With your goals being realistic, but also aggressive, you may want to look at either joining BT or picking up a copy of Be Iron Fit by Don Fink.  He has 3 different levels of IM plans that are very good as well.  The Be Iron Fit book is probably the cheaper option and from what I have heard from people that have used them, very good.  His plans are longer (30 weeks) than most.

Let us know what you decide there!

2013-01-02 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4557704

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
kenj - 2013-01-02 9:59 AM
Meulen - 2013-01-02 9:52 AM

Holy Cow!  I was on vacation.  Looks like I've got 10 pages to catch up with! LOL  I'm returning from the last group.


NAME: Meulen/Brian

STORY: I'm 37years old. I had an athletic background in HS/College. I played baseball, basketball and golf in HS and played golf in College. I weightlifted through College and ended up pretty bulky. That bulk turned to fluff pretty quick after that. I was basically your typical party animal kid through my twenties. I got married at 24 and continue to pack on lbs. till I was in my 30's. I ended up being north of 215 (I quit weighing after that in denial! ). At 6' 1" with a small frame I was pretty pudgy. It was about 4-5 years ago I finally said enough. I got back into the gym and started trying to lose weight. I then bought a hybrid bike to ride around the block because I was too heavy for my knees to run much. It was about 5 years ago I did my first indoor tri. I could barely swim across the pool! I met some poeple mountain biking after that and they sucked me into mtb racing for a year. The following year I came back to tri's and have been here ever since. My first outdoor (real tri) was Xterra Ft. Custer 4 years ago. I've done several since then, including Racine 70.3 2x now.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to my AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL wife Anne Marie. She's in my cornor at every event and she even does some training and racing with me. Couldn't ask for anything more!

2013 Races: I'm looking to start the year with a the Palos HM, then going back to Fr Custer to do the Xterra again.  From there it's off to Kansas for the HIM and then Muncie for another HIM.  I'll finish off with the Naperville Sprint tri again and the USAT Nationals in Milwaukee (already qualified).  I may add a couple in there here and there.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm definitely one that struggles with weight. I just lost 10lbs to get back to 170. I'd like to be more close to 160 and possibly under this year. I've been working with a coach and he has me on a diet for the next 3months.


Great to hear from you Brian and good to have you with us again!

Sounds like a pretty good season ahead of you!


Thanks Ken!


this will be my first season with a coach.  I've been working with him for a few months now.  I've had some success already on the bike.  But there are definitely some challenges!  I continue to have sinus issues.  I keep getting sick, especially this time of year and especially when I spend more time in the pool.  I'm also dealing with Plantar Fasciitis....ugh!


I had another PF flare up recently.  I sat with my coach and still decided to sign up for the Palos Half Marathon to open my season in May.  He has me taking the month of January off of real running.  All of my base miles this month will be pool running.  I've been doing that this week and already having some better days with my foot.


Excited this week to start working on my new pain cave!  I've got a guy finishing my basement, which includes a theatre room, storage area, and pain cave.  I have to decide soon which trainer to put down there.  I'll be putting in either the Wahoo Kickr or a computrainer.  Just can't decide which one yet.  I want to wait and see what people who get the new Wahoo start saying about it.  I'm also going to be on the hunt for a dreadmill and will be putting in a weight bench and some weights.  Coach has me doing a lot of strength taining in off season and would really like to do that at home.


Hope you all had a good xmas and new years!

2013-01-02 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4557724

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

What I am struggling with at this point is how to structure the entire year of workouts. If I really only have one big race and say the race is 40 weeks away, then, How do I prepare a plan to have me ready to hit a 20 or 16 week training plan specific to the race.
2013-01-02 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4557697

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

rquinn23 - 2013-01-02 10:57 AM I know a few of you have posted about which IM training plans you've used and that you were successful with the BT plan with some modifications. I am just a "free member" on BT, and it looks like the IM plan is a good one--is this the one some of you have used? I am knowledgeable enough to be able to modify it to my schedule and needs, but just wanted some input. I am also reading Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible, which is very informative. But bottom line is I really just want a plan on paper that makes sense to me and that I can follow, with modification if necessary, that will get me through my first IM in Louisville this year. I do not just want to finish, I want to do as well as I can. My pie-in-the-sky goal is 12 hours; but I think I'll be happy with sub-13. Is that too ambitious?

Being a free member myself I haven't see the BT plans. I used Don Fink's "Be Iron Fit". There are 3 different plans, starting with a "just finish". I believe I used the middle of the road one. They are all 30 week plans, broken down into 10 week segments. I thought the plans worked well andI could have used them WAYYY more effectively, but didn't. He gives specific work outs to do in specific HR zones and also has swim plans. You can find a copy pretty cheap and I think its worth it.

As for goals, for the first the goal should be to finish. For me that's A goal, but not THE goal. Worse comes to worse, I want to at least say I finished. My goal for IM #1 was sub 13. Foot pain forced me to walk since I couldn't train due to injury and didn't start running (literally, had never ran for the purposes of exercise) until 7 months before the race. 

For this year, my goal is sub 11. I think its a goal I will have to work very hard to accomplish, but its possible. Could it be a bit too ambitious, yes, but it will make me work harder. Also, you have to prepare for the worst; I have yet to have a "perfect" race. So have smaller goals for an IM.

Edited by zee744 2013-01-02 10:31 AM

2013-01-02 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
RunningJoke - I'm thinking about doing the Moab Skinny Festival as well! To answer someone's question - from here (Scott), said to not to get too hung up on numbers and agree that you mainly want to improve that number as you are doing that various power tests. Jorge's program has been raved about for a long time. He now has some of the workouts on trainerroad.

Edited by CyborgQueen 2013-01-02 11:09 AM
2013-01-02 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4557749

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

ramiedd - 2013-01-02 11:17 AM Ken, What I am struggling with at this point is how to structure the entire year of workouts. If I really only have one big race and say the race is 40 weeks away, then, How do I prepare a plan to have me ready to hit a 20 or 16 week training plan specific to the race.

Last year, I did a HIM plan to get me up to a late Spring HIM, then moved over to Fink's 30 week plan for a November IM.  I don't know if this would be a recommended way, but it worked out okay for me.  When the IM plan started, I actually dropped  volume for a while.  But I liked that too, for a reset, plus being able to mix in other shorter races.   I don't think you would want to build, build, build for 40 weeks, though.

2013-01-02 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4557898

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
bdenehy - 2013-01-02 12:20 PM

ramiedd - 2013-01-02 11:17 AM Ken, What I am struggling with at this point is how to structure the entire year of workouts. If I really only have one big race and say the race is 40 weeks away, then, How do I prepare a plan to have me ready to hit a 20 or 16 week training plan specific to the race.

Last year, I did a HIM plan to get me up to a late Spring HIM, then moved over to Fink's 30 week plan for a November IM.  I don't know if this would be a recommended way, but it worked out okay for me.  When the IM plan started, I actually dropped  volume for a while.  But I liked that too, for a reset, plus being able to mix in other shorter races.   I don't think you would want to build, build, build for 40 weeks, though.

This is good advice!  40 weeks is a long time to maintain a heavy dose of training, but for most of us, especially for the first IM, logic tells us we have a big race and we need to get prepared. 

I would look to do a focused plan on whatever sport you want to work on, without neglecting the other 2.  If Finks plan is what you are going to use, 10 weeks of an off season focused on one sport then going into the 30 week plan would make sense.  What ever you decide, make sure any running is done at a fairly easy pace. 

2013-01-02 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4558036


Subject: Introduction

NAME: Eric

STORY: My endurance career has been pretty short and with lots of setbacks.  In 2011 I started to get serious about running and was training for a marathon.  About a month away from my marathon, I was out on my last long run, 22 miles, during the run my knee started to hurt.  I foolishly ran through it, later learning it was ITB.  I really hurt myself and knocked myself out of the marathon.  I was really bummed about it.  The following 2 months were very frustrating, because I needed to rest, but didn't want to, and I kept inflaming my ITB.  Finally after a lot of frustration, a good friend insisted I try biking and consider Triathlons.  I started to bike, which allowed my ITB to heal and before I knew it I was running again.  I started to mix in swimming and quickly I was hooked on Triathlon training.  I'm injury prone, and doing three sports was much easier on my body.

All was going great with my Tri training, I was 6 months deep and loving it.  I was one week away from a sprint race and 5 weeks away from a Olympic race and considering a HIM for later in the year.  I was out biking and was hit by a car and was hurt badly.  I broke a ton of ribs, spinal tips and claivical, had a concusstion.  I had to have surgery on my clavicle.  My whole life was turned upside down for many months.  

Fast forward to three weeks ago when I had my 2nd surgery to take out the plates and screws from my clavicle.  I'm now healing and hoping to start training again.  2012 has been a tough year, but I'm excited for 2013 and to be on the upswing of things.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have to see how my healing goes, I just got on the trainer yesterday and have been walking a lot.  Slow and steady wins the race.

2012 RACES: I did a indoor mini Tri and a Sprint.  Both were terrific.

2013 RACES:  I'm not sure until I have a better idea of my healing.  I'm just going to take it as it comes.  I plan on some sprints/olympics.  I would love to do a  HIM, but with a 2nd kid on the way, this may not be doable.

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